Last night I saw Taste of Chaos
On the main stage it was A Static Lullaby, Underoath, Senses Fail, Killswitch Engage, My Chemical Romance and The Used.
Killswitch Engage was by far the best.
Underoath was next best, and they made me actually like them because it was a hell of a time live but they oinly played recent songs and nothing from when they were actually good like in act of depression.
A Static Lullaby is next, they're basically here because they're the next hardest opf the bands and it was an enjoyable time during the set.
The used would be higher if they actually played something that wasn't their emo songs.
Senses Fail was complete and utter shit, but the funny thing is it had the best pit to the second weakest band.
My Chemical far the worst of the day.
MCR and the used did a cover of Bowie and Queens Under was the best song MCR did anyways lol, but it didn't hold a candle to the original.
Anyways It was a fun time...and I only got kicked int he face once, but I got pushed around alot and it is hard being int hose areas while thinking you can't get your glasses broken.
The best part was when everyone was close and it was only chicks around...but sometimes it was a guys and honestly it is fucking weird being so close you're like you know like your crotch in around their you know...that was fucked. But allt he chciks riding up on you was a highlight.