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Tripper 02-24-2008 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro (Post 891585)
Nope...actually i barely run

i must have style since im a wigger right...which is a style

and i have more class then you'll ever have

You need to waste time insulting people for things that mean nothing.

so you admit youre a wigger -

lol im the one wasting time, it might not be worth much but at least i have some online buddies to show for my time here - you've got nothing accept pure hatred the entire time you've been here. talk about wasting time.

p.s - no class. if you had any you could be the prick you are and still have people like you despite.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 02-25-2008 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by [DAS REICH] Blitz (Post 891573)

I object to the infraction this post received.

Pyro 02-25-2008 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper (Post 891588)
so you admit youre a wigger -

lol im the one wasting time, it might not be worth much but at least i have some online buddies to show for my time here - you've got nothing accept pure hatred the entire time you've been here. talk about wasting time.

p.s - no class. if you had any you could be the prick you are and still have people like you despite.


I do have buddies for my time's all part of the you have almost the most reason for it dying. We need everything, but some people don't know moderation. Moderatly bug people an dmoderatly tolerate them...totally shit on them...and you kill it.

im the prick? hell...from all the people Ive seen in these boards, the only one to come close to being a prick is you. I'm just defensive.

Tripper 02-25-2008 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro (Post 891609)

I do have buddies for my time's all part of the you have almost the most reason for it dying. We need everything, but some people don't know moderation. Moderatly bug people an dmoderatly tolerate them...totally shit on them...and you kill it.

im the prick? hell...from all the people Ive seen in these boards, the only one to come close to being a prick is you. I'm just defensive.

name them.

i swear you're in fucking denial. maybe once you realise how much time you've wasted you'll fuck off for good.

the next part of your post makes NO SENSE. Your local school system must be a total failure because your english skills are so horrible that you can't even convey a point in legible english. what a fuckin idiot.

Pyro 02-29-2008 02:32 PM

I'm not writing an essay...why bother giving a shit how it looks?

Any competant person can understand what I say.

and to name them? I can just about say everybody.

Proteus 03-01-2008 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper (Post 891588)
so you admit youre a wigger -

lol im the one wasting time, it might not be worth much but at least i have some online buddies to show for my time here - you've got nothing accept pure hatred the entire time you've been here. talk about wasting time.

He's wasting more time because people don't like him? That's surely what you're saying, and that's surely retarded. He has people that read his posts, that's why he still comes, not because people "hate" him. "Who gives a shit," is still just as effective as any other words used to describe forums, but they can be said all day. Just cause you'll read it.:goodjob:

Tripper 03-01-2008 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Proteus (Post 891716)
He's wasting more time because people don't like him? That's surely what you're saying, and that's surely retarded. He has people that read his posts, that's why he still comes, not because people "hate" him. "Who gives a shit," is still just as effective as any other words used to describe forums, but they can be said all day. Just cause you'll read it.:goodjob:

Yes Droopy, and that's what we call a pathetic cry for attention.:goodjob:

Tripper 03-01-2008 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro (Post 891694)
I'm not writing an essay...why bother giving a shit how it looks?

Any competant person can understand what I say.

and to name them? I can just about say everybody.


you're a fucking dork-tool. really must have peanuty-shit-for-brains if you think that allowing your posts to be read and understood by other people is "writing an essay," its that kind of stupidity and ignorance that is the downfall of our generation....and not even the most competent master of comprehension can decipher your keyboard bashing, without themselves writing an essay outlining what they think YOU are TRYING to say.

Pyro 03-02-2008 05:46 PM

Our generation is just fine

we have to clean up the shit that the generations before us fucked up.

Proteus 03-02-2008 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper (Post 891725)
Yes Droopy, and that's what we call a pathetic cry for attention.:goodjob:

That's what you didn't, and wont get. It's JUST AS FUCKING PATHETIC as you coming here to gain friends and have the funniest, longest lasting e-fad (which is really the reason I've never liked you to begin with). You're just too far into it to even bother to want to acknowledge the similarities on your end. Although we can all fully understand when we think about it, that it's all the same. Tripper, you're not a loser, or a nerd, or somebody who spends way too much time on forums, you're just a fucking asshole. And realizing I've just come back and stepped into the same flame war that's been going on for 6 years, makes me want to not finish this sentence.


Whatada 03-02-2008 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro (Post 891740)
Our generation is just fine

we have to clean up the shit that the generations before us fucked up.

... This is by FAR the dumbest thing you've ever contributed to this forum.

Pyro 03-02-2008 06:12 PM

im in my twenties...i don't think the teens nowadays are good people...but thats not my generation.

Proteus 03-02-2008 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Whatada (Post 891744)
... This is by FAR the dumbest thing you've ever contributed to this forum.

No it's not, you're just biased against everything he says.

Cause even if the sentence didn't technically make sense it still wouldn't be the dumbest thing he's contributed.

This forum is dead, some people still don't realize how.

Tripper 03-03-2008 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Proteus (Post 891743)
That's what you didn't, and wont get. It's JUST AS FUCKING PATHETIC as you coming here to gain friends and have the funniest, longest lasting e-fad (which is really the reason I've never liked you to begin with). You're just too far into it to even bother to want to acknowledge the similarities on your end. Although we can all fully understand when we think about it, that it's all the same. Tripper, you're not a loser, or a nerd, or somebody who spends way too much time on forums, you're just a fucking asshole. And realizing I've just come back and stepped into the same flame war that's been going on for 6 years, makes me want to not finish this sentence.


I don't come on here to "gain friends" I came on here originally for a game, and STAYED here because of the laughs and chats I get with other posters that I get along "e-fad" is nothing more than getting the people that don't have friends and are annoying (you, pyro, blitz - and many others over the years) to realise they aren't liked and therefore shouldn't bother partaking in the "community" of conversation. I don't care if im an asshole about it because I dont like the people I do it to. Go figure. Many have stayed on for spite, the others got bored of the constant sour reaction from everybody and moved on. As they should have.

Take the hint.

Proteus 03-03-2008 03:10 PM

EXCUSE ME CTP TECHNICAL... Just as pathetic as you coming here for the game and staying because you made friends. How do you think everyone else got here as well shithead..


Originally Posted by Tripper
I don't come on here to "gain friends" I came on here originally for a game, and STAYED here because of the laughs and chats I get with other posters that I get along with....

Hey, wow, you're EXACTLY like everyone else.


Originally Posted by Tripper
my "e-fad" is nothing more than getting the people that don't have friends and are annoying (you, pyro, blitz - and many others over the years) to realise they aren't liked and therefore shouldn't bother partaking in the "community" of conversation.

Holy skewed logic, or just plainly lack thereof. You say shit EXACTLY LIKE THIS so that you just can't refute it, because it's pretty much nothing at all. You're a forum member until you're banned. Everything here you've just said is all opinions, and even past that, not forum rules. It may be real people making this "community" so that may be why you feel the need to weed out people who you feel don't belong, but in the real world of real people, that's just bad logic, construed completely by the mind and free time of some asshole kiwi.

"I don't care if im an asshole about it because I dont like the people I do it to. Go figure."

If you liked this forum any and all the gay little memories you have then you wouldn't have watched it die by your hands as you weeded out everybody that wasn't in IRC.

"Many have stayed on for spite, the others got bored of the constant sour reaction from everybody and moved on. As they should have.

Take the hint."[/quote]

Take the hint... I couldn't come here frequently if I tried, it's dead.

You killed it. Just like every flame you dragged out.

Simo Häyhä 03-03-2008 04:56 PM

I like how droopy tries to combat tripe's logic and ends up failing even more than comatose.
Droopy kid is droopy. Go be droopy somewhere else.

Pyro 03-03-2008 05:32 PM


[DAS REICH] Blitz 03-03-2008 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper (Post 891763)
I don't come on here to "gain friends" I came on here originally for a game, and STAYED here because of the laughs and chats I get with other posters that I get along "e-fad" is nothing more than getting the people that don't have friends and are annoying (you, pyro, blitz - and many others over the years) to realise they aren't liked and therefore shouldn't bother partaking in the "community" of conversation. I don't care if im an asshole about it because I dont like the people I do it to. Go figure. Many have stayed on for spite, the others got bored of the constant sour reaction from everybody and moved on. As they should have.

Take the hint.

So basically you have admitted that you are the reason why new people aren't allowed to come and post here. Thats why no one comes here anymore, because they have to put up with shit and personal attacks from other people rather than just post their opinion on a topic. If we just posted for the FUN of posting, then shit would be a lot better here.:lololol:

Tripper 03-03-2008 07:03 PM

Lol, Proteus - I didn't kill anything. This forum has been "dead" for the past 5 years.

....and would people stop bringing up IRC, because that's been dead for almost as long.
You're just trying anything and everything now to avoid "losing" the argument. You can't poke any holes in my logic, because out of the two of us, I'm the only one thinking logically, you're just sour now and its obvious because you're reaching.

I don't insult anyone except the obviously hated people - I didn't like Judas very much and Gerv was too grumpy for me when he was here but I didn't say shit about it or provoke them or try and insult them - basically because I knew they had alot of friends here and this place benefitted from having them around. You, on the other hand...

For the record, I started hating you when I noticed you were doing the exact thing you're trying to claim I'm doing. You acted like a little fucking know-it-all toad in the sig forum for years....and you were a fucking asshole troll to more new people off the bat than I ever was. You really have no place in saying any of this shit because you were worse than me. I picked my targets according to general forum opinion. You were just a whiney little wank. Alot of my arguments with you had been defending people you randomly flamed....


Originally Posted by [DAS REICH] Blitz (Post 891785)
So basically you have admitted that you are the reason why new people aren't allowed to come and post here. Thats why no one comes here anymore, because they have to put up with shit and personal attacks from other people rather than just post their opinion on a topic. If we just posted for the FUN of posting, then shit would be a lot better here.:lololol:

I don't hassle anyone except the globally regarded wanks. Any new people are welcomed with open arms. You're making up stuff, people don't come here because its a random game forum among a billion other more successful ones. Not because of the way they're treated.

Continue avoiding the truth, and trying to turn the argument though, it just allows me to elaborate further on why you are a moron....

strvs 03-03-2008 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper (Post 891795)
Lol, Proteus - I didn't kill anything. This forum has been "dead" for the past 5 years.

....and would people stop bringing up IRC, because that's been dead for almost as long.
You're just trying anything and everything now to avoid "losing" the argument. You can't poke any holes in my logic, because out of the two of us, I'm the only one thinking logically, you're just sour now and its obvious because you're reaching.

I don't insult anyone except the obviously hated people - I didn't like Judas very much and Gerv was too grumpy for me when he was here but I didn't say shit about it or provoke them or try and insult them - basically because I knew they had alot of friends here and this place benefitted from having them around. You, on the other hand...

For the record, I started hating you when I noticed you were doing the exact thing you're trying to claim I'm doing. You acted like a little fucking know-it-all toad in the sig forum for years....and you were a fucking asshole troll to more new people off the bat than I ever was. You really have no place in saying any of this shit because you were worse than me. I picked my targets according to general forum opinion. You were just a whiney little wank. Alot of my arguments with you had been defending people you randomly flamed....

I don't hassle anyone except the globally regarded wanks. Any new people are welcomed with open arms. You're making up stuff, people don't come here because its a random game forum among a billion other more successful ones. Not because of the way they're treated.

Continue avoiding the truth, and trying to turn the argument though, it just allows me to elaborate further on why you are a moron....

real truth

nobody comes here anymore because this site has an identity crisis, this place has little to do with videogames anymore, then why not advertise an offtopic community? or perhaps instead of people like gerv writing huge rants about video games in the forum, why not write some articles for the front page? some game reviews? theres no member contribution really.. other than just posting on the forums..personally i dont have the time to participate in updating the site, and im guessing this is the case with other members.. it was bound to happen


Unknown_Sniper 03-05-2008 08:13 PM

Helped a buddy with a photo project. Somehow we ended up lighting things on fire. Almost got arrested for having fun.

elstatec 03-05-2008 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by strvs (Post 891798)


well endowed? i can accomodate :goodjob:

Unknown_Sniper 03-10-2008 04:23 PM

So some friends and I decided to go to Montreal this weekend. Little did we know that there was a fucking blizzard approaching. The blizzard made our 2 1/2 hour drive into a 6 our trip from hell.
We ended up stuck in traffic for about 20 or 30 minutes as them back asswards canuks plowed the road with shovels...
as you can see I am happy about that.
We then got bomb and passed out.
The next morning we went to some hawaiian/ breakfast place and the food rocked
Apparently this "emergency apparatus" can solve the problems of Fires, health, lightening strikes, and people beating the shit out of you.
we then saw a Canadian skiing on the sidewalk.
My research shows me that Canada is covered in snow 365 days out of the year. The food is good, parking sucks, and Canadians(mainly them damn frenchies) are very strange people.
Overall, a good weekend.

Coleman 03-10-2008 04:51 PM

food looks yummy

ninty 03-10-2008 06:18 PM

Lol, nice time to go to Eastern Canada. It was 60F here today. Not a speck of snow to see for miles. Clear blue sky. Somewhere a patio with a table full of beer is calling my name...

Pyro 03-10-2008 10:20 PM

brad says:
ya it only 10 its so warm heer im in a t-shirt
Shawn - From the corners of the ceiling feel its eyes in back of me, I couldn't tell you why I think they constantly after me... says:
well it's not that warm here...but its getting better
Shawn - From the corners of the ceiling feel its eyes in back of me, I couldn't tell you why I think they constantly after me... says:
saturday was terrible
brad says:
you guys should give us some snow i havent had a powder day in like a week

Thats my brother anyways...hes up in calgary or banff or whatever for awhile now

Here it was nasty guys in calgary are lucky

Jotun 03-16-2008 12:40 PM

i posted a lot of these on 92b, but some of you guys guys dont go there so here are some pics of my spring break. 3 chicks and a beard in disney world.
the chicks. the faux french, the girlfriend, and stace of base.
the beard

Fluffy Bunny 03-16-2008 04:44 PM

-blatant rip from 92b

heres moar pix from the party at my pad:

i had ma hair cutz

later I got totally drunk & everyone started wearin hats, I'm wearin a whachacallit yankee ww2 helmet like the ones in SPR, genuine stuff from re-enectment btw !cool

playin ring of fyre

my mate & his gf, she's wearing my construction hat

other mate & my library

my mate from Scotland turned up

but we were fkd, the guy on my right was so wasted he collapsed & i had to take care of him rather than go out clubbing, it was ok tho as I'd been out partying loads before.

He later went to my room with his gf, my mates came back from clubbing even moar drunk & this lad I work with ran into my room naked with his willy out & tried to crawl into bed with the passed out chap & girlie !lol

you're all invited to the next one btw, hopefully be better pics as I'll have a cam too. !hitler2themax

Jotun 03-16-2008 04:52 PM

damn it Fluffy, always ruining my thunder!

[DAS REICH] Blitz 03-16-2008 05:47 PM

Can I come too?

Coleman 03-16-2008 05:49 PM

haha, i celebrated

Fluffy Bunny 03-16-2008 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Jotun (Post 892282)
damn it Fluffy, always ruining my thunder!

the pic of you in the pretty dress puts all mine to shame! :P

[DAS REICH] Blitz 03-16-2008 06:42 PM

its $10 for an hj, $20 for a bj, and $50 for a zj

mr.miyagi 03-18-2008 09:56 PM

nice pics jotun, fluffy and lolman!

Arkan 03-18-2008 10:01 PM

Jotun, glad to see you're not into the perfect "10" at your age. A lil' junk in the trunk" is a good thing. Stick it in her ass for me will ya?

Fluff......we gotta hang out one night

Jotun 03-19-2008 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan (Post 892346)
Jotun, glad to see you're not into the perfect "10" at your age. A lil' junk in the trunk" is a good thing. Stick it in her ass for me will ya?

Fluff......we gotta hang out one night

haha, i'll try

Fluffy Bunny 03-24-2008 06:43 AM

blatant rip from 92b

I went out as a viking last night

I think blonde suits me
shades ftw
tried to grow a beard for it
in a very old english pub, we completely freaked the old boys in there. Some smartly dressed chap walked in the door, saw me, I said "Alright mate?" & he muttered something inaudible & then abruptly left !lol
two slags im going to ibiza with, gadam high heels
in the club, I was ruined by this point as I'd been drinking tequilla, vodka & sambucca shots as well as fosters
techno viking aint shyt (someone pls fotoshop)
moi et hazey
dunno wtf
no one else dressed up around that part but I was drunk so fk it !cool

if anyoen wants my sex I can spooge on a postcard

[DAS REICH] Blitz 03-24-2008 07:51 AM

Recycled Spooge?

mr.miyagi 03-24-2008 12:03 PM

Nice photies!

Hows it going with the slags, especially the blonde one?

Airborne Butters 03-24-2008 06:39 PM

I want to party in England :(

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