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Old Reliable 10-21-2003 10:06 PM

college football games are an experience, drink till early morning friday night, take a short nap, wake up early, get a tailgate spot, then drink and mingle till kickoff

geRV 10-21-2003 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Vance
While I'm sure only people go to soccer games to start riots, that's when it gets exciting

YAWN waiting for excitement in american handball you'll be waiting till fucking doomsday.

SOCCER = more played game, SOCCER = more popular game (by fucking miles)

Pity you morons can;t get that through your heads, probably the jealousy knowing that some american sport with a retarded name to boot isn't popular on a world wide basis.

Simo Häyhä 10-21-2003 10:17 PM


CaP bUsTa 10-21-2003 10:42 PM

why hasnt nfl euro taken off much in europe?
because all europeans know how much better soccer and rugby are. If you got to know the games, you'd realize they are so much more exciting than any mlb game and the majority of nfl and ncaa games. There are the exception though, like the superbowl, orange bowl, sugar bowl, and a few others. Those are fairly entertaining.

Vance 10-21-2003 10:43 PM

lol, classic line from the simpsons soccer episode:

Kent Brockman: ''Center passes to forward...forward passes to passes to forward....foward passes back to holds it...holds it...holds it.....''

Mexican announcer: ''Center passes to forward! Forward passes to center! Center back to forward! Foward back to center! Center holds it! Holds it! HOLLLLDS IT!''

Simo Häyhä 10-21-2003 11:03 PM

yeah i love those latino soccer announcers, they really get into the game rock:

geRV 10-21-2003 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Vance
lol, classic line from the simpsons soccer episode:

Kent Brockman: ''Center passes to forward...forward passes to passes to forward....foward passes back to holds it...holds it...holds it.....''

Mexican announcer: ''Center passes to forward! Forward passes to center! Center back to forward! Foward back to center! Center holds it! Holds it! HOLLLLDS IT!''

What would be classic for baseball? The commentators talking about the weather for 15 minutes before another pitch is thrown. oOo:

For american handball the commentators probably remark on the players remarkable accuracey with the spitoon over 10 yards. oOo:

Fireal 10-21-2003 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by Vance
Soccer and football (American) are too easy. Baseball takes talent

BullSHIT, soccers too easy? if thats the case why dont games go like 30-40 goals like american football and baseball games can go in points? Simple because soccer is much harder to actually score in.

SOCCER > american football>baseball

End of discussion

Basketball and football you get more points a score. But soccer takes shitloads of skill. plus requires more stamina than ANY other sport.

And baseball is just whacking a ball? see right there you are being a hypocrite, thesse balls are twisting, turning. at high speeds.

or even a straight ball going 98 mph. Think about it, dick hammer.

JBird 10-21-2003 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by Vance

Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by Vance
JBird, you won't win. They can't comprehend the complexness of baseball, and they never will. Just leave them wallowing in their own insolence. It's actually quite funny.[/quote


Ya whatever u say, annoy:

You see what I mean? It's funny to see them try and come back and insult something they know nothing about, so they degrade to saying stuff like ''whatever u say'' happy:

baseball = combination of cricket and rounders, no more no less. All this psychology bullshit you lot are talking about signstealers and stuff....only in america says it all imo. oOo:

Hey you, yeah you, want 3000$ a week to interpret some guy waving his hands about? Sure ....

"hey he's yet to get a sign right after 3 months, hmm better double his salery."

oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo:

good god, each time you post on this thread your showing more and more of your ignorance. baseball is cricket? lmao. only a guy from ireland would try to tell me that baseball derived from cricket. happy:

Old Reliable 10-21-2003 11:35 PM

[quote="CaP bUsTa":7ec65]why hasnt nfl euro taken off much in europe?
because all europeans know how much better soccer and rugby are. If you got to know the games, you'd realize they are so much more exciting than any mlb game and the majority of nfl and ncaa games. There are the exception though, like the superbowl, orange bowl, sugar bowl, and a few others. Those are fairly entertaining.[/quote:7ec65]

youve never been to an ncaa game before

Pyro 10-21-2003 11:44 PM

If you knew football you also use your feet to punk the ball. and Goalies can use their hands in Soccer. So techically calling it football is wrong because a player can use every part of their body but their hands and goalie vcan use everything. Why not call it headball, or chestball.

Soccer is alright to play and very boring to watch, it's just abck and forth back on a shot every 10 minutes.

geRV 10-21-2003 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by Vance

Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by "Vance":a3fe6
JBird, you won't win. They can't comprehend the complexness of baseball, and they never will. Just leave them wallowing in their own insolence. It's actually quite funny.[/quote


Ya whatever u say, annoy:

You see what I mean? It's funny to see them try and come back and insult something they know nothing about, so they degrade to saying stuff like ''whatever u say'' happy:

baseball = combination of cricket and rounders, no more no less. All this psychology bullshit you lot are talking about signstealers and stuff....only in america says it all imo. oOo:

Hey you, yeah you, want 3000$ a week to interpret some guy waving his hands about? Sure ....

"hey he's yet to get a sign right after 3 months, hmm better double his salery."

oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo:

good god, each time you post on this thread your showing more and more of your ignorance. baseball is cricket? lmao. only a guy from ireland would try to tell me that baseball derived from cricket. happy:


Its an imalgimation of rounders and cricket. oOo:

Tripper 10-21-2003 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by JBird

Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by JBird
see tripper? i do know what im talking about, lay down your arms , your in over your head here. calmdown:

What cause the pro boreball..sorry baseball camp thinks all this behind the scenes shit counts. If thats the case check out some of the soccer behind the scenes stuff, its only WORLDWIDE news as opposed to 1 country. oOo:

That fag beckham anyone? His splitup with ferguson was reported globally.

rofllmao. happy:

you think im talking about gossip? fuck no. im talking about the mind games. since ive been called out to explain these underlying game within games and scenarios. ill give you few.

ppl who hate baseball or think its boring: they see a pitcher pitch the ball, and the batter tries to hit it.

in reality, every pitch is a mind game. the pitcher is trying to trick the hitter into thinking whats coming next. if the pitcher has the count, 0-1, 1-2, the pitcher will pitch away, in the dirt, up high....or he could go right down the middle. the batter has to constantly think what the pitcher might do. if there is someone on base, he could bunt, hit and run, try to go the other way, hit a fly ball to advance the runner...

misconceptions: baseball non-understanders biggrin: > get really mad and frustrated when the pitcher keeps throwing over to first to keep the runner close. there are many underlying reasons for this. most of them arent to keep the runner from stealing. it could be done to frustrate the hitter, who becomes impatient after 4 throws to first, consequently striking out in frustration. it can be done to slow the pace of the game, if the opposing team has a rally going, alot of the time the pitcher will throw over to first to try and ice the batters.

many non fans do not know about "signs" . baseball signing is an artform, there are hundreds of variations of signage. there are also professional "sign stealers". this is mostly kept quiet, its usually a bench coach who is a 30 to 40 yr veteran and his specialty is to crack or steal the other teams signs. if your team has a good one of these stealers, you can figure out when their runners will steal, so you can put on a pitch out....etc. very interesting, very few know about them.

baseball players are fat, lazy, and unatheletic. < biggest misconception ever. just because there are a few overwieght pitchers (mostly american league) somehow this has become a running joke. look at any team, most of the players were multi sport atheletes in college and are in incredible shape.

there is countless areas i can delve into about the intricacies of the game, i have barely tipped the iceberg on them here. i just wanted to answer your "until someone else speaks up" challenge. well, here you go, plenty to read. like i said earlier, since you hate my beloved game you will just continue to reply with snide, unfactual remarks. this is something you dont know about tripper. i certainly dont argue with you about the hiphop culture, because i dont know much about it. i know alot about baseball, feel free flame away. i just did this to prove there is much more to this game than is on the surface. freak:


Is that it? That's the underlying game in baseball?

I KNEW about most of that shit. I thought the underlying game was gonna be something more interesting. I used to watch MLB on ESPN and I know what the rules are.....I'm not a moron.

.....LMAO.......Knowing that shit didn't make it ANY more interesting. I guess that blows THAT out of the water....... happy:

Listen up - I'm not pissing on the people that like the game, just stating an OPINION, something that you shouldn't worry so much about - Probably bad for your health....It's quite amusing how you've gotten all antsy over posts in this thread that you could have just ignored.

GG Dude.......Hahaha....!


JBird 10-22-2003 12:01 AM

cricket you wear pads , use a flat paddle to hit a ball that is tiny compared to a baseball. and fuck knows what the hell rounders is. gerard you are being such a little bitch about this its ridiculous. to go on would be utterly useless. i dont even think your arguing about sports here, your just trying to agravate ppl. americans and canadians mostly. settle down a little bit, calmdown: deep breaths. who cares what sport is better. annoy:

geRV 10-22-2003 12:02 AM

[quote="Animal Mother":55fc4]

Originally Posted by Gerard

Originally Posted by Vance
Soccer and football (American) are too easy. Baseball takes talent

BullSHIT, soccers too easy? if thats the case why dont games go like 30-40 goals like american football and baseball games can go in points? Simple because soccer is much harder to actually score in.

SOCCER > american football>baseball

End of discussion

And baseball is just whacking a ball? see right there you are being a hypocrite, thesse balls are twisting, turning. at high speeds.

or even a straight ball going 98 mph. Think about it, dick hammer.[/quote:55fc4]

And where exactly did i say that cockmuncher? Oh thats right i fucking didn't. Get your fucking facts right before sticking your nose in you little bitch. oOo:

Tripper 10-22-2003 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by JBird
cricket you wear pads , use a flat paddle to hit a ball that is tiny compared to a baseball. and fuck knows what the hell rounders is. gerard you are being such a little bitch about this its ridiculous. to go on would be utterly useless. i dont even think your arguing about sports here, your just trying to agravate ppl. americans and canadians mostly. settle down a little bit, calmdown: deep breaths. who cares what sport is better. annoy:

YOU obviously do.

BTW - Cricket ball - Same size of baseball, if not bigger.

geRV 10-22-2003 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by JBird
cricket you wear pads , use a flat paddle to hit a ball that is tiny compared to a baseball. and fuck knows what the hell rounders is. gerard you are being such a little bitch about this its ridiculous. to go on would be utterly useless. i dont even think your arguing about sports here, your just trying to agravate ppl. americans and canadians mostly. settle down a little bit, calmdown: deep breaths. who cares what sport is better. annoy:

Actually a cricketball is about the same size as a baseball. eek:

Old Reliable 10-22-2003 12:04 AM

foreigners just dont like football or baseball cuz they can't understand it

Tripper 10-22-2003 12:19 AM

[quote="Old Reliable":88707]foreigners just dont like football or baseball cuz they can't understand it[/quote:88707]

I understand both football and baseball, both quite well.....As I said earlier, I used to watch a LOT of ESPN......Mostly for Hockey, but I did watch a lot of baseball, basketball and football.

Old Reliable 10-22-2003 12:24 AM

college football is brutal, but you hve to have a favorite team, otherwise its pointless to watch. right now they just released the BCS rankings and you hope the teams above yours lose to give a good bowl matchup. the atmosphere in the stadium really makes the game, especially in the student section

ninty 10-22-2003 12:29 AM

I think OR hit the nail on the head. If you don't really have a team to root for, you don't really care.

I'll watch soccer when Canada plays in international tournaments, but to watch manchester vs the spanish team that beckham plays for is pointless for me. I don't even know if those teams can play each other, Are they even in the same league?

I can watch baseball. I really go into it this past month with playoffs. I'm actually looking foreward to next season.

Hockey rules all in Canada. My city has an NHL team so i'm set. We even won tonight with out #1 goalie out.

Basketball i don't really watch, and NFL i don't watch either.

CFL Football I do watch cause the stamps rule all...even though were not in the playoffs.

Pyro 10-22-2003 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by ninty9
I think OR hit the nail on the head. If you don't really have a team to root for, you don't really care.

I'll watch soccer when Canada plays in international tournaments, but to watch manchester vs the spanish team that beckham plays for is pointless for me. I don't even know if those teams can play each other, Are they even in the same league?

I can watch baseball. I really go into it this past month with playoffs. I'm actually looking foreward to next season.

Hockey rules all in Canada. My city has an NHL team so i'm set. We even won tonight with out #1 goalie out.

Basketball i don't really watch, and NFL i don't watch either.

CFL Football I do watch cause the stamps rule all...even though were not in the playoffs.

after the argos destroyed the top team in our division, I'm sure we'll kill the stamps in the last game of the season and make the playoffs...

Flutie was better on Argos.

Old Reliable 10-22-2003 12:55 AM

btw if anyone goes to purdue good luck this weekend hellfire:

ninty 10-22-2003 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by ninty9
I think OR hit the nail on the head. If you don't really have a team to root for, you don't really care.

I'll watch soccer when Canada plays in international tournaments, but to watch manchester vs the spanish team that beckham plays for is pointless for me. I don't even know if those teams can play each other, Are they even in the same league?

I can watch baseball. I really go into it this past month with playoffs. I'm actually looking foreward to next season.

Hockey rules all in Canada. My city has an NHL team so i'm set. We even won tonight with out #1 goalie out.

Basketball i don't really watch, and NFL i don't watch either.

CFL Football I do watch cause the stamps rule all...even though were not in the playoffs.

after the argos destroyed the top team in our division, I'm sure we'll kill the stamps in the last game of the season and make the playoffs...

Flutie was better on Argos.

Do I really have to send you to the TSN maple leafs page again?

And when was the last time you went to a game and supported your team.

We had a shitty saeason and we only had 1 game under 30,000 people. Thats what makes a team. We've gone through 4 or 5 quarterbacks. Our #1 went out early in the season, we shipped Feterick off because he and his father (the owner) created such a ruckus. Our 3rd stringer got hurt in the 3rd quarter of last game and Crandell had to play against Sask hurt. We had no running game because Phillips thinks he's too much of a thug for football. We got rid of him a couple weeks ago because he did to us what he did in montreal and in the NFL. Our field goal kicker is retired and the new CEO of the team. Fred Feteri was a jackass and i'm glad we got rid of him earlier in the season. Stan Schwartz, president of the stamps for 28 YEARS quit the other day. McGarity our all star receiver is hurt. The team is in so much disarray, and yet people still go to the games to support our team. I'd like to see Toronto do that. Once a team doesn't win, you guys throw money at it. When that doesn't work, you stop going.

So lets recap.

Were on a 4th string QB
We have no RB since Phillips is gone
Our field goal kicker is the CEO of the team and is really retired
Fred Feteri was with the team for most of the year
Stan Schwartz quit
McGarity out for the season

That is how much shit we've been through. There have been so many off field distractions the players can't play, and so many injuries and other bad shit on the field i'm suprised we're where we are. This is why i'm proud to be a Stampeder.

Anyway, it could be much worse. I could be a Hamilton fan.

Tripper 10-22-2003 01:30 AM

I agree with Ninty and OR on the Support of your team idea, also....

JBird 10-22-2003 02:08 AM

tripps, for the record, i stated several times that i had just TIPPED the iceberg . i thought i made that clear. and to say you knew all of that is easy, i doubt you could have told me any of that if didnt type it first. btw, cricket ball size, dont really care. never played it before, just seen it on tv once. i will stick with my favorite sport, you stick with yours. should have never gotten into an "opinion" fight here anyway. does nothin but stir up the blood calmdown:

Airborne Butters 10-22-2003 02:34 AM

soccer...ha! Soccer's for people who can't throw.

geRV 10-22-2003 02:44 AM

[quote="Airborne Butters":6c357]soccer...ha! Soccer's for people who can't throw.[/quote:6c357]

And american "foot"ball is for people that can't kick i assume? eek:

JBird 10-22-2003 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by "Airborne Butters":c871c
soccer...ha! Soccer's for people who can't throw.

And american "foot"ball is for people that can't kick i assume? eek:[/quote:c871c]

its funny that just about all the kickers in "american" football are foreign. lol. guess we need someone to kick a ball. beer:

Airborne Butters 10-22-2003 02:50 AM

dunno not a fan of football. I only really like baseball.

JBird 10-22-2003 02:51 AM

[quote="Airborne Butters":f637f]dunno not a fan of football. I only really like baseball.[/quote:f637f]


pest 10-22-2003 07:24 AM

[quote="Old Reliable":0ebfc]btw if anyone goes to purdue good luck this weekend hellfire:[/quote:0ebfc]


3 of the top 5 BCS teams will be ACC teams next year. Go Noles! rock:

Xorcist [USA] 10-22-2003 09:18 AM

[quote="Old Reliable":27c9c]btw if anyone goes to purdue good luck this weekend hellfire:[/quote:27c9c]

Wtf is this? I'm a Michigan fan and I'm going to the game. I hope you are being sarcastic with that comment.

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 10-22-2003 11:07 AM

It's called football not soccer, and why do you call your sport American Football? Your foot hardly touches the ball. oOo:

Webb 10-22-2003 11:27 AM

[quote="Fluffy_Bunny":a16b4]It's called football not soccer, and why do you call your sport American Football? Your foot hardly touches the ball. oOo:[/quote:a16b4]

Made in America stupid:

geRV 10-22-2003 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by "Fluffy_Bunny":d3f77
It's called football not soccer, and why do you call your sport American Football? Your foot hardly touches the ball. oOo:

Made in America stupid:[/quote:d3f77]


JBird 10-22-2003 12:53 PM

are we ready for some FOOTball? rock: lol i cant believe that bothers ppl annoy:

ShagNasty 10-22-2003 02:04 PM

[quote:03b63]Yeah, "ignorant" cause generally theyre slow moving and boring. Kinda explains why baseball and american "football" are only really popular in america and nowhere else.

because other country's have no chance vs us in them sport's. and your guys sports or for fags. j/k angel: baseball is boring, along with soccer, basketball, tennis.

CaP bUsTa 10-22-2003 06:14 PM

[quote="Old Reliable":e8593][quote="CaP bUsTa":e8593]why hasnt nfl euro taken off much in europe?
because all europeans know how much better soccer and rugby are. If you got to know the games, you'd realize they are so much more exciting than any mlb game and the majority of nfl and ncaa games. There are the exception though, like the superbowl, orange bowl, sugar bowl, and a few others. Those are fairly entertaining.[/quote:e8593]

youve never been to an ncaa game before[/quote:e8593]
you've never been to a UEFA Champions League game before either.

Old Reliable 10-22-2003 08:08 PM

yeah i'll be at the purdue game, i was being sarcastic. make your way over to lol

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