Eames |
02-07-2004 03:24 PM |
Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Originally Posted by Noctis
Originally Posted by Madmartagen
True, but some people seem to think that despite homosexuality existing prior to the birth of Christ (the foundation of their so-called morality), it is still wrong and cannot be tolerated.
GG ignorance.
A large portion of Christian ethics and morality is based upon the laws of the Old Testament, the faith of the Hebrew people which dates back nearly to the beginning of recorded history, when things were still scribed in cuniform.
You missed the point entirely fucknut:
The point is that homosexuality has been around since before Christianity, before recorded writing, and before ANY religion or civilized society ever existed. So before you get your Rev Schuller on, try and understand that humanity doesnt always revolve around the christian faith, or any other faith for that matter. GG for trying to sound intelligent though, just take the dick out of your mouth before you start talking.
You missed his point entirely, the point of the matter is not that homosexuality has been around since before christ, who cares? That does not make it any more valid. He's saying that its been against western-juedeo-christian values for thousands of years, the same values that this country was built upon and you can't force people to accept homosexual marriages as being the same as a marriage between a man and a women. Thats what the issue is, when someone decides to be gay they should know they are sacraficing certain rights and privlages, no one is telling them they can't be gay...but that you can't get married because a "marriage" which has been defined since the begining of time as something between a man and a women. Two homosexual "partners" can not be married, they cant, its not what marriage is.
Secondly, a point I brought up earlier which no one has even addressed is what would happen if gay marriages were legalized throughout the nation as a result of a supreme court ruling. That ruling would serve as a precedent for other sicko's and perverts to get their demented fetishes legalized, because if homosexual marriages are legal why couldnt poligomy be legalized too? The implications and precedents that legalizing homosexual marriages are what most people who understand the issue are against. Because they know it would serve as a precedent that would be used to get things such as poligomy legalized, because homosexual marriages would have redefined what marriage is. It would destroy the family because a family is defined as a husband, wife, and children...however now a days there are much more single parent families, the last thing we need is a guy having 3 wives and 10 kids and two homos adopting a kid...it would destroy the family as we know it and further degenerate our society.
Its bad enough you fucking liberals want to take god out of our public lives, but leave the fucking concept of marriage and families alone.