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Arkan 04-17-2007 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
Well the best feeling I have is thinking I can walk whereever I want too...and never be shot...I may be hassled but never even to the point of a fight...i don't know it';s a good feeling...though some people think they can't and i call em crazy...

So.....there exists a place where absolutely no crimes are committed with guns? No one in Canada owns a gun? Please tell me you don't believe that.

anti 04-17-2007 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by anti

Originally Posted by Pyro

Originally Posted by Stammer

Originally Posted by "Pyro":f97fd
I learned about all this at subway on my break from work at like 3:30 pm EST

well america is prone to this shit now anyways...ya'll breed some fucked up kids.

He wasn't American, he was a South Korean national.

Guess he was pissed off the states thought that Iraq and Iran is a more pressing issue than the threat of North Korea

either way kids cracked.

it's always the states eh shawn? there's no way his motives could be anything other than politics right? i'm starting to think your ignorance is just a big joke you play on all of this, because you can't be serious in the satements you make.


I just go by the facts.[/quote:f97fd]

ok then answer this simple question. did you know the man personally?

anti 04-17-2007 05:04 PM


Originally Posted by Arkan

Originally Posted by Pyro
Well the best feeling I have is thinking I can walk whereever I want too...and never be shot...I may be hassled but never even to the point of a fight...i don't know it';s a good feeling...though some people think they can't and i call em crazy...

So.....there exists a place where absolutely no crimes are committed with guns? No one in Canada owns a gun? Please tell me you don't believe that.

my antique browning auto-5 disagrees happy:

Tripper 04-17-2007 05:10 PM

I don't know why all of these incidents turn into gun debates. These kinds of things always have been and always will be mental health issues. The way I see it, its our lack of understanding of the human mind that leads to things like this, until we have a better understanding we're going to miss alot of warning signs.

How did he buy the gun when he was being treated for depression, with medicine and also counselling? Don't they do background checks....? If they don't then there is your first problem.

c312 04-17-2007 05:14 PM

Pyro, you're an idiot. You say you are just "going by the facts" but NONE of the facts surrounding this case are even remotely close to what you say. So please, just be quiet.

I think what we should be focusing on here is why people these days (specifically children) are incapable of handling their emotions. Apparently this guy did this after he thought his girlfriend was cheating on him. There are countless people whose partners cheat one them, do we see them killing a bunch of people randomly? No. What makes certain people unable to cope with bad things? What makes them think that killing people is a good response to sadness?

anti 04-17-2007 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
I don't know why all of these incidents turn into gun debates. These kinds of things always have been and always will be mental health issues. The way I see it, its our lack of understanding of the human mind that leads to things like this, until we have a better understanding we're going to miss alot of warning signs.

How did he buy the gun when he was being treated for depression, with medicine and also counselling? Don't they do background checks....? If they don't then there is your first problem.

that's how i always feel about these issues. basically any debate such as this (like video games cause violence, etc.) boils down to the human mind. taking the problem at face value won't get you anywhere really.

Coleman 04-17-2007 05:15 PM

Just found out my friend's roommate was one of the killed. I was even her facebook friend. I was browsing her wall posts and it's just amazing to view the time line. The latests posts are all "Mary, I know you're looking down on all of us. Sorry you had to leave so soon." And then you get to a point where the posts are all like "Mary, please give me a call when you get this. Just making sure you're all right." Just weird....out of 12,000 students (or how many ever go there) I only know 2. 1 of those two was killed. Amazing.

Milla 04-17-2007 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
I don't know why all of these incidents turn into gun debates. These kinds of things always have been and always will be mental health issues. The way I see it, its our lack of understanding of the human mind that leads to things like this, until we have a better understanding we're going to miss alot of warning signs.

How did he buy the gun when he was being treated for depression, with medicine and also counselling? Don't they do background checks....? If they don't then there is your first problem.

There is background check, no idea if they check what drugs you are on but they should have seen he has a tendency to be depressed. Either way the kid is scum and shouldn't even be referred to by his name...just Shit head.

I do agree through tripe, the shit head was mentally ill, now this has happened there will be a shit load of anti gun people running around, as well as violent video game addicts running about crying.

25,000 students i believe coleman

Tripper 04-17-2007 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Tripper
I don't know why all of these incidents turn into gun debates. These kinds of things always have been and always will be mental health issues. The way I see it, its our lack of understanding of the human mind that leads to things like this, until we have a better understanding we're going to miss alot of warning signs.

How did he buy the gun when he was being treated for depression, with medicine and also counselling? Don't they do background checks....? If they don't then there is your first problem.

There is background check, no idea if they check what drugs you are on but they should have seen he has a tendency to be depressed. Either way the kid is scum and shouldn't even be referred to by his name...just Shit head.

I do agree through tripe, the shit head was mentally ill, now this has happened there will be a shit load of anti gun people running around, as well as violent video game addicts running about crying.

25,000 students i believe coleman

I saw some marines on CNN at the scene in formal-gear, any of them your boys? You live in VA right? What's the story with people around your part of town - You know anyone involved?

c312 04-17-2007 05:26 PM

^ yeah, a little above 25k students--largest school in VA.

Mr.Buttocks 04-17-2007 05:28 PM

[img][/img] ... tech1.html

Tripper 04-17-2007 05:29 PM

I saw on FOX that people were worried about potential racial backlashes against Koreans and Asians.

If that shit happens, I have officially lost all faith in the human race. It would be ridiculous seeing as 95% of spree killers are white males.

Mr.Buttocks 04-17-2007 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
I saw on FOX that people were worried about potential racial backlashes against Koreans and Asians.

I'm sure there are tons of racist people out there that have a McBeef with the Asian community, and they will use this event as an excuse to kill Asians with extreme prejudice.

Mr.Buttocks 04-17-2007 06:09 PM

[img][/img] ... 1309990001

Unknown_Sniper 04-17-2007 06:20 PM

hes a shitty writer. and for a senior english major he fucked up a lot.

Tripper 04-17-2007 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
I saw on FOX that people were worried about potential racial backlashes against Koreans and Asians.

I'm sure there are tons of racist people out there that have a McBeef with the Asian community, and they will use this event as an excuse to kill Asians with extreme prejudice.[/quote:b9ebc]

Yeah but with statistics like 90-95% of offenders in this catergory being white, how could you possibly argue your way around that...?

Milla 04-17-2007 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper

Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Tripper
I don't know why all of these incidents turn into gun debates. These kinds of things always have been and always will be mental health issues. The way I see it, its our lack of understanding of the human mind that leads to things like this, until we have a better understanding we're going to miss alot of warning signs.

How did he buy the gun when he was being treated for depression, with medicine and also counselling? Don't they do background checks....? If they don't then there is your first problem.

There is background check, no idea if they check what drugs you are on but they should have seen he has a tendency to be depressed. Either way the kid is scum and shouldn't even be referred to by his name...just Shit head.

I do agree through tripe, the shit head was mentally ill, now this has happened there will be a shit load of anti gun people running around, as well as violent video game addicts running about crying.

25,000 students i believe coleman

I saw some marines on CNN at the scene in formal-gear, any of them your boys? You live in VA right? What's the story with people around your part of town - You know anyone involved?

i think they were ROTC at the school, or liek the Corps of Cadets or some shit.

Anyway yeah there is supposedly a girl from my town that was killed, and another one that is in stable condition but was shot in the back.

Pyro 04-17-2007 06:45 PM

well...the guns shit mostly came from the fact that they're thinking it legal to let all students carry guns with does that help the problem.

Milla 04-17-2007 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pyro
well...the guns shit mostly came from the fact that they're thinking it legal to let all students carry guns with does that help the problem.

An armed person is not a victim my friend. When people carry guns it tends to stop people from fucking with them. Do i think that everyone should carry a gun? Fuck no, because there are sick people out there. Do i believe in having an armed guard in every building? Yes

Douchetallica 04-17-2007 06:54 PM

Already the media and government are painting this Cho Seung Hi to be a crazed, depressive, maniac. They do a good job of covering this all up, the foreshadowing of the massacre happening, and what his real motives were. I'm not saying Cho was an angel, but we'll never know who he really is.

That step-father from the Columbine incident was right.

I just read this article and it made me sad, given that it is Holocaust week and how the guy sacrificed his life: ... 71&k=76943

Milla 04-17-2007 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sparks
Already the media and government are painting this Cho Seung Hi to be a crazed, depressive, maniac.

Dude have you read his fucking English papers? He was a crazed psychotic, don't try and sugar coat it, no one just goes and starts killing people unless you are fucked in the head. To bad they didn't catch this kid alive so they could really punish him, death was the easy way out for this little fuck.

Pyro 04-17-2007 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Pyro
well...the guns shit mostly came from the fact that they're thinking it legal to let all students carry guns with does that help the problem.

An armed person is not a victim my friend. When people carry guns it tends to stop people from fucking with them. Do i think that everyone should carry a gun? Fuck no, because there are sick people out there. Do i believe in having an armed guard in every building? Yes

I don't know...I like to think im safe and pretty much no one has a gun...we have security but security don't carry guns...but it's so hard to pull it off with the amount of people around you all the time...but i do go to a uni in the heart of downtown toronto

Douchetallica 04-17-2007 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Sparks
Already the media and government are painting this Cho Seung Hi to be a crazed, depressive, maniac.

Dude have you read his fucking English papers? He was a crazed psychotic, don't try and sugar coat it, no one just goes and starts killing people unless you are fucked in the head. To bad they didn't catch this kid alive so they could really punish him, death was the easy way out for this little fuck.

Cry me a river.

The media got some bad rap stuff on the Columbine kids like the video games they played, bomb instructions they had laying around, the supposed clique "Trenchcoat Mafia" they were part of, one of them took depressive pills, and their journals.

In the end of it all, they were pretty sane just like any one of us and that got covered up. The two guys bullied people around, made video tapes WAY before the Columbine incident saying they were going to do it (where were the parents on that part), the depressive guy's autopsy report stated he was on his meds the day of the incident, etc...

You're basically saying our US marines have to be pretty fucked up to go over seas, point the gun at the enemy and be able to fire. No, it's just instinct and the willingness to do it.

c312 04-17-2007 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Sparks
In the end of it all, they were pretty sane just like any one of us and that got covered up.

Sane people do not go on shooting rampages when they have girl troubles or because they got teased...

And war is such an obviously different situation than going on a shooting rampage so I'm not even going to dignify that piece of retardery with a comment.

Unknown_Sniper 04-17-2007 07:39 PM

Sparks, you have to be one of the most idiotic people to grace this forum and trust me when I say there have been a lot of them.

Milla 04-17-2007 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Sparks

Originally Posted by Milla

Originally Posted by Sparks
Already the media and government are painting this Cho Seung Hi to be a crazed, depressive, maniac.

Dude have you read his fucking English papers? He was a crazed psychotic, don't try and sugar coat it, no one just goes and starts killing people unless you are fucked in the head. To bad they didn't catch this kid alive so they could really punish him, death was the easy way out for this little fuck.

Cry me a river.

The media got some bad rap stuff on the Columbine kids like the video games they played, bomb instructions they had laying around, the supposed clique "Trenchcoat Mafia" they were part of, one of them took depressive pills, and their journals.

In the end of it all, they were pretty sane just like any one of us and that got covered up. The two guys bullied people around, made video tapes WAY before the Columbine incident saying they were going to do it (where were the parents on that part), the depressive guy's autopsy report stated he was on his meds the day of the incident, etc...

You're basically saying our US marines have to be pretty fucked up to go over seas, point the gun at the enemy and be able to fire. No, it's just instinct and the willingness to do it.

You're the one crying in the breast milk, about how this kid isnt a psychopath. You;re delusional if you think this shit head wasn't fucked in the head. I ask you again, did you not READ the papers he wrote? Even his teachers thought he was fucked in the head and needed help.

And to compare the Military killing the enemy, to a college student attending a university the same is one of the dumbest things i have ever heard.

Douchetallica 04-17-2007 07:57 PM

c312 just proved my point. I'm pretty sure the families will soon find out later that Cho himself teased people or even harassed his girlfriend, but we'll never know because of gag-orders.

We only see what the media and government wants us to see. I'll use a case that's more closer to a college student wielding a gun... Lee Harvey Oswald. We all know how he was part of the Fair Play For Cuba Committee, had a troubled childhood, had connections with Russia and did some spy work. What we don't hear is that he was young bright man growing up who wanted to serve his country, he was a loving husband, a wonderful father to his two children, his close friends and co-workers said he wasn't a bad guy... yet all we hear from the government is that he was a lunatic with a gun who decided to off the president someday for no apparent reason without even benefiting from it. Keeping in mind he is just a "suspected" assassinater, but people are led to believe it was him because they get all the bad rep on him.

The terrorists on 9/11 were doing what they were because of their religious duties and beliefs, what does that have to do with being lonely, manic depressive, or even crazy.

You guys are so one sided on this and simply like to take the easy route on outrage. I bet none of you guys personally knew Cho. Granted I didn't either, but I'm pretty sure you didn't as well. And the school doesn't know the Cho that's walking down the street on Saturday nights so don't even go there about the English papers gestapo crap, because pa-leaze, you're going to tell me Cho is the only person in the entire school to ever write a paper with guns or chainsaws in it.

Stammer 04-17-2007 08:01 PM


Unknown_Sniper 04-17-2007 08:01 PM

you obviously didnt read the stories as there were no guns. Just the pure vulgarity and hatred in his writing for all the life around him that was expressed in his writing. He had issues and he acted on urges any normal person can suppress.

Milla 04-17-2007 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by Sparks
c312 just proved my point. I'm pretty sure the families will soon find out later that Cho himself teased people or even harassed his girlfriend, but we'll never know because of gag-orders.

We only see what the media and government wants us to see. I'll use a case that's more closer to a college student wielding a gun... Lee Harvey Oswald. We all know how he was part of the Fair Play For Cuba Committee, had a troubled childhood, had connections with Russia and did some spy work. What we don't hear is that he was young bright man growing up who wanted to serve his country, he was a loving husband, a wonderful father to his two children, his close friends and co-workers said he wasn't a bad guy... yet all we hear from the government is that he was a lunatic with a gun who decided to off the president someday for no apparent reason without even benefiting from it. Keeping in mind he is just a "suspected" assassinater, but people are led to believe it was him because they get all the bad rep on him.

The terrorists on 9/11 were doing what they were because of their religious duties and beliefs, what does that have to do with being lonely, manic depressive, or even crazy.

You guys are so one sided on this and simply like to take the easy route on outrage. I bet none of you guys personally knew Cho. Granted I didn't either, but I'm pretty sure you didn't as well. And the school doesn't know the Cho that's walking down the street on Saturday nights so don't even go there about the English papers gestapo crap, because pa-leaze, you're going to tell me Cho is the only person in the entire school to ever write a paper with guns or chainsaws in it.

He doesn't deserved to be called by his name. We will call him shit head...shit head was reported about lighting fires and stalking women.

Stammer 04-17-2007 08:06 PM

[url=]Heroic Professor at VT[/url:0d344]
[quote:0d344]A 76-year-old professor and Holocaust survivor was hailed as a hero after his students recounted how he saved about 20 people in Monday's US school shooting before being gunned down himself.

Liviu Librescu, a senior researcher and lecturer at Virginia Tech University, blocked the classroom door when he heard shooting and continued to hold the gunman at bay while students escaped through a classroom window.[/quote:0d344]

Killed on Holocaust remembrance day. Talk about a tragic irony.

Rest in peace.

elstatec 04-17-2007 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Tripper
..Oh and whoever said that they guarantee the killer acquired illegal guns is wrong - They found the $500 receipt for one of them


what did i say, legally obtained weapon, gg.

ninty 04-17-2007 08:17 PM

pretty much all weapons are legally obtained at one point or another. someone has to buy them and after that they are either stolen or sold off to criminals.

The guy could not have purchased the weapon himself. He was on a visa. You can not purchase a weapon in the US unless you have been there for at least 90 days and plan to live there.

Milla 04-17-2007 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by ninty
pretty much all weapons are legally obtained at one point or another. someone has to buy them and after that they are either stolen or sold off to criminals.

The guy could not have purchased the weapon himself. He was on a visa. You can not purchase a weapon in the US unless you have been there for at least 90 days and plan to live there.

I believe he has been here since he was 8 years old. He was Legal, the owner of the Gun shop said everything checked out when he ran his background check and what not.

ninty 04-17-2007 08:20 PM

Oh, I thought he was there for the semester or something. My mistake.

elstatec 04-17-2007 08:21 PM

point proven.

Milla 04-17-2007 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by elstatec
point proven.

proves nothing dude, the only thing that kill people are people. Look how many people in the US have legally purchased look how many people have committed murder that have bought a gun legally. People kill people in many ways every day, bats, Should we ban selling all these things to everyone? No because it makes no sense.

ninty 04-17-2007 08:29 PM

When it comes down to it, if you were to ban all guns, only criminals would have guns. Now what?

Douchetallica 04-17-2007 08:33 PM

Just inflate the cost of bullets, that when someone gets shot... you know they must have did something for someone to cap them with a $100 bullet.

elstatec 04-17-2007 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by ninty
When it comes down to it, if you were to ban all guns, only criminals would have guns. Now what?

well this legally bought gun would not of been the object that killed 33 people yesterday.

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