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Bean 2 08-05-2004 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by NexusRevived
has anyone encountered the skeleton with the rocket launchers yet? i wonder how that is introduced ed:

Yea. I think they come right before the first monorail mission. There one of the hardest enemies up to that point. You walk into a room and it goes into the animated sequence and you just see one of them standing like 30 feet away from you and he screams at you and thats pretty much it. Then he starts firing rockets after the movie is over. Also has anyone got up to the second monorail part? The one where you actually get into the monorail and you meet that dude that was waiting for his buddy and when you pull into the station he stays inside the train. You have to fight these new enemies and they look like suped up WWII soldiers(they wear old style helmets). But anyway when you go into the office upstairs there you need the code to unlock the air seal but they never give it to you and ive been stuck there looking for an alternate route or anything and there is nothing. Anybody gotten past this part?

Blase 08-05-2004 07:26 PM

From the airlock control panel look straight down over the panels, There should be a PDA by some boxes and it has the code.

geRV 08-05-2004 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo
has this happened to anyone since i installed that ati beta thing my graphics look like shit, the edges are all choppy as you can see here


and all my settings keep on changing.
ps i ahve that anti whatever on 16x

Ati cards support a max of 6xfsaa, go set to 6x in the ati control panel for opengl and 6x in game.

Bean 2 08-05-2004 07:38 PM

I think i got that PDA and it only has the code to the ammo locker? And also there arent any boxes in this room. Are you sure its the same place?

Gonzo 08-05-2004 07:46 PM

thanks gerard everything looks awsome.

geRV 08-05-2004 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo
thanks gerard everything looks awsome.


Chickengood4u 08-05-2004 08:09 PM

In a way, they make the game sound kinda dissapointing.

Gonzo 08-05-2004 08:14 PM

an 8.5 are they on crack??? i would give it a 9.5
fucking retards

geRV 08-05-2004 08:14 PM

Check out this vid i recorded of that little mod i posted in action, can slap the bodies about the room quite handy (6megs)

Btw no my fps isn;t usually at 12fps before someone asks, playing the game at 1280x1024 with ultra settings and a cfg making the gfx look even bettre takes its toll when you're recording and playing at the same time. biggrin:

geRV 08-05-2004 08:17 PM

"the gameplay is sort of derivitive of the old doom games" Really? no shit, and heres me thinking i was playing army sim 2004. oOo:

Reviews are really "meh" in my estimation, it all boils down to one guys opinion on a game, if theyre gonna start complaining about it being repetative they should be reminded that no fps is so unique that it doesn;t get repetative, no matter how many little mini tasks or whatever you have to do it boils down to the formula of killing enemies and completing objectives and not a lot more.

He complains about the mp as well like its some sort of shock its basic, oOo: . Its been well known for about 18 months now at least that the multiplayer was going to be a basic deathmatch style. Only real thing i agree with in the review was some of the story didn't make sense, like the little drone completly owning the enemies but somehow the base still got taken over.

Short Hand 08-05-2004 09:21 PM


ninty 08-05-2004 09:33 PM

I can't get the fps counter to show up.

The command is "com_drawfps 1" correct?

I get an unknown command error every time.

It seems to me that it stops reading after the space before the number one. So it's not reading the entire thing.

Anyone know? Thanks.

geRV 08-05-2004 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by ninty9
I can't get the fps counter to show up.

The command is "com_drawfps 1" correct?

I get an unknown command error every time.

It seems to me that it stops reading after the space before the number one. So it's not reading the entire thing.

Anyone know? Thanks.

Com_showfps 1

As for the chaingun i got it from a weapons locker rock: I highly reccomend people use that mod thats linked a page back, makes the game more enjoyable not having enemies magically burn up so you can admire your handywork happy:

Short Hand 08-05-2004 09:38 PM

its show not draw :)

ninty 08-05-2004 10:34 PM

Awesome thanks guys.

I'm suprised it runs/looks so good on my system. (well to me anyway.)

It looks pretty good on any resolution. Thats cool because on a lot of games if you don't play 1024X768 it looks like shit. I'm playing on 800X600 and it's great. I have the settings on high, and i'm getting 15-40 fps. I don't really see a change in FPS between low and high setting, nor do I see much change in detail. Maybe thats because i'm concentrating on blasting guys.

AMD XP 1600+ 1.4ghz
512mb DDR PC2100 RAM
MSI GF FX 5600 256mb

I haven't tried the game on 1024, but I may just to see how it goes. I'm pretty sure it won't do to well, but thats OK. I'm fine with 800.

I've overheated a couple times. I have the side panel off as I always do since i'm it gets so hot in my room. I guess I just have that effect on people/things. I added a regular fan to the side to blow some air in there. happy: Forgot to turn it on, and the computer restarted along with this message, so this is the second time i've typed this.

As for the game i'm on Alpha Lab 3 I believe, or whever you find the chaingun. That things pretty sweet. Can cut through anything. I hate those bloody spiders though. They jump and their hard to hit when they do that. First time an imp jumped at me i nearly had a heart attack. It was crazy cool. I also like that enemies come from all over. Not just waiting for you around the corner. They come from behingd, the floor, the ceiling. And the noises they can hear them and know they are up there.

The thing I have issue with is the flashlight. As the guy in the gamespot article said, it's too bad they don't have flashlights to attach to weapons in teh future. Sometimes its really dark and you can't see shit. I know it adds to the atmosphere, but its a pain in the ass to kill people/monsters.

Thats all I ahve to say for now.

800X600 Low Settings:

Pyro 08-05-2004 10:42 PM

Gamespot is right about the gameplay.

Halo didn't deserve the 9.7 it got. Doom 3 seems like a better game to me.

fujimi7su 08-05-2004 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo
an 8.5 are they on crack??? i would give it a 9.5
fucking retards

theyre right, beyond the eye candy its not a good game really.

1080jibber 08-05-2004 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by Gerard
Check out this vid i recorded of that little mod i posted in action, can slap the bodies about the room quite handy (6megs)

Btw no my fps isn;t usually at 12fps before someone asks, playing the game at 1280x1024 with ultra settings and a cfg making the gfx look even bettre takes its toll when you're recording and playing at the same time. biggrin:

Gerard, my love

what did you use to capture video and sound?

video was awsome too

fujimi7su 08-05-2004 11:22 PM

avidemo in console records in AVI

Sirus 08-05-2004 11:39 PM

I think its a badass game, u get all freaked out and shit with the sounds and such, only thing id like for it to have is...iron sights? lol the graphics are nice and its fun, I just cant wait till the mods start rolling in on multi player, i personally havnt played multi yet but heard it was very glitchy

strvs 08-05-2004 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by ninty9

Still looks phenomonal even on low.

MotoxXx 08-05-2004 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by strvs
Still looks phenomonal even on low.

I agree, a few things that I hate when they happen, but like after the outcome, is how you open the door and either an Imp spawns there or jumps right at you, the flashlight not being on the weapons (even if it was a dimmer flashlight I'd be happy).

Someone said something a few pages back or on another topic, about Satan or someone laughing at you, I heard the same thing and was freaked out when the lights cut off completely and heard laughing.. Also someone mentioned the screen turning red, it happened to me right after I got some health and was wondering how to make it stop and everything went flying across the room..

Right now I am in the middle of Alpha Labs 1 taking the game a little at the time, and Gerv is right about getting lost, its easy to go around a corner and forget which way you came from.. This is the first Doom I have ever played and at first didnt really care much about it when I heard of it however I am very pleased with this game and dont care how repitive it gets cause it still makes me shit my pants when things start going down.. rock:

Sirus 08-05-2004 11:58 PM

Hell ya it does, I run it on low and it looks great, Fuck I hate those spiders they freak me out, they are easy to kill with mg but im running low on bullets for it oOo: hows the chaingun, i have it but havnt used it

Sirus 08-06-2004 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by MotoxXx
Also someone mentioned the screen turning red, it happened to me right after I got some health and was wondering how to make it stop and everything went flying across the room..

Ya u remember when U went in the bathroom and looked at the mirror and it focused on ur face and everything was red, and there was screaming and shit i was like WHOA LOOK AWAY FROM THE MIRROR!!! lol

MotoxXx 08-06-2004 12:03 AM


Originally Posted by Sirus

Originally Posted by MotoxXx
Also someone mentioned the screen turning red, it happened to me right after I got some health and was wondering how to make it stop and everything went flying across the room..

Ya u remember when U went in the bathroom and looked at the mirror and it focused on ur face and everything was red, and there was screaming and shit i was like WHOA LOOK AWAY FROM THE MIRROR!!! lol

Yea I saw, watched my body start decaying and was thinking "what the hell is happening" and a fuckin Imp leaped at me when I opened the door and made me jump..

Conscript 08-06-2004 12:03 AM

Wow..I watched that movie..Game is hella freaky..I would need merlin holding me the whole time if i was gonna play at all happy:

Bucknub 08-06-2004 12:04 AM

the site for the bodystay mod isnt working :(

Bucknub 08-06-2004 03:38 AM

wow.. turning off the lights and putting some earphones on while palying really creates an atomosphere for it. sp00ky!

geRV 08-06-2004 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by BucKweEd
the site for the bodystay mod isnt working :( ... ArQg49lNR7]imn4GCn9zmQzOVved4qtB9686yoM6YideW6uSMolm40naPR0z6 sj9N4b1NnNSXCcXmlr9ObSTctE[m61cV3uy7W[LUn4H4f9w0yx52IhJ0MAtEasM[oyLlZfwnzvzHbvgkf2wRrA0TVHcPoKxmBMKuX]cmY6F1zlFU82dq1uYDT[ws6XhJAUDDVRp[4kgMKpB70YhW4xwT]LooFfUZnJygClqhuiS3Vso7uDsWLWE9b35]epCs20knUg3C6eYCEJSt8R8fgw[E7C4TfkiDISCvVm1PohjhHIKn4JifTSJJyCa2FEBqTwNJZVJn1 uIsOoL]2L29lgS

Short Hand 08-06-2004 06:23 AM

take into account the pirac y issue of the game and super nova it is a known fact 60 % of the people using it have no idea how to use virtaul drive programs aka alchohol or deamon, so they end up wasting theri time. nubs to say.

elitecloud 08-06-2004 06:48 AM

omg i watched that video

amazing simply amazing

now you guys got me wanting to buy it

but i only have 40!!

iam going to see if my friend will pitch in for the rest :)

imported_Grim_Reaper 08-06-2004 07:37 AM

this game looks great. i have the first one and ive played the second one, now that is is more real looking itll be awesome.

Bean 2 08-06-2004 07:46 AM

Has anybody played MP that has dl the game?

geRV 08-06-2004 08:43 AM

[quote:ab81d]I am extremely proud of Doom 3. I think it is the best game we have ever made, and it exceeded all of my expectations. That is a rather trite phrase, but it is literally true -- I had a good set of expectations for how the game would turn out based on the technologies that it was built on, and it wound up being just plain better than that.

We think a lot of people will like it.

I don't follow gaming message boards, because, at its best, entertainment is going to be a subjective thing that can't win for everyone, while at worst, a particular game just becomes a random symbol for petty tribal behavior. This slashdot story is about as close as I want to go...

Amidst all the various Doom ports and expansions, we are starting up on our next game. It will have a new rendering engine, which will be keeping me busy for a while, but the only other thing we are saying for now is that it won't be a sequel to any of our previous work. We have a really solid team that did a lot of maturing through Doom's development, so I have high hopes that it won't be another four year odyssey.

John Carmack[/quote:ab81d]

Short Hand 08-06-2004 08:57 AM

i want a doom 4 now ffs. this one is too good.

geRV 08-06-2004 08:59 AM

This is the last doom game, no more. Theyre in the process of creating an entirely new game at the minute thats not rtcw\doom\quake related, although rtcw2 and quake 4 are in production but not being made by id.

Short Hand 08-06-2004 09:02 AM

Unreal 3 Engine > All others. All they have to do for it before they can start the game supposedly it top off the pyhsics engine in it.

geRV 08-06-2004 09:27 AM

[quote="Short Hand":c79fb]Unreal 3 Engine > All others. [/quote:c79fb]

Dunno about that, carmacks already rewriting the rendering engine in the doom 3 engine, id assume the doom 3 engine is very capable of the same kind of stuff shown in the unreal 3 engine demo. Unreal 3 is still over a year or more away, probably more like 18-24 months.

Maplegyver 08-06-2004 10:26 AM

[quote="Bean 2":3033a]Has anybody played MP that has dl the game?[/quote:3033a]
ive played MP,its just like quake.

i hate the marine zombies mad: im stuck at the place when you enter the hallway and you go red and hear a child screaming rock:

Sirus 08-06-2004 10:28 AM

turn around and go other way there is a door if u backtrack, Plus take off ur sig Shorthand smoked u by 30 posts already

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