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Drew 02-05-2003 09:10 PM

Ich bin der Überadmin! JA WOHL!

[DAS REICH] Blitz 02-05-2003 09:11 PM

UBER NEIN!!!!!!!

Drew 02-05-2003 09:13 PM

Was ist denn loss mit du? Bist du einer hunden? Ja, da ist so. Ich dinken.

Das mal Drecksarbeit!

02-05-2003 09:21 PM

we're fucked angel:

{1CAB}ThiRTeeN 02-05-2003 11:03 PM


02-05-2003 11:05 PM

ja wohl herr canuck

Chango 02-05-2003 11:10 PM

[quote="MR. SPECIAL ED":de54c]
[quote:de54c]plus joe gottzz teh women![/quote:de54c]


As the BAHA MEN would say:



if your going to judge other peoples girlfriends, you could post your girlfriend (or boyfriend whatever you prefer) and see how we judge them

I think Joes doing a great job it just seems that everyone hates someone that does their job

BUTCHER 02-05-2003 11:16 PM

truth be guys all need eachother. if you couldnt come here and fight it out with eachother youd probably be kickin the dog and smackin your wife or girlfriend around. imagine if this site was gone tomarrow for good.think how you would feel about that. sure you bitch and whine and cry about the game,the cheats,eachother..but its still like a big family..more then a little disfunctional to be a family just the same..sure the mods piss you off..old crocadile dunde pissed me off the other day when he moved my post to off topic about the space simply wasnt about the game..whatever jackass..oh sorry im gettin side tracked.

take old joe..he aint so bad..he aint the brightest bulb on the tree for sure but he tries..makes a good point once in a while..i dont exactly remember exactly when that was but im sure he did at some point.its also true off topic is the serwer of the forum. everyone knows that but it also can be funny as hell like the crock hunter says..lightin up. we all know how they are down under..not much chance for a proper learnin..that sort of next time a mod locks a post or threatins to ban you..try to smile and consider the source..i hope this little post will help to bring us all together as ONE BIG HIGHLY DISFUNCTIONAL FAMILY.

BallisticWookie 02-05-2003 11:48 PM

[quote:cc9c8]so like the crock hunter says..lightin up. we all know how they are down under..not much chance for a proper learnin..that sort of thing..[/quote:cc9c8]

Considering the source I'm not altogether worried about whats this implies. It looks as though YOUR schooling or lack thereof was a complete was of time and money. You lack the basic fundamental skills to form a sentence, let alone two paragraphs. You can't spell, or finish or words properly, add to the fact, I know I'm better than you, because to put it bluntly, you're a fuckhead. This does'nt have anything to do with me being an Admin, you're just pissed off because I moved a thread of yours that was in the wrong the place, AND YOU KNEW IT !!

So what's the deal champ, what's your major malfunction ? Can't do what you like or be a Mod so you have to try and take it out on me ? How exactly were you going to ahceive this ? By telling BadScript I swear and act unprofessionally ? I believe he already knows, has talked to me about my swearing and abruptness, and in the end, allowed me to continue because people like you need to kicked up the ass every now and then.

Now now, dont get upset, I know old kangaroo jack here cant do much except ban you. But that prospect is looking even more beautiful than before because I'm getting sick and tired of your petty bullshit attempts to rile me up. It aint working buddy. So give up.

02-05-2003 11:53 PM

Dude, dont you work at the video game store?

Sorry, but I dont think the president dreams about getting a 10% discount on new releases.

BallisticWookie 02-05-2003 11:55 PM

What ? Explain yourself a little better....

02-05-2003 11:59 PM

Simply put, you're 20-something you work in a video store, and you HULK-up over crap on a message board. You cant be all THAT well adjusted in your life.

Chango 02-06-2003 12:08 AM

[quote="MR. SPECIAL ED":4d6df]you HULK-up over crap on a message board[/quote:4d6df]

couldn't that be used to describe you as well? at least he doesn't post from work (that we know of)

{1CAB}ThiRTeeN 02-06-2003 12:10 AM

Lmfao good point Chango!

BUTCHER 02-06-2003 12:10 AM

well now...if you aint sure hate to see you if you were.LOL.actually you seem a little hostile.hell i am trying my best to bring all these guys together as a family and you flame me for that.dont seem quite fair to why take it our on me where you were aint my falt you grew up gettin water from the river.lightin up bubba.hell man i think it would be cool to live down under...gota be like the beverly hillbillies meets the congo. stakin out the family dog as bait to catch a croc for dinner.pretty cool stuff.and as far as bannin me. i dont think ive broken any keep sayin your goina ban me but you never say why or what ive done wrong unless theres a part i missed about dont piss off the croc hunter or somethin. i sure would hate to change my sig and renew my ip.its kind of a pain in the ass ya know. so lightin buba or champ or what the hell ever you down under dudes say to eachother. lifes too short to get so hostile. remember the topic of the thread..whos the worst mod. all i did was post in the thread.gave an opinion.seems you got 2 choices..1 lock the post.your good at a wise man once told me..SOD OFF !!!

{1CAB}ThiRTeeN 02-06-2003 12:13 AM

I think this whole thread has been a reason to flame the admins from the start (look at the title...DUH!) Why not lock it? I mean the only thing that happens here is people come, read some posts and then get all pissed of and flame other members...

BUTCHER 02-06-2003 12:16 AM

[quote="{1CAB}ThiRTeeN":ed100]I think this whole thread has been a reason to flame the admins from the start (look at the title...DUH!) Why not lock it? I mean the only thing that happens here is people come, read some posts and then get all pissed of and flame other members...[/quote:ed100]

and better lock this thing quick croc hunter. it appears to me you catchin joe in the poll. LMAO

02-06-2003 12:18 AM


Originally Posted by "MR. SPECIAL ED":059f1
you HULK-up over crap on a message board

couldn't that be used to describe you as well? at least he doesn't post from work (that we know of)[/quote:059f1]

Lol, sad but NOT true. If you can find where I fly off the handle like our man flint here, then I'll give you a cookie.

And what else am I going to do at work.

I have always said, this shit is fun, and will continue to be fun until the last good poster is gone and hangs up there hat.

{1CAB}ThiRTeeN 02-06-2003 12:19 AM

Who are the good posters?

BUTCHER 02-06-2003 12:19 AM

[quote="MR. SPECIAL ED":6e8d2][quote=Chango]

Originally Posted by "MR. SPECIAL ED":6e8d2
you HULK-up over crap on a message board

couldn't that be used to describe you as well? at least he doesn't post from work (that we know of)[/quote:6e8d2]

Lol, sad but NOT true. If you can find where I fly off the handle like our man flint here, then I'll give you a cookie.

And what else am I going to do at work.

I have always said, this shit is fun, and will continue to be fun until the last good poster is gone and hangs up there hat.[/quote:6e8d2]


Chango 02-06-2003 12:23 AM


Originally Posted by BUTCHER
old crocadile dunde pissed me off the other day when he moved my post to off topic about the space shuttle

the General Discussion area is MOHAA related, off-topic is about things like that. calm down and at least do some research on austrialia, believe it or not the people there are not all like Paul Hogan or Steve Irwin

{1CAB}ThiRTeeN 02-06-2003 12:27 AM

hake: Like I said....LOCK THIS POST!! Things are getting really really stupid hake:

Chango 02-06-2003 12:30 AM

it probably should've been locked when the flaming started

BUTCHER 02-06-2003 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by Chango

Originally Posted by BUTCHER
old crocadile dunde pissed me off the other day when he moved my post to off topic about the space shuttle

the General Discussion area is MOHAA related, off-topic is about things like that. calm down and at least do some research on austrialia, believe it or not the people there are not all like Paul Hogan or Steve Irwin

i couldnt agree more about what you sure there not ALL as smart as paul hogan and steve irwin. the croc hunter there is a prim example.CHAMP

BallisticWookie 02-06-2003 12:35 AM

[quote="MR. SPECIAL ED":2b750]Simply put, you're 20-something you work in a video store, and you HULK-up over crap on a message board. You cant be all THAT well adjusted in your life.[/quote:2b750]

I work at Electronics Boutique earning $17 an hour. I'm a salesman who sells more than games. I sell computer hardware, give advice, troubleshooting, and anything else that people have problems with. I like my job, infact I love it. Couldnt ask for anything better.

Oh, by the way, I am well adjusted, I live a good healthy life, much better than most in America I can assure you. Exactly where did I "hulk-up" ? I'm merely stating my opinion and defending myself.

What on earth is wrong with that ? Does being a Admin here prevent me from defending myself ?

Butcher, you basically called us (Australians) unschooled and illiterate, when you cant even spell yourself, whats the deal buddy ? You generalise about us, think we all live in the bush and hunt crocadiles.... hake: If there is one person here who is starting shit, it's you. Not me.

Tripper 02-06-2003 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by BUTCHER
we all know how they are down under..not much chance for a proper learnin..that sort of next time a mod locks a post or threatins to ban you..try to smile and consider the source..i hope this little post will help to bring us all together as ONE BIG HIGHLY DISFUNCTIONAL FAMILY.

Hey, Bitch. I take offense to that shit. After all, I'm an ANZAC....But you wouldn't realise that, because you're a walking fucking piece of spluttering madness.

I imagine your upbringing was a hideous 40 years of crying, shitty nappies, tantrums and general struggling. I feel sorry for your parents who have to put up with seeing a fucking loser grace their presence every day. Whatever country you live in, should be ashamed that it manifested such a fucking incomprehendable mandrake. Go stick a cock in your ear and fuck what you heard, because I'm stating the facts - You're a fucker. Tell your mother that I'm sorry, and "Accidents" happen. I bet your father apologises to your mother a lot. I feel for people put in such a position. I wish we could put on a concert to help all the parents whose children are fucking embarrasing pieces of nutty, nutty shit.

Here's some advice:


Cool_Dude 02-06-2003 01:12 AM


{1CAB}ThiRTeeN 02-06-2003 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by BUTCHER
we all know how they are down under..not much chance for a proper learnin..that sort of next time a mod locks a post or threatins to ban you..try to smile and consider the source..i hope this little post will help to bring us all together as ONE BIG HIGHLY DISFUNCTIONAL FAMILY.

Hey, Bitch. I take offense to that shit. After all, I'm an ANZAC....But you wouldn't realise that, because you're a walking fucking piece of spluttering madness.

I imagine your upbringing was a hideous 40 years of crying, shitty nappies, tantrums and general struggling. I feel sorry for your parents who have to put up with seeing a fucking loser grace their presence every day. Whatever country you live in, should be ashamed that it manifested such a fucking incomprehendable mandrake. Go stick a cock in your ear and fuck what you heard, because I'm stating the facts - You're a fucker. Tell your mother that I'm sorry, and "Accidents" happen. I bet your father apologises to your mother a lot. I feel for people put in such a position. I wish we could put on a concert to help all the parents whose children are fucking embarrasing pieces of nutty, nutty shit.

Here's some advice:


ed: OUCH! damn you laid that on.

Tripper 02-06-2003 01:22 AM

Hey, I'm a patriotic guy, plus, I love my brovaz across the ditch! angel:


BallisticWookie 02-06-2003 01:24 AM

Hehe. biggrin: Love you dudes too. wink:

BUTCHER 02-06-2003 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by BUTCHER
we all know how they are down under..not much chance for a proper learnin..that sort of next time a mod locks a post or threatins to ban you..try to smile and consider the source..i hope this little post will help to bring us all together as ONE BIG HIGHLY DISFUNCTIONAL FAMILY.

Hey, Bitch. I take offense to that shit. After all, I'm an ANZAC....But you wouldn't realise that, because you're a walking fucking piece of spluttering madness.

I imagine your upbringing was a hideous 40 years of crying, shitty nappies, tantrums and general struggling. I feel sorry for your parents who have to put up with seeing a fucking loser grace their presence every day. Whatever country you live in, should be ashamed that it manifested such a fucking incomprehendable mandrake. Go stick a cock in your ear and fuck what you heard, because I'm stating the facts - You're a fucker. Tell your mother that I'm sorry, and "Accidents" happen. I bet your father apologises to your mother a lot. I feel for people put in such a position. I wish we could put on a concert to help all the parents whose children are fucking embarrasing pieces of nutty, nutty shit.

Here's some advice:


you talk of my upbringin and how my parents feel about me. heres an idea. print out what you just posted and show it to your parents..ask them for their opinion of it.if they have the same opinion of you as you do of me their probably fine parents..if they like it and are proud of you then you can contniue to change the tires on their house. as for the croc hunter i was with ya about your job up the 17.00 an hour then you lost me.i ant buyin that for a second.why would somebody pay that kinda money to a glorified video game hard is it to point where the new releases are and tell them they need more memory to play the game.very high tech indeed.

SoLiDUS 02-06-2003 07:27 AM

This thread sux0r my nutz0rz. To relieve it of it's sux0rness, I am posting
a 1337 message.


There... I hope this message balances out the Universe...


02-06-2003 08:28 AM

can it balance out my masturbation-fuck ratio?

Loki's Sister's Father 02-06-2003 03:39 PM

Nothing can, sorry. It's impossible to balance out a 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000 to 1 ratio.

02-06-2003 03:47 PM

[quote="Loki's Sister's Father":29ede]Nothing can, sorry. It's impossible to balance out a 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000 to 1 ratio.[/quote:29ede]

Loki's Sister's Father = Loki's Mother's Son.

Loki's Sister's Father 02-06-2003 04:12 PM

How 'bout you shut the fuck up, mmkay?

02-06-2003 04:16 PM

i'm confused

02-06-2003 04:17 PM

Why has LOKI been banned in the first place?

And what about S.P.A.M. and it's efforts?

02-06-2003 04:19 PM

i don't remember

...but we all know the double standard about spamming

Loki's Sister's Father 02-06-2003 05:21 PM

Yeah..Joe spams the entire forum so that the last reply for every topic on the first page was made by him. I post one dumb thread and get banned. LOL

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