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geRV 08-29-2001 06:15 AM

Call that an update 4 fuckin paragraphs????

Theres a serious stench of us getting fucked around here how the hell can we get 4 excellent videos as updates then after that its all shit???

Wait a week for 4 paragraphs whats it gonna be next week, the same paragraphs but with corrected spellings or something??

I say ea gets your thumbs outta your ass stop fucking around and release a damn demo already u probably have it sitting there but can't be arsed uploading it. U want our money then make us impressed with the game with a demo you pack of corperate fuckers.

rant mode off

Friday: | | Saturday: | | Sunday: | | Monday:

arCTic$nip3r 08-29-2001 06:22 AM

there probably too busy wacking off instead of doing some intresting updates that take more than 2 minutes to complete...

geRV 08-29-2001 06:24 AM

I hate this shit every game i get interested in the publishers always tear the ass out of releasing a demo.

If they released a demo it would make us happy and most likely get more people interested in the game which would get them more sales.

arCTic$nip3r 08-29-2001 06:25 AM

do your damn job 2015

[This message has been edited by arCTic$nip3r (edited August 29, 2001).]

geRV 08-29-2001 06:27 AM

I dont blame 2015 i blame ea. They have the say when a demo is to be made and released. More than likely its ea programmers who code a demo out of existing MOh code and release it.

It annoys me that its probably done and all but theyre dicking us around

Hans 08-29-2001 06:38 AM

They NEVER should have released those videos, now everyone is expecting something just like the videos to be released every week! Calm the hell down, this is EA, and I'm surprised they even update the site at all! Not every update is going to be like the videos, and we shouldn't expect it to be. I'm satisfied with this, I learned a LITTLE bit about the enemies I will face in the game. Sure, it could have been better, but at least they did something. Doing something, is above EA standards! Remember, EA has to keep this up until the game is released, if they give us HUGE updates every week, eventually they will run out of stuff to give us, and you guys will get even more pissed then you are now.

geRV 08-29-2001 06:42 AM

Hans i prefer to learn about the enemy ingame as its more of a suprise when they do something unexpected.

Honestly though how hard is it to snap about 20 screenshots, how hard is it to record some footage of the german weapons??

Screenshots would have been ok but that was a fucking joke. It must have taken them all over 2 mins to type up that crap and we wait over a week for it?

Ea needs a kick in the teeth if theyre gonna try to keep people intrested by posting crap like that.

Albow0001 08-29-2001 06:43 AM

Well, they could at least get their fists out of there asses and give us a SINGLE GODDAMN PICTURE!!!
We haven't seen new pics from EA or 2015 in 4 weeks...This is crap!

I mista T! You doubta i mista T? Foo!!! I will eat you soul! Stop you jibba jabba and listen to MR T!
101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny's Child.

Recycled Spooge 08-29-2001 06:45 AM

Dude, is one or two fricken pictures too much to ask?


[This message has been edited by Recycled Spooge (edited August 29, 2001).]

Polaris 08-29-2001 06:45 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by arCTic$nip3r:
do your damn job 2015

[This message has been edited by arCTic$nip3r (edited August 29, 2001).]

i'm sure you mean EA .

but i guess thats how they decided to deal the cards with this game . the main reason why it seams like they are dickin us around is because of the competition and credit them for strategic advertising and overwhelming the fans with the Omaha level the past couple of months and at e3 .

put yourself in their shoes and think about all the other WAR games coming out at the end of this year . what would you do ? i guess i would hold back for a bit and release some goodies every week like they are doing . but what they released this week , I dont consider goodies .

now , think about another thing , if there wasnt that much of a competition , meaning that not a lot of similiar games would be coming out at the same time as yours then i'd go ahead and release the demo really early . for example , AvsP2 .

if you KNEw that what you'd have in your hands (as a publisher) a very good development team and you trusted and knew that what they are working on will no doubt kill the competition then i guess i'd be a little inconsistent with my releasing goodies . but who knows , i certainly dont

[This message has been edited by Polaris (edited August 29, 2001).]

Hans 08-29-2001 06:48 AM

I'm just happy that EA did ANYTHING! This is above EA's normal standards, EA updating a page is not a common occurrence! Yes, I agree it could have been better, but I'm still surprised they're doing anything at all. If they were acting like they usually do, we wouldn't have even got those movies.

If you want to learn about the enemy in-game, then don't read the update, problem solved.

geRV 08-29-2001 06:51 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>If you want to learn about the enemy in-game, then don't read the update, problem solved<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It was never a problem to begin with. Im pissed at the fact that we wait over a week for 4 pharagraphs. And lots of other people are pissed off about it. Waiting on wednesday night about a month ago actually had some meaning with the omaha videos now it seems that ea are having a laugh at us lamo's expense, seing how many hits they get for 4 paragraphs

Albow0001 08-29-2001 06:53 AM

I'll tell ya what i do know:

They could A: Be doing a lot better things
B: Treat us a small bit better...

It's a nice attempt to mask the crap this is Polaris, but it don't work, sorry.

I mista T! You doubta i mista T? Foo!!! I will eat you soul! Stop you jibba jabba and listen to MR T!
101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny's Child.

Recycled Spooge 08-29-2001 06:55 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hans:
I'm just happy that EA did ANYTHING! This is above EA's normal standards, EA updating a page is not a common occurrence! Yes, I agree it could have been better, but I'm still surprised they're doing anything at all. If they were acting like they usually do, we wouldn't have even got those movies.

If you want to learn about the enemy in-game, then don't read the update, problem solved.
<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I'm sorry but you telling me that EA usually doesn't update their sites didn't make me feel any better. I still think they are gaping anuses for making such a shitty update. I spend many hours devoted to this MOH community and all I get is this crap. H4W H4W H4W H4W!


Hans 08-29-2001 06:55 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gerard:
It was never a problem to begin with. Im pissed at the fact that we wait over a week for 4 pharagraphs. And lots of other people are pissed off about it. Waiting on wednesday night about a month ago actually had some meaning with the omaha videos now it seems that ea are having a laugh at us lamo's expense, seing how many hits they get for 4 paragraphs<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You should have gotten the idea that EA wasn't releasing anything good right now, a couple weeks ago. If they didn't release anything good 2 weeks ago, and they didn't release anything good last week, why would they release anything good this week? I stopped getting hyped up 2 weeks ago when this crap started. Don't expect anything great, and you aren't disappointed. It's good idea to get into this practice when dealing with EA.

Hans 08-29-2001 06:58 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Recycled Spooge:
I'm sorry but you telling me that EA usually doesn't update their sites didn't make me feel any better. I still think they are gaping anuses for making such a shitty update. I spend many hours devoted to this MOH community and all I get is this crap. H4W H4W H4W H4W!


That's the whole point - we already know that EA is a bunch of "gaping anuses" (any other vulgar word will also work here). So why are we expecting anything better of them? You should be expecting the work of "gaping anuses", then you won't be disappointed.

[This message has been edited by Hans (edited August 29, 2001).]

Polaris 08-29-2001 06:58 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Albow0001:
I'll tell ya what i do know:

It's a nice attempt to mask the crap this is Polaris, but it don't work, sorry.


worth a try .

let the anarchy begin then !!!

geRV 08-29-2001 07:02 AM EA SUX

Look even the monkey agrees

Milla 08-29-2001 07:17 AM

Thats the best thing ive seen gerard ROFL Ea release the damn demo plz i beg you!!!!

"Now i want you to remember that No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his"
-General George S. Patton

[This message has been edited by Capt. John Miller (edited August 29, 2001).]

Koshi 08-29-2001 07:17 AM


Ya, that was the shittiest excuse for an update. I could write that shit in less than fuckin' five minutes. Damn I wish I was a serial killer right about now....


HaVoc 08-29-2001 07:23 AM

...hey ya gotta start somewhere!


"One of the bravest men that I ever saw was a fellow on top of a telegraph pole in the midst of a furious fire fight in Tunisia. I stopped and asked what the hell he was doing up there at a time like that. He answered, 'Fixing the wire, Sir'. I asked, 'Isn't that a little unhealthy right about now?' He answered, 'Yes Sir, but the Goddamned wire has to be fixed'. I asked, 'Don't those planes strafing the road bother you?' And he answered, 'No, Sir, but you sure as hell do!' Now, there was a real man. A real soldier," General George S. Patton. <A HREF="" TARGET=_blank>
101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny</A>

lucky 08-29-2001 07:23 AM

ok wow, umm, ea, that was like a half assed deal, i coulda whipped that up in five minutes too ya know

intrestedviewer 08-29-2001 07:30 AM

for being a big ass company i think they coulda pulled something better than this easily. whats up EA? give the public what it wants!

Hells-Angel 08-29-2001 07:35 AM

calm down guys calm down

DoD Name:[AM]Maj.Sgt.Rickert
main server:N/A

"Every man who set foot on Omaha beach that day was a hero
-General Omar Bradley
101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny
"Whats your name son?" "Olever"
"Ya Whatever

Hells-Angel 08-29-2001 07:36 AM

calm down guys calm down

DoD Name:[AM]Maj.Sgt.Rickert
main server:N/A

"Every man who set foot on Omaha beach that day was a hero
-General Omar Bradley
101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny
"Whats your name son?" "Olever"
"Ya Whatever

Hans 08-29-2001 07:51 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by intrestedviewer:
for being a big ass company i think they coulda pulled something better than this easily. whats up EA? give the public what it wants! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Half-assed company = Half-assed update. Why are you people expecting more? It's EA, rarely does anything good come from them. Those movies were like a blessing from god, EA won't be bringing us anything of that quality for a while, so don't expect them to.

Albow0001 08-29-2001 07:55 AM

Ummm, i think this has already been responded to, ie.
They could've given us anything that remotely helped!!!
Pictures of the game. 1 goddamn picture is not much to ask. A GODDAMN PICTURE OF THE OFFICE EVEN. That took NO effort. They didn't even write that, i've seen it before. The officers stuffs were pics taken from way back as well...
A picture of ingame, anything. Not this monstrosity of trash. This is far below EA's level of crap. This is something i would expect from Reece's Pieces school of gaming. A SINGULAR PICTURE!!!
We won't get a single picture for 7 straight weeks. I swear to god, EA, you really know how to fit your head up your own ass.

I mista T! You doubta i mista T? Foo!!! I will eat you soul! Stop you jibba jabba and listen to MR T!
101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny's Child.

Hans 08-29-2001 08:07 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Albow0001:
Ummm, i think this has already been responded to, ie.
They could've given us anything that remotely helped!!!
Pictures of the game. 1 goddamn picture is not much to ask. A GODDAMN PICTURE OF THE OFFICE EVEN. That took NO effort. They didn't even write that, i've seen it before. The officers stuffs were pics taken from way back as well...
A picture of ingame, anything. Not this monstrosity of trash. This is far below EA's level of crap. This is something i would expect from Reece's Pieces school of gaming. A SINGULAR PICTURE!!!
We won't get a single picture for 7 straight weeks. I swear to god, EA, you really know how to fit your head up your own ass.


You can't go below EA's level of crap, it's bottomless Something that "remotely helped"? From EA? LMAO! EA doesn't care if we don't like there update, they probably got Joe, the over-worked, under-payed janitor to wright it up on his lunch break. I think it's amazing that they still update the page!

arCTic$nip3r 08-29-2001 08:10 AM

they should at least put a nude pic of dale dye there, even that would satisfy me..

Albow0001 08-29-2001 08:14 AM

Arrrg!!! Ewwww....

Guy, have you seen Dale Dye at all...He couldn't satisfy a chicken anymore...
Oh, shit, he prolly heard that...Sorry Captain. Hey, do you know a good place to get a live chicken anymore?

I mista T! You doubta i mista T? Foo!!! I will eat you soul! Stop you jibba jabba and listen to MR T!
101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny's Child.

Kraut Killer 08-29-2001 08:46 AM

Okay... here's my theory. They might just be fucking with us. Giving us crap that will make you guys all pissed, I personally didn't care, for a number of weeks then topping it off with the demo. It's just like all the crap you have to do before you can get a broad into bed, save for sluts, buying flowers and all that crap. If there are any broads that read this, I don't know any way of trying to explain it to you because, unless you're monstrously ugly, most guys will jump into bed at the letting go of a hat, we won't wait for you to drop it. ANYWAY, that's one possibility, the other is that they fucked up with the updates. They used their good shit first and are left with piddling crap. Either way... no big deal. Don't get so excited over it, it's just the web sight, not the game.

[This message has been edited by Kraut Killer (edited August 29, 2001).]

Maverick 08-29-2001 09:03 AM

very rude...

"Lack of orders is no excuse for inaction," General George S. Patton.

101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny

Recycled Spooge 08-29-2001 09:33 AM

WOW! I just watched the making of Band of Brothers on HBO and I feel much better. I even downloaded a pretty cool song.


[This message has been edited by Recycled Spooge (edited August 29, 2001).]

intrestedviewer 08-29-2001 09:39 AM

yikes, i wont even ask on that, come on though, considering that im gonna dish out 50 bucks on the game they should at least make the websight be updated with good stuff. Damn janiter, do better next time or ill have lil kids barf on the clean floors next week.

BadScript 08-29-2001 10:29 AM

Yeah well, this blows. Von P's "fact of the day" series are much better reads if you ask me

And I somehow agree with Hans, EA updating their web site *gasp* regularly to pimp a game, it HAS to be a frickin' promising game.

Well, 3 more updates like this to go my fellow aa fans

Japple 08-30-2001 01:25 AM

(Albow find the stongest, the most rusty, most hepititis B infected fishhooks you can find)

Albow0001 08-30-2001 03:51 AM

Will do. I'll check my friend's tackling box.

Wait, noone knows that story.
When i was back in grade 8 (ahh, the days), i went on this whole retreat thing with all the grade eights in the school. It was a three day thing, at a lake, up in shithole valley (the entire upper part of Ontario
So, some people brought fishing gear and stuff, to keep busy.
Well, i played basketball alot during that time, and one of my friends was practising casting OUT ON THE GODDAMN ROAD. God knows why this was.
Well, i went up to him, said "Wanna play some basketball?" and he went "Sure, lemme take the line apart and put it away. Well, i started walking off, i'd meet him on the court. As i was walking away, a friend showed im quick another way to do a cast.
I turned around to ask him if i should wait or not, and BOOM. He hit me in the eye with the fishing hook. He'd decided he was going to give that new cast a try.
And so, low and behold, here i am with a fishing hook thruogh my eyelid and eyebrow (a goddamn miracle). I was screaming at the stupid fuck like there was no tommorrow. Don't get me wrong, it didn't hurt much, though i could've lost an eye. I was just screaming "What sort of a stupid fuck practises casting on the road?"
Well, i finally get it out to find that all my swearing and cursing was to the huge circle of teachers and camp counsellors who had gathered around me....Jesus H McChrist...
Needless to say, i beat the living shit out of him later.

Anyways, nostalgia aside, yeah, i like using fishing hooks as a threat.

I mista T! You doubta i mista T? I pity you Foo!!! I will eat you soul! Stop you jibba jabba and listen to MR T!

101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny's Child.

fuel_200 08-30-2001 07:04 AM

ROTFLMAO, That is the funniest damn thing i've heard all week! lol lol lol lol.

Milla 08-30-2001 07:14 AM

Yea you get use to funny shit from albow hes the funnyest freking person on the boards!

"Now i want you to remember that No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. You won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his"
-General George S. Patton

Albow0001 08-30-2001 07:29 AM

I dunno, whenever i see a topic that has ballisticwookie posting, right followed by Recycled spooge, i get a good laugh...

There's a fine line between funny and insanity. And somewhere, JJUUUUSSSTTT after that line, is where the funny stuff comes from.
Plus, i like to tell that story because that night i went and got a nice pity lay in the girls cabin. See, for some god awful reason, they put me and a bunch of other trouble makers on the hill right above the girls cabins, seperated from everyone else's cabins, right near the girls cabins.
So, that night, we were gonna sneak out and get a nice piece, and it happened to be the day i got hit in the eye. Well, all else went according to plan: The laxative in coffee trick works quite well, We got past the only patrolling teacher (who barely patrolled anyways) and right down the hill.
It was hilarious...we all put on shoe polish like a commando raid, snuck down the hill, got to the was great.
Only real problem that arose was that my girl, Tina, was a bit of a screamer, and couldn't hold herself back afteer a few minutes...
The rest isn't for unpriviledged ears, though trust me it is funny...I'll tell my closer pals, come get me on the chatroom.

I mista T! You doubta i mista T? I pity you Foo!!! I will eat you soul! Stop you jibba jabba and listen to MR T!

101st Airborne
Rendezvous with Destiny's Child.

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