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gtboys34 12-14-2003 07:08 PM

Bush Wins 2004 election

ninty 12-14-2003 07:10 PM

[quote="Eight Ace":6e285]

Originally Posted by ninty9
Anyway, you people are hopeless and i'm not going to change any minds, and your not going to change mine. I feel sorry for you though, being mislead.

"you people"?...."hopeless"?, why are the words condescending and twat coming to mind?

That one guy should be wiser than not only all of "us people", but the American, English and Australian governments seems unfair eek:[/quote:6e285]

I don't know. Why don't you explain it to me?

[quote:6e285]Why don't you read what I've posted, because I've answerd every question thats been asked or responded to all of the anti-american rhetoric that has been posted with accurate answers. [/quote:6e285]


12-14-2003 07:16 PM

[quote="Cpt. Zapotoski":58518][quote:58518]The United states goverment has an obligation to its people now to supress all threats now before they can materialize, this is why we pre-emptivly attacked iraq, and its why we will most likley pre-empmtivly attack other countries in the future, we simply cant afford to sit back and wait for another 9-11 style attack to happen again, before we do take action.[/quote:58518]

Eames just hit the nail on the head, right Ninty9 !?

Eames proved a vaild point on why the US invaded Iraq without "proper justification" according to the forum genius Ninity9...

We're not going to wait around and have terroists destroy 3-4 cities before we get our thumbs out of our asses and do something.[/quote:58518]

destroy 3-4 cities with what?
If you didn't notice, the WMD story is just that, a story.
Most everyone is using the humanitarian issue to back up our reasons for going to war, I'm with them on the humanitarian standpoint, but I hate people who are stupid enough to continue believing that Iraq was close to building a nuke. Their program was in shambles and Saddam would have probebly killed his scientists if we didn't invade in a year or so.

Eames 12-14-2003 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Earmes, dont turn this into a fucking liberal vs. conservative issue again. You always do that shit and its really fucking annoying. All you do is blame democrats, liberals, and people who don't think the same way Bush tells them too. It isnt liberals and hippies who divide this country, its ignorant jerkoffs like you who point the finger at everyone who doesnt want to play ball with Bush. It is so ridiculous to blame everything on the previous administration, ok? No one blamed Bush Sr. when the WTC was attacked the first time, and Clinton got the heat for it even though he was in office for only 48 days. Bush Jr. used Clintons military to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan. How do I know that? Because Bush spent his first year taking a nap and going on vacation. He also didnt create a military budget until October of 2002, a whole year after the Afghanistan campaign. Ergo, if the military was underfunded or suffered from budget cuts, it would not have been able to perform so brilliantly in Afghanistan. I'm a liberal, I'm glad Saddam is in jail, and I give Bush credit for sending our men in to get the job done whether there are WMD's or not. So for God's sake just enjoy the moment that is today, before everyone goes back to their party-biased bullshit.

How am I turning it into a liberal vs conservative argument? All I did was answer questions...and obviously you seem to have problems with people that disagree with you by calling me "ingnorant" even though I dont personally attack anyone on these forums (because i think only pussies insult other people over the internet because they don't have to back up their statements they can just throw them out there and not have to worry about getting their asses kicked for making them) But clearly everyone who disagrees with what i have to say, but can't come up with a legitamate argument with me instead has to resort to personal attacks on me like calling me "ignorant" or a "racist" because they don't have anything else to argue. As for you comments on the militares budget,/size/effectivness...its a well known fact that clinton initiated one of the largest military cutbacks in american history, its also a well known fact that clinton did not like the military, he distrusted it and thought of it as uncessary, this why almost all military actions that happend during the clinton era were fiascos like somalia and his response to our embasy bombings, but still don't get the wrong impression...he could have cut the military budget and the size of our military in half and we still are able to roll through any one country on earth with no problem like you pointed out, in afganistan...but fighting mutliple wars on multiple fronts...thats a diferent story...our military curently isnt capable of doing that...why? clinton era cutbacks its a fact, its not party bias. Now to address your statement about the first WTC bombing, george bush senior didn't have any intel on that attack happening at all, and as i recall no one blamed bush sr or clinton for that was just a horrible act of no one would be blaming clinton for 9-11 if it wasn't a known fact that clinton could have captured or killed bin ladin on a few occasions and decided not to, even though he bombed 2 us embassies and blew a hole in one of ships, clinton did nothing but launch a few cruise missles and call it a day....and again thats not party bias its facts, strait and simple, you just dont like to hear the truth...and automaticly asume im just spewing party rhetoric. As for your final statements, I think its great that you support bush and the war on terror, my prior posts weren't aimed at you, they were aimed at the foreigners and their anti-american rhetoric and the gloom and doom liberals state side.

Maplegyver 12-14-2003 07:29 PM


JBird 12-14-2003 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by 1080jibber

Originally Posted by JBird
lol, i want to see all the canadians talk their shit now "america and their stupid war, what do you have to show for it? no osama no saddam. oh wait, well, no osama! "


settle down there tough guy, stop trying to make this a flame war you fag


catalyst 12-14-2003 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Earmes, dont turn this into a fucking liberal vs. conservative issue again. You always do that shit and its really fucking annoying. All you do is blame democrats, liberals, and people who don't think the same way Bush tells them too. It isnt liberals and hippies who divide this country, its ignorant jerkoffs like you who point the finger at everyone who doesnt want to play ball with Bush. It is so ridiculous to blame everything on the previous administration, ok? No one blamed Bush Sr. when the WTC was attacked the first time, and Clinton got the heat for it even though he was in office for only 48 days. Bush Jr. used Clintons military to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan. How do I know that? Because Bush spent his first year taking a nap and going on vacation. He also didnt create a military budget until October of 2002, a whole year after the Afghanistan campaign. Ergo, if the military was underfunded or suffered from budget cuts, it would not have been able to perform so brilliantly in Afghanistan. I'm a liberal, I'm glad Saddam is in jail, and I give Bush credit for sending our men in to get the job done whether there are WMD's or not. So for God's sake just enjoy the moment that is today, before everyone goes back to their party-biased bullshit.

The military that Clinton made or the one he downgraded?

JBird 12-14-2003 07:36 PM

partisan politics , man such a headache annoy:

Eight Ace 12-14-2003 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by "Eight Ace":63d5f

Originally Posted by ninty9
Anyway, you people are hopeless and i'm not going to change any minds, and your not going to change mine. I feel sorry for you though, being mislead.

"you people"?...."hopeless"?, why are the words condescending and twat coming to mind?

That one guy should be wiser than not only all of "us people", but the American, English and Australian governments seems unfair eek:

I don't know. Why don't you explain it to me?
...check your PMs.

Old Reliable 12-14-2003 07:53 PM


Originally Posted by JBird
partisan politics , man such a headache annoy:

especially when its argued by teenagers...lmao

Unknown_Sniper 12-14-2003 07:53 PM

yay he was captured. IN other news im getting a shit load of snow time ot get the ski pass out rock:

Sergeant_Scrotum 12-14-2003 08:01 PM

[quote="Cpl. Eames":5f78c]
Like who else would be in iraq with us? Because last time I checked our REAL allies are already there, you know great britian and the common wealth (excluding canada because of the frenchman leader),[/quote:5f78c]

are you serious? I cant see how anyone would be dumb enough to think that we dint join your "little collalition because our leader was french?!

[quote:5f78c] The United states goverment has an obligation to its people now to supress all threats now before they can materialize, this is why we pre-emptivly attacked iraq,[/quote:5f78c]

at the time you guys were getting ready to invade, iraq kept telling the world that they had no wmd (which turned out to be true) yet North Korea tells the world they have nukes & is perfectly willing to use them. Who do the US go after? iraq! oOo:

[quote:5f78c]we simply cant afford to sit back and wait for another 9-11 style attack to happen again, before we do take action[/quote:5f78c] You will have to learn to face the facts. their is no way you can do that. even if you were to build a km thick wall around america another attack will happen. i think you have to learn to face the facts.

Snuff 12-14-2003 08:07 PM

Glad I have stayed out of this thread rock: rock:

MrLevinstein 12-14-2003 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Hogman74
Glad I have stayed out of this thread rock: rock:

Youre not the only me.

LOL look at the flames i started, or shall I give credit to my comrade Jbird? WEll just share the credit for now. Yeah short-tempered-americans!

Short Hand 12-14-2003 08:43 PM

wow im to late to make an impact on the tread oOo:


JBird 12-15-2003 02:42 AM

[quote="Old Reliable":11a30]

Originally Posted by JBird
partisan politics , man such a headache annoy:

especially when its argued by teenagers...lmao[/quote:11a30]

lmao *high fives old* beer:

SoLiDUS 12-15-2003 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by gtboys34
Bush Wins 2004 election

In the adoring eyes of his fellow american, he's redeemed. I wouldn't be
surprised to see him win it. Hell, maybe he will win this one fairly ? Haha.

JBird 12-15-2003 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by SoLiDUS

Originally Posted by gtboys34
Bush Wins 2004 election

In the adoring eyes of his fellow american, he's redeemed. I wouldn't be
surprised to see him win it. Hell, maybe he will win this one fairly ? Haha.

rofl. no need to bring up that train wreck of an election calmdown:

can you even imagine what al gore felt like though? omg, i get pissed when i see a parking spot, and then someone cuts in front of me to take it. oOo:

catalyst 12-15-2003 09:28 AM

well that's how it works, the electoral college is a bitch sometimes

Judas 12-15-2003 10:12 AM


TGB! 12-15-2003 11:45 AM

Bush will win in 2004 because of a weak Democratic party preoccupied with in-fighting and backstabbing. If Gen. Clark names Hilary as his VP it will further the notion that this is a carnival ride less focused on the issues and a true strategy, then with grabbing the headlines. If a democrat does get into the white house what do you think theyll do - pull out of Iraq? A dem put soldiers in Vietnam, and look how long it took a Republican to pull them out.

omicron 12-15-2003 12:16 PM

[quote="The Gay Blade!":ccc2c]Bush will win in 2004 because of a weak Democratic party preoccupied with in-fighting and backstabbing. If Gen. Clark names Hilary as his VP it will further the notion that this is a carnival ride less focused on the issues and a true strategy, then with grabbing the headlines. If a democrat does get into the white house what do you think theyll do - pull out of Iraq? A dem put soldiers in Vietnam, and look how long it took a Republican to pull them out.[/quote:ccc2c]
Uhm, yeah... I got kinda of lost at that part near when you said that thing... Me are stupid!

ShagNasty 12-15-2003 12:17 PM

[quote:7fb40]Bush will win in 2004 because of a weak Democratic party preoccupied with in-fighting and backstabbing. If Gen. Clark names Hilary as his VP it will further the notion that this is a carnival ride less focused on the issues and a true strategy, then with grabbing the headlines. If a democrat does get into the white house what do you think theyll do - pull out of Iraq? A dem put soldiers in Vietnam, and look how long it took a Republican to pull them out.

Hi Ed.

pest 12-15-2003 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by ShagNasty
[quote:ef541]Bush will win in 2004 because of a weak Democratic party preoccupied with in-fighting and backstabbing. If Gen. Clark names Hilary as his VP it will further the notion that this is a carnival ride less focused on the issues and a true strategy, then with grabbing the headlines. If a democrat does get into the white house what do you think theyll do - pull out of Iraq? A dem put soldiers in Vietnam, and look how long it took a Republican to pull them out.

Hi Ed.[/quote:ef541]


snipeymagoo 12-15-2003 12:42 PM

who the hell keeps saying Saddam didnt do anything to the USA.....we all know he didnt, the wasent fought by the USA going to war, it was about the UN....good lord people do you not know a thing? it wasent just the USA fighting ya know, england was fighting right along side with us

MinorThreat 12-15-2003 12:44 PM

So we caught saddam, whoohoo, but the real question is, does it really matter?

Sure, its a huge moral victory, but from the looks of saddam, I don't think he's running much more then a flea circus and some rats in his "underground bunker"

Will saddam's capture end the flood of violence against iraq's and american troops? Hasn't happened yet, and I don't think it will. The possible death or imprisonment of saddam will only make him a martyr and increase the amount of violence in the middle east.

The differences between our society and theirs is so vast that no war, or capture of "crimminals" will change they're view of us, or our view of them

MinorThreat 12-15-2003 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by Cold
who the hell keeps saying Saddam didnt do anything to the USA.....we all know he didnt, the wasent fought by the USA going to war, it was about the UN....good lord people do you not know a thing? it wasent just the USA fighting ya know, england was fighting right along side with us

Your right, it wasn't just the US fighting, it was the US and every other country to scared of us to tell us NO

Madmartagen 12-15-2003 12:53 PM

A brief description of the conditions Saddam was living in. ... index.html

I like the little conversation he had with our troops when he gave up. "Saddam came with his hands up. He said: 'I am Saddam Hussein, I am the president of Iraq, and I want to negotiate,' to which the troops, we are told responded: 'President Bush sends his regards.'

That was freakin awesome, but the soldiers should not have used that line unless they were about to give his ass a mob hit right? I mean, you say that right before you send a bullet in his head. Im sure Saddam watche the Godfather over and over again. He prolly took a shit when they said that to him.

Pvt Flagg 12-15-2003 01:05 PM

you know ...we have all these nuclear weapons ...i say..break out a 50mt bomb..and turn iraq into a parking lot..

and if aneyone has problems with it ..then dump a few mega tons of love on them ..

hell we have all those bombs ..lets reduce our nuclear missile at a time ..


"what do you do to little girls..?"

""...burn them..."

"and what do you do to old ladys?"

"...burn them..."

"and what do you want to do to the world?"

".....BURN IT!!"

descry 12-15-2003 01:07 PM


Madmartagen 12-15-2003 01:10 PM

someones been watching 'Backdraft' a little too much there.

descry 12-15-2003 01:11 PM


12-15-2003 01:16 PM

was Flagg always this insane or is this the result of 5th ESB being hijacked?

MinorThreat 12-15-2003 01:17 PM

[quote="Pvt Flagg":9cf52]you know ...we have all these nuclear weapons ...i say..break out a 50mt bomb..and turn iraq into a parking lot..

and if aneyone has problems with it ..then dump a few mega tons of love on them ..

hell we have all those bombs ..lets reduce our nuclear missile at a time ...

Aye... that wouldn't make much since, but then, I remember that your in a clan that promotes beating up women... go back to the 5thesb forum

Maplegyver 12-15-2003 01:23 PM

fuck lets just tuirn the middle east to a fucking big walmart

MinorThreat 12-15-2003 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by maple
fuck lets just tuirn the middle east to a fucking big walmart

We turned russia into a giant mcdonalds and that seems to have worked out fairly well...

Pvt Flagg 12-15-2003 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by "Pvt Flagg":38a2a
you know ...we have all these nuclear weapons ...i say..break out a 50mt bomb..and turn iraq into a parking lot..

and if aneyone has problems with it ..then dump a few mega tons of love on them ..

hell we have all those bombs ..lets reduce our nuclear missile at a time ...

Aye... that wouldn't make much since, but then, I remember that your in a clan that promotes beating up women... go back to the 5thesb forum[/quote:38a2a]

oh yeah ..i was involved in all of that..suuure...i thretened who??? and i sad what???

get your facts straight crack baby..i stayed out of all that shit..and i have not played into that drama ..i have beter things to do with my life ..

and stryker im giveing up on sanity ...

and for aneyone who would chose to call me spineless..and you know who you have my phone number..if you wana say somthing like that then say it to me ..untill then ..your just a coward


MinorThreat 12-15-2003 01:50 PM

Read the post... I never said YOU did anything, I just said your in a clan that promotes beating women...

did I say YOU promote beating women? No
did I say YOU threatened anyone? No

Don't make assumptions

Oh ya, your spineless... you quit the esb, you get back in, you quit the esb, you get back in, you quit the esb, you say oh blah blah blah i'll do whatever punky and minor do blah blah blah, you get back in


if you were any kind of friend you would have stood up when prime threatened to "pound" punky's ass, but you didn't do anything, what kind of friend is that?

Pvt Flagg 12-15-2003 02:24 PM

untill you say it to me ...than your the spineless one..

i did not want to get involved in all of that..i wasent part of it..i did non have aneything to do with it ..

Zoner 12-15-2003 02:37 PM

Guys, keep it on topic or shut it.

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