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Eight Ace 02-12-2004 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
Zoner saw Cap Busta's Design with those words and didn't care then.

...and that makes it less racist because..?'re the one that can't handle any racism at all!!'ve been bleating on at everyone else about're a bigger hypocrite than...erm, George Bush. freak:

Pyro 02-12-2004 07:20 PM

[quote="Eight Ace":52836]

Originally Posted by Pyro
Zoner saw Cap Busta's Design with those words and didn't care then.

...and that makes it less racist because..?'re the one that can't handle any racism at all!!'ve been bleating on at everyone else about're a bigger hypocrite than...erm, George Bush. freak:[/quote:52836]

People change, those posts were awhile ago.

Snuff 02-12-2004 08:13 PM

I find this whole thread ironic, people get al up in arms when muslim bashing happens but nothing is ever said when Duke of Ray ( although annoying at times) is constantly bashed for being a christian rolleyes:

Eames 02-12-2004 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by "Eight Ace":02d04

Originally Posted by Pyro
Zoner saw Cap Busta's Design with those words and didn't care then.

...and that makes it less racist because..?'re the one that can't handle any racism at all!!'ve been bleating on at everyone else about're a bigger hypocrite than...erm, George Bush. freak:

People change, those posts were awhile ago.[/quote:02d04]

your so full of sh*t, just get off your high horse and admit you have prejudices just like everyone else, just because you use stereotypes doesn't make you a racist.

Pyro 02-12-2004 08:27 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":28f1a][quote=Pyro]

Originally Posted by "Eight Ace":28f1a

Originally Posted by Pyro
Zoner saw Cap Busta's Design with those words and didn't care then.

...and that makes it less racist because..?'re the one that can't handle any racism at all!!'ve been bleating on at everyone else about're a bigger hypocrite than...erm, George Bush. freak:

People change, those posts were awhile ago.[/quote:28f1a]

your so full of sh*t, just get off your high horse and admit you have prejudices just like everyone else, just because you use stereotypes doesn't make you a racist.[/quote:28f1a]

Why use stereotypes at all? Try to find a post by me that mentions anything remotly racist in awhile.

Drew 02-12-2004 08:35 PM

I fucking hate Islam. I've made it clear in several places, several times. It's a religion that indoctrinates children to believe in a life of violence. Time Magazine interviewed 10-15 year old kids and asked them their opinions on Jihad and the West, and most of them - especially in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates - mirrored the beliefs of what the prominent leaders of Islam like to call "fundamentalists" or "extremists." One of the kids went so far as to say - paraphrasing - that since the beginning of time, there has only ever been two sides; the believers and the infidels. And when the time comes, Islam will cover the world and rule above the slit throats of the infidels.

They're fucking crazy.

Duke_of_Ray 02-12-2004 08:38 PM

When anti took over the site.

Uhh, what exactly happend and who is anti?

Pyro 02-12-2004 08:39 PM


Find a post where I ever said I hated any certain religion or race.

Nope never

when I used thr word I used I coul do said any word. All means the same things.

I coul of said Hondas are like tampons only pussies have them.

That is true.

Eames 02-12-2004 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Noctis
I fucking hate Islam. I've made it clear in several places, several times. It's a religion that indoctrinates children to believe in a life of violence. Time Magazine interviewed 10-15 year old kids and asked them their opinions on Jihad and the West, and most of them - especially in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates - mirrored the beliefs of what the prominent leaders of Islam like to call "fundamentalists" or "extremists." One of the kids went so far as to say - paraphrasing - that since the beginning of time, there has only ever been two sides; the believers and the infidels. And when the time comes, Islam will cover the world and rule above the slit throats of the infidels.

They're fucking crazy.

I can't believe they actually believe that shit when they are clearly inferior to the west in every aspect, only the protest of the weak and the cowardly here in the west keep us from decimating them, their culture, and their region. History has shown what the west is capable of doing if we put our minds to it....we conquered the world once, and damnit we can do it again.

Pyro 02-12-2004 08:41 PM

When anti took over the site.

Uhh, what exactly happend and who is anti?[/quote:991c6]

anti hero

he posted here

he was the phantom admin that happened by two thepries i've been told, one by the man himself. And de admined everyone...and made all the cool people mods.

Pyro 02-12-2004 08:43 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":290ed]

Originally Posted by Noctis
I fucking hate Islam. I've made it clear in several places, several times. It's a religion that indoctrinates children to believe in a life of violence. Time Magazine interviewed 10-15 year old kids and asked them their opinions on Jihad and the West, and most of them - especially in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates - mirrored the beliefs of what the prominent leaders of Islam like to call "fundamentalists" or "extremists." One of the kids went so far as to say - paraphrasing - that since the beginning of time, there has only ever been two sides; the believers and the infidels. And when the time comes, Islam will cover the world and rule above the slit throats of the infidels.

They're fucking crazy.

I can't believe they actually believe that shit when they are clearly inferior to the west in every aspect, only the protest of the weak and the cowardly here in the west keep us from decimating them, their culture, and their region. History has shown what the west is capable of doing if we put our minds to it....we conquered the world once, and damnit we can do it again.[/quote:290ed]

Hwo are they as human beings inferior to americans? Hitler in the making man, that's exactly what that sounded like.

Duke_of_Ray 02-12-2004 08:44 PM

Ok I remember that name, what happend to him? SOmebody should do a written history over the Revolution.:)

Pyro 02-12-2004 08:46 PM

[quote="Duke_of_Ray":5525b]Ok I remember that name, what happend to him? SOmebody should do a written history over the Revolution.:)[/quote:5525b]

Badscript came back (You could say anti hero dragged his ass back for once) and banned him. Banned everyone...everyone got to get their name back...thats why we had the want your username back thread. I don't think anti ever got it.

But he posts here as like antiii or something.

Duke_of_Ray 02-12-2004 08:51 PM

Ahhh, so what did people do that was so bad? This is cool, much better tha history class. biggrin:

Pyro 02-12-2004 08:53 PM

[quote="Duke_of_Ray":fb275]Ahhh, so what did people do that was so bad? This is cool, much better tha history class. biggrin:[/quote:fb275]

We basically owned the entite site. Anti made anyone he wanted to mod. We could do whatever we wanted.

And most people say it was the best the forums have been since before the release of the game.

02-12-2004 08:57 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":a467e]

Originally Posted by Noctis
I fucking hate Islam. I've made it clear in several places, several times. It's a religion that indoctrinates children to believe in a life of violence. Time Magazine interviewed 10-15 year old kids and asked them their opinions on Jihad and the West, and most of them - especially in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates - mirrored the beliefs of what the prominent leaders of Islam like to call "fundamentalists" or "extremists." One of the kids went so far as to say - paraphrasing - that since the beginning of time, there has only ever been two sides; the believers and the infidels. And when the time comes, Islam will cover the world and rule above the slit throats of the infidels.

They're fucking crazy.

I can't believe they actually believe that shit when they are clearly inferior to the west in every aspect, only the protest of the weak and the cowardly here in the west keep us from decimating them, their culture, and their region. History has shown what the west is capable of doing if we put our minds to it....we conquered the world once, and damnit we can do it again.[/quote:a467e]

"protests of the weak and cowardly",
not bloody likely, more like our politicians have brains (despite what we say about them) and they don't want to become what we Americans fought for so long: murderous tyrants

Eames 02-12-2004 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by "Cpl. Eames":d97f0

Originally Posted by Noctis
I fucking hate Islam. I've made it clear in several places, several times. It's a religion that indoctrinates children to believe in a life of violence. Time Magazine interviewed 10-15 year old kids and asked them their opinions on Jihad and the West, and most of them - especially in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates - mirrored the beliefs of what the prominent leaders of Islam like to call "fundamentalists" or "extremists." One of the kids went so far as to say - paraphrasing - that since the beginning of time, there has only ever been two sides; the believers and the infidels. And when the time comes, Islam will cover the world and rule above the slit throats of the infidels.

They're fucking crazy.

I can't believe they actually believe that shit when they are clearly inferior to the west in every aspect, only the protest of the weak and the cowardly here in the west keep us from decimating them, their culture, and their region. History has shown what the west is capable of doing if we put our minds to it....we conquered the world once, and damnit we can do it again.

Hwo are they as human beings inferior to americans? Hitler in the making man, that's exactly what that sounded like.[/quote:d97f0]

i dont know why they are inferior....hmm maybe because there culture is shit, there countries are shit, they are less developed, and lack the princibles and values which make western european culture the dominant and most sucessful in the world. Why should we allow ourselves to be intimidated by lesser countries? Why shouldnt we strike out and destroy them ruthlessley and meticulisly so they can never threaten us again...we have the ability to create a great pax-americana if we destroyed our enemies, but not by shitty "regime change" bull shit, but through conquest and repression....peace is brought about by conquest, expansion, and subjecation of enemies, look to history...

Pyro 02-12-2004 09:00 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":27f67][quote=Pyro]

Originally Posted by "Cpl. Eames":27f67

Originally Posted by Noctis
I fucking hate Islam. I've made it clear in several places, several times. It's a religion that indoctrinates children to believe in a life of violence. Time Magazine interviewed 10-15 year old kids and asked them their opinions on Jihad and the West, and most of them - especially in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates - mirrored the beliefs of what the prominent leaders of Islam like to call "fundamentalists" or "extremists." One of the kids went so far as to say - paraphrasing - that since the beginning of time, there has only ever been two sides; the believers and the infidels. And when the time comes, Islam will cover the world and rule above the slit throats of the infidels.

They're fucking crazy.

I can't believe they actually believe that shit when they are clearly inferior to the west in every aspect, only the protest of the weak and the cowardly here in the west keep us from decimating them, their culture, and their region. History has shown what the west is capable of doing if we put our minds to it....we conquered the world once, and damnit we can do it again.

Hwo are they as human beings inferior to americans? Hitler in the making man, that's exactly what that sounded like.[/quote:27f67]

i dont know why they are inferior....hmm maybe because there culture is shit, there countries are shit, they are less developed, and lack the princibles and values which make western european culture the dominant and most sucessful in the world. Why should we allow ourselves to be intimidated by lesser countries? Why shouldnt we strike out and destroy them ruthlessley and meticulisly so they can never threaten us again...we have the ability to create a great pax-americana if we destroyed our enemies, but not by shitty "regime change" bull shit, but through conquest and repression....peace is brought about by conquest, expansion, and subjecation of enemies, look to history...[/quote:27f67]

Hitler thought the same thing of Germany...and he';s one of the most hated men to even grace this planet.

You're basically syaing because America is more well off, we have a right to destroy any country we choose.

02-12-2004 09:00 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":fc525]

we have the ability to create a great pax-americana if we destroyed our enemies, but not by shitty "regime change" bull shit, but through conquest and repression....peace is brought about by conquest, expansion, and subjecation of enemies, look to history...[/quote:fc525]

I'm so glad idiots like you don't get into office,
Adolf Jr.


Eames 02-12-2004 09:02 PM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":fb007][quote="Cpl. Eames":fb007]

we have the ability to create a great pax-americana if we destroyed our enemies, but not by shitty "regime change" bull shit, but through conquest and repression....peace is brought about by conquest, expansion, and subjecation of enemies, look to history...[/quote:fb007]

I'm so glad idiots like you don't get into office,
Adolf Jr.[/quote:fb007]

we'll see about that.... biggrin:

Pyro 02-12-2004 09:03 PM

I've studied Napolean and he envoked liberal views on many countries in Europe and he's revered in places lik ePoland and so...and hated in the west.

He conquered countries and when he did he thwated the outdated governments in not hopes of change, but for domination, but it ended up that way.

He's known as an anti-christ by most people in the west. He did basically what you want America to do.

General Cobra 02-12-2004 09:10 PM

I think America needs to sit the fuck down and chill the fuck out for once and stop trying to get into other peoples shit. We are well developed in North America as everyone knows. But the rest of the world is still playing catchup. And that "catchup" includes going through cival war, changing of govts. etc. All of which must happen in order for them to find their OWN semblence of order. I still however support the troops. It's not their fault.

Knowing what conflicts to enter/stayout of is a touchy subject. And a hard one to callibrate.

Pyro 02-12-2004 09:12 PM

[quote="General Cobra":0f0dd]I think America needs to sit the fuck down and chill the fuck out for once and stop trying to get into other peoples shit. We are well developed in North America as everyone knows. But the rest of the world is still playing catchup. And that "catchup" includes going through cival war, changing of govts. etc. All of which must happen in order for them to find their OWN semblence of order. I still however support the troops. It's not their fault.

Knowing what conflicts to enter/stayout of is a touchy subject. And a hard one to callibrate.[/quote:0f0dd]

I just hope no one thinks that it should be ALL conflicts.

JBird 02-12-2004 09:13 PM

"we have the ability to create a great pax-americana if we destroyed our enemies"

remember when rome had their pax romana?

"In general, the Augustan system worked fairly well, in fact, it lasted more than 200 years. It provided a material and political base of cultural achievement that rivaled the Greeks under Pericles. This is the age of the Pax Romana, the Roman Peace.'

worked great until emperor Augustus died, then began the slow decline of the greatest empire the world has known. ed:

Eight Ace 02-12-2004 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
anti hero

he posted here.

yeah, I liked Anti too...he never made off the cuff racist remarks for a laugh or any other reason.

Pyro 02-12-2004 10:27 PM

[quote="Eight Ace":30d6e]

Originally Posted by Pyro
anti hero

he posted here.

yeah, I liked Anti too...he never made off the cuff racist remarks for a laugh or any other reason.[/quote:30d6e]

Well yeah, I didn't like that I said that.

People are different, I posted muh more immaturly then I do now back then.

EDs wife is a former skinhead. People do change views on things over time Ace.

Eight Ace 02-12-2004 10:46 PM

...don't get me wrong Pyro...I like you and have enjoyed your posts for a long time now,
but a lot of people have hard and heavy feelings about what's happening around them....
it's natural to take sides and not always easy to appreciate how complex the conflicts we discuss are.

I think at we don't need to PM Badscript every time our pants are wet....
there's at least one Newfoundlander I can think of that shows a more than even hand.

Duke_of_Ray 02-12-2004 10:51 PM

There is no place for racsim in the work place!

Pyro 02-12-2004 10:57 PM

[quote="Eight Ace":1e474]...don't get me wrong Pyro...I like you and have enjoyed your posts for a long time now,
but a lot of people have hard and heavy feelings about what's happening around them....
it's natural to take sides and not always easy to appreciate how complex the conflicts we discuss are.

I think at we don't need to PM Badscript every time our pants are wet....
there's at least one Newfoundlander I can think of that shows a more than even hand.[/quote:1e474]

I understand. Just that I react to it this way because there methods are just too radical for my tastes. Our opinions will clash and this happens.

Duke_of_Ray 02-12-2004 11:01 PM

I agree with you Pyro, and I got banned from this smae type of thing from the Flashpoint1985 forums. Infact I got banned fomr that place like 8 or 9 times, and I can't get back on anymore, but I like being able to express my opinion, and it seems you can do that here more than flashpoint1985 would allow, and we should be happy with what we got.

Eight Ace 02-12-2004 11:01 PM

[quote="Duke_of_Ray":0a2ff]There is no place for racsim in the work place![/quote:0a2ff]
...and you left out the ",...or is there?" option....Duke, YOU RULE!! beer:

Duke_of_Ray 02-12-2004 11:03 PM

[quote:787a3]... and you left out the ",...or is there?" option....Duke, YOU RULE!! [/quote:787a3]

Oh I did! Yehaaa! Alright the medication is working! biggrin:

Himmler 02-12-2004 11:14 PM

well whatta know..another flame war

Pyro 02-12-2004 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Himmler
well whatta know..another flame war

well whatta know..another un-needed comment.

Bucknub 02-12-2004 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Himmler
well whatta know..another flame war

well whatta know..another un-needed comment.

well whatta know.. another unesessary quote.

Pyro 02-12-2004 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by BucKweEd

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Himmler
well whatta know..another flame war

well whatta know..another un-needed comment.

well whatta know.. another unesessary quote.

well whatta know.. another poor choice for a mod.

Chango 02-12-2004 11:26 PM


ninty 02-13-2004 12:00 AM

Ace, if you have a problem with me, by all means lets hear it. Send me a pm or an email or post it here or whatever.

I have PM'd BS once in over two years since I’ve been here. I think BS deserves to know what's happening on his site. If that requires a PM, so be it. I don't see a problem with it.

I'm not, nor have I ever claimed to be perfect. Nor have I claimed to not be biased at times, or even racial/prejudicial in my comments. I don't consider myself a racist, and I know I’m not. I think that sometimes I use those comments to try to be humorous, because I would never say those things with literal intention because I know their not true in my beliefs. The difference between my remarks and those of others is that it seems they believe those things. I do not. Does that make certain comments of mine appropriate? Of course not.

Therefore I apologize if I have offended you or others in any way. I'm going to try my hardest to reduce my provocativeness behaviour and other disrespectful antics.

I used to have a lot of fun with your posts. I really enjoyed joking around with you. But lately I don't know what's happened. Maybe one of us has changed. Which one of us I don't know.

All I can ask is to start a clean slate as I don't want to hold grudges. I wish to present myself as I do in the real world. Respectable and professional.

Eight Ace 02-13-2004 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by Himmler
well whatta know..another flame war


Eight Ace 02-13-2004 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by ninty9
I wish to present myself as I do in the real world. Respectable and professional.

You missed your best attribute, that of being a Decent Guy, never mind my shit,
that's the only one that really matters, and I've seen that from you, ninty9, since my day #1 here.

I remember inviting you to a Prawn & Prostitute Evening once.....offer stands. beer:

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