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[DAS REICH] Blitz 08-25-2007 06:13 PM


geRV 08-25-2007 06:25 PM

Gamespot has a hands on reviewing the demo level, doesn't seem to me like theyre playing the same game:

[quote:45712]Then the mission got even tougher, given that two of the antiaircraft turrets were on the roof of a large, multistory mansion. A sniper at the top made it tough to advance--in fact, this part of the game reminded us of the infamous "Sniper Town" level of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.[/quote:45712]

A sniper? The only 2 guys in that tower are rifle men and ive never had any trouble geting rid of them on any difficulty, let alone have them being as annoying as the snipertown level in allied assault. oOo: ... alls;img;1

ninty 08-25-2007 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by ninty

You get building your new pc yet?


I'm just waiting on a few more parts to show up.

Here's what I went with:

Corsair 620hx
Intel Q6600
Asus P5K Premium
Corsair XMS2 TWIN2X2048-6400C4 2x1GB
EVGA 8800 Ultra
2 x Seagate 500GB
Pioneer DVR-212D
Vista Ultimate 64bit
Klipsch Promedia 2.1
Gateway 21" (already had)
Silverstone TJ09
Thermalright 120 Ultra (with scythe s-flex)

I got the case yesterday and I decided I wanted to spruce up the inside a bit because I want to do it up all nice and such. Nice wiring and all that jazz so I went down and bought some primer and paint and sanded the mobo tray and some other items today and primed it. Will paint it flat black and should look pretty cool inside I hope. As long as i don't fuck it up.

When I was taking the case apart I took the stock silverstone gpu fan out and replaced it with a yate loon 120mm. should work nice. i'm gonna also install a 3 fan controller in the 3.5" bay for intake fans.





I bought a wall mount off monoprice for like $20 for my lcd monitor and mounted that today as well. gives me a lot more desk space and it looks wicked.

Eight Ace 08-25-2007 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by geRV
Gamespot has a hands on reviewing the demo level, doesn't seem to me like theyre playing the same game:

[quote:5729f]Then the mission got even tougher, given that two of the antiaircraft turrets were on the roof of a large, multistory mansion. A sniper at the top made it tough to advance--in fact, this part of the game reminded us of the infamous "Sniper Town" level of Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.

A sniper? The only 2 guys in that tower are rifle men and ive never had any trouble geting rid of them on any difficulty, let alone have them being as annoying as the snipertown level in allied assault. oOo: ... alls;img;1[/quote:5729f]
just land on the roof to start with

strvs 08-25-2007 07:57 PM

that was pretty sweet. looks like this may be the return to form MoH has needed rock:

geRV 08-25-2007 07:57 PM

1903 rifle anyone? biggrin: ... e/1903.jpg

Rifle seems to be bugged, you fire a shot and stay in scoped mode and you hear the bolt cycling, you drop out of scoped mode and again the bolt gets cycled. Also the smoke trail thing looks pretty crap, looks very flat like someone took a 2d sprite and just angled it in a bad attempt to make it look 3d. ... /1903s.jpg

Upgrades are as follows: polished bolt, 5 round stripper clip, rifle grenade.

Scorpion -]M15F1T[- 08-25-2007 09:06 PM

I'm gonna mod the shit out of this demo!!!

Scorpion -]M15F1T[- 08-25-2007 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by "Chronic Diarrhea":85d1a
Meh, give me a break. There's going to be trigger points in any FPS game, no matter how open-ended the developers try to present it. There would have to be a huge advancement in AI technology to allow bots to openly roam the map while still knowing where the objectives are and what they're supposed to do.

Yup, even games like crysis i can guarantee the korean soldiers just dont trot around the map when theyre out of your line of sight, obviously you reach a point in the map which spawns them into their patrolling animation.

It just seems people slating the demo are doing it for no reason other than its a ww2 fps, well this time around it looks like theyre puting a lot of effort into the game with that gilmore guy in charge. Even cod 4 for how good it looks graphically, in terms of gameplay from what ive seen so far it looks pretty linear and scripted. Yet people most likely wont bitch about that a its not "another" ww2 fps, instead its "another" modern combat game of which there are probably more than ww2 games.[/quote:85d1a]

you need triggers anyway otherwise the game would lag like a fucker!
Imagine being at on end of the map and a load of useless physics and terrain etc being genereated for somewhere you are not even near lol

dr nein 08-26-2007 02:27 AM

Rifle grenades on the '03? Yeah, that should work out well in MP. I'm surprised they didn't just throw a scope upgrade in.

mr.miyagi 08-26-2007 04:12 AM

jus finished the demo, that was fun stuff!

Hope to god they get the MP right because i'm not fussed about the SP part of it tbh

geRV 08-26-2007 07:12 AM

[quote="dr nein":7c14b]Rifle grenades on the '03? Yeah, that should work out well in MP. I'm surprised they didn't just throw a scope upgrade in.[/quote:7c14b]

Upgrades can be disabled by the server though, and the rifle grenade is the last upgrade so it would take an asslaod of kills to rank up to it.

Chronic Diarrhea 08-26-2007 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by "dr nein":5530c
Rifle grenades on the '03? Yeah, that should work out well in MP. I'm surprised they didn't just throw a scope upgrade in.

Upgrades can be disabled by the server though, and the rifle grenade is the last upgrade so it would take an asslaod of kills to rank up to it.[/quote:5530c]

Yeah you'll most likely die before you get your first upgrade. It takes more kills than you'd think.

geRV 08-26-2007 09:51 AM

Thinkin about that though, the mp trailer did show the guy dropping in and he already did have the 3 upgrades for the tommygun, might be if the server has them turned on every weapon automatically has the 3 upgrades attached. eek:

Chronic Diarrhea 08-26-2007 09:55 AM

That wouldn't bother me too much except the Colt .45 is a beast after 3 upgrades.

geRV 08-26-2007 09:56 AM

Anyone want to play in bullet time mode?

To do it follow this:

go to your documents folder\eagames\airborne demo\ config

Either replace the MOHAinput file with the one hes linked to here:


Or just add the following lines to the MOHAinput file

Bindings=(Name="F1",Command="Slomo 0.2",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,IsRebinda ble=False,BindPos2=False,MOHAConsoleBinding=False)
Bindings=(Name="F2",Command="Slomo 1",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,IsRebindabl e=False,BindPos2=False,MOHAConsoleBinding=False)
Bindings=(Name="F3",Command="Slomo 4",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,IsRebindabl e=False,BindPos2=False,MOHAConsoleBinding=False)
Bindings=(Name="F4",Command="ghost",Control=False, Shift=False,Alt=False,IsRebindable=False,BindPos2= False,MOHAConsoleBinding=False)
Bindings=(Name="F5",Command="god",Control=False,Sh ift=False,Alt=False,IsRebindable=False,BindPos2=Fa lse,MOHAConsoleBinding=False)

keys f1 f2 and f3 control slow mo normal speed and super speed, f4 and f5 control ghost mod and god mode

Not my mod the boardguest in the planetmoh forums figured it out, pretty fun too. happy:

mr.miyagi 08-26-2007 10:14 AM

Haha thats pretty cool, very FEAR-esque! happy:

So who here is going to buy it?

Was it Sept 4th for release?

geRV 08-26-2007 10:19 AM

[quote="mr.miyagi":68dde]Haha thats pretty cool, very FEAR-esque! happy:

So who here is going to buy it?

Was it Sept 4th for release?[/quote:68dde]

sept 7th (uk) , ill be snagging it

Chronic Diarrhea 08-26-2007 10:29 AM

Sept. 4 in US. US > UK. Suck it. Those extra three days will make me a MOHA beast in MP.

geRV 08-26-2007 10:32 AM

I'll be finishing the sp game before i touch multi most likely.

Maybe if theres a new server up i can show you what a colt in one orifice and a thompson barrel in the other feels like. eek:

elstatec 08-27-2007 05:33 AM

360 demo was nice enough - wonder how soon the multiplayer will get repeatative with the jumps in and the 1241341423 seconds waiting for the fool to get on his feet after landing.

downloading the pc demo now. is it the same level?

Tripper 08-27-2007 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by elstatec
360 demo was nice enough - wonder how soon the multiplayer will get repeatative with the jumps in and the 1241341423 seconds waiting for the fool to get on his feet after landing.

downloading the pc demo now. is it the same level?

you better get the 360 version homepiss

i need backup on the servers against the mouthy kids

elstatec 08-27-2007 06:05 AM

jaja i will mr babydick

geRV 08-27-2007 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by elstatec
360 demo was nice enough - wonder how soon the multiplayer will get repeatative with the jumps in and the 1241341423 seconds waiting for the fool to get on his feet after landing.

downloading the pc demo now. is it the same level?

Doesn't work that way in mp you cant botch landings as they found out it would get annoying to land then get riddled because of having to get up and detatch the chute etc.

Chronic Diarrhea 08-27-2007 08:42 AM

I'm not sure they should have taken that out. All you have to do is perform a greased landing anyway and you're ready to go. If you're too stupid to parachute correctly, then you should be punished. Afterall, you do have a good advantage at being able to see the entire map and where everybody is, so it's a risk/reward entry. I did notice that the flared landing didn't really speed up the time it takes to pull your weapon out though, so I guess that's why they did it.

geRV 08-27-2007 08:51 AM

Greased is pretty easy to do just need a bit of a runway and hold down the "w" key. Flaring is like making yourself an easy target if you do it too high off the ground. Probably done more so for the console players.

Whatada 08-27-2007 10:25 AM

how the fuck do you flare on the PC demo?

it says "press the flare key to flare". what a bunch of douchebags. annoy:

geRV 08-27-2007 10:26 AM

Flare is the space key.

Whatada 08-27-2007 10:27 AM

i suck at common sense.

geRV 08-27-2007 10:37 AM

All we need is a new CKR mod for airborne and the mp will be amazing


Just imagining that, rifle propelled grenades that home in on their target, sniper rifle with heat detecting rounds, grenades that detonate with an explosion that would put hiroshima to shame, parachutes with bombs attached you can drop on your enemies on the way down.


Forte 08-27-2007 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by geRV
All we need is a new CKR mod for airborne and the mp will be amazing


Just imagining that, rifle propelled grenades that home in on their target, sniper rifle with heat detecting rounds, grenades that detonate with an explosion that would put hiroshima to shame, parachutes with bombs attached you can drop on your enemies on the way down.


I love it..... start working on it STAT!

geRV 08-27-2007 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by ninty
Corsair 620hx
Intel Q6600
Asus P5K Premium
Corsair XMS2 TWIN2X2048-6400C4 2x1GB
EVGA 8800 Ultra
2 x Seagate 500GB
Pioneer DVR-212D
Vista Ultimate 64bit
Klipsch Promedia 2.1
Gateway 21" (already had)
Silverstone TJ09
Thermalright 120 Ultra (with scythe s-flex)

Thermalrights the same heatsink i had (same fan as well), personally i thougt it was an utter piece of shit. I could never get it mounted properly in my case, even after lapping the base the temps still hit over 80c. Tried to modify it a bit by grinding one side down some so it would fit in the proper orientation, did that and temps were still crap. Ended up just binning it and keeping the fan.

If you can get it installed right and have a flat base theyre meant to be good, just seems to be hit and miss sometimes though.

Considering getting rid of my 2900's and going back to an 8800 card at the minute, bioshock and airborne for some fucked up reason have no fsaa or crossfire\sli support. Can hack it for the ati card but performance isn't the best. That'll be, a gts, 2900xt, 8800gtx superclock, dual 2900's and probably back to a superclock or an ultra if i can get these sold off. oOo:

ninty 08-27-2007 11:51 AM

[quote:b36b9]gts, 2900xt, 8800gtx superclock, dual 2900's and probably back to a superclock or an ultra[/quote:b36b9]

in like 3 months. ed:

unreal gerv.

I should have all my parts this week. Don't know if i'll get everything done by this weekend or not. I'm not in a huge rush to get everything together, would rather take the time to do a nice job when i have spare time.

Milla 08-27-2007 12:43 PM

AMD 64 X2 6000+ is 169.99 on new egg, thats a 3.0 ghz. very nice.

geRV 08-27-2007 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Milla
AMD 64 X2 6000+ is 169.99 on new egg, thats a 3.0 ghz. very nice.


Milla 08-27-2007 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by geRV

Originally Posted by Milla
AMD 64 X2 6000+ is 169.99 on new egg, thats a 3.0 ghz. very nice.


Don't hate, you cant beat 3.0ghz for 169

m00nraker 08-27-2007 01:25 PM

Ive got a question. Ive got a somewhat dated system. Compared to Gerv, i might as well have a 386, but still.

I am able to run MOHA on Medium/High pretty well, but I want to run High all around.

Specs as follows:

AMD A64 1800+ @ 2.02Ghz
1GB PC2100
ATI X1950 Pro
Vista Home Premium

..Now, i have been running the same ram for about 2 years now. Since my old Socket A days. I figure that would be my major bottleneck, along with my CPU.

The video card is more than enough for me, since it was the replacement to a 6600GT.

Whats the best way to squeeze more performance out of my S939 system, without upgrading the mobo to a newer platform. Im looking to spend <$250 overall.


Milla 08-27-2007 01:28 PM

Can you mobo take the dual core AMDs?

geRV 08-27-2007 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by m00nraker
Ive got a question. Ive got a somewhat dated system. Compared to Gerv, i might as well have a 386, but still.

I am able to run MOHA on Medium/High pretty well, but I want to run High all around.

Specs as follows:

AMD A64 1800+ @ 2.02Ghz
1GB PC2100
ATI X1950 Pro
Vista Home Premium

..Now, i have been running the same ram for about 2 years now. Since my old Socket A days. I figure that would be my major bottleneck, along with my CPU.

The video card is more than enough for me, since it was the replacement to a 6600GT.

Whats the best way to squeeze more performance out of my S939 system, without upgrading the mobo to a newer platform. Im looking to spend <$250 overall.


A new cpu should give your video card a good kick up the hole. I wouldn't say it would be a massive boost but probably worthwhile assuming your mobo can support it: ... 6819103002

Single core 2.4 here for cheap ... 6819103037

Milla 08-28-2007 12:32 AM

Im equally impressed with Airborne on the 360. Looks good, and doesn't chug like my computer. I think i'll be buying it for the i can play stat and tripe.

elstatec 08-28-2007 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Milla
Im equally impressed with Airborne on the 360. Looks good, and doesn't chug like my computer. I think i'll be buying it for the i can play stat and tripe.

=clan|manlove= rock:

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