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burn 10-08-2002 05:22 AM

who is the best player in mohaa
and you can not nominate your self! biggrin:

unre@l 10-08-2002 05:23 AM

There is no "I" in a team, so there is no such thing as the best player.


burn 10-08-2002 05:47 AM

you are right then... opps lol... ok then.. who d you tthink is the best clan in mohaa.. you can not name your own clan

Akuma 10-08-2002 05:49 AM

Winterforge maybe? I havn't seen many of the KaoS people play. Anyone on KaoS could probaly own anyone else here.

=[DOA]=VonMeyer 10-08-2002 06:23 AM

Who knows who cares its just a game not a competition

ÐÄÐ 10-08-2002 06:37 AM

Garry Coleman may be the best I have played against. Or maybe a person named Stavro.
But to qualify my nominations, I have only been playing about 6 weeks.

rudedog 10-08-2002 07:01 AM

From my experience

Soviet =Kaos=

is the best I have ever seen!

where has Soviet been. Have not seen him around in a while?

wintersforge 10-08-2002 07:53 AM

Sov's been busy with school and playing BF42 with me oOo: ...he still plays MOH though....

10-08-2002 08:28 AM

teamwork in mohaa? stick a bunch of newbies together and they'll simply get gunned down in clusters

Captain_McCusker 10-08-2002 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Strik0r
teamwork in mohaa? stick a bunch of newbies together and they'll simply get gunned down in clusters

That's so true, and it's even funnier to watch. Nothing like turning a corner and hosing down 5 of them without even emptying the clip. MP42 really makes that fun, too.

But I'll give ya this, they sure as hell are determined. evil:

Best player: I'd agree about Soviet, but I've been lucky enough not to face him. So I go with Wintersforge. I'm lucky if I can stay alive for more than a minute when he's playing.

Best clan: I guess OGL is the best way to measure that. But in opinion I go with KaoS. Everyone I've seen with those tags has creamed just about everyone I've seen go up against them. bigzooka:

[4Inf]Sfc.Shadow 10-08-2002 09:10 AM

OK !! Then

Originally Posted by Strik0r
teamwork in mohaa? stick a bunch of newbies together and they'll simply get gunned down in clusters


PLEASE!!!! Yeah...If you use a shotgun.....

10-08-2002 09:19 AM

...or stg, bar, thompson or mp40, you know those weapons of massive killing power that people never seem to complain about

Logan5 10-08-2002 09:21 AM

I guess it all depends on where you play.

I've seen a lot of great players from the Fiberpipe server. Some of them must have full clips of bullets with my name on them.
(of course, it could be that I'm just that bad.)

Kaiser [K1] 10-08-2002 10:32 AM

Tough one as no one plays great every time.

Being in Europe I have to say my K1 buddy Generator can clock up kills like no other and I rarely see him anywhere but top of the frag list at the end of a round.

He uses the name Gen[K1]*** or G3Ner4Tor[K1]***

As for clans there are too many to name... biggrin:

Captain_McCusker 10-08-2002 10:32 AM

I agree with Strik0r. When n00bs cluster together, it doesn't take much to hose them down unless you're running around with a mauser. Even the m1 can hose down a cluster if you're doing a little dance to avoid their poor aim.

And yes, it does pretty much depend on where you play. On my own server I get my ass kicked by a few people. They show up, kick my ass and then never show up again. And then there's Stavro and Fenris - together these guys are almost unstoppable.

And another element is realism. The type of realism makes a difference on how well people play. But I'm telling you that most from KaoS kick ass anywhere they go, no matter what factors are involved. I'd say I hate them, but truth is that I envy their talents. LOL oOo:

N O T F || Glory 10-08-2002 10:41 AM

My opinion...
My opinion is that BoRo was the best clan with all round teamplay, they finished with an overall record of 93-12 before they disbanned, not only that but they held 7 #1 spots on ladders, TDM, OBJ, OBJ realism and RB. I dont know if they have played Kaos but they beat every clan from eCm, EcE, to Gx. This only my opinion but it seems to me on that all I hear about is Kaos. Well not saying they arent good but I really dont know much about them hake: .

wintersforge 10-08-2002 11:11 AM

well dont be a stranger NOTF..stop by our 2 servers:
-running CKR
-running stock

-Most of the spambots on these forums have played with some of us for quite some time. Alot of the =KaoS= fellas make the server our home away from home when we want some good ole fashion mayhem. =KaoS= is one of the oldest MOH clans as well starting up in February of 02, but has been around for over 2 years. Alot of " server" graduates went on to join =KaoS=...Fidel, Bleu, Chuddy Bear, we kinda have a rich, tradition steeped in spamming these fine forums, killing on the server,and enjoying continued success in all the ladders we are actively participatinig dont be a stranger and stop by and say hi!!!!

Hollywood 10-08-2002 11:14 AM

[quote="ÐÄÐ":75fb9]Garry Coleman may be the best I have played against. Or maybe a person named Stavro.
But to qualify my nominations, I have only been playing about 6 weeks.[/quote:75fb9]

Bah! I own Gary coleman fire1:

[WTF]BonE_YArD 10-08-2002 11:27 AM

The best I have seen...hmmm.....hard question there are so many nowadays.

Top 3 in no particualr order...


Probably some others I can't think of at the moment....

C20H25N3O 10-08-2002 11:35 AM

Honestly this is a difficult question in my opion, with so many variables, god, I am great with the KAR, and grand, and stuff under CKR, But I am even better with the STG -- which I haven't used in months, But there are many differn't MOHAA communites all with there own greats, But every now and then, when I get sick of some of the easy Kills I find myself getting sometimes, I will stop on in a Kaos or server, Now me being an arrogant fellow, I'd say I rank up there with all of them, But hell, on a good day I am super, on a bad day I may not be as good, I think there are a handfull of "good" players out there; Nominating only one is a difficult choice. But yah, Kaos or even a DOA(only played with one) would be in my opinon one of the better group of players out ther -- Except me offcourse, heh(jk?)

But I am rarely 'wowed' anymore, infact I am only dissapointed with some of the people I see playing, BUt this is another thing, We all of our own playing style an we all of our own opinon of certin wepons under certin circumstances. seriously What defines a good player someone who can come in at first at the end of a Destroyed Village using a mauser with a 16 point spread, Does the ratio come into playe? or does the man in second with the Kar, not as good as the fellow with 10kills ahead of him with an stg?

These things are a differn't question and infact, I am getting in on a new topic, heh.

N O T F || Glory 10-08-2002 11:43 AM

Will do...
Hey Winter I noticed Alias in our Surivival of the Fittest Mod server, I will stop by as soon as I come out of retirement biggrin:

The second coming of Glory will be soon... hehe, cant wait to play MOH again! fire1: fire2: zooka: M16: bigzooka: cool:

Judas 10-08-2002 11:54 AM

Judas is the best player ive seen. He pwns wintersforge anytime they play together. Ive seen judas go 102/1 with winter 1/102. I would have to say judas is the best moh player alive. cool:

wintersforge 10-08-2002 11:57 AM

its true...... ed: eek: oOo: biggrin: hake:

Judas 10-08-2002 12:10 PM

lol ! oOo: I saw the new topic . Can i be best and worst at the same time ?

Chuddy Bear 10-08-2002 12:14 PM


There are lots of good players and lots of good clans. I dont really know if you can pick any one of them and say they are better than others.

Look at the top 10 or so in OGL, CAL, TWL, they are all very good teams with very good players.

If I had to pick a clan, I would have to go with KaoS, But I may be just a bit biased. LOL.

Captain_McCusker 10-08-2002 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by wintersforge
-Most of the spambots on these forums have played with some of us for quite some time.

Spambots. heh evil:

SoViEt 10-08-2002 04:39 PM

i am not the best player, i got pwned all the time freak:

Chronic Diarrhea 10-08-2002 09:24 PM

I think Desert Eagle is the best player. DE, Soviet, and Wintersforge are the best three that I have played against. Then there was this guy I was playing against 1 on 1 at Remagen a few months back. He would kill me from all the way across the map in the head with his Thompson every time, it was amazing. When I played him, I considered myself to be above average at the time, and pretty darn good on a good day, but he ended up beating me like 26-4. It was truely amazing.

10-08-2002 10:27 PM

...stupid question. i was reading somewhere in the best sniper in mohaa thread.. i heard someone say SMAK HE_HATE_ME. that guy is pathetic, an easy target to pro snipers. theres so many players out there, i have played some top guys, but i bet there is still people that would blow my mind. i have no answer for this

Vander 10-09-2002 05:16 AM

Best of British... are the best players ever.

Go to there server and get your ass kicked. (really)

=[DOA]=VonMeyer 10-09-2002 05:46 AM

Kaos and waffenSS

Clemenza B. Drinkinbeer 10-09-2002 07:20 PM

i think EcE and tnp are the best ive faced. EcE has a guy named Darkshadow and i cant hit the punk hardly ever. excellent sniper too.
tnp gots a dude called xDSL, hes pretty handy with the smg and an excellent sniper too. i think both clans are in the top 3 in TWL so that says something too. bigzooka: M16:

CaP bUsTa 10-09-2002 08:28 PM

TNP? dont make me laugh
those guys suck
i think anti hero has got to be one of the best snipers ive seen...i wish i could play against KaoS more often to post one of their names up here...but i have to say that wintersforge is very skilled..its just too bad he will bow down to me in the hockey pool
hollywood is my bitch.

con Brio 10-09-2002 09:06 PM

[quote="Clemenza B. Drinkinbeer":6e5c5]i think EcE and tnp are the best ive faced. EcE has a guy named Darkshadow and i cant hit the punk hardly ever. excellent sniper too.
tnp gots a dude called xDSL, hes pretty handy with the smg and an excellent sniper too. i think both clans are in the top 3 in TWL so that says something too. bigzooka: M16:[/quote:6e5c5]

EcE gets the thumbs down when it comes to attitude

fire1: -->EcE

Capt.Happy 10-09-2002 09:11 PM

First off there are alot of teams out there that do not even get credit when this thread comes up all the time. I have no clue why alot of people feel that Kaos is the best out there or that Soviet is the best player in MOHAA, dont get me wrong Kaos is good and Soviet is good also but neither are the best in MOHAA. Just to back up my thoughts i will say this, my buddies team [-eCm-] just recently beat Kaos in the 6 man tourney, and yes they had there best players in there including Soviet and they were beat pretty good, not to mebntion that Soviet wasnt even in the positive numbers of sniping he was really negative as well as wintersforge. I saw the action from the screen of my buddy and it was a match that no one talks about, hmm wonder why. As far as BoRo goes yes they were an awesome team and everyone should agree with that term, they beat
[-eCm-] in CAL but then [-eCm-] beat them in TWL so it would have been nice to see another match between them, but that wont happen now. As far as EcE there ok but again there is better. Why does no one mention teams like GX, Phatpipe,WTF,pFm,.pz and many more can come to mind instead of being stuck on Kaos,EcE and others that are mentioned to many times the world is much bigger than the server journey out into the scene, you will be enlightened by other great teams that are playing.

10-09-2002 10:14 PM

i dont think league status proves anything, but how well a team can camp with a shotgun. tnp the best? haha funny shit

Kafelnikov 10-09-2002 11:01 PM

well...its really really really hard to determine the best clan and best player ...some may have been top in one time, and the others in another time. Places makes a difference i heard [A+G] or something like that, an european clan that is kicking ass in their continent. So to say which clan is the best? comes down to which strat is the best used.

If i really want to choose, i would choose JUDAS and clan POAAC!! happy:

[WTF]DrDuKeS 10-10-2002 12:02 AM

There are many greatly skilled clans out there and it's hard to choose, but two of the clan on the top of my list are Gx and F|H

they're both great guys and great killers biggrin:

Chuddy Bear 10-10-2002 12:12 AM

Capt. Happy,

First of all we didnt have our best players in there. I played in the match. LOL

They had a good strategy and they won the match. They are one of the clans in the top ten in leagues, they are very good as are the rest at the top of the pack.

Many of us just happen to play on, so most of the guys know us. I get around and play on different servers quite a bit and I know there are some great players out there. I even play on the eCm server.

It is rather hard to rate players you havent come up against so dont fault anyone for not naming your buddies team.

Soviet has not been playing much Allied Assault lately. If you want to find out why people think he is one of the best, stop by our server and find out. Do you even play MOHAA?

As far as not talking about the eCm match what is there to say?
They won.

We dont cry about losing we just play again. It was not our first loss and it wont be our last.

Nuff said.

Chuddy Bear =KaoS=

Fidel Castro 10-10-2002 01:13 AM

[quote="Chuddy Bear":cdc4e]Capt. Happy,

First of all we didnt have our best players in there. I played in the match. LOL

They had a good strategy and they won the match. They are one of the clans in the top ten in leagues, they are very good as are the rest at the top of the pack.

Many of us just happen to play on, so most of the guys know us. I get around and play on different servers quite a bit and I know there are some great players out there. I even play on the eCm server.

It is rather hard to rate players you havent come up against so dont fault anyone for not naming your buddies team.

Soviet has not been playing much Allied Assault lately. If you want to find out why people think he is one of the best, stop by our server and find out. Do you even play MOHAA?

As far as not talking about the eCm match what is there to say?
They won.

We dont cry about losing we just play again. It was not our first loss and it wont be our last.

Nuff said.

Chuddy Bear =KaoS=[/quote:cdc4e]
What Chud said....... bigzooka:

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