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Milla 08-23-2007 10:53 AM

DLing now, should be done in 20 mins

geRV 08-23-2007 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by Milla
DLing now, should be done in 20 mins

You gonna shoot your fellow wops. eek: happy:

Milla 08-23-2007 10:56 AM

is the 360 demo out too?

geRV 08-23-2007 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Milla
is the 360 demo out too?


got held up in verification apparently.

Whatada 08-23-2007 11:03 AM

download'll be done in a couple hours. rock:

Chronic Diarrhea 08-23-2007 11:10 AM

HOLY SHIT I just finished my first play through of the demo. Incredible. The first and only game that has brought back that Allied Assault feel to me since 2002. And, just like Bioshock, the game runs smooth on my old ass machine at max settings. If this is any indication of the UE 3.0 engine, those guys did an outstanding job on optimization.

I found this demo to me much more satisfying than the Bioshock demo, but that's mainly because you only get to fight a few enemies in Bioshock. I am definitely wanting to play the rest of this game TODAY. I don't want to wait. They did an excellent job on almost everything IMO. Of course, if the MP turns out to be garbage, it doesn't really matter. Luckily, I've heard the MP is quite solid, regardless of glitches/exclusions at the moment. If EA actually supports this game, instead of releasing a 1.1 patch and then giving the community a collective "fuck you," this game just might turn into one of the most popular games on the PC, even giving some pretty stiff competition to COD4 (I'll be getting that as well).

I can't really say enough about MOHA. MOHAA was the first PC game that I truly loved (I liked Wolf 3d, Delta Force, etc, but not love). I spent many hours playing MOHAA's SP through, because the experience was unmatched at the time. It seems that MOHA is going to deliver that same experience. In these days, actual gameplay and mechanics is important, but at the end of it, you're going to get a lot of similar gameplay with a lot of shooters in terms of weapons, iron sights, movement, etc. It's the experience that sets the good from the bad (charging the hill in Stalingrad on COD1 was astouding, for example). It's moments like those that sell a game, and I think MOHA is going to give gamers a lot of those moments.

Milla 08-23-2007 11:11 AM

Unreal Engines usually are always top notch

Chronic Diarrhea 08-23-2007 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Milla
Unreal Engines usually are always top notch

Definitely. It wasn't until recently that I found out that Splinter Cell Double Agent and Splinter Cell Chaos Theory both use the Unreal 2.5 engine, which has to be at least 3 years old. Somebody told me they use that engine, and I thought he was bullshitting me, because I know what games like America's Army, Brothers in Arms, Red Orchestra, etc look like, and they use UE 2.5.

MOHA's graphics aren't top of the line by any means, but it still looks very cool. When I say not top the line, it's still one of the best looking games I've ever played, but not quite to the Bioshock, Crysis, COD4, GOW level. However, I'd say MOHA gives a stronger cinematic experience than those games (a little absurd to assume this, considering two of those games haven't been released, but I'm going by video). The motion blur is done well, as is the sprint bobble. It gives this cinematic experience that is pretty rare. Gears of War tried going for this with their sprint, but it didn't quite work out too well. I think MOHA practically nails it here.

Milla 08-23-2007 11:31 AM

Whats better the X800 or the 7600 GS?

geRV 08-23-2007 11:31 AM

Has anyone had the enemy chucking grenades yet? ive played through it a few times now and thats what ive just noticed, they don't seem to use grenades, unless they do it on expert difficulty maybe?

Chronic Diarrhea 08-23-2007 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by geRV
Has anyone had the enemy chucking grenades yet? ive played through it a few times now and thats what ive just noticed, they don't seem to use grenades, unless they do it on expert difficulty maybe?

I've played twice now, both times on expert. I haven't seen a grenade yet, but maybe that's either because the Italians don't have nades on them (look at the soldier difficulty and it's a 1/10) or they're just too stupid to do that, like your Sergeant says at the end.

One thing I did see a lot on expert was their tendency to rush me if I got even remotely close to them. One time I was shooting guys at one of the AA positions, and all of a sudden some guy starts hitting me in the back of the head. I was like thanks guys for watching my back. It took me about 4-5 hits to realize I was getting smacked. happy:

Milla 08-23-2007 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Milla
Whats better the X800 or the 7600 GS?

ninty 08-23-2007 12:10 PM

what models? ... &chart=196

geRV 08-23-2007 01:10 PM

Just got the second upgrade for the mp40, a 64 round magazine, you lose the taped ability but it reloads almost as fast.

A guy also modified a cfg file so its possible to have all 3 upgrades after a few kills. ... 0Setup.exe

Milla 08-23-2007 01:14 PM

not a bad game, dark as hell but not bad, i turned the brightness up and its still pretty damn dark. My only problem is my computer, its running the game choppy, but i dont want to turn everything on low and run at 800x600.

Xorcist [USA] 08-23-2007 03:48 PM

Just had this happen to me today.


Had another weird animation where an enemy got caught in a stair rail. He was doing the rail doggystyle post mortem.

Great demo, but I'm disappointed about the sli. I run 2 XFX 7600gt's and have to run it in single mode for this.

geRV 08-23-2007 04:03 PM

Blows about the multi card configs, the screen is really just a side affect of ragdoll physics though.

Chronic Diarrhea 08-23-2007 04:03 PM

ROFL I was just about to post the exact same thing. Were you near the AA position outside when that happened? That's where I was.

Xorcist [USA] 08-23-2007 04:31 PM

[quote="Chronic Diarrhea":e70ad]ROFL I was just about to post the exact same thing. Were you near the AA position outside when that happened? That's where I was.[/quote:e70ad]

Yeah, the same thing happened to you?

I had to close minimize the screen and do printscreen.

Xorcist [USA] 08-23-2007 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by geRV
Blows about the multi card configs, the screen is really just a side affect of ragdoll physics though.

You think someone will come up for a fix for this? Either drivers or cfg files?

geRV 08-23-2007 04:37 PM

[quote="Xorcist [USA]":7bf8f]

Originally Posted by geRV
Blows about the multi card configs, the screen is really just a side affect of ragdoll physics though.

You think someone will come up for a fix for this? Either drivers or cfg files?[/quote:7bf8f]

According to ati the UE3 engine uses deffered rendering, on multi card configs this basically sets the cards into a rendering mode that doesn't offer any performance increase, if they can find a way for an fps boost it'll most likely come in drivers in the coming months.

Xorcist [USA] 08-23-2007 04:40 PM

Thanks Gerv

Chronic Diarrhea 08-23-2007 04:42 PM

[quote="Xorcist [USA]":98a0f][quote="Chronic Diarrhea":98a0f]ROFL I was just about to post the exact same thing. Were you near the AA position outside when that happened? That's where I was.[/quote:98a0f]

Yeah, the same thing happened to you?

I had to close minimize the screen and do printscreen.[/quote:98a0f]

Yeah here's mine. Almost the exact same spot:


Xorcist [USA] 08-23-2007 04:52 PM


Art Attack 08-23-2007 05:44 PM

fucking EA, I can't play it becuase my video card was not added in for this game, It can run it, but nope, EA doesn't add it.

Chronic Diarrhea 08-23-2007 05:46 PM

Does it support shader model 3.0? If not, then you can't run it.

Art Attack 08-23-2007 05:52 PM

no, Ican't run it. ah well, i'm not gonna go buy a new video card just for MoHAA

Chronic Diarrhea 08-23-2007 05:55 PM

I think the lowest supported card is an ATI x1300. That card has to be <$70 these days, but I could be wrong. You can get an ATI 1900 GT for around $120 these days. That's my card and I can run the game on max, so you don't have to go broke if you want to play the game.

rudedog 08-23-2007 06:13 PM

I've been told a later build already runs even better then this.... Wish I could say first hand but that's another story in itself....

And yes, you need shader 3.0 supported card to play the game.

Milla 08-23-2007 06:52 PM

Yeah my 7600GS runs like shite.

Also the little krauts were throwing frags at me. And i was playing on normal.

Colonel 08-23-2007 06:59 PM

[quote="Xorcist [USA]":55ecb]Just had this happen to me today.


I saw that too. And I thought Reed Richards was on our side!

I downloaded it this morning and got to play it during lunch. All I can say is .... "Holy moly! This game rocks!"

I have a PC that runs on Vista Ultimate. It has a Intel Core2 CPU (4300 @ 1.8 GHz), 2.0 gigs of RAM, and my video card is a NVidia GeForce 8800 GTS. I turned all of the settings up to High and I didn't have any lag issues at all. The game ran smooth as silk. I had the screen resolution set at 1600x1080. Sweet.

I can't wait for the full version to come out! I'm not sure if MP is going to be fun until they increase the number of slots on a server, but the SP will certainly be worth the price of admission.

Did anybody else use the grenade launcher? Pretty cool. Light years ahead of the launcher in Spearhead. My only complaint about the launcher, and maybe I just didn't figure out how to use it, was that once it upgraded me, it automatically loaded the grenade round and continued to load the rounds until I had used all 8. I didn't seem to have the option to load a grenade round and then go back to the rifle.

[DAS REICH] Blitz 08-23-2007 06:59 PM

i really hope the arms do that when you die in the final game

mr.miyagi 08-23-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by "Xorcist [USA
":c16cb]Just had this happen to me today.

I saw that too. And I thought Reed Richards was on our side!

I downloaded it this morning and got to play it during lunch. All I can say is .... "Holy moly! This game rocks!"

I have a PC that runs on Vista Ultimate. It has a Intel Core2 CPU (4300 @ 1.8 GHz), 2.0 gigs of RAM, and my video card is a NVidia GeForce 8800 GTS. I turned all of the settings up to High and I didn't have any lag issues at all. The game ran smooth as silk. I had the screen resolution set at 1600x1080. Sweet.

I can't wait for the full version to come out! I'm not sure if MP is going to be fun until they increase the number of slots on a server, but the SP will certainly be worth the price of admission.

Great stuff, I've been testing out my new pc all day and I have similar specs to you, tho mine is 2.2 core duo.
Just about to try Bioshock now and I'll try Airborne soon after rock:

Chronic Diarrhea 08-23-2007 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel
Did anybody else use the grenade launcher? Pretty cool. Light years ahead of the launcher in Spearhead. My only complaint about the launcher, and maybe I just didn't figure out how to use it, was that once it upgraded me, it automatically loaded the grenade round and continued to load the rounds until I had used all 8. I didn't seem to have the option to load a grenade round and then go back to the rifle.

Press your middle mouse button to change fire modes. beer:

I'm looking forward to playing MP. I can't remember the launchers in SH too much, because I stuck with AA (SH's MP just felt weird, with sliding models and screwy weapons).

geRV 08-23-2007 08:28 PM

Anti aliasing it seems is possible wit ati cards in airborne, just seems that the game doesn't like it,

Title screen wont show any planes, the briefing wont be displayed, and when you're on the plane all you get is a static image with anti aliasing applied, even though you cna hear the game playing underneath all this, was able to jump out of the plane and fire my gun a bit even though all i could see was this: ... rne-aa.jpg

Has to be some kind of a workaround for it though.

Scorpion -]M15F1T[- 08-23-2007 10:59 PM

This demo is pissing me off!
First it takes three attempts to dload it due to CRC errors.
Then it runs great till I actually point my gun at a wop and boom instant lag!

BTW dual core at 2.8 2 gig of dual channel ram and Vista Ultimate
I didn't think my x1950 pro would have had that many probs with this cry:

I even lowered the res and turned off some settings and it's still ass!

Colonel 08-23-2007 11:08 PM

Sorry to hear that Scorp! Do you have the latest drivers, etc? What is your "Windows Experience Index"? My overall score a 4.2 because my RAM is not the fastest on the planet. But my graphics score is a 5.9.

Scorpion -]M15F1T[- 08-23-2007 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Colonel
Sorry to hear that Scorp! Do you have the latest drivers, etc? What is your "Windows Experience Index"? My overall score a 4.2 because my RAM is not the fastest on the planet. But my graphics score is a 5.9.

Thats whats bugging me lol. My overall score is 4.7 and graphics get 5.9 and 5.8 for gaming oOo:
Gonna re-re-install the new drivers. Never had this trouble with Nvidia lol
It even sets all the settings maxed as default.

Crazy Canadian 08-23-2007 11:52 PM

anybody know when the demo for 360 will be out?

gtboys34 08-24-2007 12:24 AM

i have an ati 9800 pro. will it run smoothly if i downloaded it(medium settings)? lol

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