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Madmartagen 06-29-2004 12:55 AM

[quote="[GDC]_Polemarcus":dc55a]Well that should be enough logic for you then...

At one point Iraq had the capability to take over the entire middle east. The allied forces forcefully removed the Republican Guard and liberated Kuwait. 12 years later, we are in this situation. Granted no WMD's have been found yet, but important officials had serious reasons to believe the bath party had WMD's in their posession. 12 years after the fact, humiliated by defeat, Hussein would have every reason to use those weapons on the middle east and any opposing forces... now i know hind sight is 20/20, but what IF he had them, what IF we did nothing, and what IF they were used. If anything learn from our previous mistakes.

1919 The treaty of versailles was signed limiting the germans for establishing a military

In the years to come the German Military would build the most powerful navy and airforce in the world, while everyone just sat back and watched... What IF we took action sooner?[/quote:dc55a]

Iraq was pretty much a shit place anyways, thats why they invaded Kuwait in the first place. They had all kinds of toys, but they werent a match for the entire middle east. They were barely able to defeat Iran (which is a good reason why they're poor) at all. Saddam needed to be ousted, but we had our chance 13 years ago and we could have also gone in there during the time when Saddam violated the terms of the cease-fire. IMO there is no link between Saddam and Bin Laden. They dont like eachother, we dont even know if they ever had a relationhsip to begin with. The insurgents we are fighting in Iraq are either Al Queda or backed by them. They would not have this opportunity if Saddam was still in power. That being said, it would have been best to finish Bin Laden, Mullah Omar and the rest of the Taliban and Al Queda before we would move into Iraq (if it was necessary at all.) I dont believe there are WMD's in Iraq that were up for sale to terrorists. I dont believe that Saddam was funding or working with the Taliban or Al Queda. Operations in Afghanistan didnt start until Oct 13, a whole month AFTER 9/11. Bin Laden prolly went underground the night before 9/11. We had several chances to kill him in both Clinton and Bush's administration. I forgot what I was going for here, so Im going to wait for a response oOo: .

Pyro 06-29-2004 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by "[GDC
_Polemarcus":f8426]Well that should be enough logic for you then...

At one point Iraq had the capability to take over the entire middle east. The allied forces forcefully removed the Republican Guard and liberated Kuwait. 12 years later, we are in this situation. Granted no WMD's have been found yet, but important officials had serious reasons to believe the bath party had WMD's in their posession. 12 years after the fact, humiliated by defeat, Hussein would have every reason to use those weapons on the middle east and any opposing forces... now i know hind sight is 20/20, but what IF he had them, what IF we did nothing, and what IF they were used. If anything learn from our previous mistakes.

1919 The treaty of versailles was signed limiting the germans for establishing a military

In the years to come the German Military would build the most powerful navy and airforce in the world, while everyone just sat back and watched... What IF we took action sooner?

WHy not North Korea before Iraq?

Shit, good one. Perhaps we'll blow those fuckers up next!! Don't ya just love those slanty-eyed fuckers?

I don't think appearence should be used in any conjuction with this discussion.

Why not? It makes all the sense in the world. Perhaps some blind guy is being read this thread and unbeknownst to him is the fact that the North Koreans have a distinct shape to their eyes. He would then get a good visual of the whole picture ![/quote:f8426]

Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.

[GDC]_Polemarcus 06-29-2004 12:58 AM

[quote:d18d7]We had several chances to kill him in both Clinton and Bush's administration. I forgot what I was going for here, so Im going to wait for a response oOo: .[/quote:d18d7]

There's that whole hind sight thing biting us in the ass again.

Coleman 06-29-2004 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by "Garry Coleman":9b0a9
didn't read through all these pages, but I'd definately go to war if my country called for me. If I don't go, who will, right?

Would you go for any reason though? Is there any possible situation that you might ever say no?[/quote:9b0a9]Well, Pyro since you and more than half knows I support the war in Iraq, I would go on my own feelings that something needs to be done there. Even if it was some other place that I may not "feel is right" i'd go. Call me a puppet or whathaveyou. I just have faith in my country's leaders that they're trying to do the best for the majority and not some other reason. That's why the leader is in power; they're elected because the people have faith in their abilities (let's not split hairs with the electoral college here).

Madmartagen 06-29-2004 01:04 AM

[quote="[GDC]_Polemarcus":42b6f][quote:42b6f]We had several chances to kill him in both Clinton and Bush's administration. I forgot what I was going for here, so Im going to wait for a response oOo: .[/quote:42b6f]

There's that whole hind sight thing biting us in the ass again.[/quote:42b6f]
Yeah, but I really dont like bringing that up because its the blame game again. What our govt should do is realize their mistake and fix it before its too late. There are brighter people than myself who can figure out what to do next, but I dont see a winning situation in Iraq. With no real regime in Iraq now, its going to be guerilla tactics from now on. Our troops are not safe there at all, especially if we have squads of 5 men guarding checkpoints at each block. We lost alot of the local support because we went in there pretty heavy handed and blew alot of shit up. We need to replace more of out troops with local Iraqis, but as you can see, they get blown up by the busloads every week. But, if you look back to the 70's, replacing US Marines with ARVN troops didnt work out either.

Arkan 06-29-2004 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Iraq was pretty much a shit place anyways, thats why they invaded Kuwait in the first place. They had all kinds of toys, but they werent a match for the entire middle east. They were barely able to defeat Iran (which is a good reason why they're poor) at all. Saddam needed to be ousted, but we had our chance 13 years ago and we could have also gone in there during the time when Saddam violated the terms of the cease-fire. IMO there is no link between Saddam and Bin Laden. They dont like eachother, we dont even know if they ever had a relationhsip to begin with. The insurgents we are fighting in Iraq are either Al Queda or backed by them. They would not have this opportunity if Saddam was still in power. That being said, it would have been best to finish Bin Laden, Mullah Omar and the rest of the Taliban and Al Queda before we would move into Iraq (if it was necessary at all.) I dont believe there are WMD's in Iraq that were up for sale to terrorists. I dont believe that Saddam was funding or working with the Taliban or Al Queda. Operations in Afghanistan didnt start until Oct 13, a whole month AFTER 9/11. Bin Laden prolly went underground the night before 9/11. We had several chances to kill him in both Clinton and Bush's administration. I forgot what I was going for here, so Im going to wait for a response oOo: .

I agree somewhat of what you said but.....

I believe there were WMD's in Iraq before we invaded. Saddam had plenty of time to move them elsewhere. Being there is such a sticky topic because nothing of great value was found there, but speaking to friends who spent months in Iraq, they claim most Iraqi's are happy we're there. They just want to go to work and make money to support their families. The news harps all over the minorities who cause the trouble for the troops over there. Hopefully for everyone's sake, a stable government can be established and the people of Iraq can police themselves.

guarnere 06-29-2004 01:14 AM


Keep it civil.

Madmartagen 06-29-2004 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Please, stop quoting dance:

Why ?

I meant the quotes that were taking up half a page.

Arkan 06-29-2004 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by "Pyro":a2ae6

Originally Posted by "[GDC
_Polemarcus":a2ae6]Well that should be enough logic for you then...

At one point Iraq had the capability to take over the entire middle east. The allied forces forcefully removed the Republican Guard and liberated Kuwait. 12 years later, we are in this situation. Granted no WMD's have been found yet, but important officials had serious reasons to believe the bath party had WMD's in their posession. 12 years after the fact, humiliated by defeat, Hussein would have every reason to use those weapons on the middle east and any opposing forces... now i know hind sight is 20/20, but what IF he had them, what IF we did nothing, and what IF they were used. If anything learn from our previous mistakes.

1919 The treaty of versailles was signed limiting the germans for establishing a military

In the years to come the German Military would build the most powerful navy and airforce in the world, while everyone just sat back and watched... What IF we took action sooner?

WHy not North Korea before Iraq?

Shit, good one. Perhaps we'll blow those fuckers up next!! Don't ya just love those slanty-eyed fuckers?

I don't think appearence should be used in any conjuction with this discussion.

Why not? It makes all the sense in the world. Perhaps some blind guy is being read this thread and unbeknownst to him is the fact that the North Koreans have a distinct shape to their eyes. He would then get a good visual of the whole picture ![/quote:a2ae6]

Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.[/quote:a2ae6]

I never said them having slanty eyes was an argument against them. Go back and re-read what i wrote and you'll see the err of your ways.

Madmartagen 06-29-2004 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Iraq was pretty much a shit place anyways, thats why they invaded Kuwait in the first place. They had all kinds of toys, but they werent a match for the entire middle east. They were barely able to defeat Iran (which is a good reason why they're poor) at all. Saddam needed to be ousted, but we had our chance 13 years ago and we could have also gone in there during the time when Saddam violated the terms of the cease-fire. IMO there is no link between Saddam and Bin Laden. They dont like eachother, we dont even know if they ever had a relationhsip to begin with. The insurgents we are fighting in Iraq are either Al Queda or backed by them. They would not have this opportunity if Saddam was still in power. That being said, it would have been best to finish Bin Laden, Mullah Omar and the rest of the Taliban and Al Queda before we would move into Iraq (if it was necessary at all.) I dont believe there are WMD's in Iraq that were up for sale to terrorists. I dont believe that Saddam was funding or working with the Taliban or Al Queda. Operations in Afghanistan didnt start until Oct 13, a whole month AFTER 9/11. Bin Laden prolly went underground the night before 9/11. We had several chances to kill him in both Clinton and Bush's administration. I forgot what I was going for here, so Im going to wait for a response oOo: .

I agree somewhat of what you said but.....

I believe there were WMD's in Iraq before we invaded. Saddam had plenty of time to move them elsewhere. Being there is such a sticky topic because nothing of great value was found there, but speaking to friends who spent months in Iraq, they claim most Iraqi's are happy we're there. They just want to go to work and make money to support their families. The news harps all over the minorities who cause the trouble for the troops over there. Hopefully for everyone's sake, a stable government can be established and the people of Iraq can police themselves.

TY Guarnere...

I agree with WMD's being in Iraq before the 2003 invasion, they were prbably hidden in the sand with the MiGs. I do not, however, believe that at any time they were up for sale to anyone. Saddams military was too important to him, important enough to let his people starve before giving up his weapons.

Pvt.Pinhead 06-29-2004 01:17 AM

Re: The Draft...if it comes back...

Originally Posted by Pyro
Isn't the conservative philosophy essentially founded on self-determination and individual rights? How can you thereby justify giving the government the power to deprive you of your rights by forcing you into military duty?

For fucks sake dude, dont be such a fuckin coward!!! Screw idividual rights man, me Id do anything the President told me to do!! Regardless of who the person with the title is but for the office that that person holds, its the office no the man the the secret service protect and salute and obey. We should be obient towards our nation.
And if we are so strict on individual rights then wouldnt it be true that i have the individual right not to be told what to do by my boss? I mean if you think about it we (Americans) work for America, America is our boss, sure we dont HAVE to do what she tells you to do, but if you dont then you shouldnt "be payed", or live America...

Coleman 06-29-2004 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan
I agree somewhat of what you said but.....

I believe there were WMD's in Iraq before we invaded. Saddam had plenty of time to move them elsewhere. Being there is such a sticky topic because nothing of great value was found there, but speaking to friends who spent months in Iraq, they claim most Iraqi's are happy we're there. They just want to go to work and make money to support their families. The news harps all over the minorities who cause the trouble for the troops over there. Hopefully for everyone's sake, a stable government can be established and the people of Iraq can police themselves.

yep, I think he had them too. C'mon, how are you going to find some plutonium in a whole damn country? You can easily carry that stuff away in a pedestrian's vehicle and not cause a scene. It is like finding a needle in a haystack.

When they searched, did they not already have a schedual of where and when a place was going to be searched for WMD's? I might be wrong, but i thought there was a schedual released. If that was the case, it makes it 10000 times easier to hide and transport materials.

Arkan 06-29-2004 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by guarnere

Keep it civil.

Thanks, but it's been civil the whole time. Hey, could you tell the rest of the mods before they lock a thread, comment on it so we know who and why they locked it?

Pyro 06-29-2004 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by "Arkan":bf99c

Originally Posted by "Pyro":bf99c

Originally Posted by "[GDC
_Polemarcus":bf99c]Well that should be enough logic for you then...

At one point Iraq had the capability to take over the entire middle east. The allied forces forcefully removed the Republican Guard and liberated Kuwait. 12 years later, we are in this situation. Granted no WMD's have been found yet, but important officials had serious reasons to believe the bath party had WMD's in their posession. 12 years after the fact, humiliated by defeat, Hussein would have every reason to use those weapons on the middle east and any opposing forces... now i know hind sight is 20/20, but what IF he had them, what IF we did nothing, and what IF they were used. If anything learn from our previous mistakes.

1919 The treaty of versailles was signed limiting the germans for establishing a military

In the years to come the German Military would build the most powerful navy and airforce in the world, while everyone just sat back and watched... What IF we took action sooner?

WHy not North Korea before Iraq?

Shit, good one. Perhaps we'll blow those fuckers up next!! Don't ya just love those slanty-eyed fuckers?

I don't think appearence should be used in any conjuction with this discussion.

Why not? It makes all the sense in the world. Perhaps some blind guy is being read this thread and unbeknownst to him is the fact that the North Koreans have a distinct shape to their eyes. He would then get a good visual of the whole picture ![/quote:bf99c]

Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.[/quote:bf99c]

I never said them having slanty eyes was an argument against them. Go back and re-read what i wrote and you'll see the err of your ways.[/quote:bf99c]

Still don't need to use appearence features in your statements,a nd im sure just by you saying north koreans the person reading it to the blind man would be able to describe them for him without your help.

guarnere 06-29-2004 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by guarnere

Keep it civil.

Thanks, but it's been civil the whole time. Hey, could you tell the rest of the mods before they lock a thread, comment on it so we know who and why they locked it?

I really can't tell them what to do...but whoever locks these threads without saying...please at least say you're going to lock it....and give a reason...

Coleman 06-29-2004 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.

funny how you bring up Micheal Moore when no one had any intentions of bashing him. Leave him over in Hollywood where he's being praised by the stupid celebrities.

Madmartagen 06-29-2004 01:22 AM

Re: The Draft...if it comes back...
[quote="Pvt.Pinhead":a926d]For fucks sake dude, dont be such a fuckin coward!!! Screw idividual rights man, me Id do anything the President told me to do!!

What if it was Clinton and he wanted you to suck his pecker? happy:

Regardless of who the person with the title is but for the office that that person holds, its the office no the man the the secret service protect and salute and obey. We should be obient towards our nation.

The reason why we have our bill of rights is so that we can have thoughts contrary to the wishes of our government. It is our duty to respect the sacrafice the Continental Army made by not bowing down to any government we feel is violating our civil rights. It is your duty as an American to question the authority of your government.

And if we are so strict on individual rights then wouldnt it be true that i have the individual right not to be told what to do by my boss? I mean if you think about it we (Americans) work for America, America is our boss, sure we dont HAVE to do what she tells you to do, but if you dont then you shouldnt "be payed", or live America...

Your boss isnt your overlord, he has rules to follow just like everyone else. No one is above the law.[/quote:a926d]

Arkan 06-29-2004 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by "Pyro":28210

Originally Posted by "Arkan":28210

Originally Posted by "Pyro":28210

Originally Posted by "[GDC
_Polemarcus":28210]Well that should be enough logic for you then...

At one point Iraq had the capability to take over the entire middle east. The allied forces forcefully removed the Republican Guard and liberated Kuwait. 12 years later, we are in this situation. Granted no WMD's have been found yet, but important officials had serious reasons to believe the bath party had WMD's in their posession. 12 years after the fact, humiliated by defeat, Hussein would have every reason to use those weapons on the middle east and any opposing forces... now i know hind sight is 20/20, but what IF he had them, what IF we did nothing, and what IF they were used. If anything learn from our previous mistakes.

1919 The treaty of versailles was signed limiting the germans for establishing a military

In the years to come the German Military would build the most powerful navy and airforce in the world, while everyone just sat back and watched... What IF we took action sooner?

WHy not North Korea before Iraq?

Shit, good one. Perhaps we'll blow those fuckers up next!! Don't ya just love those slanty-eyed fuckers?

I don't think appearence should be used in any conjuction with this discussion.

Why not? It makes all the sense in the world. Perhaps some blind guy is being read this thread and unbeknownst to him is the fact that the North Koreans have a distinct shape to their eyes. He would then get a good visual of the whole picture ![/quote:28210]

Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.[/quote:28210]

I never said them having slanty eyes was an argument against them. Go back and re-read what i wrote and you'll see the err of your ways.[/quote:28210]

Still don't need to use appearence features in your statements,a nd im sure just by you saying north koreans the person reading it to the blind man would be able to describe them for him without your help.[/quote:28210]

How can you be so sure the reader would supply that type of info? I believe you're wrong this's an important fact that shouldn't be left out, i'm looking out for that blind guy......whereever he may be!

Pyro 06-29-2004 01:22 AM

[quote="Garry Coleman":45a51]

Originally Posted by Pyro
Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.

funny how you bring up Micheal Moore when no one had any intentions of bashing him. Leave him over in Hollywood where he's being praised by the stupid celebrities.[/quote:45a51]

Only other thing I remembered that dealed with the same thing. He is just an example.

Coleman 06-29-2004 01:23 AM

Re: The Draft...if it comes back...

Originally Posted by "Pvt.Pinhead":ad88a
For fucks sake dude, dont be such a fuckin coward!!! Screw idividual rights man, me Id do anything the President told me to do!!

What if it was Clinton and he wanted you to suck his pecker? happy:

Regardless of who the person with the title is but for the office that that person holds, its the office no the man the the secret service protect and salute and obey. We should be obient towards our nation.

The reason why we have our bill of rights is so that we can have thoughts contrary to the wishes of our government. It is our duty to respect the sacrafice the Continental Army made by not bowing down to any government we feel is violating our civil rights. It is your duty as an American to question the authority of your government.

And if we are so strict on individual rights then wouldnt it be true that i have the individual right not to be told what to do by my boss? I mean if you think about it we (Americans) work for America, America is our boss, sure we dont HAVE to do what she tells you to do, but if you dont then you shouldnt "be payed", or live America...

Your boss isnt your overlord, he has rules to follow just like everyone else. No one is above the law.

[/quote:ad88a]eh, Pinhead's post didn't really make that much sense...please disregard that.

Pyro 06-29-2004 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by "Pyro":c4bb7

Originally Posted by "Arkan":c4bb7

Originally Posted by "Pyro":c4bb7

Originally Posted by "[GDC
_Polemarcus":c4bb7]Well that should be enough logic for you then...

At one point Iraq had the capability to take over the entire middle east. The allied forces forcefully removed the Republican Guard and liberated Kuwait. 12 years later, we are in this situation. Granted no WMD's have been found yet, but important officials had serious reasons to believe the bath party had WMD's in their posession. 12 years after the fact, humiliated by defeat, Hussein would have every reason to use those weapons on the middle east and any opposing forces... now i know hind sight is 20/20, but what IF he had them, what IF we did nothing, and what IF they were used. If anything learn from our previous mistakes.

1919 The treaty of versailles was signed limiting the germans for establishing a military

In the years to come the German Military would build the most powerful navy and airforce in the world, while everyone just sat back and watched... What IF we took action sooner?

WHy not North Korea before Iraq?

Shit, good one. Perhaps we'll blow those fuckers up next!! Don't ya just love those slanty-eyed fuckers?

I don't think appearence should be used in any conjuction with this discussion.

Why not? It makes all the sense in the world. Perhaps some blind guy is being read this thread and unbeknownst to him is the fact that the North Koreans have a distinct shape to their eyes. He would then get a good visual of the whole picture ![/quote:c4bb7]

Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.[/quote:c4bb7]

I never said them having slanty eyes was an argument against them. Go back and re-read what i wrote and you'll see the err of your ways.[/quote:c4bb7]

Still don't need to use appearence features in your statements,a nd im sure just by you saying north koreans the person reading it to the blind man would be able to describe them for him without your help.[/quote:c4bb7]

How can you be so sure the reader would supply that type of info? I believe you're wrong this's an important fact that shouldn't be left out, i'm looking out for that blind guy......whereever he may be![/quote:c4bb7]

It should be the readers choice.

Pyro 06-29-2004 01:24 AM

No one is going to take Pinhead seriouslly anyways.

Coleman 06-29-2004 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
It should be the readers choice.

STFU Mr. Carson Daily. Go back to TRL plzdie:

Pyro 06-29-2004 01:26 AM

[quote="Garry Coleman":ae103]

Originally Posted by Pyro
It should be the readers choice.

STFU Mr. Carson Daily. Go back to TRL plzdie:[/quote:ae103]

Don't get TRL on MTV Canada.

Arkan 06-29-2004 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by "Pyro":9543a

Originally Posted by "Arkan":9543a

Originally Posted by "Pyro":9543a

Originally Posted by "[GDC
_Polemarcus":9543a]Well that should be enough logic for you then...

At one point Iraq had the capability to take over the entire middle east. The allied forces forcefully removed the Republican Guard and liberated Kuwait. 12 years later, we are in this situation. Granted no WMD's have been found yet, but important officials had serious reasons to believe the bath party had WMD's in their posession. 12 years after the fact, humiliated by defeat, Hussein would have every reason to use those weapons on the middle east and any opposing forces... now i know hind sight is 20/20, but what IF he had them, what IF we did nothing, and what IF they were used. If anything learn from our previous mistakes.

1919 The treaty of versailles was signed limiting the germans for establishing a military

In the years to come the German Military would build the most powerful navy and airforce in the world, while everyone just sat back and watched... What IF we took action sooner?

WHy not North Korea before Iraq?

Shit, good one. Perhaps we'll blow those fuckers up next!! Don't ya just love those slanty-eyed fuckers?

I don't think appearence should be used in any conjuction with this discussion.

Why not? It makes all the sense in the world. Perhaps some blind guy is being read this thread and unbeknownst to him is the fact that the North Koreans have a distinct shape to their eyes. He would then get a good visual of the whole picture ![/quote:9543a]

Many any races have the same slant to their eyes. It is just as pathetic as using that Micheal Moore is fat as a point in an argument against him.[/quote:9543a]

I never said them having slanty eyes was an argument against them. Go back and re-read what i wrote and you'll see the err of your ways.[/quote:9543a]

Still don't need to use appearence features in your statements,a nd im sure just by you saying north koreans the person reading it to the blind man would be able to describe them for him without your help.[/quote:9543a]

How can you be so sure the reader would supply that type of info? I believe you're wrong this's an important fact that shouldn't be left out, i'm looking out for that blind guy......whereever he may be![/quote:9543a]

It should be the readers choice.[/quote:9543a]

Fuck that, someone's gotta look out for the handicap.

...and guarnere, that music is really head-banging shit isn't it? Was that the title of the album? I found a bunch of other songs by Unearth, but nothing with that title in it.

Coleman 06-29-2004 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by "Garry Coleman":b254c

Originally Posted by Pyro
It should be the readers choice.

STFU Mr. Carson Daily. Go back to TRL plzdie:

Don't get TRL on MTV Canada.[/quote:b254c]note to oneself: That is another exception to USA>canada.

Pyro 06-29-2004 01:28 AM

[quote="Garry Coleman":d1b93][quote=Pyro]

Originally Posted by "Garry Coleman":d1b93

Originally Posted by Pyro
It should be the readers choice.

STFU Mr. Carson Daily. Go back to TRL plzdie:

Don't get TRL on MTV Canada.[/quote:d1b93]note to oneself: That is another exception to USA>canada.[/quote:d1b93]

oOo: dance:

strvs 06-29-2004 01:29 AM

Oh, it really is too bad we dont get mindless dj's shoving prepackaged shit down our throat everyday. Its really too bad we dont have any guidance on whats cool. we're lost without it. having to think for ourselves....terrible

Milla 06-29-2004 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
I don't know but I thought this might be a good discussion. I guess no one here is smart enough to contribute.

Traditional conservatism is long dead. It died in the Reagan years. it's been replaced by this sickening thing we call "neo-conservatism," which is characterized by right-wing economic policies, and authoritarian social dictatorship, and interventionalist foreign policy.

This is what I think.

Honostly a draft wouldnt be bad because it would probably clean up the youth of america. Than again it could destory it by all the "rebel" teens out there.

Pvt.Pinhead 06-29-2004 01:31 AM

Re: The Draft...if it comes back...

Originally Posted by "Pvt.Pinhead":dd89b
For fucks sake dude, dont be such a fuckin coward!!! Screw idividual rights man, me Id do anything the President told me to do!!

What if it was Clinton and he wanted you to suck his pecker? happy:

It would probaly depend...most likely no, Id do anything for the president, as long as it does something to save the life of someone...

Regardless of who the person with the title is but for the office that that person holds, its the office no the man the the secret service protect and salute and obey. We should be obient towards our nation.

The reason why we have our bill of rights is so that we can have thoughts contrary to the wishes of our government. It is our duty to respect the sacrafice the Continental Army made by not bowing down to any government we feel is violating our civil rights. It is your duty as an American to question the authority of your government.

The bill of rights was formed more of guidelines and it was made to have the ability to change and bend itself in different situations (I just finished going over this topic in Summer School, so dont tell me Im wrong, 3 weeks over the Constitution and Bill of Rights...)

And if we are so strict on individual rights then wouldnt it be true that i have the individual right not to be told what to do by my boss? I mean if you think about it we (Americans) work for America, America is our boss, sure we dont HAVE to do what she tells you to do, but if you dont then you shouldnt "be payed", or live America...

Your boss isnt your overlord, he has rules to follow just like everyone else. No one is above the law.


As long as your working for your boss, he can tell you to write a report or whatever on something, and if you dont he has the right to fire you. If your living in America and she asks you to help her, you dont have to do it, but then you dont have to live in America afterwards[/u]

Pyro 06-29-2004 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Pyro
I don't know but I thought this might be a good discussion. I guess no one here is smart enough to contribute.

Traditional conservatism is long dead. It died in the Reagan years. it's been replaced by this sickening thing we call "neo-conservatism," which is characterized by right-wing economic policies, and authoritarian social dictatorship, and interventionalist foreign policy.

This is what I think.

Honostly a draft wouldnt be bad because it would probably clean up the youth of america. Than again it could destory it by all the "rebel" teens out there.

There are somethings not worth fighting for.

Coleman 06-29-2004 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by Milla
Honostly a draft wouldnt be bad because it would probably clean up the youth of america. Than again it could destory it by all the "rebel" teens out there.

Yep, that's what's wrong about today's youth. Too many of us think that it's "Cool" to be different by speaking out against things. Shut your pie-hole and go fuck yourselves. That's my response to them.

Arkan 06-29-2004 01:35 AM

[quote="Garry Coleman":d67ac]

Originally Posted by Milla
Honostly a draft wouldnt be bad because it would probably clean up the youth of america. Than again it could destory it by all the "rebel" teens out there.

Yep, that's what's wrong about today's youth. Too many of us think that it's "Cool" to be different by speaking out against things. Shut your pie-hole and go fuck yourselves. That's my response to them.[/quote:d67ac]

You gotta mouth like a shut your cunt !! rolleyes:

Pyro 06-29-2004 01:35 AM

I need to get some sleep. I'll see what goes on here sometime in the morning again.

Good night to all.

Coleman 06-29-2004 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by "Garry Coleman":d7f5d

Originally Posted by Milla
Honostly a draft wouldnt be bad because it would probably clean up the youth of america. Than again it could destory it by all the "rebel" teens out there.

Yep, that's what's wrong about today's youth. Too many of us think that it's "Cool" to be different by speaking out against things. Shut your pie-hole and go fuck yourselves. That's my response to them.

You gotta mouth like a shut your cunt !! rolleyes:[/quote:d7f5d] biggrin:

Arkan 06-29-2004 01:37 AM

[quote="Garry Coleman":c02ec][quote=Arkan]

Originally Posted by "Garry Coleman":c02ec

Originally Posted by Milla
Honostly a draft wouldnt be bad because it would probably clean up the youth of america. Than again it could destory it by all the "rebel" teens out there.

Yep, that's what's wrong about today's youth. Too many of us think that it's "Cool" to be different by speaking out against things. Shut your pie-hole and go fuck yourselves. That's my response to them.

You gotta mouth like a shut your cunt !! rolleyes:[/quote:c02ec] biggrin:[/quote:c02ec]

You know that HBO series too? lmao

Arkan 06-29-2004 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
I need to get some sleep. I'll see what goes on here sometime in the morning again.

Good night to all.

......lets hope he never wakes up!!

Madmartagen 06-29-2004 01:42 AM

Re: The Draft...if it comes back...

Originally Posted by "Pvt.Pinhead":b46dc
For fucks sake dude, dont be such a fuckin coward!!! Screw idividual rights man, me Id do anything the President told me to do!!

What if it was Clinton and he wanted you to suck his pecker? happy:

It would probaly depend...most likely no, Id do anything for the president, as long as it does something to save the life of someone...

HAHHHHAHA Oh God thats disgusting. You dont need this anymore (tosses self respect out the window.)

Regardless of who the person with the title is but for the office that that person holds, its the office no the man the the secret service protect and salute and obey. We should be obient towards our nation.

The reason why we have our bill of rights is so that we can have thoughts contrary to the wishes of our government. It is our duty to respect the sacrafice the Continental Army made by not bowing down to any government we feel is violating our civil rights. It is your duty as an American to question the authority of your government.

The bill of rights was formed more of guidelines and it was made to have the ability to change and bend itself in different situations (I just finished going over this topic in Summer School, so dont tell me Im wrong, 3 weeks over the Constitution and Bill of Rights...)

Wow, 3 weeks and you are still wrong. GG. I was referring to the fact that the current administration is eating away our basic freedoms. I Quote Mr. Bush "There ought to be limits to freedom." If you are a type of person who does whatever your government says without question or thought of the consequences of what it could do to fellow citizens, then you have completely lost the idea of what this country is about.

And if we are so strict on individual rights then wouldnt it be true that i have the individual right not to be told what to do by my boss? I mean if you think about it we (Americans) work for America, America is our boss, sure we dont HAVE to do what she tells you to do, but if you dont then you shouldnt "be payed", or live America...

Your boss isnt your overlord, he has rules to follow just like everyone else. No one is above the law.


As long as your working for your boss, he can tell you to write a report or whatever on something, and if you dont he has the right to fire you. If your living in America and she asks you to help her, you dont have to do it, but then you dont have to live in America afterwards[/u][/quote:b46dc]

You can quit and get another job. The government is not my boss and therefore I am not going to leave the country if I disagree with its decisions, instead I will voice my opinion. Are you like this at school or something? Do you normally just do whatever it is anyone asks of you without thinking of whetther they have the right to ask it of you?

Madmartagen 06-29-2004 01:46 AM

[quote="Garry Coleman":cb618]

Originally Posted by Milla
Honostly a draft wouldnt be bad because it would probably clean up the youth of america. Than again it could destory it by all the "rebel" teens out there.

Yep, that's what's wrong about today's youth. Too many of us think that it's "Cool" to be different by speaking out against things. Shut your pie-hole and go fuck yourselves. That's my response to them.[/quote:cb618]

Cool? It isnt about being cool, its opposing something you disagree with. You voiced your oppositon to Gay marriages, whats wrong with someone disagreeing with the war? In fact, I dont think I heard anyone voice opposition to the Afghan campaign, the only opposition I see is to the war in Iraq. Does that mean they dont respect the country, or do they feel one campaign is unjust?

Pvt.Pinhead 06-29-2004 02:02 AM

Re: The Draft...if it comes back...

Originally Posted by Madmartagen

Originally Posted by "Pvt.Pinhead":7feb0
For fucks sake dude, dont be such a fuckin coward!!! Screw idividual rights man, me Id do anything the President told me to do!!

What if it was Clinton and he wanted you to suck his pecker? happy:

It would probaly depend...most likely no, Id do anything for the president, as long as it does something to save the life of someone...

HAHHHHAHA Oh God thats disgusting. You dont need this anymore (tosses self respect out the window.)

Regardless of who the person with the title is but for the office that that person holds, its the office no the man the the secret service protect and salute and obey. We should be obient towards our nation.

The reason why we have our bill of rights is so that we can have thoughts contrary to the wishes of our government. It is our duty to respect the sacrafice the Continental Army made by not bowing down to any government we feel is violating our civil rights. It is your duty as an American to question the authority of your government.

The bill of rights was formed more of guidelines and it was made to have the ability to change and bend itself in different situations (I just finished going over this topic in Summer School, so dont tell me Im wrong, 3 weeks over the Constitution and Bill of Rights...)

Wow, 3 weeks and you are still wrong. GG. I was referring to the fact that the current administration is eating away our basic freedoms. I Quote Mr. Bush "There ought to be limits to freedom." If you are a type of person who does whatever your government says without question or thought of the consequences of what it could do to fellow citizens, then you have completely lost the idea of what this country is about.

And if we are so strict on individual rights then wouldnt it be true that i have the individual right not to be told what to do by my boss? I mean if you think about it we (Americans) work for America, America is our boss, sure we dont HAVE to do what she tells you to do, but if you dont then you shouldnt "be payed", or live America...

Your boss isnt your overlord, he has rules to follow just like everyone else. No one is above the law.

As long as your working for your boss, he can tell you to write a report or whatever on something, and if you dont he has the right to fire you. If your living in America and she asks you to help her, you dont have to do it, but then you dont have to live in America afterwards[/u][/quote:7feb0]

You can quit and get another job. The government is not my boss and therefore I am not going to leave the country if I disagree with its decisions, instead I will voice my opinion. Are you like this at school or something? Do you normally just do whatever it is anyone asks of you without thinking of whetther they have the right to ask it of you?[/quote:7feb0]

Ya, I dont feel like seperating all my answers so....pretty much, Ill do what ever the government tells me to do as long as it doesnt go to far such as what Hitler did, is going too far, or what Stalin did, or Saddam, or whatever. But I do believe that we should make the whole world a better place not just our country, if theres an evil dictator killing 1000's there shouldnt be hesitation, send the whole damn country if thats what it takes! I mean having 1000's of our soldiers dieing is way better then further killing of 1000's of civilians dieing.

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