Ahhh SEX! What a wonderful thing it be eh folks. But yanno, I got into a nice lil argument with an ex about this act and felt the need to get some (EXPERIENCED!) feedback from some of our forum mates.
Heres the thing: to me intercourse can be broken up into three categories;
Sex. Fucking. Love Making. So far I haven't been with any chick that hasn't fallen under these three things. Here is MY personal breakdown of what each entails -
SEX: This is what you will be doing 80% of the time. Man is a horny beast. He/SometimesShe needs to ejaculate every now and then in order to properly function. Whehter it be masturbation or what, we're going to get off. So when it's 9am or 10 minutes till 8, you're going to see our significant other, feel the bulge in our pants, and want a release. Theres nothing else there but a desire to pop out tops. This is the routine.
FUCK: Heres the dirty shit. Someone you dont know. Dont want to think about the person or the act. This is what you're doing. If you've known someone for 3 days and have found your penis in said person hole, then you've FUCKED. It's not sex, because sex is a routine amount of intercourse that comes along regularly. A fuck is something unexpected, that probably wont happen again, and if it does, it'll be because youre still single. If and when this person graduates to a GF, then you'll be having the sex0rz.
LOVE MAKING: Ahhhh. Sweet sweet love. This is probably the best of all three since theres real emotion involved, since theres something more than just coming on breasts. This is that shit that happens on Valentines day, or when the significant other is feeling sad and you're trying to cheer her up, or gosh darn it you see her there in her panties and t-shirt and see just how great of a woman she is. I should say that this will happen about 15% of the time, if youre lucky. And it happens more in the BEGINNING than in the end.
And that's that.