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Poseidon 09-04-2004 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by Merlin122
it wont work with my unleet MX card cry:

what card is it?

mines a nvidia gf4 mx 440 - is it worth downloading?

*HFE*QuadForce 09-04-2004 04:47 PM

3rd person is weird

geRV 09-04-2004 04:52 PM

[quote="*HFE*QuadForce":133a0]3rd person is weird


Whats the addidtion to the shortcut to enable the console?

NexusRevived 09-04-2004 04:56 PM

[quote="*HFE*QuadForce":376ad]3rd person is weird


that grass looks like poo

Webb 09-04-2004 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Buckweed
Downloading now!

LOL I need a new HD. only have 1.6GB left, this will just fit.

Delete some MILF files.

Sgt. Paine 09-04-2004 05:00 PM



geRV 09-04-2004 05:01 PM

[quote="Sgt. Paine":271ad][img][/img]

HELP NEEDED![/quote:271ad]

INstall the new dx9

geRV 09-04-2004 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by *HFE*QuadForce":16efd]3rd person is weird


that grass looks like poo[/quote:16efd]

Looks good on high settings ;) ... banzai.jpg

Proteus 09-04-2004 05:06 PM

I've got an error they can fix, I have no sound and the fucking thing crashes every time I try to fucking shoot. God it's pissing me off.

Sgt. Paine 09-04-2004 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by "Sgt. Paine":4cd42


INstall the new dx9[/quote:4cd42]
what the shit is a dx9?

geRV 09-04-2004 05:09 PM

[quote="Sgt. Paine":8b8a0][quote=Gerard][quote="Sgt. Paine":8b8a0][img]]

HELP NEEDED![/quote]

INstall the new dx9[/quote:8b8a0]
what the shit is a dx9?[/quote:8b8a0]


Direct x 9,

[url=""] ... laylang=en[/url]

Mr.Buttocks 09-04-2004 05:21 PM


NexusRevived 09-04-2004 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Proteus
I've got an error they can fix, I have no sound and the fucking thing crashes every time I try to fucking shoot. God it's pissing me off.


1. Downloading from a different place

2. Restarting

3. re-installing demo

MotoxXx 09-04-2004 05:30 PM

P4 2.67Ghz
GeForce Fx5900 128mb ver.
512mb eDDR-2300

Runs good for me with Medium Textures and High Model Details.. I havent restarted yet since I installed so that could help a bit as well as a defrag.. happy:

geRV 09-04-2004 05:34 PM

Played through this a laod of times now, :observation mode.

Graphics are really nice for a game thats running on an updated\rewritten quake 3 engine, easily the best character\weapons models in any ww2 fps so far. The physics add a lot to the gameplay, mainly those gas tanks that you can send scooting along the ground and a good chunk of the environment seems to be interactive in some way.

The guy in the walkthrough video said that "the game will play different every time", in regards to ai this may be true but how about some of the scripted sequences. If you wanna actually feel that the game is playing diferent then seeing certain planes blow apart and the guard tower getting owned every time sorta takes away from this. A variable in the code to make the events more random would have looked better, maybe the guard tower doesn't get hit but the corsair stil gets blasted and sent flying into the hill, or occasionally none of these happen.

Ai ive noticed seems a little odd, i dont think ive yet seen the japs with the smg fire at me, anytime im hit its by a guy with a rifle, only time ive seen a guy with an smg was when he was in close slapping the shit out of me with it. They do some smart things now and again like the time one rushed into the hut i was in and started stabbing me with the bayonet, then again ive sen them do some really stupid stuff like one japanese guy charging me then suddenly stopping and kneeling completly like he was reloading his rifle.

Grenades need a lot of work, i dunno if its just me but when i throw a grenade i find it near impossible to tell if its went off or not. Theres very little smoke\fire from the explosion, the explosion (seems) barely audiable. Only time i know when ive thrown one and its went where i aimed is when the japs start to scatter from that area. The few times i have seen it explode it seemed to lay on the ground for 3 or so seconds (call of duty dtyle) before blowing up and doing barely any damage to the 3 or 4 japs that were closeby it. I think the actual grenade effect from allied assault was a lot better, you could see and hear it explode, in PA you seem to be left wondering "has it gone off yet?".

Also seems to have a touch of spearhead thrown in for good measure. You have a 50cal machinegun raping planes, you run outta ammo, you hit r and what happens....200 more rounds magically appear in the ammo loadout despite the fact you havn't moved a muscle. Seriously is adding a reload animation that hard? If im using an mg i want to FEEL as if im using an mg and not some static turret with unlimited ammo, (see day of defeat mg-42 mg-34 browning .30cal).

The physics and stuff are nice but the ragdoll seems weird in some ways, i shot one guy and he literally leapt into the air flung himself round and landed flat on his ass. Other times ive seen dead enemies laying on the ground in a sitting position at impossible angles. The one funny thing i seen was a jap on the ground sorta crawling around almost dead and 2 team mates seemed to run into him sending his body rolling over a few times. Ive also noticed that enemy weapons on the ground have a habit of floating just off the ground or slowly spinning in a circle. Oh and you can crawl prone through dead bodies, gg cod, remove please.

The command system i think was a waste of time, ordering advance retreat covering fire etc..i think ive used it once, mosta the time when you;re playing you just play and barely even think about issueing commands.

Despite its flaws they still have a few months to fix it, its really fun to play and retains the moha feel (to me anyway). Graphics and audio are really well done, ai can be dumb at times but other times it can be pretty smart. The weapons have a nice feel to them, the tommygun doesn't feel like an airsoft gun anymore like in allied assault, when you fire it the sound and the recoil makes you feel as though you're firing it.

Hopefully they can get some of the kinks worked out and still get it out on time.

NexusRevived 09-04-2004 05:44 PM

question to gerv- when you shoot the cap off a tank thing, and it flys forward can it hit someone and make them like fly backward and kill them? that would own

geRV 09-04-2004 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by NexusRevived
question to gerv- when you shoot the cap off a tank thing, and it flys forward can it hit someone and make them like fly backward and kill them? that would own

Dont think it can, i seen it push an enemy along before but he sorta slid off it after a few feet.

geRV 09-04-2004 05:49 PM

To get the console add ths to end of command line

+set ui_console 1

Commands are same as in mohaa.

Short Hand 09-04-2004 06:02 PM

ok My thoughts on this game...

1 Loading time is rediculous.

2. On Low settings, this game look like complete and utter shit, worse then the Original Mohaa on maxed out settings. (At least I could run Doom 3 on low and it still looked fantastic, this game just chugs a fugs. i was lucky with a steady 16 to 28 fps in battles.

3. The AI, did the Japenese really go and hide from me in a Bush ? did my comrades purposely look me in the face, then run in front of my gunfire ? Did the Japenese really purposely clump up together so 10 bullets from myy Tommy would gun them down.... for a 596 meg demo, they should of had some brains.

4. Noticible clipping every where.

As gerard said... "did that grenade go off" ?

Good Things.

1.The game atmoshpere feels great at times, action packed fun, Weapon sounds to me and brutish enough, aiming is some what hard since the chross hair is huge, and toggeling from iron site is realistic.

2. Commanding my squad kicks ass. they work well for me. except when they run in front..

3. Fighter battle at the start feels great, quite scene to play in. This does feel liek the omaha of MOhaa.

-I would give this game

on a scale of 1 to 10 a 8.0. All problems aside, this is only a demo, I am sure these problems will be fixed 100 % be release. Its a good game, BUT NOT THE STELLAR savior you all wanted for the MOH series, it will do well, but it ain't no call of duty. happy:

NexusRevived 09-04-2004 06:18 PM

what is your specs short?

BlackJackal 09-04-2004 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Buckweed

NexusRevived 09-04-2004 06:35 PM

jesus, its been on 99% for a half an hour now. it was 2 sec left then keeps jumping up. dman this thing is jumpy oOo:

9mm BeRetTa 09-04-2004 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by m1ck97

Originally Posted by Merlin122
it wont work with my unleet MX card cry:

what card is it?

mines a nvidia gf4 mx 440 - is it worth downloading?

I have a nvidia gf4 mx 440 and it wont work wallbash:

NexusRevived 09-04-2004 07:22 PM

Just got done playing amd i have to say its really nothing special at all.

the gas tanks are kind of like when you blow up a ballon and let it go in a room and it goes crazy ha. at the airfield by the 50 cal i shot one off and it flew around for quite a long time before lkilling my medic happy:

and is there a way to change the video quality settings after you already chose them when you first started up the game? because i put all of mine on low and it looks like shiat and i want to put them on high mkay

Sgt. Paine 09-04-2004 07:24 PM

if i had a better computer maybe i would buy it.

Gonzo 09-04-2004 08:03 PM

this demo is so fucking short, but ea has really redeamed them selfs this demo rules

geRV 09-04-2004 08:03 PM


Originally Posted by NexusRevived
Just got done playing amd i have to say its really nothing special at all.

the gas tanks are kind of like when you blow up a ballon and let it go in a room and it goes crazy ha. at the airfield by the 50 cal i shot one off and it flew around for quite a long time before lkilling my medic happy:

and is there a way to change the video quality settings after you already chose them when you first started up the game? because i put all of mine on low and it looks like shiat and i want to put them on high mkay

Run the config tool, start\programs\eagames\blablabla

NexusRevived 09-04-2004 08:06 PM

rock: thanks

Steven.m 09-04-2004 08:09 PM

Fucksake wallbash: I cant d/l the demo im getting crap transfer rates 30 odd is the best i can get is there any links u get 150 300 kbps or more

geRV 09-04-2004 08:22 PM

Ghost Dog 09-04-2004 09:18 PM

Found the menu to change your settings ingame, press esc once the game is loaded to configure your keyboard.

Nearly finished the demo (keep getting killed at the airport lol, quicksave doesn't seem to work) and I must say I 'm quite disappointed. I can't say I admire the engine as much as I did with Farcry and Doom3 but it 's quite alright. Still feel like Mohaa played better and I had more fun playing that SP demo even though it has been 3 years.

The medic seems to get lost quite alot, think he needs glasses or contacts... and your team isn't much of a help (I kill 5 times the enemies my team kills which is quite unrealistic in my opinion as they count 3 or 4).

Conclusion for now: I hope MP turns out alot better than this or they won't see 60 euros from me.

Machette 09-04-2004 09:25 PM


NexusRevived 09-04-2004 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Machette


Madmartagen 09-04-2004 10:15 PM

i have to download it again from fileplanet, because i paused it and must have continued it from another server, so the file cache doesnt match the one from fileplanet. its a good thing i didnt get this error until after i had spent the 45 minutes downloading it. goddamnit cuss:

imported_Grim_Reaper 09-04-2004 10:17 PM

my nvidia card doesnt support it damnit mad:

Madmartagen 09-04-2004 11:13 PM

pretty nice. the japanese rifle is slow as hell and how come you dont get a .45?? i want me pistol. im not used to the whole medic thing, i was looking around for med packs to use myself. i thought the game was great, cant wait for it to come out. the tommy sounds differant than the one at E3, though. The airfield is pretty tough, i found it hard to tell which plane is japanese and which is american. i just shot at all the planes. biggrin:

Machette 09-04-2004 11:20 PM

thought it was a pos

NexusRevived 09-04-2004 11:39 PM

wow i thoguht this game really sucked until i highred my settings. GREAt graphics

at the part where you are at the jap machine gun and like 10 japs charge at you i just crouched with my tommy and shot all their legs out rock:

it felt like i was nick cage from windtalkers

Scalping Chief 09-04-2004 11:49 PM

install now sleeping:

Cyberdoc 09-05-2004 01:20 AM

1.cvars like fps and com_maxfps dont seem to stay after you restart the game. Tryed adding them to the autoexec.cfg as well as addeding them to a custom.cfg (called from target line) and no go. (EA alsl restricted acces to changes in pak0

2. Thanks for making me guess what my settings should be from the start, at least you can rerun the config tool.

3. im gonn have to buy it to see more....ea's mission accomplished.

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