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ShagNasty 10-08-2003 11:04 AM

you tell him dr. cuss:

gtboys34 10-08-2003 11:34 AM

MAN, some of u guys really have showed your true colors now that Ed is gone annoy: . All of this crap that is being said by deleto, lev, and nocturnal is pent up aggression that they have towards blacks. Hey deleto for some reason i get the feeling that you want to kill a black person now, eh? Another thing, i think u said in a post earlier that you express the way you feel or something like that.Well, i have a question for ya, do u express how you feel about blacks outside of this Forum? I truely wonder if ed was still here would we even be having a conversation about blacks & slavery.. ed:

ShagNasty 10-08-2003 12:12 PM

how the hell do you say he wants to kill a black. are you a fucking moron? can you comprehend what he wrote?

Drew 10-08-2003 12:14 PM

gtboys, unlike your retarded ass, I can think in terms of a much more narrow scope than to say I'm angry with every black person.

The anger I harbor is directed solely at the ignorant fucks (i.e., Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the ACLU, the NAACP) who abuse and manipulate the sensitivities of the public by throwing down the race card when it shouldn't even be a fucking issue. It's ridiculous. And my concern is that their sensationalism and love for media whoring is going to result in the general African American population behaving in the same manner.

Tripper 10-08-2003 02:02 PM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":f6d4f]and I post my opinion, which is what a forum is for. Get over it. You whiney, self righteous, moronically self centered, hypocritical, asshat.

hows that for a flame? see isnt to hard to show that kind of skill is it?[/quote:f6d4f]

I'm over it, Fucky - I think YOU are the one who needs to get over the fact that I'm posting my opinion - I mean, I never had a problem with you posting your opinion....Maybe this is just your true colours shining brightly? happy:

.....BTW, you're gonna have to do better than that if you want me to be offended.....I mean, Asshat? What the fuck is that......? Like, last years flame. sleeping:

Chango 10-08-2003 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by gtboys34
MAN, some of u guys really have showed your true colors now that Ed is gone annoy: . All of this crap that is being said by deleto, lev, and nocturnal is pent up aggression that they have towards blacks. Hey deleto for some reason i get the feeling that you want to kill a black person now, eh? Another thing, i think u said in a post earlier that you express the way you feel or something like that.Well, i have a question for ya, do u express how you feel about blacks outside of this Forum? I truely wonder if ed was still here would we even be having a conversation about blacks & slavery.. ed:


Originally Posted by Shagnasty
how the hell do you say he wants to kill a black. are you a fucking moron?

yes, yes he is.

gtboys34 10-08-2003 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
how the hell do you say he wants to kill a black. are you a fucking moron? can you comprehend what he wrote?

i said i get the FEELING reading his post that he wants to kill a black person, idiot. Its just a f'n feeling. Isn't that we aa.comers do all day everyday here EXPRESS OUR FEELINGS???? annoy: x2

MrLevinstein 10-08-2003 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by gtboys34

Originally Posted by ShagNasty
how the hell do you say he wants to kill a black. are you a fucking moron? can you comprehend what he wrote?

i said i get the FEELING reading his post that he wants to kill a black person, idiot. Its just a f'n feeling. Isn't that we aa.comers do all day everyday here EXPRESS OUR FEELINGS???? annoy: x2

You really are a fucking tool, do you know that? You are the epitomy of an idiot, have you ever wandered off to school? I talk to mexican kids in school who make more sense and are more understandable and theyve been in this country at the most a year. THrought all the hints youve stayed dispite everyone hating you. Now please STFU

gtboys34 10-08-2003 04:37 PM

Can u not comprehend what i stated in my above 2 post?? Is it not understandable"? If u cant (obviously) then maybe you should spend some more time talking with your mexican boys. Im an idiot, eh? What is your definition of an idiot? Yeah most ppl here h8 me but im not gonna lose any freakin sleep over it. I just come to these forums and type what i feel, is that going against the forum's rules? Everyone here does just this but YOU notice someone who is being a little more open with what he says here and you flame him to death. WHy? Have i seriously offended you in any way being here? Have i killed someone in your family? Have i moaned and complained about anything? Nope. I just talk about what it is on my mind at the time i post, thats it. Now if you consider that being idiotic then your the 1 who needs ta stfu

MrLevinstein 10-08-2003 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by gtboys34
Can u not comprehend what i stated in my above 2 post?? Is it not understandable"? If u cant (obviously) then maybe you should spend some more time talking with your mexican boys. Im an idiot, eh? What is your definition of an idiot? Yeah most ppl here h8 me but im not gonna lose any freakin sleep over it. I just come to these forums and type what i feel, is that going against the forum's rules? Everyone here does just this but YOU notice someone who is being a little more open with what he says here and you flame him to death. WHy? Have i seriously offended you in any way being here? Have i killed someone in your family? Have i moaned and complained about anything? Nope. I just talk about what it is on my mind at the time i post, thats it. Now if you consider that being idiotic then your the 1 who needs ta stfu

Im not being open? I talk to one mexican kid and he plays football.Im being open, I started this dicussion and was the first to express my opinion on the matter.

[quote:50a53]Im an idiot[/quote:50a53]

You dont have to piss or moan, you brown nose enough to piss me off.
Good you understand

[quote:50a53]Now if you consider that being idiotic[/quote:50a53]

I do

[quote:50a53]Can u not comprehend what i stated in my above 2 post?? Is it not understandable[/quote:50a53]

LOL, nothing more to say[/code]

Ferich 10-08-2003 06:37 PM

Can't we all just agree on how much we hate people from New Jeresy? I mean come on, 90mph down the freeway? ...Fucking bastards. biggrin:

Dr. Deleto 10-09-2003 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Noctis
gtboys, unlike your retarded ass, I can think in terms of a much more narrow scope than to say I'm angry with every black person.

The anger I harbor is directed solely at the ignorant fucks (i.e., Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the ACLU, the NAACP) who abuse and manipulate the sensitivities of the public by throwing down the race card when it shouldn't even be a fucking issue. It's ridiculous. And my concern is that their sensationalism and love for media whoring is going to result in the general African American population behaving in the same manner.

Pretty much my point exactly, but like I said, I'm long winded. Tripper I see where you are coming from as well, but I do in fact have the right to disagree without being flamed for it. I hope truly we can just forget about this whole shitty mess and move on. This is after all, just a forum.

GtBoys, your a fucking moron, seriously. WTF? I mean damn, are you just stupid? How in the hell does me disagreeing on this fact mean I want to kill a black person? And btw, I would gladly discuss this with ED, and I believe he would see my point of view as it is, Even if he disagreed with it. You truly have won the retard of the month award in my book.

Short Hand 10-09-2003 10:10 PM

^ we hand out awards for retards ?

gtboys34 10-10-2003 10:41 AM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":41a5b]

Originally Posted by Noctis
gtboys, unlike your retarded ass, I can think in terms of a much more narrow scope than to say I'm angry with every black person.

The anger I harbor is directed solely at the ignorant fucks (i.e., Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the ACLU, the NAACP) who abuse and manipulate the sensitivities of the public by throwing down the race card when it shouldn't even be a fucking issue. It's ridiculous. And my concern is that their sensationalism and love for media whoring is going to result in the general African American population behaving in the same manner.

Pretty much my point exactly, but like I said, I'm long winded. Tripper I see where you are coming from as well, but I do in fact have the right to disagree without being flamed for it. I hope truly we can just forget about this whole shitty mess and move on. This is after all, just a forum.

GtBoys, your a fucking moron, seriously. WTF? I mean damn, are you just stupid? How in the hell does me disagreeing on this fact mean I want to kill a black person? And btw, I would gladly discuss this with ED, and I believe he would see my point of view as it is, Even if he disagreed with it. You truly have won the retard of the month award in my book.[/quote:41a5b] Aight, 1st of all im sick of all this retardness and mornic bs being passed my way. All i said was "i get the feeling reading your post that you wouldn't mind killing a black person*". Guess me being from the south and hearing(reading) those type of words from someone like you just triggers a red flag in my mind. I mean ure tired of black ppl sitting on their lazy a$$'s and wasting tax payers money, thats what u said right? Well i got the sense that if your so damn tired of it, why dont you do something about it and thats why i stated that. rolleyes:


Snuff 10-10-2003 03:51 PM


Dr. Deleto 10-12-2003 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by gtboys34
Aight, 1st of all im sick of all this retardness and mornic bs being passed my way. All i said was "i get the feeling reading your post that you wouldn't mind killing a black person*". Guess me being from the south and hearing(reading) those type of words from someone like you just triggers a red flag in my mind. I mean ure tired of black ppl sitting on their lazy a$$'s and wasting tax payers money, thats what u said right? Well i got the sense that if your so damn tired of it, why dont you do something about it and thats why i stated that. rolleyes:


Where in any of my posts did I say that I was sick of black people's lazy asses wasting tax money?? Please do tell me because I am fucking lost as to where you saw that come from me. And by the way, I as well live in the south (South Carolina to be exact). You are correct on one matter. You are moronic. Totally and utterly.

Chango 10-12-2003 01:50 PM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":741f5]Where in any of my posts did I say that I was sick of black people's lazy asses wasting tax money?? Please do tell me because I am fucking lost as to where you saw that come from me. And by the way, I as well live in the south (South Carolina to be exact). You are correct on one matter. You are moronic. Totally and utterly.[/quote:741f5]

Mikesnaki said that, he also called me anti-semetic and hasn't bothered responding to my counter of that.

Dr. Deleto 10-12-2003 02:06 PM

so how exactly did I get blamed for it?

Pyro 10-12-2003 02:33 PM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":f0493]so how exactly did I get blamed for it?[/quote:f0493]

because the person who quoted it used your name instead of the real name. I think, so they thought it was you when it wasn't.

Madmartagen 10-12-2003 04:00 PM

levinstein, just stfu ok, youre a fucking idiot.

anyways, nearly every race or nationality has been screwed by racism and slavery at one point in time whether it was by foreign invaders or by their own people. it takes time for shit like that to heal. im not saying to forget about it or pretend it didnt happen, but it wont heal when people still argue about it or when some jackass makes an offhanded racial joke that isnt even funny to begin with. i think that with each generation that passes, racism decreases in some way, but the fact that it took nearly one hundred years after the civil war for civil rights to be addressed is pretty sad.

back on point, im sure the auction was a joke, because ive seen someone sell a half eaten donut on ebay, and i doubt anyone would buy a car with a pallet plank nailed onto it as a rear spoiler.

MrLevinstein 10-12-2003 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by "Dr. Deleto":89a7c
Where in any of my posts did I say that I was sick of black people's lazy asses wasting tax money?? Please do tell me because I am fucking lost as to where you saw that come from me. And by the way, I as well live in the south (South Carolina to be exact). You are correct on one matter. You are moronic. Totally and utterly.

Mikesnaki said that, he also called me anti-semetic and hasn't bothered responding to my counter of that.[/quote:89a7c]

I never said you were anti semetic.

Chango 10-12-2003 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
I never said you were anti semetic.

Well you certainly implied it when you ranted on and on about me saying the jews haven't had any adversities. Which I didn't say in the first place.

Maplegyver 10-12-2003 06:17 PM

wanna hear a racist joke
if yes keep scrolling.

what do blacks and apples have in common?

they both look better hanging in trees!. annoy:

Snuff 10-12-2003 09:13 PM

This thread will never die oOo:

Arkan 10-12-2003 11:00 PM

I don't mind black people, it's the niggers i don't like.

Tripper 10-13-2003 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by maple
wanna hear a racist joke
if yes keep scrolling.

what do blacks and apples have in common?

they both look better hanging in trees!. annoy:

Dude, why you gotta post this shit? I mean, really?


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
anyways, nearly every race or nationality has been screwed by racism and slavery at one point in time whether it was by foreign invaders or by their own people. it takes time for shit like that to heal. im not saying to forget about it or pretend it didnt happen, but it wont heal when people still argue about it or when some jackass makes an offhanded racial joke that isnt even funny to begin with. i think that with each generation that passes, racism decreases in some way, but the fact that it took nearly one hundred years after the civil war for civil rights to be addressed is pretty sad.

For one of the most hardest people to read on this forum, with some of the worst grammar, you do make some very good observations on the above post. Congrats.


Originally Posted by Arkan
I don't mind black people, it's the niggers i don't like.


Chango 10-13-2003 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by Arkan
I don't mind black people, it's the niggers i don't like.


Reference to Chris Rock (probably)

Milla 10-13-2003 01:48 AM

I love the added touch of the clock as the tachometer rofl

.Castro. 10-13-2003 04:52 AM

saying the n word in a forum makes you a straight up bitch.

Eight Ace 10-13-2003 05:04 AM

I'm sure Arkan didn't mean anything...he's probably still distracted after stepping
out to get the paper and having every woman in America show him their tits. rolleyes:

gtboys34 10-13-2003 11:59 AM

[quote="Dr. Deleto":b0a50]so how exactly did I get blamed for it?[/quote:b0a50] my bad, i shoulda looked back a thread or 2 to see if you were the one who said b4 i blamed ya.

Merlin122 10-13-2003 09:12 PM

i have nothing against anyone of any race creed or nation but i think ur fucking stupid if u talk like u just got hit by a MAC truck. ie. "yo yo dawg im down in the this hizzie and outsa naw where this MAC truck's grill gets all up in my hizzouse grill and leizzeves me with a boken calla bone fo holla."- a good friend of mine who actually did get hit by a mac truck and now has a real speech impetiment. his favorite rapper is eminem... enough said about that. c its not about race at all. its about being a retard in a fairly general sense

Arkan 10-14-2003 01:11 PM

[quote=".Castro.":03f7c]saying the n word in a forum makes you a straight up bitch.[/quote:03f7c]


Whats so wrong with saying nigger? People run around here saying Fuck, cunt, asshole,......shit like that and the word nigger offends you? Who's the bitch now?

Zoner 10-14-2003 01:15 PM

This thread is MY bitch. It shoulda been slapped around long ago...

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