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Sicilian_Summers 06-10-2003 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Vance1
You see Ydiss, Christianity is different from any other religion because there was actually a guy that came here....and this dude's name was Jesus.....and he did alot of cool stuff like raise people from he dead and then he died but then he himself rose from the dead and then he went back to Heaven. There is no other religion that comes close to that.

What about Mohammed of the Islamic religion?

I have little knowledge of theology, but I do believe that Muslims believe that Mohammed was a prophet of Allah, and through his strong faith in Allah and strong faith of the Islamc religion he ascended into heaven after death, much like Jesus..

SoLiDUS 06-10-2003 03:33 PM

Can a student of History (aren't we're all? hah...) fill me in on the following:
when (date in time) did all religions come to be born ? For example, belief
in the fact that Sloidusey is your God came into 2003 on the forum!


But seriously, when and where did they "start" ?

pest 06-10-2003 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS
Can a student of History (aren't we're all? hah...) fill me in on the following:
when (date in time) did all religions come to be born ? For example, belief
in the fact that Sloidusey is your God came into 2003 on the forum!


But seriously, when and where did they "start" ?

I give it a shot, off the top of my head.

Judaism (sp? jewish) - old - 2000 bc?
Hindu - fairly old too - 2000 bc
Christian - we do use their calendar - 34 AD
Budhism - 400-500 AD?
Islam - About the same 400 ad

Pretty much all guesses, but I think the order is right.

Sicilian_Summers 06-10-2003 03:41 PM

Pest, I think Islam and Judism are derrived from the same man, Abraham. I'm not 100% sure, but I do remember reading and thinking how rediculous it was that the believers of both religions have been fighting since biblical times and continue to fight to this day and will continue to fight in the future, when both were founded upon the journey of one man..

Vance 06-10-2003 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by Vance1
You see Ydiss, Christianity is different from any other religion because there was actually a guy that came here....and this dude's name was Jesus.....and he did alot of cool stuff like raise people from he dead and then he died but then he himself rose from the dead and then he went back to Heaven. There is no other religion that comes close to that.

What about Mohammed of the Islamic religion?

I have little knowledge of theology, but I do believe that Muslims believe that Mohammed was a prophet of Allah, and through his strong faith in Allah and strong faith of the Islamc religion he ascended into heaven after death, much like Jesus..[/quote:082a4]
Did he do any miracles? Did he raise from the dead, then after that ascend to Heaven?

Sicilian_Summers 06-10-2003 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by "Sicilian_Summers":1eca9

Originally Posted by Vance1
You see Ydiss, Christianity is different from any other religion because there was actually a guy that came here....and this dude's name was Jesus.....and he did alot of cool stuff like raise people from he dead and then he died but then he himself rose from the dead and then he went back to Heaven. There is no other religion that comes close to that.

What about Mohammed of the Islamic religion?

I have little knowledge of theology, but I do believe that Muslims believe that Mohammed was a prophet of Allah, and through his strong faith in Allah and strong faith of the Islamc religion he ascended into heaven after death, much like Jesus..

Did he do any miracles? Did he raise from the dead, then after that ascend to Heaven?[/quote:1eca9]

Possibly.. I have no knowledge of the religion, or of Mohammed himself.

pest 06-10-2003 03:47 PM

[quote="Sicilian_Summers":e7964]Pest, I think Islam and Judism are derrived from the same man, Abraham. I'm not 100% sure, but I do remember reading and thinking how rediculous it was that the believers of both religions have been fighting since biblical times and continue to fight to this day and will continue to fight in the future, when both were founded upon the journey of one man..[/quote:e7964]

I dont think islam came into its own as a religion until mohammed arrived. I am pretty sure he is the founder of the faith, much like jesus created the christian religion. Remember - Jesus was a Jew. Hence my later date on the timeline. If i remeber correctly, mohammeds family fought over control of the faith after his death and split the religion into the current sunni and shite division.

Vance 06-10-2003 03:49 PM

Jesus didn't create Christianity - it had been around a long time before he came around.

pest 06-10-2003 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by Vance1
Did he do any miracles? Did he raise from the dead, then after that ascend to Heaven?

Mohammed was a prophet, not a messiah, just as budha was a monk.

Vance 06-10-2003 03:50 PM

Well then until you can find me a man that was a messiah like Jesus, big J reigns supreme. cool:

pest 06-10-2003 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Vance1
Jesus didn't create Christianity - it had been around a long time before he came around.

Nope. They were jews before the coming of Jesus. Everyone of them. Jesus instructed his disciples to go out and preach his word and create the church.

Ydiss 06-10-2003 03:53 PM

Couldn't agree more, Tiwaz. Nice that we can agree and yet still discuss biggrin:

Vance 06-10-2003 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by pest

Originally Posted by Vance1
Jesus didn't create Christianity - it had been around a long time before he came around.

Nope. They were jews before the coming of Jesus. Everyone of them. Jesus instructed his disciples to go out and preach his word and create the church.

Well, I know Moses and other guys were around before Jesus, and your right, they were Jews - but they had contact with God, which was the Father of Jesus, so's almost the same thing.

Low spark 06-10-2003 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by Vance1

Originally Posted by pest

Originally Posted by Vance1
Jesus didn't create Christianity - it had been around a long time before he came around.

Nope. They were jews before the coming of Jesus. Everyone of them. Jesus instructed his disciples to go out and preach his word and create the church.

Well, I know Moses and other guys were around before Jesus, and your right, they were Jews - but they had contact with God, which was the Father of Jesus, so's almost the same thing.

Almost is right. The God of Judaism is a vengful god, and the God of the Chistianity is a forgiving god.
And vance you are right Christianty was not created by Jesus, but by men based on the teachings of Christ.

Simo Häyhä 06-10-2003 04:25 PM

were all going to hell

Vance 06-10-2003 04:25 PM

To be TOTALLY honest - yes the Christian God is forgiving but he is also a dominant God. Remember Noah's Ark?

Sicilian_Summers 06-10-2003 04:57 PM

Noah's ark.. man, that subject sparks off some very heated debates.

My personal theory about all that was just that it was based upon an actual flood within the middle-eastern area, but was over exaggerated based upon the fact that they hadn't seen or known much beyond their small part of the world..

No, I don't believe Noah managed to get 2 of each animal upon the ark and no, I don't think the Lions ate the Unicorns. biggrin:

Tiwaz 06-10-2003 05:03 PM

Jesus is also an important religious figure in the the 'bible' of the Islam, the Koran. He is mentioned several times. They call him Messiah. They don't consider him to be the saviour though. Just an important prophet. But Mohammed is more important to them. So I think Chritianity came first, before the Islam. Because Mohammed was born after Jesus was.

Ydiss 06-10-2003 05:05 PM

If Noah's Ark was a true occurance then the Human race would be one huge sickly inbred familly.

Tiwaz 06-10-2003 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ydiss
If Noah's Ark was a true occurance then the Human race would be one huge sickly inbred familly.

And what about Adam and Eve then...literal interpretation of the bible...nah...not a good idea.

Low spark 06-10-2003 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Ydiss
If Noah's Ark was a true occurance then the Human race would be one huge sickly inbred familly.

Also if the story of Adam and Eve were true, the case would be the same.

I personally like Bill Cosby's version of Noah's Ark though.

Sicilian_Summers 06-10-2003 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Tiwaz
Jesus is also an important religious figure in the the 'bible' of the Islam, the Koran. He is mentioned several times. They call him Messiah. They don't consider him to be the saviour though. Just an important prophet. But Mohammed is more important to them. So I think Chritianity came first, before the Islam. Because Mohammed was born after Jesus was.

Yes, that's true.

I do believe Muslims call Jews and Christians "People of the Book". I'm not sure if they have any other recognition for religions such as Hinduism or Bhuddism. I'm not trying to offend any Muslims here, I just don't know much about the religion, and it's just something I do think I recall reading.

Ydiss 06-10-2003 05:20 PM

The Adam and Eve story is one of the main reasons I feel it hard to believe any of it.

To be told that we are being punished by God because of their sins and that we all descend from the same two people is just too far fetched for me.

But then if you mention that a Christian will always say it isn't meant to be taken litterally and that it is only a way of expressing other things to us.

If you can say that about one part of the Bible then how can you guarantee any part of it is factual?

Such as the miracles Jesus performed.

I just don't get along with it at all.

If I am to believe in something I'd like it to be believable. You might call that skeptism, but I think I have enough reason for it.

Low spark 06-10-2003 05:27 PM


Originally Posted by Ydiss
The Adam and Eve story is one of the main reasons I feel it hard to believe any of it.

To be told that we are being punished by God because of their sins and that we all descend from the same two people is just too far fetched for me.

But then if you mention that a Christian will always say it isn't meant to be taken litterally and that it is only a way of expressing other things to us.

If you can say that about one part of the Bible then how can you guarantee any part of it is factual?

Such as the miracles Jesus performed.

I just don't get along with it at all.

If I am to believe in something I'd like it to be believable. You might call that skeptism, but I think I have enough reason for it.

It's not the mircales and such that I look for in religons, but the teaching of those religons.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 06-10-2003 05:40 PM

well guys id like to say thanx this is the longest one of my threads has ever gone without being loct!thanks biggrin:

Tiwaz 06-10-2003 05:54 PM

I consider the Bible to be a guideline. It can be a guideline for non-Christians as well, some stories are really interesting. That's why I think everybody in the West should at least have some basic knowledge about the Bible, since Western culture is in large measure based upon it. Not all stories are true. Miracles of Jesus, well, some might have happened; if something happened in that time that people did not understand, it could easily be described as being a 'miracle'.

There are many useful messages in the Bible though. Like in many books. In this case, the Bible happens to be the book Christianity is based on. Many stories were written down many years after the event happened. Told from father to son. Later translated from Hebrew to other languages. Many 'facts' might have altered because of the oral tradition. Much like the game children play in kindergarten. I think the game is called Telephone?

Nice example of a mistranslation is this:

Catholics say the 'virgin Mary' gave birth to Jesus. But I believe (read it somewhere) the translation of the original text is 'the young woman Mary'. A young woman may be a virgin. But I know of many young women who, well, are not. So I guess some scepticism is in place when reading the Bible. Many Christians and Catholics will not agree with this, even though this particular example were to be true (I am not sure). This is only on example, there are many more (minor ones). Understandable, Hebrew is not the easiest language around...

And since we're starting about the Bible and scepticism and literal interpretation, we might as well broach a habit many people have: Drawing sentences or parts of stories out of its context. By doing this, the Bible has an answer to almost everything, anything, supplying bot arguments and counter-arhuments to support the very same opinion. Help!

Unknown_Sniper 06-10-2003 06:23 PM

I think the bible has really changed since it was first created. IT was changed to fit into everyday life even though it is not supposed to do that. And I am typing this while listenign to Dead Kennedys - Jesus was a terrorist lol...

MrLevinstein 06-10-2003 06:33 PM

I wouldnt consider being derived from two differnt human beings incorrect. If you think about our chances of being here against the chances of us not.... Things worked out in man's favor. Humans (or what eventually became humans) was nothing but a single celled organism, and if you trace it back farther just a pool of genes that mutated into humans. But the chances of adam and eve being right... Not very good at all.

Jesus Birth
Jesus spreading the "word of god"
Jesus's death
Muhammed finds religion and reads the bible and old testement
Muhammed forms Islam
People think hes crazy
After muhammeds death Islam becomes popular in the Middle east and regions of africa above the Sahara

No dates but that is right

MrLevinstein 06-10-2003 07:24 PM

aww what the hell I always kill the good topics.... cry:

Unknown_Sniper 06-10-2003 07:28 PM

I will use my supernatural powers to make this thread...REVIVED!

SoLiDUS 06-10-2003 07:32 PM

Adam and Eve... inbreeding... that explains a lot! For example, why we have
so many retarded people walking around! *falls to the floor laughing ass off*

Unknown_Sniper 06-10-2003 07:37 PM

Adam...and Eve huh. ok well that is one theory of life. But if you think of it logically eve would have come first, as males require and extra gene to be a guy. As for inbreeding....would it really be?

SoLiDUS 06-10-2003 07:38 PM

It was a joke... lol

Unknown_Sniper 06-10-2003 07:42 PM

I know.

SoLiDUS 06-10-2003 08:05 PM

[quote="Unknown_Sniper":7fb56]I know.[/quote:7fb56]

*Rubs chin*

Ah... but did you, Unknown_Sniper san ?


Unknown_Sniper 06-10-2003 08:07 PM

NO I didnt!!1 cry:

SoLiDUS 06-10-2003 08:52 PM

There there... *pats on the back*

Now doesn't that feel better ?

*turns back to the audience*

Ladies and Gentlemen: today, we've heard from people with abnormally
small testicles and nostrils. To do what they did - come on stage and tell
their story - was a very brave thing to do. Give them a warm applause!

On tomorrow's show, we'll talk with a man born without an anal cavity and
the difficulties of living a normal, homosexual life as a result of his issue.
I'm Jerry Sloidusey, goodnight...

Innoxx 06-10-2003 08:59 PM

According to christianity we're all brothers and sisters under Christ........

*hears banjo music*


06-11-2003 06:22 AM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":9bcb3]

never heard of that one.

I guess you would like to explain how there are sea-fossils on Mt. Everest if not for millions of years of slow tectonic shifting.[/quote:9bcb3]

Because of the flood

06-11-2003 06:24 AM

there's no way I can change all of you guy's minds, its a choice, but everyone has their opinion, and sometimes you can't change people's minds just by arguing with them for 11 pages in a thread...

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