![]() |
Liberal this, Liberal that. man, it's really getting tiring.
[quote="Cpl. Eames":b7fb6]
You were being racist in a forum that I haven't seen the lets say...black people like ED or Cahngo make any racial comments. You are disgracing them. Leave that shit out of here. It's a fucking rule of the forum. Sieg Heil Mr. Eames, or should i say Mr. Hitler. |
[/quote:dc05c] wtf? english please. |
Your argument is all the other minorities make racial comments towards white people.
i'm syaing the minorities here haven't done any of that...so keep that shit out of here. Capiche? |
[quote="Cpl. Eames":e72e5]
[img]http://www.jamesshuggins.com/i/web1/hammer_and_nail.jpg[/img] [/quote:e72e5] Oh God, STFU already. First off, Noctis, no one has called you a racist in this thread yet, but you prolly do get called a racist in other threats because of all the little Eames on this forum agreeing with you. If your only gripe against this gay marriage thing is the definition then thats fine, and I wouldnt consider you to be a total dick. I still disagree with you though. Eames, on the other hand, you are just a total homophobe and the biggest little bitch biggot ive ever seen on this forum. All the time its "Gook, Fag, N***er," and every other profane word i can think of. So just fuck off and start forming your own opinions for once. |
[quote="Cpl. Eames":44d9c]
i'm christian, I respect america and I don't remember any stereotypes i've used on you. Your comments spoke for themselves. You weren't here long ago...even Noctis would say this about me. I made a believer out of VERY patriotic americans that I don't disrespect America in any way. I'm allowed to disagree with the government, I disagree with my own government as well...doens't mean I hate my country. |
First off, Noctis, no one has called you a racist in this thread yet, but you prolly do get called a racist in other threats because of all the little Eames on this forum agreeing with you. If your only gripe against this gay marriage thing is the definition then thats fine, and I wouldnt consider you to be a total dick. I still disagree with you though. Eames, on the other hand, you are just a total homophobe and the biggest little bitch biggot ive ever seen on this forum. All the time its "Gook, Fag, N***er," and every other profane word i can think of. So just fuck off and start forming your own opinions for once.[/quote:040e1] not forming my own opinions? Seems like I'm one of the few people here that forms their own opinion. You just go along with the liberal leftist propaganda and go about with the typical liberal elitist attitude of "if you don't agree with me your a biggot" attitude. So quit trying to enforce your morality on everyone and trying to tell me what I can say and what I can't say. |
You weren't here long ago...even Noctis would say this about me. I made a believer out of VERY patriotic americans that I don't disrespect America in any way. I'm allowed to disagree with the government, I disagree with my own government as well...doens't mean I hate my country.[/quote:357e0] I'm not singling you out, but people around here make comments all the time about the south and against religon, especially christianity. |
[img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/Smilies/locked.gif[/img] [img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/Other%20pics/stfu.jpg[/img]
[img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/Smilies/locked.gif[/img] [img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/Other%20pics/stfu.jpg[/img] [img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/Smilies/locked.gif[/img] [img]http://homepage.ntlworld.com/gerald.marley/Other%20pics/stfu.jpg[/img] |
All religions are corrupt in some way...just mainly the catholic form of christianity is the most known about. Because it was abused by popes and clergy way too often around the middle ages.
South believed slavery was a right to them. How can this do...ethical in anyway? |
You arent a biggot for not agreeing with me, Eames. You are a biggot because you simply are. As stated in my last post, you use words on a routine basis that would lead anyone to the conclusion that you are a biggot. I didnt call Noctis or anyone else a biggot for disagreeing with me, did I? No. Elitist attitude? Its not that im an elitist, its that you look like a total idiot when you use words like that. The only morality enforcement on this thread occurs when people arent allowed to marry who they want to because it conflicts with other peoples morals, remember?
And btw...what racial slurs do I use? I don't remember saying "spic" ever but hey, maybe I did, I know for a fact that I have never used the n-word here because I know there would be an uproar from the pc police here. The only "slurs" I can think of that I use would be ones like "gook" "nip" or "jap" which almost everyone here on the forums use, and when I say them its usually in context with the thread. Oh ya almost forgot the muslims, I'll admit I've said "rag head" and "camel jockey" a few times but again...who hasen't? Everyone likes to single me out though when I say them because I'm usually defending the unpopular beliefs here because no one else will, whenever I'm making a serious argument I rarley resort to slurs or even insults like most of the people here. When I'm just fucking around I might make a stereotype because its in context and at the moment I find amusing, other people do it to...so please get off your high horse and step into the real world because people make stereotypes all the time, and many people find them amusing...it doesn't make them racist. |
[quote="Cpl. Eames":71244]
I know for a fact that I have never used the n-word here because I know there would be an uproar from the pc police here. [/quote:71244] Is that the only reason you don't use those words? You don't think that using racial slurs are wrong? |
Hell, I wouldnt accept it no matter what it is called, its gay, why do you think its an insult to be called gay? Its because that means your weird, unnatural, sick, outcast, different, not normal. Have you ever noticed how most gays have something wrong with them? Eather a mental retardation, any form of abuse or harrasment, ahd, birth defomity, and stuff like that your rarely see a gay who has no health problems or wasnt abused/harrasted. The is only ONE singualr reason for life, to continue it, if you arent going to, then you arent worth mich then are you, youd have to do something else EXTREMELY great to pay off the fact you arent gonna get it on with a girl and not have the baby. That is alos a reason why I am completly against abortain and condoms. If your gonna do it then do it alll the way.[/quote:5afce] Holy Shit, Jesus Has Spoken!!!!!!!!, i now know the meaning of life, yoou have answered MILLIONS of peoples single most important question. |
The things I say always get buried in things that misconstrue them. |
to everyone spewing that "I have to tolerate everyone, but everyone says shit about my religion" bullshit:
Maybe the reason I'm bashing religion is because its representatives on this forum are intolerant pricks??? |
[quote="Sgt Stryker":a2266]to everyone spewing that "I have to tolerate everyone, but everyone says shit about my religion" bullshit:
Maybe the reason I'm bashing religion is because its representatives on this forum are intolerant pricks???[/quote:a2266] Way to talk in a circle. Maybe I'm saying that I have to tolerate everyone because you're bashing my religion because other people are intolerant pricks. |
I honestly feel sorry for ppl like you who dont believe in God or Christianity, its so sad because I know athiests are all gonna end up in Hell or at least pergatory. I mean I wish there is something that I would be able to do to get yall believing in God, he is the creator of all of us and loves us all. Everything didnt just appear, God created it all to create us, no God did not specifically make Adam and Eve, that is a great misunderstanding, the Bible isnt ALL true a lot of it was just wrote to make us all understand better what God wants of us. You have to remember ppl back in the time of the Bible were not to smart and souldnt understand everything so God had to make the Bible able to be understood by everyone by making stories. Parts of the Bible such as Adam and Eve especially are made up. Jesus is defiantly true, but parts such as David and Goliath and Moses lifting up the river is all questionable and is still being discussed. There is so much evidence that God and Jesus are real, its unbelievable, if you really read up on Biblical artifacts found you would find things such as the towel of Jesus that Mary used to wipe the tears and sweat on Jesus's face when he was carrying the cross and how would you explain all the crying statues of religious ppl when something misfortunate takes place?? God is real and Im sure of it, I wish all of you were as positive as I am...I could go on and on about known facts that have been proven about God. |
God is real and Im sure of it, I wish all of you were as positive as I am...I could go on and on about known facts that have been proven about God.[/quote:c43bd] God is bigger than the boogie-man. |
There once was a woman from Wheeling
Who got a funny feeling So she laid on her back, Spread open her crack, And pissed all over the ceiling. |
[quote="General Cobra":3984d][quote="Pvt.Pinhead":3984d]
God is real and Im sure of it, I wish all of you were as positive as I am...I could go on and on about known facts that have been proven about God.[/quote:3984d] God is bigger than the boogie-man.[/quote:3984d] Huh? If your saying you believe in God then thats good to know theres some believers here. If your saying God isnt real....then, Im sorry.... But realistically nothing could make 1000000's of ppl believe in 1 thing unless its really real! |
I honestly feel sorry for ppl like you who dont believe in God or Christianity, its so sad because I know athiests are all gonna end up in Hell or at least pergatory. I mean I wish there is something that I would be able to do to get yall believing in God, he is the creator of all of us and loves us all. Everything didnt just appear, God created it all to create us, no God did not specifically make Adam and Eve, that is a great misunderstanding, the Bible isnt ALL true a lot of it was just wrote to make us all understand better what God wants of us. You have to remember ppl back in the time of the Bible were not to smart and souldnt understand everything so God had to make the Bible able to be understood by everyone by making stories. Parts of the Bible such as Adam and Eve especially are made up. Jesus is defiantly true, but parts such as David and Goliath and Moses lifting up the river is all questionable and is still being discussed. There is so much evidence that God and Jesus are real, its unbelievable, if you really read up on Biblical artifacts found you would find things such as the towel of Jesus that Mary used to wipe the tears and sweat on Jesus's face when he was carrying the cross and how would you explain all the crying statues of religious ppl when something misfortunate takes place?? God is real and Im sure of it, I wish all of you were as positive as I am...I could go on and on about known facts that have been proven about God.[/quote:03c92] If Gods real & loves us all how come he let a bunch of VC cuts the dix off some guys in South Vietnam? |
as long as a guy doesnt come knocking on my door -i'm perfectly happy with gay marrages - as it doesnt affect me
In regards to the factual validity (if thats even a word) of religion, I think the move Rudy put it best -
(paraphrased) - There is a God, and I'm not him. |
I honestly feel sorry for ppl like you who dont believe in God or Christianity, its so sad because I know athiests are all gonna end up in Hell or at least pergatory. I mean I wish there is something that I would be able to do to get yall believing in God, he is the creator of all of us and loves us all. Everything didnt just appear, God created it all to create us, no God did not specifically make Adam and Eve, that is a great misunderstanding, the Bible isnt ALL true a lot of it was just wrote to make us all understand better what God wants of us. You have to remember ppl back in the time of the Bible were not to smart and souldnt understand everything so God had to make the Bible able to be understood by everyone by making stories. Parts of the Bible such as Adam and Eve especially are made up. Jesus is defiantly true, but parts such as David and Goliath and Moses lifting up the river is all questionable and is still being discussed. There is so much evidence that God and Jesus are real, its unbelievable, if you really read up on Biblical artifacts found you would find things such as the towel of Jesus that Mary used to wipe the tears and sweat on Jesus's face when he was carrying the cross and how would you explain all the crying statues of religious ppl when something misfortunate takes place?? God is real and Im sure of it, I wish all of you were as positive as I am...I could go on and on about known facts that have been proven about God.[/quote:f5519] If Gods real & loves us all how come he let a bunch of VC cuts the dix off some guys in South Vietnam?[/quote:f5519] Because we have free will and God doesnt effect that. If you so choose to go and murder 5 guys in horrible ways God cant stop you, he wont mess with free will, but you will have to relise that your probaly gonna go to Hell for eternity, and that means you will never be happy suffering forever without a cause always in pain never ending pain, why would anyone want that? Or even take that chance? You could at least just go along with God and believe in him and then go to eternal happiness. |
ROFLMAO, i feel sorry for you people who believe in christianity...really..open your fucking eyes. you're wwasting your time praying for your sorry ass, it's never going to be answered, and if you believe so, you got some weird ass voices in your heads. I'll never believe in a stupid god, and live a happy free life away from that religious fervor and waste of time.
[quote="Pvt.Pinhead":08308][quote="General Cobra":08308][quote="Pvt.Pinhead":08308]
God is real and Im sure of it, I wish all of you were as positive as I am...I could go on and on about known facts that have been proven about God.[/quote:08308] God is bigger than the boogie-man.[/quote:08308] Huh? If your saying you believe in God then thats good to know theres some believers here. If your saying God isnt real....then, Im sorry.... But realistically nothing could make 1000000's of ppl believe in 1 thing unless its really real![/quote:08308] People were lead to belive the earth was flat oOo: gg |
[quote="Old Reliable":3f454]I'll never believe in a stupid god, and live a happy free life away from that religious fervor and waste of time.[/quote:3f454]
then you will burn in hell and be buggered by the devil for all eternity. you better hope they got vaseline in hell. |
where does the devil live? how do i get there? no scientific explanation, its as reall as a sheep magically appearing next to me rolleyes:
[quote="Old Reliable":ea6d5]whats wrong with same sex marriages? it'll make us a more open society and accepting to other people.[/quote:ea6d5]
[quote="Old Reliable":ea6d5] ROFLMAO, i feel sorry for you people who believe in christianity...really..open your fucking eyes. you're wwasting your time praying for your sorry ass, it's never going to be answered, and if you believe so, you got some weird ass voices in your heads. I'll never believe in a stupid god, and live a happy free life away from that religious fervor and waste of time.[/quote:ea6d5] I don't even need to say anything else. |
there's a difference between what is real and what is not real. religion is not real in my opinion so I don't see a need to accept it. what is real is the fact that someone has a sexual preference.
Oh okay. So it's okay to bash and be unaccepting of something that you don't perceive to be real. That's actually a great idea.
I don't believe that homosexuality is real, therefore none of you can bash me for being against the hypothetical situation where a "homosexual" would be married to another "homosexual." GG you lose go home. |
But you dont understand, how do you think the world was formed? Yes by all these molcules and atoms crap, but what made the molecules and atoms? And what made those? And what made those? Did all this just appear out of no were? How is there infinity? Who wrote the Bible if God didnt? It would of had to have been a very smart person because most people then couldnt even spell, and then why take so much time in making something up?Who was Jesus? And yes there is phisical profe Jesus was alive, eather that or there was just a whole period of time on this Earth were everyone pretended there was and made the things such as the cross from which Jesus was crusified on AND THEY FOUND THE REMAINS!!!! How do you explain "Crying Statues"? And what do you think that for these millions of years something some dumbnut made up really explanded this long? No...its real its all real just open your heart not your eyes and believe!!!
Cmon, if you dont believe in him, then for 1 year, just 1 year, completely give yourself to God and see what happens. Go to church read the Bible, have you ever read the Bible? You would be absolutley amazed on how much it relates to the modern world!! Just try to believe in him, you will if you try and you will live a wonderful life!!! Now you say you already have one? Do you and your wife yell a lot? Do you have a low paying job? Could you have got a better one or had one you enjoyed more? Are you picked on at school? Seriously THINK about those questions....and read the Bible wether you believe or not it answers a lot and helps you improve yourself. |
who made GOD?
did he just poof iam here, howdy doodie lets make something? i belive there's something out there, but i just can't put my finger on it.... if there was a god, how come bad things happen to good people? babies dieing, 11 years olds getting kid napped , columbine, 9/11..... fate? god wanted people to die by burning to death in jet fuel? talk about a vengful god. How many of the 9/11 people belived in Christianty? but to die like that....we are his children right, so why would he let us die such a horrible death... annoy: |
[quote="Pvt.Pinhead":a8f6b]But you dont understand, how do you think the world was formed? Yes by all these molcules and atoms crap, but what made the molecules and atoms? And what made those? And what made those? Did all this just appear out of no were? How is there infinity?[/quote:a8f6b]
That could literally be anything, that's invalid as proof either way. [quote="Pvt.Pinhead":a8f6b]Who wrote the Bible if God didnt? It would of had to have been a very smart person because most people then couldnt even spell, and then why take so much time in making something up?[/quote:a8f6b] The bible was written by man not god, the old testament was passed down and adapted from hebrew scrolls and the new testament was written some years (at least 100) after christ's death by several different people that all had slightly different versions of the life of Christ (Mark, Matthew, Luke, John) that were adapted from stories passed down throughout the years. And there were several languages and alphabets that many people knew (the greeks and egyptians for example,) but most likely a farmer or a herder didn't write it. [quote="Pvt.Pinhead":a8f6b]Who was Jesus? And yes there is phisical profe Jesus was alive, eather that or there was just a whole period of time on this Earth were everyone pretended there was and made the things such as the cross from which Jesus was crusified on AND THEY FOUND THE REMAINS!!!![/quote:a8f6b] Jesus could've been anyone, and do you have a link that shows that they found his remains? Or are you talking about the cloth that he was wrapped in after his death? (which is being bounced back and forth as a hoax or not) And the Romans common practice of execution was crucifixion on a cross, so there's nothing significant about that. However the Catholic Church adapted the cross as it's symbol. [quote="Pvt.Pinhead":a8f6b]How do you explain "Crying Statues"? And what do you think that for these millions of years something some dumbnut made up really explanded this long? No...its real its all real just open your heart not your eyes and believe!!! [/quote:a8f6b] The crying statues could've been a hoax, unknown phenomenon, unusual weather or supernatural occurances, there has never been any definate proof that god really exists or doesn't exist. And for these thousands of years (you do know that christ was supposed to be born 2000 years ago right?) religion has been controlled by those in power. Especially during the middle ages, when the church was extremely corrupt and being abused by both the kings and it's pope. Since its really easy to control masses for people when they have something or someone to believe in. The Japanese believed their emperor was a representation of god on Earth and would do anything to protect that belief (along with several other cultures.) The Muslim fanatics are a very recognizable example of abuse of faith in their religion. Even the Europeans believed that the kings were divinely chosen and put their faith in them while they continued to tax them into poverty. And from this abuse traditions were made and in the 2000 years it's become an expanded religion with multiple versions of the same basic idea. [quote="Pvt.Pinhead":a8f6b]Cmon, if you dont believe in him, then for 1 year, just 1 year, completely give yourself to God and see what happens. Go to church read the Bible, have you ever read the Bible? You would be absolutley amazed on how much it relates to the modern world!! Just try to believe in him, you will if you try and you will live a wonderful life!!! Now you say you already have one? Do you and your wife yell a lot? Do you have a low paying job? Could you have got a better one or had one you enjoyed more? Are you picked on at school? Seriously THINK about those questions....and read the Bible wether you believe or not it answers a lot and helps you improve yourself.[/quote:a8f6b] Believing in the bible and god for one year isn't going to change anyones life completely around. Though your faith is truly admirable, I'm beginning to wonder whether you've actually read the bible yourself (unless you have a completely different version then I've grown up with) And why are you so sure that your religion is the correct religion for all we know the greeks could've had it right all along, but it was falsely labelled as mythology. And back on the original topic, homosexuality isn't going to going to lead to the downfall of america and certainly wont have a direct effect on your morals, just let them do what they want in the privacy of their own homes like any other american would want. You don't have to deal with them unless you choose to, don't force your own prejudice and beliefs on them just because you don't agree with it. |
Heres a good way to see if God really doesnt/does exist.
Kill yourself. |
[quote="Stinger_Dude":4a2d1]Heres a good way to see if God really doesnt/does exist.
Kill yourself.[/quote:4a2d1] You do that and get back to us. |
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