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geRV 07-25-2001 10:00 AM

Well blade check this quote made by a german Commander.

"I would say the British were the best soldiers to fight aganist Germany, then the Soviets, but the Americans came last ,The American soldier is nothing short of a disgrace."
SS-Unterscharführer Werner Buse (Frundsberg division) on the allies



Bürgen 07-25-2001 10:15 AM

OK, I totaly agree, I have a total dislike and contempt for the red army. But I was just saying that you cant say that the US contributed more to the war than all the other allies, because they didn't! I, as an american citizen, support the US as a country but I don't believe that we should keep taking the crap that our government told us fifty years ago literally. If it wasn't for the russian sacrifice the US and the other western allies wouldn't have been able to knock on Germany's door. Just face that fact.

blade 07-25-2001 10:20 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gerard:
Well blade check this quote made by a german Commander.

"I would say the British were the best soldiers to fight aganist Germany, then the Soviets, but the Americans came last ,The American soldier is nothing short of a disgrace."
SS-Unterscharführer Werner Buse (Frundsberg division) on the allies


Then why did we successfully invade Africa,Italy, and then Europe? eh?

Go shove that quote up hitlers ass


EaSyTrIcK50 07-25-2001 10:21 AM

Ya we sucked at first I agree. But what soldier isn't a disgrace when they have been training for a couple weeks? Now I understand all of the points, but now we are forced to ask. If the americans sucked so much, then would the allies still have won the war if the US didn't enter. If you say yes then you have a serious problem with American people, if you say no then you know something that everyone already does. The allies would not have won that war if it hadn't been for US help. We may not have enterd the war early, but we did send supplies and weapons over seas. Your right I do love my country, but I'm not trying to say who won the war, (The allies won the war for Christ's sake), I'm trying to say that they wouldn't have won if the US didn't help. It's like the US vs. Britian in the revolution, the US won because they were fighting on their own ground (Russians) but maybe the US would have lost if they weren't helped by Eagerly awaited army France (US). You can't say one country won a F*cking war, not when there were a bunch of allied countries. To this day I never consider the US winning the revolution, they won their freedom, but the Allies (US, and France) won the war. Anyone else see my point? Who's to say that if the US didn't get involved then, the Nazis wouldn't have pulled out some of their armies in the east to fight in the West? Maybe if those armies stayed in the east Russia would have been destroyed, maybe not. No one will ever no.

blade 07-25-2001 10:21 AM

BTW - Your sig is a too big.


blade 07-25-2001 10:26 AM

Also, then why the hell did Russia, France, and Britain BEG the USA to enter the war when it wasnt even ours?

I suggest to STFU and be glad that we even entered the war.. we could of just fought the japs and forget about you greedy bastards in europe... Im not saying the USA did the most part, but saying Russia fought the war and did everything is just bullshit..


EaSyTrIcK50 07-25-2001 10:27 AM

Damn I'm a retard *know* is supposed to replace No at the end, Eh?

EaSyTrIcK50 07-25-2001 10:28 AM

And BTW- Where the hell is the next video? you think it will come out today (a week later from the first)?

blade 07-25-2001 10:46 AM

Who the hell said we did everything?

My point was, that we DID do something..

idiots like Kaiser said the US didnt do jack shit.. and thats not true


07-25-2001 10:49 AM

Damn my last post didn't come up!!!!!!!
I'll say it again:
You patriotic, bigheaded shits!!
I have hardly seen anyone mention the British and the other minor allied forces.
I am not saying we did the most but we did suffer a lot.
We were in the war from the start and we got the shit bombed out of us.
I don't know much else in detail but I know that.
I can't remember whether the Australians were in WW2 but I think they were and if so no one has mentioned them.


geRV 07-25-2001 11:03 AM

If hitler had not invaded russia more than likely the outcome of the war would have been very different. I dont agree with ths american "anti russia" stance that seems to be present here either. Winston Churchill was the one that stirred the shit between america and russia with his Iron Curtain speech.

I dont now what was preached in ameria during the "cold war" but most likely it was BS propoganda about what russians were like and the same thing goes for Russias propoganda about americans.

Ireland was netural in the war and quite frankly i couldn't give a fuck what side won. The politics in Northern Ireland are well known and anything would have been better than the last 25 years of hate over here.



blade 07-25-2001 11:09 AM

Wait a sec..

He was stating a FALSE fact and I was correcting him


geRV 07-25-2001 11:12 AM

on another note damn this is a big thread

EaSyTrIcK50 07-25-2001 11:37 AM

I just had an opinion, I wan't talking about historically accurate information. I just believed that America played a more important role. I wasn't saying that they did for certain, the only way we could figure that out is go back in time and convince Roosevelt not to get involved.

laff 07-25-2001 11:56 AM

If it weren't for the U.S. i doubt D-day would of happened. plus, after pearl harbor Japan was very close to invading the U.S. Luckily we sent our troops to the south pacific quickly to halt them from invading the u.s I mean think about we haven't had a war fought in the U.S. since the war of 1812. and the war didn't last a long time.
the only reason wars aren't fought in america is because we have 2 oceans that seperate us from the whole world. And it would be very hard to manage and ship over supplies if there was a foriegn invasion. In modern day there will never be another D-day because the losses would be devastating.
theres my opinion.......

EaSyTrIcK50 07-25-2001 11:56 AM

I have mentioned the British a bunch. And i don't hate Russians, I know if it weren't for them a whole lot more Americans would have died. So stop putting words in people's mouths.

07-26-2001 12:00 AM

Just kidding!


Kaiser 07-26-2001 12:21 AM

LOL convict!

Kaiser 07-26-2001 12:47 AM

couldnt have said it better myself Partisan

EaSyTrIcK50 07-26-2001 01:18 AM

OK atleast we're all starting to lighten up. Look at the evolution of this thread it is amazing. First we all agreed a MOH2 would be cool. Then we said why not play as the Germans. I went on to say a Pacific theater would be fun. While Kaiser introduced the idea of a Russian POV. Blade ans I disagreed and said that would be boring. (but waht could be more exciting then fighting the nazis and training kamikazze dogs?) We then got into an argument about who did more for the war. Blade and Kaiser had major fact fight. Kaiser was reinforced heavily by some intersting books, but Blade held his own. Until Blade decided he was done with this thread. We all eventually started to lighten up. Now let's really start thinking up plans for a MOH2 and not argue eh? Nice topic Interested viewer.

blade 07-26-2001 01:39 AM

Heres a little joke for ya, Kaiser!!


-Waffenampt- 07-26-2001 06:03 AM

The War was a Large Event that spaned more then half a decade. Trying to Cram all the rest of the war besides Normadie to Belin in just one Game; Moh II would be a mistake. I would like to see as many Moh sequeals as there are Rambo movies.

Personally, It would be very exciting for World War I combat, Late war as a German "Sturm-Truppen" running around with my Squad with nothing but two giant hand gernade bags, tossing them at anything that moves and protected the helmet additional armor plating and vest - type armor. Trying to dodge Machine Gun Fire brought on by Hotchkisses and Vickers, not to mention trying to knock out the slow moving but heavly armored Mk I female and male British Tanks. Along with the Lighter American and French Cavalery Tanks.

That would be "Hot."

As I am sure you are just so excited to hear my opinion of the Moh II topic. I Think Moh II should Follow the Americans in the Pacific Theater. Then make a companion series called "Knights Cross" That covers the Early War Campaigns. Poland, Norway, France and the low countries. Then the Second part covering the Earlier and More Mid-war actions and battle. Yugoslavia, Greece, the Afrika Korps, and what would be simply outstanding : The Invasion of Crete. Early Barbarossia, to Stalingrad... Good God I could go on forever..

Why not "Sim Reich?"

-Waffenampt- 07-26-2001 06:23 AM

Oh, And I would also like to just though this in..

German Losses per theater

Theater Dead %
Africa 16.066 0,3
Balkans 103.693 1,9
North 30.165 0,6
West 339.957 6,4
Italy 150.660 2,8
Eastern Front (- Dec 1944) 2.742.909 51,6
Germany (1945) 1.230.045 23,1
Various 245.561 4,6
Total 4.859.056

POW - France 34.033 0,6
POW - UK 21.033 0,4
POW - US 22.000 0,4
POW - USSR 363.343 6,8
POW - Yugoslavia 11.000 0,2
POW - Various 8.066 0,2

Total 5.318.531

POW Dead %
France 34.033 3,6
UK 21.033 0,5
US 22.000 0,7
USSR 363.343 11,8
Yugoslavia 11.000 5,8
Various 8.066 4,7
Total 459.475

(% of number imprisoned)
Source: "Deutsche militärische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg" by Rüdiger Overmans
Killed in action, Missing in action, Prisoners

3rd quarter 2.129.677
4th quarter 1.007.996
1941 - Total 3.137.673
1st quarter 675.315
2nd quarter 842.898
3rd quarter 1.224.495
4th quarter 515.508
1942 - Total 3.258.216
1st quarter 726.714
2nd quarter 191.904
3rd quarter 803.856
4th quarter 589.955
1943 - Total 2.312.429
1st quarter 570.791
2nd quarter 344.258
3rd quarter 510.790
4th quarter 338.082
1944 - Total 1.763.891
1st quarter 557.521
2nd quarter 243.296
1945 - Total 800.817

War against Germany (total) 11.273.026

War against Japan 12.031

Total 11.285.057


3rd quarter 687.626
4th quarter 648.521
1941 - Total 1.336.147
1st quarter 1.179.457
2nd quarter 706.647
3rd quarter 1.283.062
4th quarter 941.896
1942 - Total 4.111.062
1st quarter 1.425.692
2nd quarter 490.637
3rd quarter 2.060.805
4th quarter 1.567.940
1943 - Total 5.545.074
1st quarter 1.572.742
2nd quarter 965.208
3rd quarter 1.545.442
4th quarter 1.031.358
1944 - Total 5.114.750
1st quarter 1.594.635
2nd quarter 618.055
1945 - Total 2.212.690

War against Germany (total) 18.319.723

War against Japan 24.425

Total 18.344.148

Von Paulus 07-26-2001 06:29 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Caparzo:
Just kidding!

If you aint careful, I'll sic me dingo on you...And my pet Koala "Grub" gets real pissed off when he's been drinkin...

07-26-2001 06:40 AM

Ok we need more peeps to say good things about British now...
Burgen say something about the British...
Anyone say ANYTHING about the British so that I can get involved...ANYTHING!!!


Von Paulus 07-26-2001 06:49 AM

Eat this Caparzo...

The British were self-obsessed, arrogant, pig-headed pieces of shit... (joke)

While us Aussies whooped ass at Tobruk...

Polaris 07-26-2001 07:05 AM

sounds like ww3 in here , where are the crazy canadians

intrestedviewer 07-26-2001 09:57 AM

I see were all getting along now, good!
I see ur all talking bout a ww1 game eh?
I dono how that would work cause they had crapy guns and it was all trenchwarfair + they used a lot of poisen gas i mean a lot!
If u made a game of it they would have to make the guns better and kinda forget about the poisen gas, which would kill the whole concept of WW1.

-Waffenampt- 07-26-2001 10:01 AM

...Mein Gott.. No, I'm not even going to say anything to that.

See Gents? It's comments like the above that just leave me absolutely speachless.

Polaris 07-26-2001 10:03 AM

i'd say make a game about the U.S. invading Canada !

which will happen in the near future .

you guys up there better start preparing , cause we're moving in .

Von Paulus 07-26-2001 10:06 AM

Um, Was the Lee-Enfield a British WW1 Rifle ?
And how about a little thing called a gas-mask ?

Also, Waffen, Why did British Paratroops use Vickers MG's in Opreation MarketGarden (And WW2) ? I mean, they couldn't build a new Heavy MG in 20 years ? Whats the story ?

blade 07-26-2001 10:06 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Polaris:
i'd say make a game about the U.S. invading Canada !

which will happen in the near future .

you guys up there better start preparing , cause we're moving in .


I want to take over russia!


soul 07-26-2001 10:17 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Anyone say ANYTHING about the British so that I can get involved...ANYTHING!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ok no problem. Battle of Britain... for 60 straight days Hitler changes order from bombing airstrips, radar stations, and other installations important to the air war to just bombing civilian targets in London. Britain did not back down. They took it and kept on taking it. To me that says they were extremely tough and strong willed.

BTW i am an American and frankly this 'gung-ho' attitude of people saying we are best is sickening. Come on folks accept the fact that without every nation that fought against Germany and Japan that most likely alot of things would be different now.

IMO it is disgusting how a thread about a possible sequel turned into this.


Kaiser 07-26-2001 11:30 AM

blade ur sucha moron.. Im saying the US didnt do as much as it thinks it did.. You must read books that arent all about America. Burgen just totally killed ur posts with facts! And ur ass in speechless.. Russia isnt the biggest disgrace in the war.. If anything Italy was.. And obviously u dont have a life with 347 posts.. so why dont u go out into the sun and have some fun my misunderstood freind, cuzz ur not gonna win this arguement

blade 07-26-2001 11:37 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaiser:
blade ur sucha moron.. Im saying the US didnt do as much as it thinks it did.. You must read books that arent all about America. Burgen just totally killed ur posts with facts! And ur ass in speechless.. Russia isnt the biggest disgrace in the war.. If anything Italy was.. And obviously u dont have a life with 347 posts.. so why dont u go out into the sun and have some fun my misunderstood freind, cuzz ur not gonna win this arguement<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Win this argument? I could care less..

Burgen killed my posts with facts? LMAO

I already posted facts..

You need to get off your computer and get out more you lifeless homo piece of trash..

Here is my address:

HC 62 Box 262f
Lowville, NY USA 13367

Bring your lifeless computer nerd homo piece of shit ass over here and say that to my face you loser.

Faggots like you ruin these forums.. BOY

Maybe if you hit puberty, you wouldnt be so immautre..

Im done with this thread


Kaiser 07-26-2001 11:40 AM

lol u poor boy

Kaiser 07-26-2001 11:41 AM

u are really fun to mess wit Blade... We should have these convos more often

Bürgen 07-26-2001 11:45 AM

you both are being quite immature, just agree to disagree, I will not take sides so you two, DROP IT! or I will be forced to liqudate both your butts.

"Victory at any Price!"


Kaiser 07-26-2001 11:48 AM

u got it Burgen

Partisan 07-26-2001 11:55 AM

Point of Kaiser, Burgen, Von Paulus and me is not that U.S. Army is crap. Point is that your claim that U.S. contributed the most is false. We are not saying that Red Army was greatest army in the world, we are saying that that they took the brunt of the war.
But I must also mention Britain. As much as did Russia do to defeat Germans on land, Britain did as much as that in air and on sea ( Battle for Britain considerably weakened German Air Force, as well did battles in atlantic and Mediterean-ships).

In my opinion U.S. got involved in European theatre only when it realised that Russia will defeat Germany and could invade Europe, thus U.S. would lose important market and opportunities for economic investment.

P.S. this thought always puzzled me: what if Hitler did not attack Russia and Britain once he had all of Europe by 1942. What if he consolidated German power in Europe and didn't honour agreement with Japan and thus didn't declare war on U.S.. If he had done this, neither Russia, U.S. or U.K. would attack German Europe, not untill they would become sufficently strong in economic and military departments ( note: both Russia and Britain wanted to avoid war prior to WW2 and Germany was given a 'free hand' in Europe).

Imagine if Hitler took 10-15 to consolidate his power, to use natural resources of Europe and to recruit soldiers from all those European countries ( note: in WW2 Germany used soldiers from almost all occupied countries, so if he had 10 years to influence them by propaganda and terror he would have much more soldiers). I think that only unoccupied country today would be U.S.. neither German europe or U.S. could invade each other, and the rest of the world would be divided between two of them ( but Germany would take larger slice because had early military advantages and U.S. was more isolationist).

I think that we all would be now typing in German!!!!

"Sloboda ili smrt" ( Death or freedom)

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