Originally Posted by Tripper
I didn't want to get involved in this, because I like Nyck. I do, however, think he really overreacted with this...I think maybe it was taken a bit too far by judas, and he did have a right to call him out and say stop it, but anything after that is just being a bit silly.
Its obvious judas didn't mean it, its so obvious because of the nyck vs judas dynamic that has been in these forums for the last several months...Its just really seemed like witty banter, not serious flaming.
I dunno, maybe nyck took it all seriously. To me it looked like an in-joke, but the way nyck teared a new one after that post about his kid made me think otherwise.
I know i'd be weird about e-friends cracking jokes like that about people I deeply cared for, but you don't need to start a giant flame war, a few words declaring how you feel would make sense, but not a speech from upon a high horse. Unless of course he actually didn't like judas, in which I take back this whole post because If someone I didnt like, posted that kind of stuff about my baby I'd feel like flaming them.
EDIT: ...and I agree with anti on the racist stuff...that was totally uncalled for, I dont get why people just cant sidestep the race thing and insult other aspects of a person, instead of using insults that offend an entire race of people. Just makes you look like a simple redneck.