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elstatec 01-16-2006 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by c312
why have oil prices increased since the war if that was the sole reason? I mean, yeah, it's easy to jump on the bandwagon and shout "no blood for oil", it's quite convenient, true? not so much, but definately easy. ... leEast.asp

sums it up pretty well, idiot.


and i hear what you are saying machette on that issue, similiar new article with the Prince of Saudi Arabia saying "..... to call for a nuclear-free zone in the Gulf." Which sounds good and all but with Israel having every WMD known to man, that will never happen. ... 615832.stm

c312 01-16-2006 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec

Originally Posted by c312
why have oil prices increased since the war if that was the sole reason? I mean, yeah, it's easy to jump on the bandwagon and shout "no blood for oil", it's quite convenient, true? not so much, but definately easy. ... leEast.asp

sums it up pretty well, idiot.

[quote:5e9d5]Credible forecasts of oil prices are difficult to make at this time only twelve days into the conflict. Clearly many yet unknown military and market events will play out in the coming days that would modify any forecast made at this time. Several impressionistic observations can be drawn however:[/quote:5e9d5]

stfu dumbass, read the article before you say something. It says that twelve days into the forecast the prices hadn't stopped their trend of dropping. if it was recent, it would show the prices spiking to nearly 3 times the price per barrel on the last date in their graphs. Haven't you been reading in the news about record oil prices per barrel?

elstatec 01-16-2006 05:40 PM

no you stfu dumbass, yes it is wrote only 12 days and i fully realised that fool, its the articles look at previous conflicts/scenearios in the area compared to the oil prices and that is what im highlighting.

Still doesnt explain at all why Iran should not be allowed nuclear energy which this is truely about even with your efforts to go offtopic and make the Iraq war justifiable sleeping:

Trunks 01-16-2006 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Machete
Like I said, Ayatollah Khomeini said the same thing...did it happen? No.

Then again, Khomeini never possessed/wasn't in the prossess of possessing nuclear arms, now was he?

Machette 01-16-2006 07:00 PM

That's true but it could just be a trend passing down through leaders, Arabs like hearing that sort of rhetoric, its being like that for years...Like I said I don't think if he acquires nuclear weapons hes immediately going to launch nuclear weapons at Israel...hes smarter than that. It's all about nuclear detterence and the MAD (mutually assured destruction theory).

rdeyes 01-16-2006 07:10 PM

i could see them having nukes if they had a moderate president that wasnt bent on blowing up israel , or one that supposedly a former hostage taker

Machette 01-16-2006 08:13 PM

Did you read anything in this thread? sleeping:

Johnj 01-16-2006 09:03 PM

Iran can't even keep their aircraft flying, letting them have a nuclear reactor is just begging for trouble.

Like another Chernobyl.


c312 01-16-2006 09:17 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
no you stfu dumbass, yes it is wrote only 12 days and i fully realised that fool, its the articles look at previous conflicts/scenearios in the area compared to the oil prices and that is what im highlighting.

Still doesnt explain at all why Iran should not be allowed nuclear energy which this is truely about even with your efforts to go offtopic and make the Iraq war justifiable sleeping:

you are the one who started on Iraq, not me, i was only replying to your claim that the current war in Iraq was for oil. You gave me evidence about the past in which oil prices went down even though during the current war they have increased.

/Iraq subject

elstatec 01-16-2006 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by c312

Originally Posted by elstatec
no you stfu dumbass, yes it is wrote only 12 days and i fully realised that fool, its the articles look at previous conflicts/scenearios in the area compared to the oil prices and that is what im highlighting.

Still doesnt explain at all why Iran should not be allowed nuclear energy which this is truely about even with your efforts to go offtopic and make the Iraq war justifiable sleeping:

you are the one who started on Iraq, not me, i was only replying to your claim that the current war in Iraq was for oil. You gave me evidence about the past in which oil prices went down even though during the current war they have increased.

/Iraq subject

actually under the 'Oil Price Movements During a Crisis' in that article it explains situation where the oil increases price.

/Iraq subject

elstatec 01-17-2006 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Machette
Iran bans CNN, I love it. happy:

Iran lifts CNN ban after apology ... 617754.stm


Machette 01-17-2006 02:35 PM


Eight Ace 01-17-2006 02:55 PM

so what if President Ahmadinejad believes he is surrounded by a green aura
and that world leaders cannot blink while he is speaking, can't he still have
some nuclear weapons?...aww c'mon now, stop being mean. eek:

elstatec 01-17-2006 10:52 PM

Iran call for nuclear talks dismissed ... F23FBF.htm
yea great, Iran offer to restart talks which could solve this situation but are denied. hake:

oh and Israel are threatening Iran, like they did before with Iraq when they sent an Israeli attack in 1981 to destroy a nuclear reactor there hake:

Israel: Iran must not acquire nuclear weapons ... index.html

Machette 01-18-2006 02:07 PM

Shameful, sure hope a war isn't a resolution.

Madmartagen 01-18-2006 04:42 PM

i tried to read into as much as was written in this topic but if i state the obvious then whatever.

I think this has more to do with trust than it has to do with the US being hypocratic in terms of who is allowed to have nukes and who isnt. Does anyone here trust Iran with nukes more than they trust the US? to me, it is a no brainer that the US is more responsible with nuclear technology than Iran, Russia and whoever else could be considered a rogue or renegade nation today. I dont wrap myself up in the flag and i certainly dont approve of how Bush is running foreign affairs, but that isnt the issue. Iraq and Iran are two seperate cases and I dont see how machette, static or whoever can bring up the war in iraq and compare it to whats going on in Iran. I think the US has a rightful concern about Irans real intention and I think it is accurate to say that there is a reason for that distrust.

the world would be a better place if there werent nukes, but its too late for that. whether you agree with america dropping the bomb on Japan, you cant ignore the fact that they would have been invented anyways. every nation involved in ww2 except for maybe China was trying to develope the bomb at the same time. if today, every nation announced that they had liquidated all of their nuclear arsenel, would you have peace of mind? i wouldnt. you just know that someone would have heldback a small stockpile. it doesnt matter if it was bush, clinton, regan, blair, thatcher, putin, stalin, mao or whoever...every nation claiming to have gotten rid of their stockpile would probably held back a few in reserve.

we have a large distrust of iran because we arent friendly with them. the US is an enemy of Iran - and vice versa. Is that not a legitimate reason to block their goal of obtaining nuclear technology??

When i said that we had the bigger end of the stick, i was reffering to the fact that even though it was a hypocritical situation for the US to not want Iran to have nukes, i was arguing that it was ok because it was benefitial for us to have them and for iran to not have them.

elstatec 01-18-2006 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Iraq and Iran are two seperate cases and I dont see how machette, static or whoever can bring up the war in iraq and compare it to whats going on in Iran..

helllo? what was one of the major factors of invading Iraq? Weapons of Mass Destruction thats right, which may you believe it is what a nuclear weapon is, which in turn is what Iran is being scrutinised for trying to produce, let alone that it is in the same area of the middle east, has a huge percentage of the worlds oil reserve, and has had a turbulent past with the US and UK, and is being threatened with sanctions among a few reasons, that is why it can be compared to the War in Iraq as this situation is so so so similar to Iraqs one that it is just amazing.

Madmartagen 01-19-2006 12:47 AM

no one is talking about invading iran, theyre talking about sanctions. the US does not have the manpower or capacity to invade Iran, change its govt and then police it. i dont trust the iranian govt and i would rather have them not pursue nuclear technology. when the world starts talking about war again, then i will change my mind.

elstatec 01-19-2006 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
no one is talking about invading iran, theyre talking about sanctions. the US does not have the manpower or capacity to invade Iran, change its govt and then police it. i dont trust the iranian govt and i would rather have them not pursue nuclear technology. when the world starts talking about war again, then i will change my mind.

no one is talking about invading Iran? did you not hear bush himself publicly on US television say that taking military action against Iran is an option, dammit just think before you type next time. ... 7622A.html ... inst_iran/ ... 410057.htm

elstatec 01-19-2006 08:41 AM ... 623810.stm

Johnj 01-19-2006 11:02 AM

So what Elstatec is saying is he wants a country, that can't even maintain their aircraft, to have a nuclear reactor.

I guess that way they can blow themselves to hell.


imported_Fluffy_Bunny 01-19-2006 08:05 PM

Iran isn't a responsible enough country to have Nuclear weapons, what kind of leader deserves nuclear weapons & also tells the world he wants to wipe Israel off the map? stupid:

elstatec 01-19-2006 08:11 PM

i swear is everybody just dumb here? when has this ever been about Iran wanting nuclear weapons, they want nuclear technology and research and have said against nuclear weapons, but because the leaders of the western world (US UK ETC) accuse Iran of doing it for nuclear weapons, you believe so, but you think you would of learned from the lack of them in Iraq that you should not believe in everything your leaders say stupid:

Coleman 01-19-2006 08:20 PM

omgzorz conspiracy theory!!!! They don't want bombs, they want electricity!!!!!!!!111111111

Fuck it, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what Iran would do with nuclear technology.

Trunks 01-19-2006 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
i swear is everybody just dumb here? when has this ever been about Iran wanting nuclear weapons, they want nuclear technology and research and have said against nuclear weapons, but because the leaders of the western world (US UK ETC) accuse Iran of doing it for nuclear weapons, you believe so, but you think you would of learned from the lack of them in Iraq that you should not believe in everything your leaders say stupid:

are you so narrowminded? Of course they won't announce their true intentions. If they went out and said, "yea we are making nukes, deal with it," I daresay that they would face war. Right now they have their poker face on, they say they are not producing nukes, and we can't prove 100% that they are, so we are in a stalemate, because sanctions, and in a worst case scenario, war, will be disastrous to both sides, especially over something that hasn't been confirmed as true.

And if American Intelligence says they are producing nukes, I have reason to believe them. Before some smart ass says the intelligence was wrong about Iraq, let me remind you that the CIA said that they knew Iraq had no WMD all along.

Fact is, the minute they have one nuke they will be parading it around, etc, and then, we won't be able to do anything, because it will be too late. we must sieze the moment, or we will lose the oppurtunity.

Will this give Islamic extremists even more reason to hate us? probably. Will it improve our relations with foreign countries? Probably not. However, we are talking about nukes, to this date, the most powerful, and devastating weapon man has ever concieved. We cannot let some crackpot dictator ruling an extremist country that is often at odds with out own country, to come into possession of such weapons.

Madmartagen 01-19-2006 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Coleman
Fuck it, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand what Iran would do with nuclear technology.

agreed. i dont trust iran and i dont need that asshole bush, cheney or that man-bitch rice to tell me why Iran shouldnt have nuclear technology.

elstatec 01-19-2006 08:59 PM

oh have you all became expert nuclear inspectors or something, ermm no stfu.

Oh if Iran could only be like the capitalist military industrial state of America, where they make bombs for profit, "peace" and "freedom" without any questions asked. sleeping:

c312 01-19-2006 09:04 PM

yep, he's gotta be from Tehran.

elstatec 01-19-2006 09:13 PM


nope, go watch fox news.

Trunks 01-19-2006 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
oh have you all became expert nuclear inspectors or something, ermm no stfu.

Oh if Iran could only be like the capitalist military industrial state of America, where they make bombs for profit, "peace" and "freedom" without any questions asked. sleeping:

c312, he doesnt have to be an iranian to be open minded....tho it is a bit disturbing to me that he would put "equality for all" before the safety of his own country, and his self. Weapons are made to be USED. If you make them, eventually, they will be used. No more countries can be allowed to make them. It might not be fair, but in the long run, it'll help. Sometimes, in order to do a good thing, you have to do a bad thing first.

elstatec 01-19-2006 09:48 PM

but the upkeep of Israel, US and UKs nukes is absolutely ok and on board isnt it? give me a break. I just believe there is alot of jumping to conclusions on this with you fox news cronies, that just because 'nuclear' technology can be developed to produce nuclear weapons doesnt mean at all that Iran is, they should be able to continue nuclear research all they want, and the double standards of letting Israel have freedom of all the nuclear weapons in that region to say the least doesnt sound right.

Madmartagen 01-19-2006 10:21 PM

im not saying its ok, im saying that i trust teh US with nukes more than i would trust Iran.

elstatec 01-19-2006 10:39 PM

well seeing as you are American im not really surprised on that.

Madmartagen 01-19-2006 10:42 PM

you trust Iran more than you trust the UK with nukes?

Coleman 01-19-2006 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
well seeing as you are American im not really surprised on that.


c312 01-19-2006 10:55 PM

you don't have to be american to understand that the US, the UK, and Israel are in drastically different situations than Iran. It''s the same reason why we don't give guns to felons. Sure, they might not use it for bad, but do you want to take that risk? And before you say that those other countries are criminals ask yourself, do you honestly think any of those countries would actually use nuclear weapons?

elstatec 01-19-2006 10:56 PM

Not a question of Trust as British troops went to Iraq on a lie, so i have no trust for the government in power but even if i did it would be biased, and I do not know enough about Iran to trust them either so I will put everyone on same level.

Irans Nuclear Research is whats this about, you talk as if they actually have nukes and that they have used them, which A. they dont have, and B. said they dont intend on making.

c312 01-19-2006 10:59 PM


if anyone is gonna use nukes, watch out for France. I just read an article about Chirac saying they would be willing to use nukes against terrorists.

Coleman 01-19-2006 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
Not a question of Trust as British troops went to Iraq on a lie, so i have no trust for the government in power but even if i did it would be biased, and I do not know enough about Iran to trust them either so I will put everyone on same level.

Irans Nuclear Research is whats this about, you talk as if they actually have nukes and that they have used them, which A. they dont have, and B. said they dont intend on making.

I'm giving's pointless.

elstatec 01-19-2006 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by c312
you don't have to be american to understand that the US, the UK, and Israel are in drastically different situations than Iran. It''s the same reason why we don't give guns to felons. Sure, they might not use it for bad, but do you want to take that risk? And before you say that those other countries are criminals ask yourself, do you honestly think any of those countries would actually use nuclear weapons?

hell-fucking-lo hiroshima and nagasaki?

Iran are as right to have nuclear weapons to deter as Israel, US and UK do, even though they clearly stated they will not produce nuclear weapons, but oh well the lack of hearing around here.

And so what you are saying is that Iran is full of Felons? What do you make that assumption on? Idioticy? Dementia? US and UK have done far worse things to Iran than the other way around so think about that. And your patriotism doesnt really open your mind to how the world is outside of the capitalist bubble.

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