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Airborne Butters 05-21-2003 06:30 PM

I just played a little more Enter the Matrix, and in it there's a person that say's "72 hours...that's how long Zion lasted before"

Is this hinting at something?

Milla 05-21-2003 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by Ferich

Roadhouse > Matrix

ROFL! Swazie is teh lord biggrin:

JBird 05-21-2003 10:46 PM

i finally saw reloaded today! im glad i read parts of this thread, cuz i stayed till the end, unlike 90 percent of the boons who left at the credits lol. ty d00ds! the wachowski bros have ushered in a new era of filmaking ed: truly amazing film

descry 05-22-2003 09:59 AM

Re: just found this

Originally Posted by 1080jibber
Secrets of the matrix site

here's what you need to do:

follow these steps!

go to

choose high bandwith site

look at the righ-top, see the little yellow thingy? click it!

now this little thingy pops-up where you can select low badnwith

click the little square light twice right next to (right side) of the low bandwith thingy

now this zion thingy pops up

slice the thingy to the right to open the control panel.

Now you need the codes.. here are a few.. there should be more but i dont know them, you do? reply

binairy code -> effect

11011011 3d view nebuchadnezzar
10110110 Bonus clip Stunt coordinator
00011000 Bonus clip Concept Illustrator
10000001 Previous matrix website
11101001 Trinity concept art
11010100 Animatrix Desktop Art

01101111 Hexadecimal menu.
this one should provide something special
this one gives acces to another acces panel,which is secured with an hexadecimal code.. no codes known yet so if ya got them do

edit: found one
1100 1100 1000 1000 0011 0011 0000 0000 CC883300.

once u type it in and press "ENTER", click on the "ZION410E20" link under the first binary code input thingy.

edit: more

ZION83N6 (binary codes)
Added Sequence Unveils Source
2003-02-25 01101111 ZION410E20 Access Panel 2 for entering hexadecimal keys. 'Chaos0701'
2002-07-31 11101000 Philosophy section.
2002-05-16 11010100 Brings up a nice screenshot of the new character Jue (sp?)... 'Fuct574'
2002-05-08 11101001 Hint: It has something to do with David Lapham. WhatIsTheMatrix
2002-04-07 00011000 Bonus clip. Special audio commentary. Interview with concept illustrator Simon Murton. 'Funkmidget'
2002-04-07 10110110 Bonus clip. Stunt coordinator R.A. Rondell. 'EduMarg'
2002-04-07 10000001 Reloads the classic "The Matrix" website. 'Backpack'
2002-04-05 11011011 Zion QuickTime VR picture. 'Uzi'

for 2nd
ZION410E20 (hexadecimal codes)
Added Sequence Unveils Source
2003-05-16 A3B1A428 Nebuchadnezzar Model Kit. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 19A642BF P.O.D behind the scenes. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 8E217AC9 Data not yet online. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 D53D49F9 Unloco- Bruises music video. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 A8C3F9AD Deftones-Historical segment. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 64CF29E3 POD: behind the scenes 2. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 43E17AC9 The Making of the Soundtrack. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 8D966F2A POD Interview. 'Sneaka007'
2003-05-08 C1B49F13 POD lyrics. 'Sneaka007'
2003-04-10 98765432 The final theatrical "The Matrix Reloaded" trailer. 'HuanVu'
2003-04-03 d487a317 About "The Animatrix: Detective Story." MFN
2003-03-31 f03350b1 Hugh Bateup (Supervising Art Director) interview. Yngve
2003-03-31 0081cf5e John Gaeta (visual Effects Supervisor) interview. Yngve
2003-03-07 ec306071 QuickTime VR: Oracle Kitchen. Adam
2003-03-02 098ca701 New wallpaper. Kevin
2003-02-25 cc883300 Test key. 'Chaos0701'


ED 05-22-2003 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Noctis
Unless they've figured out how to clone through some process using stem cells or the like. They are machines and if the Matrix is approximately 600 years old, then it's somewhere around the 28th century, so an advance in the science is all but inferred.

This would infer then that the machines are THINKING machines. That they operate beyond logic, into the realm of neccesity which breed invention. I dont buy it. The MATRIX is created to ressemble the 1990's. In this day and age cloning is possible but not on a scale that I believe would make it practical for the machines. It is possible that they are cloning humans, growing them in petri-dishes. But again, the MACHINES require human invention, human thought - so this is another situation where the humans still are of use.

As for the further debate of ZION=NOTHER LEVL OF MATRIX - if we assume that the storytelling extends into different media (games, animated movies), then the song "Sleeping Awake" could provide some answers in and of itself.

Drew 05-22-2003 12:13 PM

[quote="ED! Ban #127":3933b]

Originally Posted by Noctis
Unless they've figured out how to clone through some process using stem cells or the like. They are machines and if the Matrix is approximately 600 years old, then it's somewhere around the 28th century, so an advance in the science is all but inferred.

This would infer then that the machines are THINKING machines.[/quote:3933b]

Not exactly, ED. Consider that most problems can, on a very basic level, be solved by mathematical equations. So discovering how to clone from strands of DNA or single cells would be the logical solution of a number of mathematical equations. This would place it well within the realm of a machine to discover. Keep in mind that they "discovered" other things (i.e., using humans as energy, writing new and better programs, creating more intelligent machines [bomb-hurling sentinels], how to dominate commerce [the Animatrix]). It's all about math.

ED 05-22-2003 12:45 PM

Machines cannot think. Commerce, using humans as batteries - these are all solutions brought about by information ALREADY provided in databanks. Machines that hurl bombs is a strategem easily brought about by "reading" THE BIBLE. Machines cannot do what Humans can do, and that is be "inspired". They can only infer from present data that is already available to them, and attempt to make leaps from there, putting two and two together. However, only the most rudimentary of 'inventions' will be achieved since inspiration is a decidedly human quality.

Bazooka_Joe 05-22-2003 01:55 PM

Ed, machines can bang each other for all we know, this is a movie!

There's so many small hints in the movie, it's almost impossible to guess what the hell the next one will be like. What about the part where Neo told the Architech that he needs humans to live, and the Architech says something like "We can find others means of energy"?

Chango 05-22-2003 03:23 PM

your forgetting that they're AI, they've been programmed to think. If they didn't think then how did the war start in the first place? If they didn't think then they would've done what the humans told them to do, not attack or defend themselves in a war. And after the war they thought of the way to use humans as batteries (somehow I doubt that that was in the "database.")

SoLiDUS 05-22-2003 03:23 PM

Nah, the Architect says "There are levels of survival we are prepared to accept".
This doesn't imply a new source of energy: if the machines actually thought, they
would have made one or more separate Matrices to have constant energy sources...

SoLiDUS 05-22-2003 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Chango
your forgetting that they're AI, they've been programmed to think. If they didn't think then how did the war start in the first place? If they didn't think then they would've done what the humans told them to do, not attack or defend themselves in a war. And after the war they thought of the way to use humans as batteries (somehow I doubt that that was in the "database.")

For everything you said, information was available for the "AIs" to choose an
appropriate course of action based on their present situation: the amount of
knowledge they had access to is incredible - just think of today's internet...

Drew 05-22-2003 04:11 PM

Agent Smith "discovered" a way to clone himself.

Many of the rogue programs in the movie seem to have mind and motivation of their own.

It seems obvious to me that humans created a perfect AI, one that can think as we think.

They did organize and take over, after all. And like I said about cloning.. the idea is there right this very second.. they just have to solve the math to make it work.

ED 05-22-2003 05:31 PM

As SLOI has said, THE ARCHITECT is basically poker-facing NEO, telling him that if he rebels and THE MATRIX wipes out every person connected to it, the machines will find another means to survive.

Regarding AI information - I agree, the Machines are putting two and two together and coming up with things. But some of the greatest inventions have come not from thinking in equations but from stepping OUTSIDE the box. The ORACLE ONLY figures out the problem of the MATRIX by looking at PAST information on human behavior, not taking a radical leap of thought and applying a solution. I will give that MACHINES can run though data and come at a solution using existing information, but they cannot "dream" or have bursts of "inspiration". INSPIRATION is what creates greatness and why the anamoly exists - the MACHINES dont have the inspiration to create a solution.

Drew 05-22-2003 05:51 PM

Well put, but the argument is whether or not machines could advance cloning to the point that in vitro would no longer be necessary. Which I think is highly likely, considering that since the process of cloning in such a manner has already been thought up, it is a simple progression of mathematical solutions to reach success.

Sicilian_Summers 05-22-2003 05:58 PM

Just out of curiosity, have you forgotten to factor in that the dead is fed intreviniously to the living?

Also, is the babies birth a part of the Matrix as well? How is the child concieved in real life?

Who knows.. :)

SoLiDUS 05-23-2003 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Noctis
Well put, but the argument is whether or not machines could advance cloning to the point that in vitro would no longer be necessary. Which I think is highly likely, considering that since the process of cloning in such a manner has already been thought up, it is a simple progression of mathematical solutions to reach success.

Listen Noc, I don't want to dwell on this longer than I have to: I'm not saying
the machines absolutely use IN VITRO to create new humans. What I meant to
say was that machines do in fact have easy ways of creating new humans, be it
the aformentioned method or another...

Bazooka_Joe 05-23-2003 09:29 AM

I still don't think the whole "Matrix within a Matrix" concept is what it boils down too, personally I think that's too lame for the Watchhagmrkgkgkoski brothers. oOo:

I think they left you thinking "What the hells going to happen now?". Also, the fact that Neo fainted when he attacked the machines makes me believe he's not in a Matrix, too.

Bazooka_Joe 05-24-2003 08:35 PM

Ok, I finished the ETM game, and have a few more things to add:

1) That girl, Penelophia or whatever her name is, defineatly has something to do with the storyline. I think shes a program that was built by the French Guy holding the Keymaker prisioner. When she kissed Neo, she defineatly did something, because she did the same thing to Ghost in the game.

2) In the movie, when Neo fights the first three agents and leaves, who is he looking for, the Oracle? He goes to an empty apartment and says "Where are you?"

3) Ghost (Niobe's 1st mate, the chinese guy with the gotee & mustache) is in love with Trinity, but he's somewhat of a monk, and knows he can't have her because she loves Neo, and he's in celibicy.

Bazooka_Joe 05-24-2003 08:39 PM

Also, the French Guy's cronies, even the one the chick shot with the pee-shooter are vampires. A few ways to tell:

1) They were watching a movie with vampires in it.

2) When she shoots the first one she says "My husband kept them because they're hard as hell to kill. How many people do you know keep silver bullets in their gun?" Silver kills vampires.

3) In the game, all of his cronies are vampires.

I wonder if this reflects to what the Oracle said about "Everytime you hear someone talk about a ghost, vampire, warewolf, or alien, it's someone changing a program in the Matrix."

Bazooka_Joe 05-24-2003 09:21 PM

Sorry to keep posting, I keep forgetting shit!

Also, if you watched the trailer for the 3rd one, you'll see a guy for a splitsecond, that looks a little like Christphor Lloyd (Doc from Back to the Future) with long hair. In the game, when Niobe is going to use the phone to leave, he walks up laughing saying ". . .72 hours. . .72 hours" She says "What's 72 hours?" He goes "Thats how long it took to drestroy Zion the last time, 72 hours!" She goes "Who are you?" He says "Just someone along for the ride. . ." then he walks away, and keeps saying 72 hours.

SoLiDUS 05-25-2003 03:10 AM

[quote="Bazooka_Joe":4f7fb]Sorry to keep posting, I keep forgetting shit!

Also, if you watched the trailer for the 3rd one, you'll see a guy for a splitsecond, that looks a little like Christphor Lloyd (Doc from Back to the Future) with long hair. In the game, when Niobe is going to use the phone to leave, he walks up laughing saying ". . .72 hours. . .72 hours" She says "What's 72 hours?" He goes "Thats how long it took to drestroy Zion the last time, 72 hours!" She goes "Who are you?" He says "Just someone along for the ride. . ." then he walks away, and keeps saying 72 hours.[/quote:4f7fb]


I'm going to start playing the game tonight! biggrin:

Stinger_Dude 05-25-2003 07:27 AM

hmmmm all this conversation has led me to decide to see this amazing film once more.

Could it be the "real world" with Zion in it is simply Version 5? Or the Matrix is Version 6 and the "real world" is gonna be the next matrix; Matrix Version 7?

[DAS REICH] Blitz 05-25-2003 07:47 AM


Sicilian_Summers 05-25-2003 10:55 AM

1) That girl, Penelophia or whatever her name is, defineatly has something to do with the storyline. I think shes a program that was built by the French Guy holding the Keymaker prisioner. When she kissed Neo, she defineatly did something, because she did the same thing to Ghost in the game.[/quote:b941e]


I still think the emotions of love play a big part in this movie. It is how Neo became the one, and also how he determined the fate of the world.

Bartlett 05-27-2003 04:08 PM

there is one thing that we can be absolutely certain of, and that is that Persephone (Monica Belluci) has the finest ass (and rest of body) ever.

When the Merovingian (whatever he's called) says "I survived your predecessors, and I will survive you", does he mean, Neo's predecessors, or the predecessors of the rebels and everyone plugged into the Matrix?

ninty 05-27-2003 04:46 PM

Neo's predecessors. The anomilies of "The One".

05-28-2003 08:35 PM

I was just thinking, that the Matrix is a giant computer program, right? Well, i hope its not on the Windows OS, or that thing will crash.

The blue screen of death:
"Windows has encountered a fatal error in C:Program Files/TheMatrix/country/USA/NJ/city/br/person/GregMatlesky. The Matrix will now have to reboot. press any key to be spawned again"

SoLiDUS 05-28-2003 08:51 PM


Akuma 05-29-2003 05:09 AM

[quote="Bazooka_Joe":6c472]Silver kills vampires.[/quote:6c472]

Thats Werewolves. Crosses, wooden stakes, garlic, and sunlight kill vampires. Also a cutting a vampire in half down the middle with an enchanted sword seems to kill weaker vampires(Vamp. Hunter D).

Stinger_Dude 05-29-2003 06:08 AM

No also silver kills vampires.

Bazooka_Joe 05-29-2003 08:51 AM

[quote="Gothic_child180":fba23][quote="Bazooka_Joe":fba23]Silver kills vampires.[/quote:fba23]

Thats Werewolves. Crosses, wooden stakes, garlic, and sunlight kill vampires. Also a cutting a vampire in half down the middle with an enchanted sword seems to kill weaker vampires(Vamp. Hunter D).[/quote:fba23]

Someone didn't watch Blade. hake:

They're highly allergic to silver, and all of the stakes Blade uses are made of silver.

LoneGunner87 05-29-2003 10:44 AM

For some reason people were confused about the matrix since they dont get it very much.

Airborne Butters 05-29-2003 01:18 PM

Haven't you fools seen Blade?! HE has silver bullets,silver spikes and silver swords!

Sicilian_Summers 05-30-2003 03:49 PM


After reading the Architect/Neo conversation one more time, I do not think it is absolutely certain that the Oracle is the "Mother of the Matrix". It was never reiterated by the Architect, and I personally think this program he was speaking of was the Merovingian's girlfriend. Perhpaps she knew a thing or two about human psyche.. :)

pest 06-02-2003 01:25 PM

[quote="Stinger_Dude":933be]No also silver kills vampires.[/quote:933be]

Depends on whose book you are reading.

Anyway, i just saw the movie a couple of days ago. I left teh theater pissed at how sorry it was. Too much fluff (rave scene) and the fight scenes were too long. How is 9 minutes of neo fighting 100 A. Smiths, better than 4? No, those arent the actual lenght, but I found myself getting bored with the "action". Reading this thread has sparked my interest a little, but I can understand why this film isnt, and wont, be the success that the first one was.

I am questioning some of the conclusions I had after seeing the movie now.

I also have a couple of questions that just dont make sense. -

- If neo can stop bullets, why cant he stop a fist????

- If the key maker and the oracle are so resigned to fate, "whatever will happen, will happen", then why do they fear for themselves so much? The keymaker runs at the first sign of danger, and the oracle has a body guard to protect her although all decisions have already been made.

Although I dont buy the 2 matrix idea, what it there are 2 matirxes - one for the 99.5% that are content with the life the matrix provides, and a secondone for the .5% that cant deal with it?

Also, why let "awakened" humans live. If the arcitect knows that minds are awakened to populate zion, why let the machinces let them live. Why not kill neo when he was awakened instead of flushing him? The few lives lost like that would certainly be better than 6 system anomolies. Of course there would be no movie if that happened, but it seems like a big hole to me.

Sicilian_Summers 06-02-2003 07:23 PM

Neo should have kicked the architect's ass.

Stinger_Dude 06-05-2003 10:19 AM

Get your questions answered here.

Lots of interesting discussion. The one I find interesting the significance and importance of Agent Smith. Perhaps he is the anomoly. Perhaps the Matrix needs to be reloaded due to this rogue Program.

Tiwaz 06-05-2003 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by pest
Anyway, i just saw the movie a couple of days ago. I left teh theater pissed at how sorry it was. Too much fluff (rave scene) and the fight scenes were too long. How is 9 minutes of neo fighting 100 A. Smiths, better than 4? No, those arent the actual lenght, but I found myself getting bored with the "action". Reading this thread has sparked my interest a little, but I can understand why this film isnt, and wont, be the success that the first one was.

I am questioning some of the conclusions I had after seeing the movie now.

I also have a couple of questions that just dont make sense. -

- If neo can stop bullets, why cant he stop a fist????

- If the key maker and the oracle are so resigned to fate, "whatever will happen, will happen", then why do they fear for themselves so much? The keymaker runs at the first sign of danger, and the oracle has a body guard to protect her although all decisions have already been made.

Although I dont buy the 2 matrix idea, what it there are 2 matirxes - one for the 99.5% that are content with the life the matrix provides, and a secondone for the .5% that cant deal with it?

Also, why let "awakened" humans live. If the arcitect knows that minds are awakened to populate zion, why let the machinces let them live. Why not kill neo when he was awakened instead of flushing him? The few lives lost like that would certainly be better than 6 system anomolies. Of course there would be no movie if that happened, but it seems like a big hole to me.

I liked the movie, the fighting scenes were cool. Not too long for me.

About all those questions: Valid questions. I have them as well.

I'd say: It is just a movie. People are making too much of it. It is not real. Define real. Blah blah. The way I see it: Awesome movie, story has many flaws, the lovescene was way too long, and Morpheus's speech is an example of some serious bad acting. But like I said, all in all an awesome movie. Liked part 1 better though.

Stinger_Dude 06-06-2003 10:31 AM

Dl Animatrix of kazaa. It really clears alot of things up of MAtrix Reloaded.

Chango 06-06-2003 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by pest
I also have a couple of questions that just dont make sense. -

- If neo can stop bullets, why cant he stop a fist????

A bullet is controlled by the matrix, a fist is controlled by the avatar/program


Originally Posted by pest
-If the key maker and the oracle are so resigned to fate, "whatever will happen, will happen", then why do they fear for themselves so much? The keymaker runs at the first sign of danger, and the oracle has a body guard to protect her although all decisions have already been made.

they aren't resigned to "whatever will happen will happen" they are resigned to keeping their purpose, the keymaker was fine with dieing because what he was supposed to do was done(give the key to the source to Neo)


Originally Posted by pest
Although I dont buy the 2 matrix idea, what it there are 2 matirxes - one for the 99.5% that are content with the life the matrix provides, and a secondone for the .5% that cant deal with it?

It makes sense for the machines to have a second matrix since they know there's a bug with the humans that'll make them not accept the matrix, but we'll find out in Revolutions


Originally Posted by pest
Also, why let "awakened" humans live. If the arcitect knows that minds are awakened to populate zion, why let the machinces let them live. Why not kill neo when he was awakened instead of flushing him? The few lives lost like that would certainly be better than 6 system anomolies. Of course there would be no movie if that happened, but it seems like a big hole to me.

for all we know there could be some AIs that bitch about killing innocent humans so they let them have a slim chance of living if they get awakened (remember they just dump them into the sewers, if there wasn't a ship to rescue them they'd drown)

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