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KTOG 07-27-2005 11:47 PM

Ignore Coleman's illegitimate comparison.

I would PWN you in a debate biggrin:

Madmartagen 07-27-2005 11:56 PM

I dont get it how dudes always bring up that comparison. Drugs, rape, incest, bestiality and all that shit isnt even remotely on the same level as gay marriage, so why do you guys always compare it to that shit?

Tripper 07-28-2005 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Coleman

Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by c312
I would not. The bible says marriage is between man and woman.

But that's just me

Kinda inconsiderate when the result doesn't even concern you, wouldn't you say?

I mean, if either way it doesn't effect you, why do you still vote no?

as far fetched as this sounds: Let's vote to legalize crack/cocaine. I won't do it. But let's legalize it anyway.

Hah, because that is exactly the same. Crack ruins neighbourhoods. I can't see how gay marriage could.....

Short Hand 07-28-2005 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by Bible
Jesus And The Canaanite Woman" Mt 15:21-28 (also Mk 7:24-30)

"Jesus then left Galilee and went north to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Gentile woman who lived there came to him, pleading, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! For my daughter has a demon in her, and it is severely tormenting her." But Jesus gave her no reply—not even a word. Then his disciples urged him to send her away. "Tell her to leave," they said. "She is bothering us with all her begging. " Then he said to the woman, "I was sent only to help the people of Israel—God’s lost sheep—not the Gentiles." But she came and worshiped him and pleaded again, "Lord, help me!" "It isn’t right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs," he said. "Yes, Lord," she replied, "but even dogs are permitted to eat crumbs that fall beneath their master’s table." "Woman," Jesus said to her, "your faith is great. Your request is granted." And her daughter was instantly healed."

Jesus the racist. ed: .........

Johnj 07-28-2005 07:27 AM

I think you may have overlooked this part.

[quote:08871]"Woman," Jesus said to her, "your faith is great. Your request is granted." And her daughter was instantly healed." [/quote:08871]

KTOG 07-28-2005 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Johnj
I think you may have overlooked this part.

[quote:edc89]"Woman," Jesus said to her, "your faith is great. Your request is granted." And her daughter was instantly healed."



Short Hand 07-28-2005 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Johnj
I think you may have overlooked this part.

[quote:abb66]"Woman," Jesus said to her, "your faith is great. Your request is granted." And her daughter was instantly healed."


So if I call you a white redneck cracker mother fucker, then tell you your not worth treating for a illness... then I go ahead after you say something semi inspiring to me and do so makes me a non racist ?

I simply posted it to show the faults in the savior.

Johnj 07-28-2005 11:16 AM

I've reread the passage several time and still don't see where Jesus says "white redneck cracker mother fucker" to anybody. He says that GOD didn't send him to help her people. He also changes his mind and helps her out.

If you were to call me a "white redneck cracker mother fucker" all I'd do is consider the source (insignificant teenaged idiot) and ignore you.

cool: angel:

Short Hand 07-28-2005 01:31 PM

johnj... you can't bullshit your way out of this one.

Canaanite's = Gentiles. Gentiles = Not of Judah.

Jesus is saying, your not one of us, you are not worthy becasue you are not of Judah. (racism hint hint)

RACISM the purest example of it. rolleyes:

Pyro 07-28-2005 02:09 PM

I wouldn't be surprised if Jesus was a bigot.

c312 07-28-2005 03:22 PM

I think it was a test of faith. he was testing her to see if she was actually faithful to him

Johnj 07-28-2005 05:09 PM

Short, at the end of the story did the broad get what she was after? Lets look at it a different way. GOD tells Jesus to only help the Gentiles. Canaanite woman asks for help. Jesus says no, thinks about it and disobeys GODs orders and helps her out. GOD puts Jesus on cross to punish him. Jesus dies and three days later his stunt double shows up and says OMG WTF!

Short click [url=]this[/url:7a0ec]. Go ahead I dare you. I double dog dare you.


c312 07-28-2005 05:37 PM

Jesus wouldn't disobey God and he was not put on the cross as punishment for what HE did.

KTOG 07-28-2005 05:52 PM

Back on track ...

I explained what your anti-homosexual bible verse means. Since you said you obey the bible, than whats your arguement now?

Also i might add that this verse was in the Old Testament, which is not to be taken literally by Christians. Yes it can be used for pray and exploratioins in the biblical world, but any priest (accept catholic or orthodox) will say otherwise.

blanco conejo 07-28-2005 06:00 PM

this thread is gay

Tripper 07-28-2005 10:00 PM

[quote="blanco conejo":065cf]this thread is gay[/quote:065cf]


c312 07-28-2005 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by KTOG
Back on track ...

I explained what your anti-homosexual bible verse means. Since you said you obey the bible, than whats your arguement now?

What do you mean what's my argument? The verse says that homosexuality is a sin, I'm sticking with that and that's why I don't support it.

Short Hand 07-28-2005 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Johnj
Short, at the end of the story did the broad get what she was after? Lets look at it a different way. GOD tells Jesus to only help the Gentiles. Canaanite woman asks for help. Jesus says no, thinks about it and disobeys GODs orders and helps her out. GOD puts Jesus on cross to punish him. Jesus dies and three days later his stunt double shows up and says OMG WTF!

Short click [url=]this[/url:80325]. Go ahead I dare you. I double dog dare you.


He commited an act of discrimination. THUS RACISM. THUS JESUS "WAS" a racist. Period. He made a mistake which he fixed, but he still made it. Jesus "was" a racist".

KTOG 07-28-2005 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by c312

Originally Posted by KTOG
Back on track ...

I explained what your anti-homosexual bible verse means. Since you said you obey the bible, than whats your arguement now?

What do you mean what's my argument? The verse says that homosexuality is a sin, I'm sticking with that and that's why I don't support it.

So if there was a vote today would you support the follow:

-Removal of Divorce
-Removal of Science in the classroom (including social science)
-Deport other religions
-Mandatory volunteering
-Death Penalty
-No more unhealthy foods (gluttonous)
-Mandatory prayer in school

A good Christian would vote for all these, not pick and choose. They are all bad in the bible, why not bad for America?

Tripper 07-28-2005 11:15 PM

[quote="Short Hand":3d1c1]

Originally Posted by Johnj
Short, at the end of the story did the broad get what she was after? Lets look at it a different way. GOD tells Jesus to only help the Gentiles. Canaanite woman asks for help. Jesus says no, thinks about it and disobeys GODs orders and helps her out. GOD puts Jesus on cross to punish him. Jesus dies and three days later his stunt double shows up and says OMG WTF!

Short click [url=]this[/url:3d1c1]. Go ahead I dare you. I double dog dare you.


He commited an act of discrimination. THUS RACISM. THUS JESUS "WAS" a racist. Period. He made a mistake which he fixed, but he still made it. Jesus "was" a racist".[/quote:3d1c1]

I don't get what you're saying. Where is the racial discrimination? All I read is Jesus explaining that god sent him down to help those that didn't believe he was the son of god.

Short Hand 07-29-2005 04:28 AM


Originally Posted by "Short Hand":edea1

Originally Posted by Johnj
Short, at the end of the story did the broad get what she was after? Lets look at it a different way. GOD tells Jesus to only help the Gentiles. Canaanite woman asks for help. Jesus says no, thinks about it and disobeys GODs orders and helps her out. GOD puts Jesus on cross to punish him. Jesus dies and three days later his stunt double shows up and says OMG WTF!

Short click [url=]this[/url:edea1]. Go ahead I dare you. I double dog dare you.


He commited an act of discrimination. THUS RACISM. THUS JESUS "WAS" a racist. Period. He made a mistake which he fixed, but he still made it. Jesus "was" a racist".

I don't get what you're saying. Where is the racial discrimination? All I read is Jesus explaining that god sent him down to help those that didn't believe he was the son of god.[/quote:edea1]

Well, it would be hard to see the racism if you don't know the background of it all.... In Judah, Caananites were considered to be inferior to the people of Judah.... MAINLY for their support of conquerors in the past, such as the Greeks, Roman's, & Bablynonians (mind my spelling on those...). So to any person from Judah @ the time they considered Caananites inferior people, like Blacks were looked down upo in the south back in the 50's and 60's.... Does it make any sense now ? Gentiles were also treated in this type of way as well, a gentile being someone who was not jewish or foreign to the area. Jesus told her to screw off at first due to her being a Caananite. happy: ....this is hard to understand if you have no clue about the geography and political turmoil of the time.

Johnj 07-29-2005 06:00 AM

So that means your a homophobe for calling me a cocksucker a while ago. Once a homophobe always a homophobe. You constantly label people because you don't like something they say or do. I remember that girl that got hurt playing football and how you were so happy about that. So I guess your also anti-feminist. You also practice age discrimination frequently. By your standard you are one messed up kid.

Oh wait a minute you were only joking so this doesn't apply to you , being that you are such a superior human being.

Get a clue kid.

Short Hand 07-29-2005 07:21 AM

Way to change the topic back 5 pages when I completely correct you old man. Get a clue ? Look at yourself. rolleyes:

Johnj 07-29-2005 08:05 AM

I changed the topic back 5 pages, while you change to topic back 2000 years. Which would be more current?

KTOG 07-29-2005 09:13 AM


c312 07-29-2005 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by KTOG

Originally Posted by c312

Originally Posted by KTOG
Back on track ...

I explained what your anti-homosexual bible verse means. Since you said you obey the bible, than whats your arguement now?

What do you mean what's my argument? The verse says that homosexuality is a sin, I'm sticking with that and that's why I don't support it.

So if there was a vote today would you support the follow:

-Removal of Divorce
-Removal of Science in the classroom (including social science)
-Deport other religions
-Mandatory volunteering
-Death Penalty
-No more unhealthy foods (gluttonous)
-Mandatory prayer in school

A good Christian would vote for all these, not pick and choose. They are all bad in the bible, why not bad for America?

The bible isn't against divorce if it must be done, and I'm sure that the Bible doesn't require most of those other things as a set in stone beleifs like homosexuality as a sin.

KTOG 07-29-2005 05:18 PM

I'm pretty sure Jesus doesn't support divorce because Tom Cruise wanted a younger wife.

PS: Sins as followed

The only sin it would remotely fall under is lust. Some 70% married people have had sex before being married, pretty sure some of them are christian too.

Tripper 07-29-2005 06:23 PM

[quote="Short Hand":47882][quote=Tripper]

Originally Posted by "Short Hand":47882

Originally Posted by Johnj
Short, at the end of the story did the broad get what she was after? Lets look at it a different way. GOD tells Jesus to only help the Gentiles. Canaanite woman asks for help. Jesus says no, thinks about it and disobeys GODs orders and helps her out. GOD puts Jesus on cross to punish him. Jesus dies and three days later his stunt double shows up and says OMG WTF!

Short click [url=]this[/url:47882]. Go ahead I dare you. I double dog dare you.


He commited an act of discrimination. THUS RACISM. THUS JESUS "WAS" a racist. Period. He made a mistake which he fixed, but he still made it. Jesus "was" a racist".

I don't get what you're saying. Where is the racial discrimination? All I read is Jesus explaining that god sent him down to help those that didn't believe he was the son of god.[/quote:47882]

Well, it would be hard to see the racism if you don't know the background of it all.... In Judah, Caananites were considered to be inferior to the people of Judah.... MAINLY for their support of conquerors in the past, such as the Greeks, Roman's, & Bablynonians (mind my spelling on those...). So to any person from Judah @ the time they considered Caananites inferior people, like Blacks were looked down upo in the south back in the 50's and 60's.... Does it make any sense now ? Gentiles were also treated in this type of way as well, a gentile being someone who was not jewish or foreign to the area. Jesus told her to screw off at first due to her being a Caananite. happy: ....this is hard to understand if you have no clue about the geography and political turmoil of the time.[/quote:47882]

It's not racism. It's religous prejudice. For like one second of Jesus' whole life. Omfg, he's so fucking evil.

You wasted so much of your own time following up this "argument." rolleyes:

c312 07-29-2005 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by KTOG
I'm pretty sure Jesus doesn't support divorce because Tom Cruise wanted a younger wife.

PS: Sins as followed

The only sin it would remotely fall under is lust. Some 70% married people have had sex before being married, pretty sure some of them are christian too.

You're probably right. So what?

Short Hand 07-30-2005 08:02 AM

[quote=Tripper][quote="Short Hand":2a67c]

Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by "Short Hand":2a67c

Originally Posted by Johnj
Short, at the end of the story did the broad get what she was after? Lets look at it a different way. GOD tells Jesus to only help the Gentiles. Canaanite woman asks for help. Jesus says no, thinks about it and disobeys GODs orders and helps her out. GOD puts Jesus on cross to punish him. Jesus dies and three days later his stunt double shows up and says OMG WTF!

Short click [url=]this[/url:2a67c]. Go ahead I dare you. I double dog dare you.


He commited an act of discrimination. THUS RACISM. THUS JESUS "WAS" a racist. Period. He made a mistake which he fixed, but he still made it. Jesus "was" a racist".

I don't get what you're saying. Where is the racial discrimination? All I read is Jesus explaining that god sent him down to help those that didn't believe he was the son of god.

Well, it would be hard to see the racism if you don't know the background of it all.... In Judah, Caananites were considered to be inferior to the people of Judah.... MAINLY for their support of conquerors in the past, such as the Greeks, Roman's, & Bablynonians (mind my spelling on those...). So to any person from Judah @ the time they considered Caananites inferior people, like Blacks were looked down upo in the south back in the 50's and 60's.... Does it make any sense now ? Gentiles were also treated in this type of way as well, a gentile being someone who was not jewish or foreign to the area. Jesus told her to screw off at first due to her being a Caananite. happy: ....this is hard to understand if you have no clue about the geography and political turmoil of the time.[/quote:2a67c]

It's not racism. It's religous prejudice. For like one second of Jesus' whole life. Omfg, he's so fucking evil.

You wasted so much of your own time following up this "argument." rolleyes:[/quote:2a67c]

You go on and think that champ. rolleyes:
Just a reminder, I wasted no more then 3 to 4 minutes typing it up, that was just beforehand knowledge I had from 14 years of religous study in school wackwad. nag:

c312 07-30-2005 10:47 AM

Gentiles = non beleiver

Jesus used parables to teach in metaphorical and strange ways. maybe this was a way to see if she, being of non beleiver origin was sincere about her faith. She proved her faith so he healed her.

KTOG 07-30-2005 06:14 PM

I'm siding with c312 on the gentiles issue/

Tripper 07-30-2005 07:35 PM

[quote="Short Hand":106aa][quote=Tripper][quote="Short Hand":106aa]

Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by "Short Hand":106aa

Originally Posted by Johnj
Short, at the end of the story did the broad get what she was after? Lets look at it a different way. GOD tells Jesus to only help the Gentiles. Canaanite woman asks for help. Jesus says no, thinks about it and disobeys GODs orders and helps her out. GOD puts Jesus on cross to punish him. Jesus dies and three days later his stunt double shows up and says OMG WTF!

Short click [url=]this[/url:106aa]. Go ahead I dare you. I double dog dare you.


He commited an act of discrimination. THUS RACISM. THUS JESUS "WAS" a racist. Period. He made a mistake which he fixed, but he still made it. Jesus "was" a racist".

I don't get what you're saying. Where is the racial discrimination? All I read is Jesus explaining that god sent him down to help those that didn't believe he was the son of god.

Well, it would be hard to see the racism if you don't know the background of it all.... In Judah, Caananites were considered to be inferior to the people of Judah.... MAINLY for their support of conquerors in the past, such as the Greeks, Roman's, & Bablynonians (mind my spelling on those...). So to any person from Judah @ the time they considered Caananites inferior people, like Blacks were looked down upo in the south back in the 50's and 60's.... Does it make any sense now ? Gentiles were also treated in this type of way as well, a gentile being someone who was not jewish or foreign to the area. Jesus told her to screw off at first due to her being a Caananite. happy: ....this is hard to understand if you have no clue about the geography and political turmoil of the time.[/quote:106aa]

It's not racism. It's religous prejudice. For like one second of Jesus' whole life. Omfg, he's so fucking evil.

You wasted so much of your own time following up this "argument." rolleyes:[/quote:106aa]

You go on and think that champ. rolleyes:
Just a reminder, I wasted no more then 3 to 4 minutes typing it up, that was just beforehand knowledge I had from 14 years of religous study in school wackwad. nag:[/quote:106aa]

Whatever, it's still pathetic that you tried to make a point out of that.....and that you even initially said it in the first place. You were just causing trouble with irrelevent to the issue, anti-conservative, remarks.

Short Hand 07-31-2005 05:25 PM

I am a massive trouble maker. & a note to c132486u85930, she was a Caananite as well. rolleyes:

c312 07-31-2005 06:17 PM

but it never specified whether or not being a canaanite or being a gentile was the important thing.

Short Hand 07-31-2005 06:32 PM

Caannite of course, I mentioned both, I should have kept to the Caananite side of it though.

c312 07-31-2005 06:43 PM

I meant the Bible. It never placed the value on her being canaanite, that's why I think it was more about her being a Gentile

Short Hand 07-31-2005 06:52 PM

Either way he was still being predjudice. I see both, but thats just me... it is all on how you interprept it really. We will have to agree to disagree really. I beleive when you read the bible you have to read between the lines and look for the loop holes. .. (this just means taking a good chunk of it as not exxact word for word).

Johnj 08-01-2005 04:24 AM

Or in other words you make stuff up to suit your purpose.

Short Hand 08-01-2005 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by Johnj
Or in other words you make stuff up to suit your purpose.

Yaaaaaaa....... thats it old man. rolleyes: lol.

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