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02-02-2003 12:37 AM

[quote:692a3]None of this has anything do with this thread, so fuck off.[/quote:692a3]

What did I say..."When in doubt, block it out..."

Sorry, but this isn't Nazi Germany. You have neither the right, or the power to dictate what is said and what isn't said. You started a THREAD and by that very action invite debate and conversation. Since we DONT live under tyranical rule, you can't get pissed because it doesn't go the way YOU want it to.

Deal with it.

Pyro 02-02-2003 12:39 AM

my god, you disregard every single post by your american comrades and go striaght ot mine

Band togther Brothers...the war is ahead.

02-02-2003 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro
my god, you disregard every single post by your american comrades and go striaght ot mine

Band togther Brothers...the war is ahead.

Oh no, since I have seemingly "Un-American" attitudes and thoughts, I'm not longer a comrage of Herr Green.

I'm sure hes reporting me to HUAC right now.

redhawk_six 02-02-2003 12:42 AM

[quote="MR. SPECIAL ED":05ad7][quote:05ad7]None of this has anything do with this thread, so fuck off.[/quote:05ad7]

What did I say..."When in doubt, block it out..."

Sorry, but this isn't Nazi Germany. You have neither the right, or the power to dictate what is said and what isn't said. You started a THREAD and by that very action invite debate and conversation. Since we DONT live under tyranical rule, you can't get pissed because it doesn't go the way YOU want it to.

Deal with it.[/quote:05ad7]

He's telling you to fuck off because all your comments so far are completely offtopic.

The purpose of this thread is to remember those who died, not debate "big brother". If you want to talk about "big brother" start a new thread.

[RA]ZdaN 02-02-2003 12:43 AM

Why not everyone just take a moment of silence and get on with your lives

02-02-2003 12:44 AM

[quote:6ea58]He's telling you to fuck off because all your comments so far are completely offtopic.[/quote:6ea58]

[quote:6ea58] Forum Index -> Offtopic B.S.[/quote:6ea58]



SoLiDUS 02-02-2003 12:44 AM

[quote="MR. SPECIAL ED":a5fa1]

Originally Posted by SoLiDUS


Sorry but its true. Block out anything that doesn't agree with the stereotypical red/white/blue that has been hammered into your heads 24/7 since you were born.

I've seen what the "machine" does to kids heads, how they are SOOO excited to jump in the military so they can kill themselves some foreigners. It's a sad fucking thing.

Whats even sadder is the fact that since 9/11 Big Brother has encouraged YOU (the Amerikkkan people) to be on ALL OUT ALERT for any non-loyal activity. Shit you see it EVERY day on this fucking board. Amerikkkans getting their t-backs in a twist because someone doesn't agree or doesn't react the way they believe we should react. It's a joke and is further evidence that there are some VERY limited world-views running rampant in the youth of Amerikkka.[/quote:a5fa1]

You misunderstood me: I agree with you.

02-02-2003 12:45 AM

[quote="[RA]ZdaN":9ab12]Why not everyone just take a moment of silence and get on with your lives[/quote:9ab12]

Because that sir - is

UN AMERICAN!!!!!!! mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad:

02-02-2003 12:46 AM

[quote:67004]You misunderstood me: I agree with you.[/quote:67004]

I know. Lol.

There should be a comma between Sorry and but, and I use SORRY as an adjective for the state of the nation not as a....well I dont know what type of speech the regular SORRY is.

Time to do some research.

JBird 02-02-2003 12:46 AM

yes i picked yours sir because it was the most offensive. believe it dont believe it...dont really care. do you honestly believe i picked your post because you were canadian? i didnt even know until you were until just now. once again, you guys just cant let it go. all i have to say is, when the day comes and something tragic finally happens to you or effects your nation will understand why this is so offensive and frustrating.

and the nazi germany comment and lame argument about posting on this because you have the right too. yes you can post on this thread, no one said you couldnt. if your gonna post non sensical garbage and just offend a memorial thread, well i dont give a rats ass which country your from that just isnt right, and you should no better. seriously.

redhawk_six 02-02-2003 12:47 AM

[quote="MR. SPECIAL ED":69b99][quote:69b99]He's telling you to fuck off because all your comments so far are completely offtopic.[/quote:69b99]

[quote:69b99] Forum Index -> Offtopic B.S.[/quote:69b99]



You've completely misunderstood the purpose of the offtopic forum.

The offtopic forum is for stuff that does not have anything to do with Medal of Honor.

Just because a thread is in the offtopic section doesn't mean it is okay for you to come in here and drive a thread offtopic.

Now, could we please get this thread back on topic?

Pyro 02-02-2003 12:48 AM

I believe americans killed 4 of Canadian men...aren't we allies?

And if you want to dig up that thread, it is a big flame war.

You really think saying that if canada had made a part of the shuttle, it would be flawed and cause the crash...Is that any better than my comment?

02-02-2003 12:50 AM

[quote:4fe9e]all i have to say is, when the day comes and something tragic finally happens to you or effects your nation will understand why this is so offensive and frustrating.[/quote:4fe9e]

Might help to indicate who you direct that comment at.

[quote:4fe9e]and the nazi germany comment and lame argument about posting on this because you have the right too. yes you can post on this thread, no one said you couldnt. if your gonna post non sensical garbage and just offend a memorial thread, well i dont give a rats ass which country your from that just isnt right, and you should no better. seriously.[/quote:4fe9e]

Talk started about the SHUTTLE, then went to how one should pay their respects, then went into where it is now.

It's called the EVOLUTION of a discussion.

Doesn't matter anyway, since most people here cant accept the fact that not everyone agrees with whats "right", and I'm sure youll get your wish and this thread will be locked.

That's all it takes. One complaint. God bless Amerikkka.

SoLiDUS 02-02-2003 12:51 AM


*shakes hands, arms raised at the sky*

God bless Amerikkka the great!

Unknown_Sniper 02-02-2003 12:51 AM

Why do you persist with this. If you want to start a debat about being american by all means do but do it in a different thread. This is for the memory of those who lost their lives in this catastrophie. So until you realise this [img][/img]

redhawk_six 02-02-2003 12:52 AM

Once again,
Could we please get this thread back on topic?

That means stopping these arguments and ignorant comments.

Now, back to the real topic of this thread, please.

02-02-2003 12:54 AM

[quote="[DAS REICH]Unknown_Sniper":ba9d3]Why do you persist with this. If you want to start a debat about being american by all means do but do it in a different thread. This is for the memory of those who lost their lives in this catastrophie. So until you realise this [img][/img][/quote:ba9d3]

I mean what the fuck? Is that the be all end all of your debates - giving the bird. Get some perspective're in a clan that mocks the Nazis. You're hardly in any kind of position to win the Mr Sensitivy award - unless we're talking about premature eja....


If you think the people you feel are being "disruptive" HONESTLY are celebrating the deaths of those people on that plane, then you have some SERIOUS rethinking to do. We've said our piece, and now wish to elaborate on other things.

Pfc.Green 02-02-2003 12:57 AM

God dammit, I cant believe some of you people. The shuttle was crewed by not only americans but a woman from India and an Israeli. I do not mourn for these people because the shuttle was american or there were American crew members, I mourn because this is a tragedy as great as any, Is it wrong to expect some respect from people in regard to things such as this, I dont think it is... But it seems hard for some of you to do. So I feel deeply saddend by this event, is this wrong, why? what bothers me almost as much is the disrespect I have seen here.

redhawk_six 02-02-2003 12:57 AM

For the last time,

Could we Please get this thread back on topic?!?!?!?!?

Which means stopping this childish arguing!!

If not, then it needs to be locked.

redhawk_six 02-02-2003 12:59 AM

[quote="Pfc.Green":64c7f]God dammit, I cant believe some of you people. The shuttle was crewed by not only americans but a woman from India and an Israeli. I do not mourn for these people because the shuttle was american or there were American crew members, I mourn because this is a tragedy as great as any, Is it wrong to expect some respect from people in regard to things such as this, I dont think it is... But it seems hard for some of you to do. So I feel deeply saddend by this event, is this wrong, why? what bothers me almost as much is the disrespect I have seen here.[/quote:64c7f]

Agreed, strongly agreed.

You guys need to show some respect for those who died.

02-02-2003 01:07 AM

[quote:d498e]Agreed, strongly agreed.

You guys need to show some respect for those who died.[/quote:d498e]

Who isn't showing respect? This is what I want to know.

And childish arguing?



Jedi Marksman 02-02-2003 01:11 AM

Some of you people cannot even get past your animosity to show some semblance of humanity. That is truly sad. A thread like this should have been the last thread to denigrate into a flame war. Yet here we are. hake:

Pyro 02-02-2003 01:12 AM

I believ I have stated, after you dragged it out of me, my feeling son the incident

Funny, I thought that was respectful.

JBird 02-02-2003 01:12 AM

[quote="MR. SPECIAL ED":0e189][quote:0e189]Agreed, strongly agreed.

You guys need to show some respect for those who died.[/quote:0e189]

Who isn't showing respect? This is what I want to know.

And childish arguing?



just cant resist being a jack ass can you.

BUTCHER 02-02-2003 01:13 AM

i read this intire thread..i find it really sad that there are people in this world no matter what country your from that would use it to bash someone else when it was ment as a tribute to the 7 flyers who LOST THERE LIVES TODAY!!!!...i find it sickining and disgusting...not only that but the language used here was also sickining...i dont need to quote know who you are.if your not ashamed of what went on here you should not going to name names but if i were an admin at this moment i know a few people who would be wonderin why their password doesnt work anymore.theres a universal thing called respect for the dead. it pretty much covers all countrys.a lot of prople in this thread said they were sad at what your not or you would have been thinking of the flyers and familys and posted about that instead of what you did say.its also suprising you have the nerve to just show up here like everything is problem..just another flame war.SHURE IT IS..TO YOU...truth of the matter is..your ignorant...that crew was multi national...and our hearts should go out to each and every one of them.i posted in this thrread a while back..right now id pay money to get my post outa here..i dont want the rest of the moh community to think i share the same imiture ignorant ideas ive seen displayed in this those of you who gave your condolences i say good for the rest i say again...YOUR LUCKY IM NOT AN ADMIN HERE.i wouldnt lock the just cut way back on the people who could post here again...or any place else on this form. makes me ashamed to say im a member here.

02-02-2003 01:16 AM

Why do people INSIST on calling others heartless and cold?

Why do people INSIST on assuming that others dont respect and feel bad for those folks that died today?

Why cant pople look past their own agression and need to find conflict and ACCEPT the fact that even though some people dont AGREE with you - doesn't make them bad guys.

Pyro 02-02-2003 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by BUTCHER
i read this intire thread..i find it really sad that there are people in this world no matter what country your from that would use it to bash someone else when it was ment as a tribute to the 7 flyers who LOST THERE LIVES TODAY!!!!...i find it sickining and disgusting...not only that but the language used here was also sickining...i dont need to quote know who you are.if your not ashamed of what went on here you should not going to name names but if i were an admin at this moment i know a few people who would be wonderin why their password doesnt work anymore.theres a universal thing called respect for the dead. it pretty much covers all countrys.a lot of prople in this thread said they were sad at what your not or you would have been thinking of the flyers and familys and posted about that instead of what you did say.its also suprising you have the nerve to just show up here like everything is problem..just another flame war.SHURE IT IS..TO YOU...truth of the matter is..your ignorant...that crew was multi national...and our hearts should go out to each and every one of them.i posted in this thrread a while back..right now id pay money to get my post outa here..i dont want the rest of the moh community to think i share the same imiture ignorant ideas ive seen displayed in this those of you who gave your condolences i say good for the rest i say again...YOUR LUCKY IM NOT AN ADMIN HERE.i wouldnt lock the just cut way back on the people who could post here again...or any place else on this form. makes me ashamed to say im a member here.


BUTCHER 02-02-2003 01:20 AM not even going to try to explain it wouldnt do any good.

Pyro 02-02-2003 01:23 AM

If you are ashamed, leave. Why stay if people like me are here? Is it because my proper sentence structure and grammar are too hard for you to understand?

Country Bashing - Patrotic Americans started that

It's amazing that the "few" who you would "ban" are all the ones that fall into the type of people that give America a bad name. Why are you so hated? Just look at yourself and you'll kow the answer Butcher.

BallisticWookie 02-02-2003 01:23 AM

Well, Green has asked that I lock this thread because it's strayed somewhat away from it's original path which was discussion and remembrance of those that died in the space shuttle tragedy. Sadly some people CANT KEEP TO THE FUCKING TOPIC so I'm going to lock it. It amazes me how much people around here can stray away from the orignal topic of a thread and have it ending about something that doesnt even have an association with the orignal topic. Truly amazing.

You kids have got to grow the fuck up....seriously.

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