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10-15-2002 09:54 PM

Re: 11th victim
We are losing the war on terrorism...[/quote:f03a8]
wtf? you are one major fucking sheep boy. Terrorism? this is NOT terrorism. This is a person who is obviosly pissed off at something/someone or is psyco.

Jesus H Christ, what every murder now is a terrorist attack especially serial killings? Well shit them crips n bloods should be #1 on bushy boy's list of terrorists then.

Bush had the nerve to actually say that he was disgusted and that "its not the america i know" what the fuck? who the hell writes this morons speeches? america has always, and will always just like all other countries have people in it whose sole purpouse is reduce the population.

Terrorism, what a load of shit.

I guess colombine was an act of terrorism too then?

I guess america is doing a good job keeping you filled with propaganda.

Arkan 10-16-2002 01:51 PM

CSF Jaizen....If you look at my theory, you'll find that i too don't believe it's terrorism but after talking this thing over with my friend, you never know.
My buddy who has over 20 yrs military experience believes that there are 2 guys behind the killings. One to spot, the other to shoot. (He says snipers work in teams) and that this may very well be some sort of terrorism that we've never seen before. If you look at the facts, this sniper has eluded police, is listening and responding to the media, has a government spy plane after him, left virtually no evidence, and is striking fear in a major part of the US (Washington DC Area).
Although this may be true, i believe otherwise. Like yourself, i'm tired of hearing that terrorism is behind every bad thing happening but we have to get used to hearing that....this world is buck-nutty !!

Milla 10-16-2002 01:55 PM

This is terrorizm, he is terrorizing a community and a nation. being a terrorist can be domestic, it doesnt have to be an arab

10-16-2002 01:55 PM

it is terrorism...just domestic...not mid eastern....

Milla 10-16-2002 01:56 PM

This guy shouldnt be classified as a "sniper" any military personel (especially the marines) are trained to shoot targets at about 100 yards no problem. Hes just a sharpshooter M16:

Pfc.Green 10-16-2002 01:57 PM

[quote="Founding_Law":78744]it is terrorism...just domestic...not mid eastern....[/quote:78744]

Your input is not worthy, or welcome, please leave....DUMBASS

10-16-2002 02:13 PM

the only dumbass any sees here is you...

Pfc.Green 10-16-2002 02:16 PM

[quote="Founding_Law":01b70]the only dumbass any sees here is you...[/quote:01b70]

Really hake: , spelling lessons might help, with a bit of grammer thrown in.

Low spark 10-16-2002 02:19 PM

[quote="Founding_Law":60312]it is terrorism...just domestic...not mid eastern....[/quote:60312]
Actually if this person was doing as a means of coercion, then I would agree with you, but as far as we know so far that is not the case.

Low spark 10-16-2002 02:55 PM

BTW, Green if you're going to complain about someone's grammar and spelling, make sure your's is right. cool:

10-16-2002 02:57 PM

everybody knows Founding_Law is too illiterate for us

10-16-2002 03:38 PM

wow thanks low finely a intelligent response...well done..

Low spark 10-16-2002 03:42 PM

[quote="Founding_Law":fda2c]wow thanks low finely a intelligent response...well done..[/quote:fda2c]

If you tone your rants down a bit, Founding_Law, you might find it a lot easier to get along with people here.

10-16-2002 06:52 PM

[quote="Capt. John Miller":a69c2]This guy shouldnt be classified as a "sniper" any military personel (especially the marines) are trained to shoot targets at about 100 yards no problem. Hes just a sharpshooter M16:[/quote:a69c2]

also sniper collect their spent casings, not leave them lying around for police to pick up, I do not believe he is an ex-military sniper.

geRV 10-16-2002 06:57 PM

Ok i admit it, it was me. I was using strik0rs zoom script for a garand. eek:

intrestedviewer 10-16-2002 07:01 PM

read that someone thinks they saw they guy last time he killed that woman, person believes he saw him use an AK-74 oOo: i doubt that though..

10-16-2002 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by intrestedviewer
read that someone thinks they saw they guy last time he killed that woman, person believes he saw him use an AK-74 oOo: i doubt that though..

There are some newer AKs made for the 5.56mm round for export versions, however considering how much the average civilian knows about weapons they would ID a Thompson as an AK biggrin:

Milla 10-16-2002 07:52 PM

M16 bullets spin, unlike regualr bullets. The M16 was designed to make a "slow and painful" death

Arkan 10-16-2002 08:24 PM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":8be81]also sniper collect their spent casings, not leave them lying around for police to pick up, I do not believe he is an ex-military sniper.[/quote:8be81]

He only left one shell casing and that was the school shooting of the 13yr old boy. He's probably shooting from inside the van through the side door that way he has good concealment and the shell casings get thrown to the back of the truck hence no evidence. This bastard's smart no matter how sick the crime. If the media keeps up their stupid shit, this guy is gonna bed down and quit for awhile making capture nearly impossible. Way to go you fucking media assholes !!

10-16-2002 10:29 PM

what sniper rifles use 22 calibre bullets?

and also how come this guy is so crazy he must be soem kind of psycho

10-16-2002 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Germ
what sniper rifles use 22 calibre bullets?

and also how come this guy is so crazy he must be soem kind of psycho

I thought it was .223

My guess is a Bushmaster AR-15 with open sights

10-16-2002 10:46 PM

any more cheaper guns? like the guns that a psycho would use?

10-16-2002 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Germ
any more cheaper guns? like the guns that a psycho would use?

This guy is mentally ill, but also very smart.

In smart I mean, he wrapped the media into this gimic by leaving those cards/papers. Now every news channel has their own theory of why such an evil man could do such a evil thing. My guess is that this man is later 40s, mid 50s with some sort of shooting background. Hes a very good shot, using a .223 from distances at 100 yards. My guess is that he will make a mistake some were along the line (leave some clothing, be seen by someone) and will get arrested. Then he will sit in prison for 10 years, till the democrats finally give up on trying to deffend him, and eventually go death row.

How many more?

Low spark 10-16-2002 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by FlipSide

Originally Posted by Germ
any more cheaper guns? like the guns that a psycho would use?

This guy is mentally ill, but also very smart.

In smart I mean, he wrapped the media into this gimic by leaving those cards/papers. Now every news channel has their own theory of why such an evil man could do such a evil thing. My guess is that this man is later 40s, mid 50s with some sort of shooting background. Hes a very good shot, using a .223 from distances at 100 yards. My guess is that he will make a mistake some were along the line (leave some clothing, be seen by someone) and will get arrested. Then he will sit in prison for 10 years, till the democrats finally give up on trying to deffend him, and eventually go death row.

How many more?

Actually I think he is much younger. Probally won't go to prison, if caught he will be killed by the police. He probably does thinks he is God and can't be hurt. And being a Demorcrat I must say I don't think I will be fighting for him, even though I don't believe in the death sentence(I think toturing a person like this for the rest of their live is better).

CyberNautOFX 10-16-2002 11:30 PM

I think that this guy is actually practicing...He might be picking off these random people that have no connection to each other to practice to maybe...kill the president? I don't know, that's just my theory. And didn't someone already see him? I heard on the radio that he killed someone from 40 yards away and someone saw him, just didn't see him clearly....weird... eek:

10-16-2002 11:33 PM

[quote:b3e8d]Probally won't go to prison, if caught he will be killed by the police.[/quote:b3e8d]But just think of the hell raised if someone shoots him? Why wasnt Kennady's assasin shot on the spot? How about R Regan? Im sure there is a lawyer present in this country that would love to defent this sniper. If I had my choice, Id run him trough a table saw, then drown his ass. I too think lethal injection is far to easy for these people who already value life like a penny.

10-16-2002 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by CyberNautOFX
I think that this guy is actually practicing...He might be picking off these random people that have no connection to each other to practice to maybe...kill the president? I don't know, that's just my theory. And didn't someone already see him? I heard on the radio that he killed someone from 40 yards away and someone saw him, just didn't see him clearly....weird... eek:

Practice?? What ever happened to shooting ranges, target practice? Your theory has two points, bad and good.

He might be drawing all this attention, so he can draw the president out, into a weeker spot. Maybe hes planning to do his "president kill" when BUSH makes a public visit, or something lame that the media will demand of him.

Then again, if hes going to kill BUSH, I think he would take more of an attack, suprise approach.

Bleuachdu 10-17-2002 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by FlipSide
I too think lethal injection is far to easy for these people who already value life like a penny.

Actually, I've heard some bad things about lethal injection. Anyone that knows more can correct me if I'm wrong. There are 3 chemicals injected into your body. The first paralyzes you. Don't remember what it is. The second is Potassium. Potassium is good in small doses. However, when given such a large dosage it apparently makes you feel like you're burning from the inside out. But, since the first chemical paralyzes you, you can't scream or writhe in pain. Now thats a pleasant thought.

10-17-2002 01:38 PM

the media just realized CS has sniper rifles...well i think we know what game they'll blame this one on

columbine was doom, bastards blaming one of the classics...

yesterday i saw some chick on the news with a scoped AR-15 shooting at a target 25 yards away claiming she now had the skills to go on a similar shooting spree oOo: hell i better watch out for her

Tripper 10-17-2002 01:43 PM

Imagine if Britney Spears went on a killing spree.... oOo:

Milla 10-17-2002 02:57 PM

omg the horror, i'd try to bone her lol biggrin:

=[BANE]= 10-17-2002 03:09 PM

Per The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

What else would you call it? It's unfortunate terrorism has become a buzzword but it is what it is.

Tripper 10-17-2002 03:15 PM

I posted that on a lil' schpeel, somewhere on this well... happy:

10-17-2002 03:17 PM

if britney went on a shooting spree the human race would be forever doomed, flat chested women would roam everywhere as breast implants were outlawed...oh the horror...

Low spark 10-17-2002 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Strik0r
if britney went on a shooting spree the human race would be forever doomed, flat chested women would roam everywhere as breast implants were outlawed...oh the horror...

I've heard hear sing, she doesn't need a gun to go on a killng spree.

Low spark 10-17-2002 03:25 PM

[quote="=[BANE]=":5c928]Per The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

What else would you call it? It's unfortunate terrorism has become a buzzword but it is what it is.[/quote:5c928]

I would call this person a serial killer
Serial Killer Characteristics :

1. Killings are seperate ('serial'), occuring with greater or less frequency, often escalating over a period of time, sometimes years, and will continue until the killer is taken into custody, dies, or is himself/herself killed.

2. In common with normal homicides, killing tends to be one on one. There are however instances where a serial killer has struck down more than one victim in a single incident.

3. There is no (or very little) previous connection between the perpetrator and the victim, the persons involved rarely being related.

4. Although there may be a 'pattern' or 'victim trait', individual murders within a series rarely display a clearly defined or rational motive.

5. An increasingly greater spatial mobility (since the advent of the automobile) has enabled killers (if they wish) to move rapidly from one place to another, often before a murder has even been discovered.

6. There is usually a high degree of redundant violence, or an 'overkill', where the victim is subjected to a disproportionate level of brutality.

Motives : These are the motives a serial killer might display(some killers display various motives).

Visionaries - Acts in response to voices and is instructed by these voices to perform the act of murder. These killers are usually schizophrenic and psychotic.
Missionaries - They think it is their responsibility to rid society of unwanted elements.
Hedonists - Kill because murder causes them pleasure.
Lust Killers - Kill for sexual gratification with acts that are usually sadistic.
Thrill Killers - Kill because of a desire for a thrill or experience.
Gain Killers - Kill for personal gain. The killer premeditates the act to require financial gain or materialistic goods. While gain is not the main motive in a murder some serial killers have took the opportunity to steal from their victims for their own personal gain.
Power Seekers - Kill for the desire to have control over the life and death of others.

Tripper 10-17-2002 03:25 PM

[quote:4aff6]if britney went on a shooting spree the human race would be forever doomed, flat chested women would roam everywhere as breast implants [/quote:4aff6]

It'd be like mad max....except instead of lack of oil, lack of big titties!

Arkan 10-19-2002 11:16 PM

Seems the asshole struck again......this time on the weekend. He's just toying with the media....does everything opposite.

ninty 10-19-2002 11:19 PM

Maybe they should tell him to kill everyone so he will kill no one.

Or maybe they should say he shouldnot kill himself so he kills himself.

Or maybe they should say don't turn your self in so he does...

Von Paulus 10-20-2002 03:01 AM

This is quite scary, like everytime there's a shooting, this thread gets bumped back up to the top... Not this time though...

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