![]() |
Too bad you missed the last event man, the GIs came up with a lot of new names for us, not that many were flatering, but it was a good event and i wanted to cap your arse at least once.....I guess theres always October.
------------------ http://www.pnwhg.org/1stid/images/gallery/photo01.jpg "NO MISSION TOO DIFFICULT, NO SACRIFICE TOO GREAT, DUTY FIRST, SIR, DUTY FIRST!" |
Hey there little buddy! yeah it sux that I wasn't there, but eh. I can't wait to cut you in half with our new MG42 though, in October! sux to be you!
------------------ http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bi...rop-var-15.jpg "Victory at any Price!" SS-Panzergrenadier |
What exactly do you do at these events?
------------------ "Ohhh the Germans are mad at me I'm so scared oh the Germans! Uhoh the germans are coming to get me oh don't let the germans come after, they're so big and strong." |
We (A.murphy, Waffenampt, Dickonwheels, and I) are all members of the Pacific Northwest Historical Group. We are re-enactors, of WWII and Viet-Nam. We put on public displays and re-enactments to teach ourselves and the general public about what it was like to go through these wars. check out www.pnwhg.org
------------------ http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bi...rop-var-15.jpg "Victory at any Price!" SS-Panzergrenadier |
i'd want to be in re-actments! but im only 14! lol, i could be a private though!
------------------ http://3rd.homestead.com/files/rieben.jpg |
i already have a pretty good collection of gear, vietnam, and WWII!!!
------------------ http://3rd.homestead.com/files/rieben.jpg |
Id love to do re-enacting to but i dont think germans shouted whos yo daddy when using the mg-42 i know i would http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/biggrin.gif
It must be hard to do theres a few things i would find hard to understand rule wise. For example say you're 100 yards from someone and an enemy has his back to you and you fire does he automatically drop when he hears it? or how does he know hes the one thats been shot?? [This message has been edited by Gerard (edited August 14, 2001).] |
I heard there is a ww2 re-enacting group that has a real working sherman tank!
------------------ http://3rd.homestead.com/files/mikecs18.jpg |
looks like im gonna have to go disable it, sticky bomb! light it! you light it!
------------------ http://3rd.homestead.com/files/rieben.jpg |
Yes that isn't that uncommon. Hell us in the 12th SS just bought a SdKfz 251/D Halftrack, and the 1st Infantry just got a GMC CCKW 2 1/2 ton Troop carrier. Our sister unit to our south, in California, just bought several german tanks from the army of Syria, who bought them as surplus after the war. They will have a complete armoured column, with a possible 4 (!) Panzer IV's and 3 StuG III's! We are in the process of restoring a '38 Ford truck (see the Z28 topic) as a light troop carrier for the 12th, and I am looking into geting a Kublewagen by the end of next year. The russian unit in Califonia has a T-34/85 battle tank and the british unit down there has a bren carrier.
There are lots of clubs around the world opperating with a multitude or armoured and soft vehicles. ------------------ http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bi...rop-var-15.jpg "Victory at any Price!" SS-Panzergrenadier |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bürgen:
Yes that isn't that uncommon. Hell us in the 12th SS just bought a SdKfz 251/D Halftrack, and the 1st Infantry just got a GMC CCKW 2 1/2 ton Troop carrier. Our sister unit to our south, in California, just bought several german tanks from the army of Syria, who bought them as surplus after the war. They will have a complete armoured column, with a possible 4 (!) Panzer IV's and 3 StuG III's! We are in the process of restoring a '38 Ford truck (see the Z28 topic) as a light troop carrier for the 12th, and I am looking into geting a Kublewagen by the end of next year. The russian unit in Califonia has a T-34/85 battle tank and the british unit down there has a bren carrier. There are lots of clubs around the world opperating with a multitude or armoured and soft vehicles. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> that must be hella expensive to get one of those! ------------------ http://3rd.homestead.com/files/mikecs18.jpg |
yeah, pretty much...
our SdKfz 251/D cost us around $13000, and know we have to get it here (portland) from england. ------------------ http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bi...rop-var-15.jpg "Victory at any Price!" SS-Panzergrenadier |
...and we have to restore it. That'll cost lots more. Yippee!
------------------ http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bi...rop-var-15.jpg "Victory at any Price!" SS-Panzergrenadier |
how much does a tiger tank cost? (my b-day is on december second and I need a list of ideas of things to get.)
------------------ http://3rd.homestead.com/files/mikecs18.jpg |
I only know of one opperable Tiger around, and it is in France (apparently they had a few laying around after the festivities). And I'm guessing, a few Million Bucks....
------------------ http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bi...rop-var-15.jpg "Victory at any Price!" SS-Panzergrenadier |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mikecs18:
how much does a tiger tank cost? (my b-day is on december second and I need a list of ideas of things to get.) <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> and also is there a place to get landing crafts? if so, how much? ------------------ http://3rd.homestead.com/files/mikecs18.jpg |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bürgen:
I only know of one opperable Tiger around, and it is in France (apparently they had a few laying around after the festivities). And I'm guessing, a few Million Bucks.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I've heard of that one. I heard it's the only running original tiger still around. there are eight original tigers in the world. only one runs. DAMN ------------------ http://3rd.homestead.com/files/mikecs18.jpg |
you could probibly get one from the studio that made 'em for SPR...
------------------ http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bi...rop-var-15.jpg "Victory at any Price!" SS-Panzergrenadier |
That gun is the M1919A1 .30 caliber. The early version of the ones you all seem to think of as the genaric .30 cal. The M1919A1 was water cooled and as such VERY heavy, as such it was mainly used as a vehicle mounted weapon. But it was used widely by the US infantry early in the war untill the aircooled M1919A3 (the one you allways see in games) entered wide-spread use about mid to late 1942.
------------------ http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bi...rop-var-15.jpg "Victory at any Price!" SS-Panzergrenadier |
that would be the 30 caliber, browning machine gun!!!
i know bunches of stuff about wars... ------------------ http://3rd.homestead.com/files/rieben.jpg |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rieben:
i'd want to be in re-actments! but im only 14! lol, i could be a private though! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hey Reiben, Maybe we could be like, the Hitler children.... http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif |
Audie, will you also pester the Webmaster for some movies on the site ? Also, The guys on your sig are American right ? Because aren't they using an MG-08 ? Why is that (I may be wrong) ? http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif
They're Americans all right, but i think you must be mistaken about the weapon(either you or the artist http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif)
------------------ http://www.pnwhg.org/1stid/images/gallery/photo01.jpg "NO MISSION TOO DIFFICULT, NO SACRIFICE TOO GREAT, DUTY FIRST, SIR, DUTY FIRST!" |
Dont forget my jeep Burgen.
------------------ http://www.pnwhg.org/1stid/images/gallery/photo01.jpg "NO MISSION TOO DIFFICULT, NO SACRIFICE TOO GREAT, DUTY FIRST, SIR, DUTY FIRST!" |
I'll wait 'till I see it... http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif
------------------ http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bi...rop-var-15.jpg "Victory at any Price!" SS-Panzergrenadier |
Bürgen what is your ICQ number?
Uh, it is :
57976970 But I am rarely on (the last time was about a month ago) so you'd have to be pretty lucky to catch me... ------------------ http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bi...rop-var-15.jpg "Victory at any Price!" SS-Panzergrenadier |
do you use any other messaging service so that i may communicate w/ you?
Is that your name?! This is to all members of that reinactment thing whatever it is called: Do you know if they have branches in England? ------------------ http://www.3rd.homestead.com/files/carparzo.jpg |
Yes I am StinkBlossom, It was the only name that I could think of at the time that wasn't already taken....
And yes there is at least one club in England here are some links: German: 2Kp. I/60 PzGren Rgt, 116th Panzerdivision 'Windhund' http://www.callnetuk.com/home/windhund/index.html 'Second Battle Group' LASSH http://www3.mistral.co.uk/sbg1/ Fallshirmjager Rgt 6 (this is the club i'd be in if I lived over there) http://www.luftwaffe-hist.demon.co.uk/ Amerikan: can't find any! apparently to you brits, we didn't fight in WWII! Limey: Go here, the actuall club over there, they have plenty of links to individual units http://www.homeusers.prestel.co.uk/jt/vera.html ------------------ http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bi...rop-var-15.jpg "Victory at any Price!" SS-Panzergrenadier |
Waht about American clubs? I REALLY wanna find one near Connecticut or in New England.
check out www.atthefront.com and their WWII links page.
------------------ http://www.skalman.nu/third-reich/bi...rop-var-15.jpg "Victory at any Price!" SS-Panzergrenadier |
Von Paulus - The Germans Have about 30 Soldiers, and There is always a 95% Turnout to our events. For the Americans, It they have nearly 20 Soldiers, and they also have a 95% turnout rate. Everyone is very motivated.
When the Battles begin, We are all issued a small piece of paper in our Wound pocket of out Tunic, and for the Americans, just in a pocket or whatever. We are not allowed to look as these, as they are KIA/WIA cards. They system wounds like this, If I was moving forward, for example and was shot down by an American, I would take a "Hollywood Hit" (that means you act and fall like you really got shot, falling down, screaming, etc..) and then I would reach into my pocket and look at my Card. My card would read any one of these choices: 1-KIA : Killed in action. You just lay there until dragged back to our lines, and then you would act as a Replacement for yourself for the Rest of the Action. But would not be able to join a battle already in progress, and you would come in during a lull. 2-WIA : Wounded in action. Then under WIA, it would tell me where I've been wounded, in the face (Blinded) the arm(s), main body, Sucking chest wound, Etc, Legs. If I was wounded, then I would not be able to continue on fighting, Our Sani (Medic) can bandage us up and we would slowly get better as the re-enactment goes on. That's basically it. Vassili - If I shot at you and you were 40 yard away, with a full powder charge blank, You would know all about it. Trust me. Sometime though hits are hard to tell, and the theory is that if you are in serious doubt about it, Take the hit because they probably did get you. And Its boosts the other sides moral, If you take a hit with no problem, then they well feel the same way about it. On the Battlefield we try to kill eachother, but off, we are all Brothers. |
why dont u guys play it as laser tag like the war games the real army has. They got tanks and choppers bazookas rifles and everything set up with lasers, but they r firing blanks. So it sounds real and u actually know if u get hit or not.
------------------ http://2ndrangerbattalion.homestead.com/files/angel.jpg |
A W.W.II Re-enactment/Living History Event is an attempt by a group of Volunteers to Portray Soldiers of Select units in a 'as obtainably realistic' and historically accurate environment as possible.
How do we go upon this? First We must appear as the soldiers we are portraying, with the correct uniforms, field gear, food, and psychical condition. Second, we must Think in the same matter, this means researching the attitude of the Common Infantryman, recognition & knowledge of Rank and the issuing and carrying out of orders, Using as much of the Primary language of the Army you are portraying. Thirdly, We must fight like the soldiers we are portraying, this means in depth personal knowledge of Weapons, Tactics & Field Commands. Every one of these so called primary principals is extremely important, With intense research going down even to the stitching of the uniforms and the smallest of details. Veterans are interviewed by Club Members, and this is the best and most rewarding part of this amazing hobby, meeting those who where actually part of this incredible time in our past. An 'Event' is actually divided into two different classes. The First being a Public - Living History type. This means that we are there to display the lifestyle and fighting to an audience as a educational tool to bring History Alive for everyone there to see. We rarely will stage a battle for the audience, but sometimes it is requested for them to get a more interesting "Show." The Second type is a Private "Tactical" Battle, which is not a battle the public is not ment to attend, these battles/events are made to make every member feel as if he has burred the edge of time into the past and forget anything of recent and immerse themselves in authentic surroundings. In these events, Nothing is staged or rehearse whatsoever. We Arrive at the Site, and step into character instantly. A Typical Tactical Event is as follows: On Friday, everyone arrives and the Campsites are formed. One Allied, one Axis on opposing sides of the battlefield. Everyone is to report in, file paperwork, and is issued ammunition and a light dinner is served. Everyone is required to have Guard or watch for an Hour during the night. Everyone sleeps in period conditions in four man tents for the Germans, and two man tents for the allies. In the morning at 8:00am Everyone is alarmed and readied, a quick breakfast is prepared and we March to the Front. The Battles then Rage from all day, into the night and into the next day. Ground is usually bitterly fought over, and switches sides often. Food if available is brought to the front line soldiers by assigned personnel. At the End of the Event, everyone is called into a club Formation, Issues and Ideas are discussed and dealt with, and then everyone marches back to their original rear-echelon bivouac area. Everything is cleaned up and packed up, and the Final Unit formations are held, and everyone returns to the 21st Century. That is very, very basically it. I personally have never experienced a more enriching and amazingly interesting, not to mention Fun Hobby! |
"why dont u guys play it as laser tag like the war games the real army has. They got tanks and choppers bazookas rifles and everything set up with lasers, but they r firing blanks. So it sounds real and u actually know if u get hit or not."
The Same reason why we Dont use Paintball Guns, The Equipement detracts from the enviroment we are trying to simulate. In Paintball, everyone would have to wear face masks, and Etc. In Lazer-Tag we would have to attach ungainly items to our weapons and wear the battery and scenor harneses. You dont feel like you are in WWII when you are running around with stuff they didnt have. It is like running around with M-16's and wearing incorrect uniforms, and just calling it WWII re-enacting. Trust me, It would suck very much to wear all of that crap, If we wanted to just bust caps and kill eachother off and a large hootenanny, we would just wear our nikes and play paint ball. |
oh yea, or u could always just beat the enemy unconciose with ur gun. ern urself a medal.
------------------ http://2ndrangerbattalion.homestead.com/files/angel.jpg The most dangerous thing in the world is a 2nd lt. with a map and a compass |
when the medic bandages you do u get a new card?
If you are 3 guys walking in a row and you see a muzzle flash and hear a gunshot which one is hit or do you all fall down?? How much ammo do you have and how? how much does this cost you and where do you buy the equipment. ------------------ http://3rd.homestead.com/files/Vassili.jpg "...await the right moment for one, and only one well-aimed shot" -Vasily Zaitsev |
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