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Milla, check out AR15.com They have a shit load of info and i'm sure someone knows where to get the lower you want.
I just paid for a lower that i ordered a few months back and it's in. I should have it in a few days. I wanted a "Stag" but the "Rock River Arms" came in 1st so i'm picking up that one. I want "Infidel" inscribed on the lower in Arabic. That lower will be my 20" scoped rifle. I'll post pics of the build as i go along. Oh, and i just picked up a shit load of ammo my buddy wanted to get rid of. I probably won't have to buy pistol ammo for another 20yrs. This is just some loose .45 ammo he gave me. http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/3713/45rg1.jpg |
lol wish i had that much .45
Then again, it MIGHT look pretty sweet with a VLTOR on... Nah, go with reg. full stock, thats my tip. Nice choice, btw. SPR's are teh sexxay. |
That would also be sexy as hell.
I know its just airsoft, and an old pic, and the M5 RAS instead of the FF RAS, but... http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...Airsoft/M5.jpg Shes a bit different now (changed the birdcage to a SPR-flashie instead and painted her with bowflage) and Im going to slap on a FF RAS soon (as soon as I can get the f*cking barrel nut off). |
Ok, you're not going to believe this.
....remember all the ammo my buddy gave me? Well, while i was there getting the stuff, he points to an old wooden rifle rack that was his Dads (his father passed away a few years ago) He tells me to take it and do whatever i want with it. It's a small wooden rifle rack with a small wooden drawer on the bottom of it. The drawer has a keyed cylinder and it's locked. My buddy said he lost the key to it and i'll need to get it open because there's stuff inside. I was hoping the slide from the 1911 i purchased from him was inside because i want to bring the 9mm conversion 1911 back to it's original form. So, i take the rifle rack and put it in the garage. So today i was bored and decided to drill out that cylinder so i can see if my slide is inside. So, i carefully drill it out because i don't want to damage the wood. I'm going to clean up the rack and sell it. Anyway, i finally get the drawer open and what do i find inside?? No, not the slide but......... ............i find these instead !! http://img165.imageshack.us/img165/6194/findve1.jpg The revolver is a Hi-Standard double nine .22. The top right pistol isn't a Walther PPK, it's a "J.P. Sauer & Sohn, Suhl" with Nazi markings chambered in 7.65 (.32acp) The bottom right pistol is a 1914 German Mauser chambered in 7.65 (.32). It was made between 1923-1929 Well, now i have to give my friend a call and tell him about the guns. I got a feeling i'll be adding them to my collection...lol Talk about a suprise eh? |
Nice find! good luck, acquiring them!
wow amazing find! pretty unusual weapons as well
Jesus man thats an awesome find.
Ok, just got in touch with my friend and he knew nothing about them. Looks like i'll be in contact with the proper authorities in the next few days to sort this out.
I'll keep you posted. |
I wanna go down the end of my driveway, point my gun at the fucking moron tradesman fuckface who keeps parking his big ass truck in front of my driveway, and tell him to fucking MOVE IT, and NEVER park it there again.
...But because I'll probably get arrested for being threatening like that, I cant. Man I fucking hate tradesman yobbo fucktards. Big dumb fucking rejects who were too stupid to go to university. |
hey watch it proteus will come to las vegas and FUCK YOU UP
Who's in Vegas? Trip......just get a floor jack and a few of your friends. Jack up the rear of the truck and swing the ass end out to the middle of the street. I did that once to someone visiting my neighbor. They blocked 1/2 my driveway and i wasn't able to back my boat in. They weren't home (must have went out in a single car) so i jacked his shit up and pushed it in the road and out of my way. I left it like that.......no one ever said anything to me. |
Am i supposed to find this funny? Anyway, back on topic........placed a call to the Sheriff's Dept and they're looking into it. So far, none were reported stolen. It's very possible the 2 smaller pistols are "War bring backs" and were never registered. If that turns out to be the case, it's just a matter of paperwork and i can claim them. As for the .22 revolver....that's anybody's guess. The Investigator thinks it was purchased out of state. He's still "investigating". |
Stag Arms lower 240 not to shabby.
Arkan, since you're a new yorker do you think its possible to get an AK-74 around here?
I've been hearing that 5.45 has been going down in price and i just love the look of it. |
Arkan you carry a In the belt holster when you carrY?
I'll answer both questions....
Simo: As for an AK-74, as long as it's in a "post-ban" configuration...perfectly legal. You can't have a bayo lug, a "flash suppressor", or a collapsible stock. As for magazines, just use dated "pre-bans" and you're golden. Milla: When i carry my Sig .40, it's in an "inside the waistband" holster. If i opt to carry the bigger .357 revolver, it'll be in an "outside the waistband" holster (a belt holster) Winter carry i can get away with this set up due to the bulk of the gun. Also, if i'm in a pinch and i'm wearing pants, the small J-frame Smith sometimes is worn on the ankle or tucked away in a pocket. I'll use the ankle set up if i feel the need for 2 guns. |
Its a shame my USP Compact is a double stack .45 so its pretty thick, an in the belt would fucking destroy my hip. and outside is to bulky. But i do have a Blackhawk CQC holster which is fucking money for quick draw
Pistol license application for upstate NY
Obtain an application from your local licensing agent, either the local police or county clerk. Fill in the application and obtain any required character references signatures and have your application Notarized. Be fingerprinted and submit your application. Wait while you are being investigated and your fingerprints are sent to the FBI. After your fingerprints are returned from the FBI and the investigation is completed your application is normally sent to your county's Pistol License office and then forwarded to licensing officer for review and decision. (Depending on what the county that you live in requires, you may have to take a safety class and you may have to meet with the licensing officer. Some counties also have additional requirements.) The paperwork will be returned to the Pistol License office and they will send you a letter informing you of the outcome. If approved, you will have to go to the required location to have your license validated by putting your thumbprint on the back of your license. You will also be given a slip to give to the owner of the handgun that your are transferring to your license. Using your new license you can go to the store an pick up your first handgun. Give them the Purchase Slip and they will retain the slip for their records. You are now a legal handgun owner in New York State. requirements be a resident of the county that you apply in. be 21 years old to be issued a license. have people willing to be character references. not be barred from owning a gun under federal or state law. be able to provide a set of fingerprints. provide 3 recent passport photos. answer all questions on an application. provide honest answers to all questions. (Supplying false information constitutes sufficient reason for denial of the application. YOU MUST LIST EVERY TIME YOU HAVE BEEN ARRESTED NO MATTER WHAT THE OUTCOME OR IF THE RECORDS ARE SEALED.) pay the required fees to the NYSDCJS and your local County Clerk. sign your application in front of a Notary Public who must fill in the bottom right section. have all handguns that you own listed on your license. God...I hate new york |
Holy shit. CA pales in comparison to that. All I had to do was go in to the same dealer I got my P38 at, take some test that asked if it was a bad idea to load a pistol and fire it at my testicles, and show some identification and proof of residence. The character reference thing is pretty ridiculous.
Getting your permit in NY is a bullshit process....one that's not impossible, just a deterrent. They do that shit on purpose so most people wouldn't bother. Another form of gun control. Ok, edited to say......The Investigator called me today to inform me that i needed to surrender the newer High Standard double nine revolver. It was never registered and it'll be a pain in the ass to trace it so they'll just destroy it. I don't have a problem with that. The other pistols can be registered to me because they are "War bring-backs" but i need to deal with some red tape. Called my friend today and gave him the scoop. He told me he wasn't interested in them and i can keep them. So, i'll be filling out some paperwork this week for the other 2 pistols. Lets see what happens. |
Nein. I don't remember the exact term but it was something like Handgun Safety Permit which I guess is just the same as a license. I also had to sign some paper stating I have a safe to keep it in. It was all rather surprising, I guess CA's style is just to place heavy restrictions on the guns themselves, because if going on a shooting rampage I wouldn't ever think of bringing extra magazines.
Good stuff Arkan, your a lucky fucker to get those 2 german pistols.
BTW let my AR-15 build begin. I just ordered a Stag Arms lower it should be here by Thanksgiving...than when i get back from Iraq i can build the upper I want. http://www.ballisticsounds.com/store...pped_lower.jpg Its got a cool Buck on it, and its made in New Britain, CT. Mine will have this stock on it: http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/1037/m4ayu1.jpg |
Man am I kicking myself to trading in my Colt Mustang. Down here in FL, during the summer even with a low profile sidearm, it's damn hard to concealed and I wish I still had my colt. I know I got screwed when trading that in for my wifes new SIG. Quote:
Funny thing is, in RI you have to take a marksmanship test to qualify but they will give you no info on the laws regarding CWP carrying. That is up to you to find out and they don't want to help at all. Down here in FL, they make you take a class, with a LOE, give you all the laws in a booklet, go over some scenarios but all you have to do at the range, is not shoot yourself, the range instructor or anyone else around you and you pass. That in itself is a little scary. Granted they push you to go to the range and practice at least once every couple weeks. Milla, when you heading out? I've contacted my dad to find out where he's at. He is now a civilian working at one of the very secure areas in Baghdad and if you get any RR or are stationed near him, you should stop by. He runs a little so called cafe, where a lot of big wigs from all branches of the military as well as a lot of special ops hang out. He's old school military and knows how to have fun in difficult areas around the world, or so I'm told by a bunch of rangers who had dinner at our grandmothers house a couple years ago. Something about him shooting their camp rattlesnake mascot one very late evening. I'm getting more info to pass on to you. Any little bit helps over there. |
Milla: Good call on the VLTOR Carbine Modstock, theyre sweet as hell. Got one on my airsoft M4 now, and I loves it.
Rude, here in the "People's Republic of New York" we're still under the ban. Civilians can't own a magazine that holds more than 10 rounds (unless it's "Pre-ban" 8/94) Our AR-15's/AK-47's etc may not have any of these "evil" features if it has a "detachable magazine":
Collapsible stock Flash hider/suppressor Bayonet lug You may only have these "evil" features if your rifle was manufactured BEFORE the federal ban. All of my magazines are "dated pre-bans", so i have a lot of "legal" 30 rounders for the rifles. The laws are ass-backwards but it's something i'll have to put up with until i make my move to NC. Milla: I have a RRA "bare" lower and i'm about to do my 20" build. What upper are you leaning towards? I haven't decided on mine yet. I still have to install the trigger & springs in the lower and add the stock i removed from my Bushy. I do know i'm going with a flat top so i can add optics. This rifle will be set up for optics only. I'm going to an 8 hour carbine class on the 18th and i haven't decided on what rifle i'll be bringing to the class. All i know is....no matter what platform (AR/AK) i decide on, i want to bring a 2nd rifle as backup in case one shits the bed. I know the chances are slim but....it's a fucking 8 hr course and i don't want to be standing there with my thumb up my ass if my rifle shits out in the 1st hour. I have (2) friends who are willing to lend me a backup rifle for the day. All i need to do now is decide which one goes through the course. |
when are you moving to nc?
Arkan go to http://www.del-ton.com/AR_15_Barrel_Assemblies_s/4.htm they are good shit.
Another place who makes quality uppers (kind of pricey but you can get them with the rail system installed is http://cmmginc.secure-mall.com/shop/...826957&cat=27& You can build an upper from drop down menus and shit. Same with Del-Ton. I'm doing a 16" (bull shit 14.5" is illegal, i may just get a 14.5 anyway, who the fuck checks it.) Also Arkan there is no advantage from a 18" to a 20" barrel. If i were you I would do like a 18" with a low profile gas block a nice rail system and a scope. Something like this http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i3...SPRclone-1.jpg RudeDog, i dont have a in the belt yet, i need to get my concealed when i get back from Iraq. And i'm leaving for Iraq in march...i'll post a thread about it :) |
Just found this Arkan. This is a good freaking deal. Throw in the Rock River Arms bolt carrier, A3 flat top (instead of the Saber Defense one), maybe the Vortex Flash hider (which supposedly is freaking awesome but a regular A2 flash hider is good enough) and charging handle and you are set.
http://www.pkfirearms.com/store/get_...action=display Or this with a 10 inch RAS instead of 13...personally i like the first link with the less exposed barrel. http://www.pkfirearms.com/store/get_...action=display This is the set up I am getting http://www.pkfirearms.com/store/get_...action=display Pkfirearms is good also. |
lol...just bought a "barely used" SAR1 AK.
Will post pics of that and the RRA lower when i get both. |
I know its airsoft and a shitty pic, but its a good idea what can be done to a basic AR:
http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b2...t/DSC00852.jpg |
That is the exact set up im getting minus the pistol grip and vert grip. The pistol grip is going to be a Magpul MIAD and the vert is gonna be a standard Knights Armament one. |
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