Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by Pyro
Doug is the coolest mother fucker ever...and he left in the morning to go bang someones wife.
He's chris's dad...well he is just an awesome guy who sticks artound for chris as he is not his biological father and he was never married to chris's mother...but hes the only one who is nice enough to stick around and give Chris a father figure...basically funds his mother too because she fell on hard times.
So...out of a lot of people I know...doug definally is up there as the best people to know.
A homewrecker? What a loser.
nah...and when I say married...I mean more so that she and her husband are split up...just not divorced yet.
Don't see why attacking people you dn't know makes you feel satisfied. Like Nyck's wife and so on...like when you don't know the people why speak of them in a shitty manner just because of the person who is posting about them.
All I hear is bullshit this bullshit that and then im told im a child while you guys are displaying the only childishness I ever see.