GreatWhiteDisappointer |
08-30-2002 11:29 PM |
I think girls like guys that can stick to the topic being discussed, or at least that has been a large part of my experience...and I'll now happily give you all the benefit of my lack of it... hehehe.
The best way to appreciate whether you or they are attractive or not (speaking as a plain, verging on ugly guy myself) is to imagine if you or they were blind... What sort of person would matter to you then?
If you were blind, then their looks are irrelevant to you, and certainly how they are is very important, or else you would you would let them go and find someone else.
If they were blind, then they have made the adjustment to that, and look for qualities in you that are apart from how you look.
Personality, confidence, a direction in life, no matter how simple or inferior to hers it may seem, respect, a sense of humour that is practiced to the point of coming naturally, a willingness to talk about things other than yourself, cars, computers and beer, look them in the face and not in the chest when you talk with them (unless they are blind and they're really well stacked!) and you'll look pretty interesting to them.
Don' tar them with the same "stuck up selfish bitch" brush... those are out htere, but you don't need to give them any of your time, reardless of how hot they may look - those looks wear off very quickly if that's there extent of being...