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11-20-2003 07:18 PM


Within the next 100 - 200 years we will have to colonize space , or risk worldwide famine and severe overpopulation.

We have , what like a little under 4 million years till it goes super nova. That should give us about 1 million to get our ass in gear. I think we will reach the colonization of Io by then.

bwolf 11-20-2003 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by JBird

i never understood the stupid proverb of :

If a tree falls in the woods with nothing to hear it, does it still make a sound?

Of course it does. This is so ridiculous to me. If there were no living things anywhere around this tree, it would still make a sound. rolleyes:

the real question is: if a tree falls down in a forest when no one is around, do the other trees make fun of it.

ninty 11-20-2003 07:33 PM

[quote="{TRC}ZenMaster":377b0]Ok ,

on to something completely diferent........

Supposing its coincidence , then in all probilbility there would be quite honestly 10 thousand other examples of coincidence just within this gallexy alone.....

Exterestrial Life?[/quote:377b0]

The Drake Equation anyone?

[url=""] ... ation.html[/url]

bwolf 11-20-2003 07:45 PM

[quote="Falco*":eeffa][quote="{TRC}ZenMaster":eeffa]I simply cannot concieve a 7 day creation.[/quote:eeffa]

WHOAH! listen to this theory made by einstein...

i believe that the explination of everything was just an accidental coming of atoms that have been formed into the universe, without any purpose or mean. after we die, we're just dead and out minds are just in a dormant psyche, in a perpetual void

now, back to einstein's theory of relativity...

I too, zen, didnt believe in teh 7 day creation, but check this out

einstein made a theory that the faster you go, the more time slows down...

we all know that it took the universe like a gazillion years to form, but now, to my main point

the big bang theory, where everything and anything came together in a solid energy mass, the size of the head of pin, and exploding, growing to the size of a basketball in 0.000000000001 seconds..(or something like that) now, back to what i was saying about how the faster you go, time slows down. picture the universe expanding, shaped like a giant sphere, you with me? ok, since the universe is expanding so damn fast, and the FASTER you go TIME SLOWS DOWN what seems like a GAZILLION years on the outer rim of what is expanding, because it slows down and doesnt go so actually only like 7 days ONLY to the point where everything exploded because its moving at like 10000x the speed of light, but NOT to the stuff that has already expanded outward, get it?[/quote:eeffa]
not bad falco, but there are some flaws. Most importantly is that one of Einstein's most important discoveries is that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light (recent discoveries have since proven that particals smaller than quarks (sp?) can travel at i think 1.5 times, but that doesn't matter. The universe isn't expanding that fast. I have heard theories about the 7 days and their relation to earth day... scientists analyzed when they thought the earth was created and first sign of life and what not and discovered all the things which happened in Genesis occured with almost the same time intervals (if that makes since). One interesting thing is that back in the days when the church "knew" the earth was the center of the universe and it wasn't expanding, God was on the outside of the universe kinda running the show. But if he was on the outside the universe could have been kinda pushing him back so that the 7 days thing fits.... but then God is constantly moving away from us... how sad. Ummm... that's all i can think of now... i was interupted br friends in the middle and lost my thoughts

bwolf 11-20-2003 07:52 PM

[quote=ninty9][quote="{TRC}ZenMaster":735ba]Ok ,

on to something completely diferent........

Supposing its coincidence , then in all probilbility there would be quite honestly 10 thousand other examples of coincidence just within this gallexy alone.....

Exterestrial Life?[/quote]

The Drake Equation anyone?

[url=""] ... ation.html[/url][/quote:735ba]
too bad almost all of the variables are truely "unknowns," thus the equation is basically useless. Crazy Drake and his crazy equations

ninty 11-20-2003 07:55 PM

Their unknown yes, but they can be estimated. And whatever the estiates are the equation still simply states that there is probably a good chance that we are not alone. Therefore the equation is still a valid tool in the scientific cuommunity.

bwolf 11-20-2003 08:21 PM


Originally Posted by ninty9
Their unknown yes, but they can be estimated. And whatever the estiates are the equation still simply states that there is probably a good chance that we are not alone. Therefore the equation is still a valid tool in the scientific cuommunity.

But our estimates of things like "fraction of planets in ne where life evolves" are pretty much shots in the dark... we could just as easily simply guess the number of communicating civilizations in the galaxy. Also, I don't think this equation is used too often in the serious scientific community... you can find a info about it on a bunch UFO sites and high-school-student-made-looking sites, but if you go to serous physics sites, astrology, astrophysics, cosmology, you'll see it isn't used much because we only know values of a few variables and a few, most especially the duration of the civilization... we have absolutely no idea.

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 11-20-2003 08:28 PM


Dr. Deleto 11-21-2003 01:15 AM

Think about this for a minute.

some parts of the bible and science both stand out to me whenever I start thinking about creation and the arguments against the timeframe.

There is a part in the bible that states that 1 of God's days is like that of 1000 years on earth. That alone stands out to me as 7,000 years. We also can easily assume that this part of the bible MUST have been either written by god himself and handed down to man, or was told to man by god, since after all he was the only one around during the creation process.

To examine the question further I delved into some science books to find out a commonly agreed upon time frame for the earth's first years. Lets say that God's creation started when the earth formed into a solid mass and began it's normal rotations around the sun. Some scientists believe that primitive life, some of which could have led up to modern day man, could have formed as early as 5,000 years after the earth's initial formation. These same scientists also believe the earth cooled at a rapid rate after the initial creation, and that small bodies of water and tectonic plates could have been in place only 2,000 years after creation. Seems to fit the bible timeline so far.

Stick with me here. In the bible all it says about man's first form was that he was created in the image of God. It doesnt clarify what that image was at all. We tend to think of God as a human as we are today, but who knows what this image really was. Also it only says he created the plants and animals, no other reference to form for them either. So all in all God could have just formed the earth and made a shitload of cell level organisms to inhabit it.

Once again I'm just stating a possibility that I have conjured up over the last few years of pondering such questions.

bwolf 11-21-2003 04:10 AM

Ok so 1 God day = 1000. Here lies the problem, He was only supposed to be resting the 7th day. Years 6000-7000, starting from the beginning of the earth. Now I've seen a figure that the earth is 70 million years old... this is 7000 God days ( and assuming 365 days = 1 year) 191.78 God years. Now he may not have been resting alllll the time, I mean some say he sent Jesus down, and he did create a flood and all.... but if you ask me, i'd say that something must have happened to him or something. Should we send a search party?

JBird 11-21-2003 04:22 AM

[quote="Animal Mother":caef5]

Originally Posted by JBird

i never understood the stupid proverb of :

If a tree falls in the woods with nothing to hear it, does it still make a sound?

Of course it does. This is so ridiculous to me. If there were no living things anywhere around this tree, it would still make a sound. rolleyes:

But how does anybody know?[/quote:caef5]

thats not the question if anybody knows about it . if i dropped a book on the table, it would make a smack noise. if the same book fell off of a high shelf on its own, while the house was empty and no one was around , it would still make a smack noise. same principle with the tree.

bwolf 11-21-2003 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by "Animal Mother":0bc31

Originally Posted by JBird

i never understood the stupid proverb of :

If a tree falls in the woods with nothing to hear it, does it still make a sound?

Of course it does. This is so ridiculous to me. If there were no living things anywhere around this tree, it would still make a sound. rolleyes:

But how does anybody know?

thats not the question if anybody knows about it . if i dropped a book on the table, it would make a smack noise. if the same book fell off of a high shelf on its own, while the house was empty and no one was around , it would still make a smack noise. same principle with the tree.[/quote:0bc31]
it IS a question about knowing.... that's the whole point of the question. If no one is around, we can't KNOW it makes a noise. We can only assume because whenever we are around when the tree falls, we hear it. Perhaps the act of observing causes a change in the observed... but don't get me wrong... i do think the trees make plenty of noise when we're not around.

On a similar subject, check out this breakthrough discovery my roommate came up with (i helped him perfect it) [url:0bc31][/url:0bc31]

Fireal 11-21-2003 04:32 AM

Wheres teh funnae?

Pvt Flagg 11-21-2003 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by bwolf

Originally Posted by JBird

i never understood the stupid proverb of :

If a tree falls in the woods with nothing to hear it, does it still make a sound?

Of course it does. This is so ridiculous to me. If there were no living things anywhere around this tree, it would still make a sound. rolleyes:

the real question is: if a tree falls down in a forest when no one is around, do the other trees make fun of it.

yes thay do..thay point and laugh and mock it...

but the real question is ...

if a tree falls in the forest...and hits a mime...does aneyone care?

bwolf 11-21-2003 04:56 AM


JBird 11-21-2003 05:01 AM


Originally Posted by bwolf

rock: got to love teh pics.

1080jibber 11-21-2003 08:07 AM


imported_Fluffy_Bunny 11-21-2003 10:45 AM

Putting on the spectacles of science in expectation of finding the answer to all things signifies inner blindness.

Falco* 11-21-2003 12:57 PM

that was by far the stupidest website i have ever seen bwolf, trees dont mate, they just drop seeds...

and for the religious thing...

it all started when man made god in his image...

bwolf 11-21-2003 01:20 PM

[quote="Falco*":e4a57]that was by far the stupidest website i have ever seen bwolf, trees dont mate, they just drop seeds...

and for the religious thing...

it all started when man made god in his image...[/quote:e4a57]
TREES DON'T MATE!?!?!?!? But the proof was ll there! Crap... my roommate was hoping for a Nobel prize. well thanks for the news Falco, i'll break it to him. Glad you liked the site eatthis:

11-21-2003 02:09 PM

You know you could just leave a tape recorder in the forest and find out.......

pest 11-21-2003 02:24 PM

[quote="{TRC}ZenMaster":76ca9]You know you could just leave a tape recorder in the forest and find out.......[/quote:76ca9]

But by the arguements here, it wouldnt make a sound until a human heard it. The basic premise behind the falling tree, is it doesnt exist if a human doesnt here it. A deer could hear it, but that doesnt count right? The sound wave could make a leaf on another tree fall, but since we didnt hear it, it didnt happen? Its arrogance to suggest an event doesnt happen because we werent there to witness it.

JBird 11-21-2003 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by "{TRC}ZenMaster":868cd
You know you could just leave a tape recorder in the forest and find out.......

But by the arguements here, it wouldnt make a sound until a human heard it. The basic premise behind the falling tree, is it doesnt exist if a human doesnt here it. A deer could hear it, but that doesnt count right? The sound wave could make a leaf on another tree fall, but since we didnt hear it, it didnt happen? Its arrogance to suggest an event doesnt happen because we werent there to witness it.[/quote:868cd]

exactly. so, back before humans existed, dinosaurs made no sounds? lol i think this proverb has always been ridiculous. i remember in highschool one of my teachers told it to my class and we were supposed to come up with some philosophical answer. i remember just laughing. freak:

bwolf 11-21-2003 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by "{TRC}ZenMaster":3ab60
You know you could just leave a tape recorder in the forest and find out.......

But by the arguements here, it wouldnt make a sound until a human heard it. The basic premise behind the falling tree, is it doesnt exist if a human doesnt here it. A deer could hear it, but that doesnt count right? The sound wave could make a leaf on another tree fall, but since we didnt hear it, it didnt happen? Its arrogance to suggest an event doesnt happen because we werent there to witness it.[/quote:3ab60]
this is my take: the proverb doesn't suggest it doesn't happen. it asks if it makes a sound if it wasn't there. in order to answer the question, we would have to KNOW the answer, and in order to KNOW the answer, one would have to be there to find out, at least when this proverb was first said. but now we can just use a tape recorder to find out, like zenmaster said. Bascially it is about knowledge and what can we actually know about an event that no one is around to see? We can only assume that the same thing always happens, even when no one is around.

JBird 11-21-2003 05:10 PM

heh i know i know, i have always known the deep philosophical meaning about it. i know its about knowledge and all. i took 2 philosphy courses in college so far. i just have always thought it was silly. freak:

bwolf 11-21-2003 05:36 PM

i imagine it wasn't as silly way back when. in today's world it definately doesn't really apply... we should come up with a new proverb

Pvt Flagg 11-21-2003 07:33 PM

well do we care if it hits a mime or not?

Eight Ace 11-21-2003 07:49 PM

[quote="Pvt Flagg":53f3c]well do we care if it hits a mime or not?[/quote:53f3c]
bwahaha!...and would the mime scream as he was crushed, or would be make
clever gestures that closely approximated "IIIEEEEEAAAARRRGGHHH!!!!!....."

It's bit like: If you fart...but there's no sound because you were holding
your butt-cheeks apart, have you really farted..?, the principle is exac...
oh, wait.....I didn't factor in the smell.... *goes back to drawing board* hake:

JBird 11-22-2003 12:16 AM

[quote="Eight Ace":647b8][quote="Pvt Flagg":647b8]well do we care if it hits a mime or not?[/quote:647b8]
bwahaha!...and would the mime scream as he was crushed, or would be make
clever gestures that closely approximated "IIIEEEEEAAAARRRGGHHH!!!!!....."

It's bit like: If you fart...but there's no sound because you were holding
your butt-cheeks apart, have you really farted..?, the principle is exac...
oh, wait.....I didn't factor in the smell.... *goes back to drawing board* hake:[/quote:647b8]

lmfao, 8A you always make me fuckin chuckle man rock:

how about .... Does a bear shit in the woods? oOo:

Cpt. Obvious 11-22-2003 01:23 AM

Is a pigs ass pork?

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