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ninty 07-20-2007 02:10 PM

LOL i have a stock for my sks already shipped on its way and I found out my sks is back ordered and they have no idea when they will get more in. Great. I'll now have a crate of x39 along with an empty stock. maybe i can make a blow gun out of the stock. rock:

i think i'm entering the game a little too late. 5 years ago all of this stuff from enfields to sks, m14's were cheap and ammo was even cheaper. Now I'm having a tough time finding 1/1,000,000,000 sks' in the world.

Simo Häyhä 07-20-2007 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by ninty
LOL i have a stock for my sks already shipped on its way and I found out my sks is back ordered and they have no idea when they will get more in. Great. I'll now have a crate of x39 along with an empty stock. maybe i can make a blow gun out of the stock. rock:

i think i'm entering the game a little too late. 5 years ago all of this stuff from enfields to sks, m14's were cheap and ammo was even cheaper. Now I'm having a tough time finding 1/1,000,000,000 sks' in the world.

Okay ninty, have you seen this guys modded SKS? Hes from canada too, and I dont see any fuss about this 5 round limit shit you guys have up there. ... follow-up/

ninty 07-20-2007 03:54 PM

We can have 30 round mags. i can go out and buy a 30 round ar mag no problem. but in order for people to import them (guns stores) legally, they have to be adapted to hold no more than 5 rounds. Thus they are pinned to where only 5 rounds can be inserted for in the 30 round magazine. (sometimes you can squish 6 or 7 in there, so i've heard) I think california has some of the same laws and probably a few other states as well.

this applies to all centerfire semi auto weapons. the magazine is illegal if it is designed to fit in a centerfire rifle and holds more than 5 rounds. it's totally fucking gay, i know, but that's the way it is here. and it won't change. most people here would rather the only people to have guns be cops and the bad guys so that when someone busts into my house at 3am, i will call the cops and wait 10 min for them to show up.

[quote:271e5]Q. What is the maximum number of cartridges that a firearm magazine can legally hold?

As set out in Criminal Code Regulations, some large-capacity magazines are prohibited regardless of the class of firearm to which the magazines are attached. As a general rule, the maximum magazine capacity is:

* 5 cartridges for most magazines designed for a semi-automatic centre-fire long gun; or
* 10 cartridges for most handgun magazines

A large-capacity magazine is not prohibited if it has been permanently altered so that it cannot hold more than the number of cartridges allowed by law. Acceptable ways to alter a magazine are set out in the regulations.

There is no limit to the magazine capacity for semi-automatic rim-fire long guns, or for other long guns that are not semi-automatics. [/quote:271e5]

geRV 07-20-2007 04:03 PM


ninty 07-20-2007 04:13 PM

yes, the laws are fucked up here. they banned certain guns based on the fact that they are "scary" aka terrorists use them in the movies. some of the rifles they have banned there is just no explanation for.

I can buy this 10 round mag that is made for the lar15 pistol because it is stamped lar-15. it just so happens to fit in my ar-15 so i can use it in my ar-15 no problem.

Xorcist [USA] 07-20-2007 04:30 PM

[quote="Xorcist [USA]":eb6a5]Just bought this today. U.S. manufactured (Savage Arms) .303 Lee Enfield Mark 1*. Good condition with bayonet included. Not quite sure of the date it was produced as there are no dated markings. I know the Mark 1 was produced in 1939 and beyond. I will have to do some looking around on the net.

1st of my collection. I plan to get a Mauser, Mosin, and an M-1.






[quote="Xorcist [USA]":eb6a5][quote="Simo Häyhä":eb6a5]whats the serial # on it? I'll find the date for you[/quote:eb6a5]

Forgot all about this ^.

U.S. manufactured (Savage Arms) .303 Lee Enfield Mark 1*.

Here is the serial on the stock:

66c5293 with a B stamped lower down.

Serial on the bolt:


Mismatched i know.[/quote:eb6a5]

Simo, help me out damnit! biggrin:

Arkan 07-21-2007 12:13 AM

Ninty, they pull the same shit here in NY with mag capacity. Only way around it here is to have a "pre-ban" mag. I have (5) 30 rounders for my AR-15.

As for my SKS, i too have the ATI stock but before i install it, i need to find another 8 parts of the rifle that are built in the U.S.
Some bullshit "import" law that i have to work around. I'm collecting the parts now as i write this. I'll post pics after the LEGAL build.

Simo Häyhä 07-21-2007 03:47 AM

For lee enfields "60C7797 = 1943 highest MKI* # 1943 date" I've been having trouble finding info on your serial # but Im almost positive it was made in 1944

Xorcist [USA] 07-21-2007 10:13 AM

[quote="Simo Häyhä":909ce]For lee enfields "60C7797 = 1943 highest MKI* # 1943 date" I've been having trouble finding info on your serial # but Im almost positive it was made in 1944[/quote:909ce]

Sweet Simo, +1

Btw, where do you find this info?

ninty 07-21-2007 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan
Ninty, they pull the same shit here in NY with mag capacity. Only way around it here is to have a "pre-ban" mag. I have (5) 30 rounders for my AR-15.

As for my SKS, i too have the ATI stock but before i install it, i need to find another 8 parts of the rifle that are built in the U.S.
Some bullshit "import" law that i have to work around. I'm collecting the parts now as i write this. I'll post pics after the LEGAL build.

Yeah, i've heard of your 10 US parts on the rifle deal. I guess thats one of the few good things in Canada with regards to firearms. There really aren't any import bans for any country. This is probably most beneficial for M-14 cause we can get Norinco M14 for $500 that is just as good or better than the Springfield in the states that you have to pay $2000 for.

geRV 07-21-2007 11:34 AM

Why is "us property" stamped on a british rifle? I thought before the garands were introduced the springfield 03 was the standard infantry rifle, even back as far as ww1? eek:

ninty 07-21-2007 01:06 PM

Simo will know better than me, but I believe there were also Enfield factories in the US, possibly they were contracted to build for the US government and used in conjunction with the Springfield?

Simo Häyhä 07-21-2007 04:17 PM

US PROPERTY were stamped on enfields produced in the Savage Arms factory in the United States from 40-44. They were part of the Lend-Lease Act between the UK and US. These are typically seen on the No.4 Mk.1 models, the SMLE (Mk. IIIs) were the WW1 model.
So basically we helped to arm Britain and the commonwealth countries but we smeared our logo on the reciever. beer:
Please keep this in mind, a No.4 Mk.1 is not an SMLE. If you call it an SMLE arround enfield buffs they will make fun of you. happy:

ninty 07-24-2007 10:42 PM

Found a guy with a brand new SKS and I canceled my other backordered order. Will get some pics up when it gets here hopefully at the end of this week or early next week. The question mark is still ammo though. Might have to go and buy real $.50 rounds while i wait for the supplier to get the crates in. ed:

Arkan 07-24-2007 11:51 PM

Ammo prices suck. Managed to get 2k rounds of 7.62 for my stock though. Funny you mention the SKS......mine is sitting in a pile behind me! I broke it completely down yesterday and cleaned off the cosmoline. The only thing left for me to so is the stock. I'm going to purchase a steam cleaner to get the job done. I'll post pics after completion.

ninty 07-26-2007 02:02 PM

I have the chance to buy an Enfield No4 Mk2 with about 200 rounds through it, all matching serial numbers and in really good condition... prices for enfields are going up up up so i'm thinking i should drop the cast now before i have to pay 1k for one.

Simo Häyhä 07-26-2007 02:20 PM

good choice. My enfield is my favorite gun

ninty 07-26-2007 09:16 PM

haven't bought it yet. i may wait to find a mk1 from wwii era. just i don't know if i'm going to find an all matching one and in as good of shape.

here's the mk2

i'm torn, i don't know what to do wallbash:



[DAS REICH] Blitz 07-26-2007 09:17 PM

nice bayonet

Simo Häyhä 07-27-2007 01:43 AM

protip: .303 brit is an expensive round, if you like the enfield design try out the enfield 2a made by the ishapore factory. It takes the more common .308 round and hold 12 rounds.

ninty 07-27-2007 07:46 AM

yeah i know. i will have to be buying boxes of 20 for $15.

best deal i can find here is 500 new non corrosive 303 rounds for $320 cdn. what a ripoff.

8mm mauser is a little better, but not much. thank god for the russians and their mass produced weapons and ammo that are still being mass produced today.

edit: i bought it. man i better start working some ot hours or something. all these guns are getting expensive.

still need a k98 an m14 an m1 garand a rem 870 and an ar though.

Arkan 07-27-2007 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by ninty
i bought it. man i better start working some ot hours or something. all these guns are getting expensive.

lol, tell me about it. Purchased a "few" handguns, 4 rifles, and around 4k rounds of ammo in 3 months.

Simo Häyhä 07-27-2007 09:03 PM

rem 870 is on my list...cant decide if i want a FN FAL or a shotty.,,,,argh

ninty 07-27-2007 09:13 PM

FN Fal is prohibited here. I can never buy one. cuss:

and arkan, all your shit is like 1k+. i guess thats what the black rifle disease does to you.

ninty 07-29-2007 02:11 PM

SKS is here! Now just need some ammo for it. may have to pick up some this week before my crate gets here and take it out.



Simo, here you can see the pin put in the magazine housing that prevents you from putting the maximum number of rounds in. the floor plate only goes down half way. this is likley what is happening with that other guys rifle.


ninty 07-29-2007 04:24 PM

took the bayonete off and man, what a difference. the rifle is much better balanced without the bayonete.

big pic ... 625_rs.jpg

Simo Häyhä 07-29-2007 08:23 PM

pinned magazine? annoy:
my uncle has an AR with beta c mags happy: happy: happy:

Arkan 07-29-2007 09:25 PM

Ninty, is that a Yugo unissued?

Beautiful rifle, now get a case of ammo before Sept 1. Prices are slated to go through the roof.

Just ordered (8) 30 round pre-ban dated mags for my AR and trying to pick up an additional (8) 30 rounders for my AK (which i don't even have I was supposed to make a 2hr trip upstate last week to pick up my rifle but had to reschedule it for next week. I may pick up another SKS while i'm there and to see what else is for sale. I'm bringing my Saiga with me to shoot. After that, i'm not buying another firearm....i'll be concentrating on buying all the ammo i can before Sept 1.

EDIT: Ninty, you should join this forum:
Lots of info on the SKS.....especially about the firing pin issue. That's the one thing every SKS owner recommends.....a firing pin replacement with a spring return. A guy there manufactures them for sale. I had my SKS completely apart and removing the F/P isn't hard at all.

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 07-29-2007 09:29 PM

i want a bloody gun

Arkan 07-29-2007 09:30 PM

[quote="Fluffy_Bunny":3c9bc]i want a bloody gun[/quote:3c9bc]

How did they pull off a country wide ban without the population revolting?

imported_Fluffy_Bunny 07-29-2007 09:49 PM

Kus the only people around here that own guns are the Police in London, (local police don't carry guns) the Army & farmers...

I only know one person out of everyone I know who owns a working gun, he's a farmer & it's a 12 boar shotgun or something lame.

Simo Häyhä 07-30-2007 02:52 AM


Originally Posted by "Fluffy_Bunny":ee9ca
i want a bloody gun

How did they pull off a country wide ban without the population revolting?[/quote:ee9ca]
wasn't the nationwide gun ban in 1997 or something? couldn't believe you guys didn't revolt or anything. All I can say about this is. when the government comes to take my guns, they'd better bring theirs.

me arkan and ninty will throw a couple rounds down range for you fluff happy:

ninty 07-30-2007 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Arkan
Ninty, is that a Yugo unissued?

Beautiful rifle, now get a case of ammo before Sept 1. Prices are slated to go through the roof.

Just ordered (8) 30 round pre-ban dated mags for my AR and trying to pick up an additional (8) 30 rounders for my AK (which i don't even have I was supposed to make a 2hr trip upstate last week to pick up my rifle but had to reschedule it for next week. I may pick up another SKS while i'm there and to see what else is for sale. I'm bringing my Saiga with me to shoot. After that, i'm not buying another firearm....i'll be concentrating on buying all the ammo i can before Sept 1.

EDIT: Ninty, you should join this forum:
Lots of info on the SKS.....especially about the firing pin issue. That's the one thing every SKS owner recommends.....a firing pin replacement with a spring return. A guy there manufactures them for sale. I had my SKS completely apart and removing the F/P isn't hard at all.

I wish it were a yugo. it's chinese. brand new though. doesn't have any rounds through it.

pinned mags suck, but when the govt comes for my guns, i'm pretty sure i can just grind the thing off. it's got a rivet on the bottom of the mag holding the pin in, so just take that off and it should fall out.

i have a case on order, i'm just waiting for them to get it in.

yeah those boards are goo arkan. never heard about the firing pin replacement bbut i will look into it for sure. thanks.

Arkan 07-30-2007 02:12 PM

Ninty, you got a Chinese Norinco? If so, take a close look at the bore. Is it chrome lined? If so, that's better than a non chromed Yugo. To be honest, i'd rather have a Chinese least you don't have to fool around with cosmoline!!

ninty 07-30-2007 02:30 PM

actually, now that you mention it, i think it may indeed be chrome lined. i had read a bit about them being chromed, but i never really thought about it when i got my sks. i'll have to check for sure when i get home.

Hah, that's for sure. my sks showed up on my doorstep clean as a whistle. no messing around with cosmo for me! i have heard people say that they would rather pay an extra $50 if they didn't have to get rid of all the extra cosmo in all the crevaces.

Sniper101 07-30-2007 05:42 PM

finally got around to taking a good pic of my 17

Note: I know my position sucks...avoiding chicken shit

Sgt. Paine 07-30-2007 06:11 PM

why not move the gun?

Proteus 07-30-2007 06:14 PM

[quote="Sgt. Paine":a2ece]why not move the gun?[/quote:a2ece]

I was wondering the exact same question.

Sniper101 07-30-2007 06:26 PM

in a hurry and camera was on timer, that and i had realized the chicken shit as i almost laid on top of it

Sgt. Paine 07-30-2007 06:29 PM

lawl, typical story.

i dunno what i meant by that.

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