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Sirus 04-16-2007 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by "dr nein":dc4a2
I have a hard time believing one guy did all that unless he somehow managed to tie them all to posts first.

The real question is...will Miscguy return from work today or be mysteriously absent?

With such a low body count i can assure you it was not my handywork. Besides, ive gotten away with all my rampages thus far, why would you think they'd get me this time.[/quote:dc4a2]
*talks into collar* we have our suspect, move in and take the target, Use deadly force if necessary

Simo Häyhä 04-16-2007 09:52 PM

A criminal will get a gun no matter what law is passed. Less guns does not exactly equate to less gun violence. Now that's simple math.

Short Hand 04-16-2007 10:10 PM

WOW !. I have been @ campus all day finishing up final projects and such.. this is very sad news ;(

Pyro 04-16-2007 10:21 PM

I learned about all this at subway on my break from work at like 3:30 pm EST

well america is prone to this shit now anyways...ya'll breed some fucked up kids.

Whatada 04-16-2007 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
I learned about all this at subway on my break from work at like 3:30 pm EST

well america is prone to this shit now anyways...ya'll breed some fucked up kids.

how did i see that coming?

i wonder what people said to your parents when you were born. rolleyes:

Pyro 04-16-2007 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Whatada

Originally Posted by Pyro
I learned about all this at subway on my break from work at like 3:30 pm EST

well america is prone to this shit now anyways...ya'll breed some fucked up kids.

how did i see that coming?

i wonder what people said to your parents when you were born. rolleyes:

school shootings are most common in I mistaken?

c312 04-16-2007 10:36 PM

that may be true, but we can't be blamed for bringing a pyro into the world... rolleyes:

Pyro 04-16-2007 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by c312
that may be true, but we can't be blamed for bringing a pyro into the world... rolleyes:

im sure most people here would at least think id be more likely to be the fucked uyp person who descides to try to take fdown the shooter...than being the actual shooter.

c312 04-16-2007 10:43 PM

yeah, you would probably try to kick him while you were laying on the ground like an 8 year old...

Whatada 04-16-2007 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by c312
that may be true, but we can't be blamed for bringing a pyro into the world... rolleyes:

im sure most people here would at least think id be more likely to be the fucked uyp person who descides to try to take fdown the shooter...than being the actual shooter.


i think you'd be the kid who cried in the corner like a little bitch who pissed off the shooter so much he'd use up all of his ammo on you.

anti would proceed to dickwhip him into submission.

p.s, did they confirm whether or not the guy killed himself, or what?

Pyro 04-16-2007 10:49 PM

if i was that person you discuss whattada (still dont' udnerstand that name btw) id be a hero cuz of that...if I really pissed off the guy so much hed waste all those bulets on me when he only needed be sacrificing myself for the greater good

isn't a part of your idealogy that the states about the people over yourself...well either way i gues sim one evil bitch...but trust me even if I disliked any of you people here...I nwouldn't let you get killed...well i guess the ones who are most recognized...and who cares if i don't expect the same in return...i am a fucked up individual and i don't expect anyone to feel the same wya i do.

Tripper 04-16-2007 11:13 PM

what language is that? Can anyone decipher it?

Pyro 04-16-2007 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
what language is that? Can anyone decipher it?


snipeymagoo 04-17-2007 04:34 AM

I dont think this will change the gun laws, Im in the gray area about gun control. I think people should have a right to guns but at the same time...I went with a buddy of mine to a local pawn shop and they had an AR-15 in there. Very nice gun. He said he could rig that up so it would be automatic...Idk if he was bullshitting me or not because I dont know much about guns but what I do know is that liberals and conservatives are going to have a hay day.

this man leads the NRA.


strvs 04-17-2007 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
if i was that person you discuss whattada (still dont' udnerstand that name btw) id be a hero cuz of that...if I really pissed off the guy so much hed waste all those bulets on me when he only needed be sacrificing myself for the greater good

isn't a part of your idealogy that the states about the people over yourself...well either way i gues sim one evil bitch...but trust me even if I disliked any of you people here...I nwouldn't let you get killed...well i guess the ones who are most recognized...and who cares if i don't expect the same in return...i am a fucked up individual and i don't expect anyone to feel the same wya i do.

well put m8 beer:

elstatec 04-17-2007 06:22 AM

[quote="Simo Häyhä":440ec]A criminal will get a gun no matter what law is passed. Less guns does not exactly equate to less gun violence. Now that's simple math.[/quote:440ec]

not really.

think about the amount of accidents, deaths, murders etc that have happened with legally owned weapons, if the mean of getting the weapons is harder then the outcome would be less.

but theres going to be more of these incidents happening in the future, and ill put my money on it that the guns will be obtained legally in one way or form.

Whatada 04-17-2007 06:43 AM


Originally Posted by "Simo Häyhä":74eaf
A criminal will get a gun no matter what law is passed. Less guns does not exactly equate to less gun violence. Now that's simple math.

not really.

think about the amount of accidents, deaths, murders etc that have happened with legally owned weapons, if the mean of getting the weapons is harder then the outcome would be less.

but theres going to be more of these incidents happening in the future, and ill put my money on it that the guns will be obtained legally in one way or form.[/quote:74eaf]it would just strengthen black market arms trade because of a greater demand. it would throw a wrench in the works, yeah, but it wouldn't stay that way for too long.

gtboys34 04-17-2007 09:23 AM

i'm hearing alot of reports saying that the students were lined up and executed. One may ask, "how would someone allow themselves to be killed like that without a fight?" I think it has to do with the same thing arkan or someone was talking about a while back (i dont know the official name for it but i have a few in mind and they aren't quite appropiate at this time) that when someone see's something like a horrific accident or witness something like this..they go into a state of "shock" or whatnot and wait for others to make a move (i.e arkan* being the only one to help the person out of their car that day or call 911 or whateva). Can we have a discussion on this for a minute..

p.s imus could've only hoped for this kind of news 1 week ago...

Unknown_Sniper 04-17-2007 11:16 AM

I think its basically a fight or flight reflex but when you get cornered your adrenalin shoots through the roof and you loose the ability to think clearly and just sort zone out. Kinda a natural reaction to keep you from feeling the inevitable pain.

Douchetallica 04-17-2007 11:21 AM

Weird because I don't remember the people on Flight 93 losing the ability to think clearly.

Execution style or not, it's possible the kids could have lived had they taken action rather than sitting in their desk/barricading the doors, but I don't think that should be discussed because you're only degrading the deaths of the students for the actions they did or didn't take.

Unknown_Sniper 04-17-2007 12:00 PM

Weird I dont remember any survivors of flight 93.
Not everyone goes into this state of shock. Some people have trained themselves to fight it off and think as rationally as the situation allows.
This was most likely a room full of 18-22 year old kids who when surprised with a gun to the face froze up and obeyed the guy with the gun. After all when a gun is pointing at you you tend to look at the gun, not the guy holding it or anyone else. This is also another reaction to danger. When something is threatening you, most peoples response is a sort of tunnel vision in which all they see is the instrument of injury. This eliminates the realization that you and the group with you may outnumber the threats.
Again not everyone reacts like this.

Nyck 04-17-2007 12:46 PM


Cho Seung-hui

jujumantb 04-17-2007 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Sparks
Weird because I don't remember the people on Flight 93 losing the ability to think clearly.

well thay had alot of time to sit there, these students were liekly killed within 5 minutes.

and i was thinking about that earlier, how imus would still have his jobs if this had happened sooner

Ferich 04-17-2007 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Sparks
Weird because I don't remember the people on Flight 93 losing the ability to think clearly.

The terrorists of Flight 93 were only armed with box cutters or small knifes if I remember correctly. A little easier to get into a rushed melee with someone only armed with a melee weapon.

The passengers on Flight 93 weren't dealing with their fellow passengers bleeding out right beside them in small classrooms, paranoid as to what's happening outside that classroom door, so they had time to decipher a plan to attack a group of men that of course would be on the limited space of a plane thousands of feet in the air with only knives. You're also missing the fact that the passengers on Flight 93 didn't have the option to wait for Police.

Considering the VT gunman opened fire immediately after entering classrooms everyone would jump for the ground in panic or be shot, and if the gunman left they would try to barricade the door. Are you suggesting after the smoke clears a couple people who have to deal with grotesque dead bodies, bleeding out moaning classmates, and most of all impetuous shock and paranoia should've formulated a plan to go after a gunman who for all they know could be one of many on a very large College Campus? Luckily the gunman ended his own life before killing 30 more....

Stammer 04-17-2007 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
I learned about all this at subway on my break from work at like 3:30 pm EST

well america is prone to this shit now anyways...ya'll breed some fucked up kids.

He wasn't American, he was a South Korean national.

Ferich 04-17-2007 02:17 PM

[quote:fe11a]Cho left a long and vitriolic note in his dorm room, law enforcement sources told ABC News. It contains an explanation of his actions and states, "You caused me to do this," ABC News reported.

It also railed against "rich kids," "debauchery" and "deceitful charlatans" on campus, according to the Chicago Tribune.[/quote:fe11a] ... index.html

Chronic Diarrhea 04-17-2007 02:20 PM

The bad thing about this is it's going to give other demented fucks around the nation an idea. They see how "successful" this guy was in killing 30 + people. Odds tell you that in any large university, there's probably 20-30 demented people like that guy, and about 5 of them are very close to pulling off something drastic. Events like these could push some of those over the edge.

It's nothing to alter your life over. I'm not going to wear a Kevlar vest as I walk across my campus, but it's something to be aware of.

TGB! 04-17-2007 02:55 PM

Well, it really isn't that difficult pull something like this off. . .UNI with metal detectors. . .not likely.

ninty 04-17-2007 03:11 PM

government can't protect you. responsibility of the individual more or less. arm yourselves.

Coleman 04-17-2007 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by ninty
government can't protect you. responsibility of the individual more or less. arm yourselves.

agreed. It'd be the worst idea ever if people start thinking about putting metal detectors here and metal detectors there. It's just not right.

Tripper 04-17-2007 03:32 PM

Im glad I live in a country isolated from guns, I understand that the american black market has illegal guns flowing into the country and If I lived in the states, I probably would want to get a CCW licensce simply because of the amount of massacres that have happened....Oh and whoever said that they guarantee the killer acquired illegal guns is wrong - They found the $500 receipt for one of them.

P.S - This is a time to reflect - You should all read up on SPREE KILLERS, some interesting tragedies - One of the best reads on the interweb:



Arkan 04-17-2007 03:59 PM

Ok, i didn't respond to these remarks right away because this is a very touchy topic, especially after a horrific event such as this.

1st of all, guns in America is a fact....a fact that isn't going to go away. I realize it's a problem but, instead of "banning them" (which is calling on the impossible), there has to be another way. Even though i consider myself "Pro-Gun", i would propose this:

1. Federal registration system for all guns. There should only be one registration process for all 50 states to follow. We don't need different methods for each state as it is now.

2. All 50 states should be CCW with the same laws and rules in place.

3. Requirements should be: 21 or older (except if in the Military), no Felony record, no drug abuse, mental issues, and must pass a background check. Fingerprints should also be taken. Person should be an American citizen. If naturalized or a resident alien, then a minimum of 10 years living here.

4. All gun makers must submit to the federal govt a "ballistic print" for every gun they manufacture and sell.

5. All persons applying for a CCW must pass a federally sanctioned safety class. Class should cost $50 and the initial CCW should cost $100. After a period of 5 years, all CCW holders are required to renew their license with another "safety brief" course at the price of $25.

6. All CCW holders are encouraged to safe guard their weapons from harm. They should be held responsible for someone getting their guns and doing harm (...meaning, in the event a gun is stolen, it MUST be reported immediately so if it's used in a crime, you're not responsible) If the theft goes unreported, then you'll have some legal issues on your hands.

7. MOST IMPORTANT: Commit a felony with a gun, you pay dearly. Make the punishment harsh for people who use guns while in the commission of a crime. No "plea-bargaining" and maximun sentences without time off for good behavior.

These are some of the things i'm willing to do in order to secure my "right" to have a gun and at the same time, allowing the "anti's" some control. It's a give and take thing here. No one wants to see innocent people slaughtered yet we SHOULD be allowed to defend ourselves if the need ever arises.

This massacre was made possible by the "anti's" for not allowing law abiding citizens from protecting themselves. This University was supposed to be a "Safe Zone" without guns. If you want to make a "gun free safe zone", then you better have in place instruments and check methods that guarantee no one is armed. Ever wonder why a madman doesn't attack at a gun show or a police station?.......people there will shoot back !!!

Jotun 04-17-2007 04:13 PM

ughhh, this situation is just so depressing, and you cant escape it here. everyone is wearing vtech clothes and it just constantly reminds you of it. a lot of people here lost their friends in it....

Arkan 04-17-2007 04:14 PM

A previous victim speaks out

Pyro 04-17-2007 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Stammer

Originally Posted by Pyro
I learned about all this at subway on my break from work at like 3:30 pm EST

well america is prone to this shit now anyways...ya'll breed some fucked up kids.

He wasn't American, he was a South Korean national.

Guess he was pissed off the states thought that Iraq and Iran is a more pressing issue than the threat of North Korea

either way kids cracked.

anti 04-17-2007 04:40 PM

i wrote up a huge debate but i realized, you knwo what, i live in canada (pyro?). my paranoia isn't to the point where i feel i need to carry a gun to class. i don't know really, it's tragedy yes, but in my opinion everyone walking around with a gun in their procket is just as much a tragedy.

anti 04-17-2007 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Stammer

Originally Posted by Pyro
I learned about all this at subway on my break from work at like 3:30 pm EST

well america is prone to this shit now anyways...ya'll breed some fucked up kids.

He wasn't American, he was a South Korean national.

Guess he was pissed off the states thought that Iraq and Iran is a more pressing issue than the threat of North Korea

either way kids cracked.

it's always the states eh shawn? there's no way his motives could be anything other than politics right? i'm starting to think your ignorance is just a big joke you play on all of this, because you can't be serious in the satements you make.


Pyro 04-17-2007 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by anti
i wrote up a huge debate but i realized, you knwo what, i live in canada (pyro?). my paranoia isn't to the point where i feel i need to carry a gun to class. i don't know really, it's tragedy yes, but in my opinion everyone walking around with a gun in their procket is just as much a tragedy.

Well the best feeling I have is thinking I can walk whereever I want too...and never be shot...I may be hassled but never even to the point of a fight...i don't know it';s a good feeling...though some people think they can't and i call em crazy...

Pyro 04-17-2007 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by anti

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Stammer

Originally Posted by Pyro
I learned about all this at subway on my break from work at like 3:30 pm EST

well america is prone to this shit now anyways...ya'll breed some fucked up kids.

He wasn't American, he was a South Korean national.

Guess he was pissed off the states thought that Iraq and Iran is a more pressing issue than the threat of North Korea

either way kids cracked.

it's always the states eh shawn? there's no way his motives could be anything other than politics right? i'm starting to think your ignorance is just a big joke you play on all of this, because you can't be serious in the satements you make.


I just go by the facts.

geRV 04-17-2007 04:45 PM

Pyro enough of the anti america shit where you just make retarded arguments to further your post count. Theres 33 families that are missing members because of the actions of one sad little cocksucker.

Any further retarded posts get deleted.

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