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Poseidon 10-13-2005 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Proteus
How hard is it to spell Zen?

That directed at me? eek:

[quote="[DAS REICH] Blitz":aeb18]once again, the poster ranked 6th in total posts is not mentioned...... (in addition to all goodbye videos)[/quote:aeb18]

I think its because everyone found you that annoying in the past that they just overlook your posts now without reading them. Therefore hoping you dont exist.


Originally Posted by Proteus

Originally Posted by Poseidon

rolleyes: I dont think I have ever blamed canada for anything on this board?


LOL! really, i havent said anyting related to me hating canadians

Airborne Butters 10-13-2005 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by "Airborne Butters":3b98e
good with mg...come on Gerv you know better. That's like saying you the most kick ass at pingpong with a tennis racket.

Or like sayin the kar98 in 1.3 takes skill to use. plzdie:[/quote:3b98e]

It does! The only gun that can be declared a 'noob' cannon in 1.3, would be the Light autos. You can pull a 5 rod burst at a head and have 3 of those shots hit head.

I usually play heavies myself, but I've dipped into the rifles once n a while. I can snipe a dirty streak in underwear.

geRV 10-13-2005 05:32 PM

[quote="Airborne Butters":f30a7][quote=geRV]

Originally Posted by "Airborne Butters":f30a7
good with mg...come on Gerv you know better. That's like saying you the most kick ass at pingpong with a tennis racket.

Or like sayin the kar98 in 1.3 takes skill to use. plzdie:[/quote:f30a7]

It does! The only gun that can be declared a 'noob' cannon in 1.3, would be the Light autos. You can pull a 5 rod burst at a head and have 3 of those shots hit head.

I usually play heavies myself, but I've dipped into the rifles once n a while. I can snipe a dirty streak in underwear.[/quote:f30a7]

Kar 98 imo and in the opinion of the vast majority took no skill to use. In dod source its much more balanced and isn't the "shoot my big toe and i for some reason die" noob cannon it was in 1.3. In source u gotta score a head or upperchest shot with the kar to kill in one hit, the garand gayly enough still seems to take 2 shots to kill people. rolleyes: annoy:

As for smg's check them out in dod source, theyre like spraying machines, nowhere near as accurate as they once were loney:

Unknown_Sniper 10-13-2005 05:33 PM

I feel left out yet again loney:

Jin-Roh 10-13-2005 05:34 PM

[quote="Airborne Butters":0f1a0]
Jin Roh - In the running for youth spammer.[/quote:0f1a0]

Spam? eek:

ninty 10-13-2005 05:53 PM

If everyone says i'm the nicest canuck here...what does that say about the rest of the canucks?

Just kidding i'm nice...


elstatec 10-13-2005 06:13 PM

gf1- full of people with smaller cocks than myself.

Akuma 10-13-2005 06:19 PM

[quote="Airborne Butters":a8d19]Akuma - Anti Christ . Could quite possibly devour someone's soul?[/quote:a8d19]
I swear I did that once.... I think...

Might have been a cum shot though...

Stammer 10-13-2005 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
gf1- full of people with larger cocks than myself.

Makes sense.

Himmler 10-13-2005 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by "Airborne Butters":514ef
Akuma - Anti Christ . Could quite possibly devour someone's soul?

I swear I did that once.... I think...

Might have been a cum shot though...[/quote:514ef]

Nyck 10-13-2005 06:47 PM

Nyck - the king of gifs and pr0n


Nyck - Made Major Lieutenant Master Sergeant Admiral in Battlefield 2.

Nyck - Seems to hate or be neagtive twoards everyone, but also very knoweldgable.


Pps..LOL Where is this redneck shit coming I dont hunt, fuck relatives, live in the country, have a 4x4 truck on monster truck wheels, own a gun, have a gun rack on my car, own anything that says"GIT-R-Done" on it, I Watched nascar but got bored with it and havent watched it in like a year a half.

PPPS I will give everyone ebausm(videos in general) rock:

My list
Pyro - Would blow dudes to become a mod, know it all whos malcontent for McNabb and the eagles grows everyday his team is buried in FF. Will Die b4 leafs ever win cup again.
Tripper - Dudemachine
Gerv - Snooker shooting Tech geek who only posts to either blow his load about videogame graphics, insult someone.
Zoner - Sig master, kewl dude, was within 10 minutes of my home for a day and didnt give me buttsecks
Ninty - Die hard Calgarian(thats right I made that shit up) Who is wanted for crossing the border with a chainsaw
Milla - ROFL!!! sums him up. Keeps me occupied at work with Txt Msgs.
Coleman - Gonzo, kewl guy who masturbates to his computer desktop. 1337 magic h4x
Mr Buttocks - Posts stories of goat penies growing out of elbows.
Bucknub - ellen degeneres secret love child b4 she went lez. Thinks hes good at bf2 but blows ass. wants the cock bad.
Maple - Last seen digging a tunnel in his backyard. would go gay for MacGuyver
Akuma - loves corpse fucking and death metal. actualy corporate monkey slave for KODAK.
Short hand - Roids.
Judas - enigma. Very metrosexual. Drinks starbucks smokes 10 packs a day, Then works out and flosses. animal luver, people hater, rice burning machine. hacker, huge e dong.
TonyMontana - broken face, got free swag out of it. Kewl ass dude.
Himmler - lots of ROFLS lately. Begs me to upload porn. Former Canadian
Vance - Who? ...LOL
Art Attack - Color coordinates hair prior to garage band concert. copious amounts of pictures of him blowing dank smoke. Perfect for Myspace.
Eight Ace - Has a seperate internet where he finds fucked up pics of cats with race car wheels for legs, etc.
Guarnere - Former WWF wrestler Matt Hardy, now out of work and slimmed down.
Madmartagen - Gets pwned by women in various manners. Ie Selling $400 dollar jacket on ebay for 40 bucks. Running for their lives when he says he likes them.
Duke of Ray - Beans, Cats, Letters written by autistic 9 yr old accompanying free game mailed to other members.
Jin Roh - posted beastality after he thought I hacked his computer and got a picture of him(got it from myspace) fuctard who has become Ungrateful fuck when his dad would buy him a car.
Arkan - Hits it in the shitter, complete with canned arkan image of, Sunglasses, Wife Beater T shirt, interchangeable handgun/middle finger.
Airborne Butters - only posts pictures of him with fish. Fedex Hoodie.
CoMaToSe - Mole. Worst intro ever with picture, pedophles like his sister.
Fluffy Bunny - Ed norton look a like that does nothing but party with various mates and skanks.
Acideyez - Lithuanian Squirrel Hunter, doesnt know shit about baseball.
jujumantb - Makes Vanilla Ice look like doctor fuckin dre.
Duffy - The little brother that has to go with you if you want to go out. You tolerate him because you want to have a good time.
TGB! - Has spite for The Man and Me.
newt. - Needs to jump off a cliff and die on shallow jagged rock filled water.
Anita_head - dillusional one legged billionare, who could kick anyones ass, fan of benji madden and hello kitty.
Swill - Lesbian, shot self in face after too much redicule over giving tripper e-head over TS.
elstatec- cool because he has the 1337 name ever nicholas. Gay because he frequents sausage fests. Unnatural love for Dreamcast. Single Handly overused the word Chav.
Posieden - ROEing Nub biggrin:

Himmler 10-13-2005 06:51 PM

gotta love the swill one beer:

Akuma 10-13-2005 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Nyck
Akuma - loves corpse fucking and death metal. actualy corporate monkey slave for KODAK.

Truest so far.

Sounds like I have a stalker... That's hot.

Arkan 10-13-2005 06:56 PM

Ok, a few i missed....

Poseidon - Welcome to the forums oOo: ....and i even spelled your name right
Dr Nein - Nein this bud !!'re on the list now
Whatada - Who are you again?
Bleuachdu - Possibly our 2nd black dude here.....thats you in your avatar right??
Solidus - Don't think i ever had problems with him.....flies under my radar
m00nraker - Well, if you participated more, perhaps we'll remember you
Bean 2 - Looks like a kid but drinks beer
Miscguy - He's just that, a miscellaneous guy
Sgt Paine - Suprisingly known, just forgotten about....oops
elitecloud - Poor bastard that mods mohaa. I think i posted there once
Dreadhead - Forgotten since he cut his hair
Anti - I think he has Ned in his closet somewhere
Jbird - Another one who flies under the radar
Machette - Didn't you spam that other board years ago?
Stammer - Is this your original name?
Crazy Canadian - You have nothing on Maple
Bullitt - They have a movie named after you, be happy with that
strvs - You have the face you just wanna slap
Sgt Stackem - Been around awhile...just doesn't throw his .02 around much
M79 - Probably because you're an asshole....j/k
Proteus - I want Leech back you fuck
Blitz - Long time vet.....sorry i missed you
Scalping Chief - Are you Clarence "Screaming Buffalo" Swamptown in disguise?
Merlin122 - yup, he's o' rly
Unknown sniper - Well, what do you expect ...your name says it all
elstatec - Thinks his 5' cock is killer
BadScript - I still think he doesn't know me

9mm BeRetTa 10-13-2005 06:56 PM

beretta - only man with almost 1000 posts, but all so meaningless no one cares to mention him


Arkan 10-13-2005 07:03 PM

[quote="9mm BeRetTa":4da47]beretta - only man with almost 1000 posts, but all so meaningless no one cares to mention him


Drop dead n00b. How's that for caring?

Nyck 10-13-2005 07:05 PM

LOL Bleuachdu looks like the lead singer from bare naked ladies. Hes from detroit...but white as bread. Passes out to legs breaking.

mr.miyagi 10-13-2005 07:18 PM


Whatada 10-13-2005 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan
Whatada - Who are you again?


10-13-2005 07:49 PM


forgot about ya

mr. miyagi - UK chap that had a funny sig a while ago

Art Attack 10-13-2005 07:56 PM

Solidus - French body building priest from Gatineau

Scorched Earth 10-13-2005 08:35 PM

Scorched Earth - Person that i suspect no cares about whatsoever.
EDIT: holy crap, i only have like 415 posts, no wonder im a complete stranger to most of you guys.

Michael 10-13-2005 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan
M79 - Probably because you're an asshole....j/k

i'm just glad someone mentioned me dance:

Tripper 10-13-2005 09:07 PM

gf1 - Everybody has aids

MotoxXx 10-13-2005 09:44 PM

Someone add me.

Lately I've just been reading everything but not posting. eek:

Madmartagen 10-13-2005 09:51 PM

lol, ive never punched a woman before, when did i say that? i dont look like im 45 do i?

Sgt. Paine 10-13-2005 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan
Sgt Paine - Suprisingly known, just forgotten about....oops

oh so thats what it is.

Michael 10-13-2005 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
lol, ive never punched a woman before, when did i say that? i dont look like im 45 do i?

no. more like late 20's early 30s.

Milla 10-13-2005 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
Milla - I HEAR j00 Callin


CoMaToSe 10-14-2005 02:09 AM

Pyro: Whiney cunt bag
Swill: Rosanne Barr meats Rosie o'Donnel
Arkan: THe only (non famous) man I'd ever go gay for
Zoner: Vengeful God... Loving God.... Vengeful God...
Milla: Military BAbe
Acideyez: Too high to type coherently
Tripper: Hates me, though I secretly like him, he's funny and throws out witty insults like Spock drops logic
Whatada: Sexy
Duffy: Revealed us all to be gay, we hated him until we saw his picture and how sexy he was
M79: A grenade launcher
JohnJ: Oldest fart on teh intarweb
ShortHand: Pornstar Avatar, but has a small penis
Jin-Roh: Immature
Bullit: Master of Hentai
Nyck: Half crazed nascar redneck, emmisary from ebaums
Duke_of_Ray: Has super flatulence
Motoxx: Started the sexy avatar trend
Art Attack: Also the name of a channel four television program
Sgt. Paine: Never really paid attention
Coleman: Has declared an intifada on us all
Buttocks: Sexy
TGB!: Black, and therefore well-hung
Madmartagen: Well rounded individual
Da_Bian: Stikfas loser
Berretta: Beats me
Scorched Earth: Seen him post, but never paid attention
}{awke: Didnt like my MoHAA mods
Maple: LEft us for some internet fantasy world full of antisocial losers. Wait...
Fluffy_BUnny: Best Partier
Mr. Miyagi: Helped the Karate Kid and the chick wannabe
Akuma: Likes it kinky, spattered in his, her, and animal blood
Himmler: Well liked
Ned: Most infamous
Vance: I always think hes Himmler
Blitz: Couldnt say
Bucky: Evil cat
Stammer: Pimp
Unknown_Sniper: His name says it all
Merlin: Vengeful
Gerv: Leprechaun of graphics cards, disapperars at random
Stat: USed to have a cool avatar, but has since changed it
Ninty: Fights war in outer space
AIrborne Butters: HAs big sideburns
Poseiden: DUnno
Prot: Halo
Scalping Chief: Couldnt say
CoMaToSe: Fat, has a HAWT SIS oOo:
Bleuachdu: Funny n****r
BAdscript: Only comes to give bad news, but pays for the site, so hes cool
Sgt. Scrotum: Scary

sorry if I omitted anybody.

Poseidon 10-14-2005 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Nyck
Posieden - ROEing Nub biggrin:

LOOOL. Damn right!! happy:

Mr.Buttocks 10-14-2005 09:35 AM

I’m too lazy to do everyone.........

Judas - Caffeine addict. Enjoys tickling his own asshole with the bristles from one of his paintbrushes.

Zoner - Mick Foley's stunt double. Possibly Iron Maiden's biggest fan.

geRV - An Irishman from the Land of Ire. Owns Europe's largest cat, and funds his graphics card addiction by gun running and selling the corpses of dead protestants to genetic reasearch labs.

Duke_of_Ray - Half werewolf, half bean; all sexy. Now in the Air Force. Possibly dead.

CoMaToSe - A big cuddly naturalized German teddy bear. Face like the moon. I like his sister. He gives me GFD. User most likely to eat the offtopic forum.

Arkan - Likes cigars and asses. User most likely to appear in the line up for the new version of The Village People.

Swill - Lesbian android with a Hillary Clinton body-kit.

Tripper - Crackdude.

Strvs – Asian.

maple - Possibly dead.

CoMaToSe 10-14-2005 09:38 AM

[quote="Mr.Buttocks":e79fc]I’m too lazy to do everyone.........

Judas - Caffeine addict. Enjoys tickling his own asshole with the bristles from one of his paintbrushes.

Zoner - Mick Foley's stunt double. Possibly Iron Maiden's biggest fan.

geRV - An Irishman from the Land of Ire. Owns Europe's largest cat, and funds his graphics card addiction by gun running and selling the corpses of dead protestants to genetic reasearch labs.

Duke_of_Ray - Half werewolf, half bean; all sexy. Now in the Air Force. Possibly dead.

CoMaToSe - A big cuddly naturalized German teddy bear. Face like the moon. I like his sister. He gives me GFD. User most likely to eat the offtopic forum.

Arkan - Likes cigars and asses. User most likely to appear in the line up for the new version of The Village People.

Swill - Lesbian android with a Hillary Clinton body-kit.

Tripper - Crackdude.

Strvs – Asian.

maple - Possibly dead.[/quote:e79fc]
happy: happy: happy: +1 and all my GFD

CoMaToSe 10-14-2005 09:39 AM

Judas: Killed Jesus

Zoner 10-14-2005 09:56 AM

haw haw! This thread = gold.

You guys got me pegged pretty good. beer:

You are all my bastards sons!!

CoMaToSe 10-14-2005 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Zoner
haw haw! This thread = gold.

You guys got me pegged pretty good. beer:

You are all my bastards sons!!

daddy? ed:

Jimmy Paterson 10-14-2005 10:23 AM

what about me?

wintersforge 10-14-2005 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner
haw haw! This thread = gold.

You guys got me pegged pretty good. beer:

You are all my bastards sons!!


Doctor Duffy 10-14-2005 12:11 PM

Not that this is supposed to be any funny, I just thought I'd share my little take on everyone...

Zoner - Big friendly he-man. HAW! HAW! HAW!
Buttocks - Wierd bald guy.
Nyck - You're typical stereotype of a 30 year old, slaving his life away to videogames.
gERV - Geeky, but still pretty cool.
Tripper - Wigga 4 lyfe
Milla - He's like your stereotype of the guy that has to follow every trend out there, listen to all the latest music and wear the latest clothing. Still, he's kewl.
KTOG - Kinda boring.
Arkan - Baby got back.
Scalping Chief - Iono, really. All I like about him is his avatar and sig. Beyond that, I really dont know who he is.
Pyro - Whiney.
Whatada - Geek
Comotose - Wildy jealous of my butt
Swill - Just swell. And fat.
Airborne Butters - Kewl name, kewl guy.
BadScript - R.I.P.
Judas - I dunno, I guess I dont like him. I dont really care.
Jin-Roh - I thought he was japanese. Turns out to be some teenage guy with a whacky hair cut.
Bucknub - See: Milla.

I'm tired of doing them.

Zoner 10-14-2005 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by wintersforge

Originally Posted by Zoner
haw haw! This thread = gold.

You guys got me pegged pretty good. beer:

You are all my bastards sons!!


Ok, maybe not you, Bleu, Butch and Johnj. Everyone else though is FROM MAH SEED!

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