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medal of honor American assault?
Medal of honor is a very cool game and i love it but what gets me is that it
is all about americans, ok americans were in the war, thats fair enough, Why is it that in the whole of the game there is one english soldier (who gets killed off eairly in the game anyway) Im not against americans or anything like that its just with these games give the impression that the americans won the war single handed![/u][/b] |
maybe because ea is in us...and u got a point there..its called "Allied Assault
" |
TomNewDelhi your right. There was very little British in the game and no Russians. It looked like the war was just Americans vs Nazis. Not Allies vs Axis(even though i didnt expect Japan to be in it). But from the screenshots I have seen for Spearhead their should be more British encounters and some Russian levels.
Americans are very good at "revisionist" history.
They won WWI for us. (never mind they coward behind "neutrailty" until 1917... it started in 1914) They won WWII for us as well. (never mention to a Yank the fact WWII began in September '39 and not as they believe that "date in infamy" Dec 7th 1941) You see, American's (at least their foreign policy) only pick fights they are certain they can win outright. (they blundered on Veitnam) In the last 50ish years they have invaded: (or sent military advisors to ensure victory) Korea Cuba Panama Haiti El Slavador Nicarauga Veitnam Somalia Serbia (Yugosloavia et al.) Iraq Lybia (bombed Khadafi's residence) AMONGST OTHERS!!! (that's just off the top of my head) If you haven't noticed....Americans have a sort of "self denial" when it comes to the sins of their government. (and i do blame their gov't...not the populus... I DO like the people whilst depising their elected) For example.... OOOoooOOo Iraq that BAD country has weapons of MASS destruction. So What? So does China (a sworn enemy) and Russia (can't be trusted) and recently in the news... N. Korea. So how come America isn't starting wars with them?? Gee...maybe because they have no hope in hell of winning unscathed? (discounting N.Korea) This is NOT an anti-American diatribe. I just call them as I see them. On another note:... you mention the lack of other allied forces in the game. I mention the fact that EA Games screwed it up once AGAIN! According to EA it was the UNITED NATIONS that fought Hitler and not the Allies. Well I've got news for those historical IDIOTS at EA GAmes. The U.N. wasn't founded until the 1950's. [img]http://control-alt-delete.ca/temp/un.jpg[/img] |
oOo: hake: oOo:
Perhaps a better name is what your bitching about. How do Medal of Honor: American Assualt Medal of Honor: American Invasion Medal of Honor: Only the Americans do Shit in This Game Sound? Get over it its a game. Its not meant to be politically correct. If it were you would not be killings Germans/Nazi's. Because this day and age thats not PC. [quote:48095]They won WWI for us. (never mind they coward behind "neutrailty" until 1917... it started in 1914) They won WWII for us as well. (never mention to a Yank the fact WWII began in September '39 and not as they believe that "date in infamy" Dec 7th 1941)[/quote:48095] Who was winning before 1914? No one. After? Allies. Who was winning before 41? No one. Germans had stalled and Britian was defending it self without means to mount a proper offensive. After? Allied victory. So what i see, is the Americans joining a war and giving such an overwhelming amount of power to the "allied" side that it in the end wins the war. I wont mention that WW2 wasnt over until the Japanese had been defeated, with no "allied" personel used. Perhaps we pick on Sadam because he has oil. China. No oil. N Korea. No oil. Russia, there no longer communist and are working to be a better country. To say there not trusted is a personal opinion. A few people in Russia can t be trusted but the country as a whole can be. Or perhaps its because we dont want to start WW3. N. Korea, backed by China. Sadam, backed by... So we blow up N Korea, piss China off. By shear numbers China is a Challenge no country can take on by itself. Therefore the UN or "Allied" countries would need to join. Before you know it WW3. Perhaps foreign policy is designed to save the world from destroying itself. Sadam MAY have weapons of mass destruction, and does have the hatred to use them. N korea has them, no stopping it. Attack and piss them off and nukes start flying and we bomb the living piss out of them and WW3 is off and running. Perhaps its time to realise that America polices the wrold because no one else will. Maybe they cant, maybe they cant talk as big as the US because they dont have the power to stand alone in a fight. Perhaps its time to realise without the US policing the world, the world would have massive wars all over the place. Hate us, love us, fear us, I dont care, as long as you respect us. We will cover your ass in extreme heat when the world is in turmoil. We are the only remaining massive super power, you may have to learn to deal with it. |
you're really going to get flamed now miscguy
"On another note:... you mention the lack of other allied forces in the game. I mention the fact that EA Games screwed it up once AGAIN! According to EA it was the UNITED NATIONS that fought Hitler and not the Allies. Well I've got news for those historical IDIOTS at EA GAmes. The U.N. wasn't founded until the 1950's."
G.I. Jerk, Here's some 'revisionist history' straight from the UN's website: The name "United Nations", coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was first used in the "Declaration by United Nations" of 1 January 1942, during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting together against the Axis Powers. [img]http://control-alt-delete.ca/temp/un.jpg[/img] This image that you say was created by the historical idiots at EA is a reproduction of the letter Gen. Dwight Eisenhower wrote and read to the troops before they disembarked. Geeze, what a moron Eisenhower was; in 1944 everyone knew that the United Nations didn't exist yet. "They won WWII for us as well. (never mention to a Yank the fact WWII began in September '39 and not as they believe that "date in infamy" Dec 7th 1941)" So, I guess when the Japanese invaded China in 1937 and Clair Chennault stood up the American Volunteer Group, commonly known as the Flying Tigers, it was what, a roadshow? This is NOT an anti-ANYONE diatribe. I just call them as I see them, except I use facts to support my arguments. |
lol just wait till spearhead, then you'll be happy
just wait untill our mod is finished you will be able to play with the british, polish, american,... soldiers and even the belgian and dutch resistance.
that sound pretty cool virox
when would it be finished??? |
Holly, MiscGuy, you're my heros. oOo:
I see all these foreign players with their various gripes about us Yanks. We're big bullies, or we're "overpaid, oversexed, and over here", biggrin: and I'm not sure if they're subconciously resentful, or just ignorant. Either that or it might be that some people are brought up with a inbred opinion of certain other peoples. I for instance have an irrational dislike for Russians, even though most of the Russians I have met have been quite nice and have never tried to steal and copy my technology. ed: But a poor opinion has been bred into me from growing up American in the 70's and especially the 80's. The French seem to hate everyone despite the fact that they've had their bacon out of the fire two times this century, ( not including the resistance fighters who fought and died for their country.) Anyway, enough putting my foot in my mouth. My points are thus: 1. Everyone hates us Americans and says that we're Imperialist bullies. Yet when theres a problem, the turn to us. When they don't have, they stick their hand out to us. Then they turn their noses up at us and condemn us for taking so long. Or they tax us on the aid we send. Typical. 2. What was the name of this game again? Oh, yes, I remember, Medal of Honor. That would be after the Congressional Medal of Honor, right? Hey, GI Jerk, how many CMH's has Canada given out? None? Why's that? Oh, maybe because it's an American award? Hmmmm. So you're playing a game made by an American company, named after an American award, exported to you from America and bought through a capitalistic free market system driven by America. Hmmm. Odd that. I wonder why it's about Americans? |
Ahhh another county bashing topic this has become...yawn.
Im a brit and proud of it,yes this GAME does imply that it was u.s v nazis we all know the facts get over it. The reason for this is probably to do with marketing as in that more people buy the GAME in the u.s. At the end of the day we all needed eachother ,if the russians wouldnt have started the eastern offensive then it would have been a damn sight harder to win the western front. Anyways as a brit stop the yank bashing i consider them our closest and reliable ally. dooms. |
US Bashing
Hello Guys,
A little bit off subject - but someone was talking about US bashing & US involvement in WW2... (I am British by the way) A lot of people in Europe (France in particular) do easily forget that over one million US servicemen were in Euorpe by 1945 fighting to free Europe - I think folks knocking them should have a bit of respect..... On US bashing, list of countries the US has invaded someone said? Sure, but the US is not the big satan for Europe. If you remember we had the USSR outnumbering us 100 to 1 for many years - the NATO alliance with the good ole US Army kept them out - I know which I'd prefer (Clue : US soldiers go home Soviet ones don't) I'm not making the British contribution smaller etc etc my grandfathers were both at D-Day - but I just think the US guys should be very proud that so many of their granddads come & gave us a hand when we really needed it. That's just how I feel.... H707 |
bravo biggrin: henry, Also could eveyone stop complaining it was the United Nations not the USA or Britian. We would not of won t he war without each other as allies helping each other fight the nazis
im not sure but i think this is a game. correct me if im wrong who cares if it has only an american patch on there soldier and not a canadians/brits. Obviously theres gonna be an american patch on their sholder cause its an american game. i really wouldnt care if there was a canadian patch or brit patch cause i know that doesnt mean they were the only country that were fighting the nazi's in WW2 |
can we say.......gay post? everyone knows.....if it werent for the AMERICANS u guys would be under the rule of hitlers bitch (his son)
oh yea...snipa....ur sig hurts my eyes ed:
Fusion, no need to get ethnic here, please.
As for the game, this is why EA made Spearhead: To allow the other countries of the Axis and Allied powers to be put into the game. Remember: The Germans are the only Axis in here too, so don't bash that the Americans are the only focus here, either. biggrin: |
MiscGuy you fucking wanker. If it was not for Britian, WW2 would not have been won in 1945, and if it was won, it would have been a lot later. Where would the Yankes have staged their Assault on Normandy from ?
ya but if it wernt for north america europe would now be called germany
If you really want to get technicial, it was Russia who invaded Berlin and put a stop to Hitler's spread into Western Europe. Now, shush.
it always saddens me to see how many people on both sides won't acknowledge that the other had any part in something. immature, pointless and i can hear the "fucking arrogant american" flames coming now.
ima comin mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: mad: |
As for the game, this is why EA made Spearhead: To allow the other countries of the Axis and Allied powers to be put into the game. Remember: The Germans are the only Axis in here too, so don't bash that the Americans are the only focus here, either. biggrin:[/quote:aa4fa] I'm pretty sure they made spearhead to make money. |
I have my Canadian skin for multiplayer, so I don't have a problem with the american skew in the game...heh heh.
Zone |
I wish the US would pull out of the UN. whenever the UN does something it costs us millions, we dont need them they need us! Did the UN EVER do ANYTHING without US forces?
mb PS I do realize many countries help in the 2 big wars. PS2 I think the Brits are closer to the US right now than the Canadians |
Its kinda ironic that the Japanese caused their own downfall and the downfall of the Germans by attacking the US. The US was actually quite happy to sit on the sidelines of WW2 (at least the European part) (and yes I realise there was stuff going on in China before 1339).
Its pure speculation as to what would have happened if the US hadn't been dragged into the war in Europe. Hitler was never 100% sure about invading the UK - thats why he virtually ignored our island after the Battle of Britain (at least didn't attempt to invade it again). I'm more than glad that the US did eventually decide to join in on our side (even then the US harboured ill will towards the Russians)...and without them its doubtfull if the rest of the Allied Forces would have been able to invade mainland Europe. I think the ill will is generated (a) by US companies playing to a US market - thats fine if you are a US citizen - but a lot of peoples grandparents fought / died in WW2 and it seems disrespectful / ignorant / arrogant not to at least have some allied forces in the game (b) If a Uk company did the same thing with only UK forces - its very likely that a lot of Americans would get pissed off. Thankfully this is being rectified in Spearhead... As for the US "policing" the world because they are the only Superpower - Just want to remind you of a little thing called the British Empire - they controlled half the countries of this world - they invaded people for the "good" of the world - I believe the American Revolution put paid to that - Why are you so keen to go down the route of a country that your forefathers fought and died against ?? |
Nice one, Pest. Hey Joey, why don't you tell me where Britain would have been without the Lend/ Lease Act? Eh?
It's a shame that the voice of all those posts pointing out and commending the cooperation of the Allies are drowned out by the shouts of a few ignorant jingoist buffoons. And to Surgeon, your opinion is well stated. But with all due respect, sir, I feel that someone has to police, and the U.N. has shown that it is staffed by the dove's, (or as I tend to think of them, the sheep.) It would seem that even only a year after 9/11, the world, (not including Britain, ) expects us to buck up and get past the fact that so many people died. Is it because they were arrogant American's and they deserved it? I believe that if the dogs of the world, ( and I use that term in a good way), were allowed to do their job, we wouldn't have such worries. The British Empire had it wrong, unfortunately. I feel that we at least want to try to get it right, otherwise there would be no diplomacy at all. ( also the stakes are a lot higher.) As well as the fact, as someone said before, American soldiers go home. The U.N. as sheep will sit there, as people die, and try to rationalize with the wolves. I say let the guarddogs of the world, (i.e. the U.S. and Britain,) do their work. And lastly, a quick question on history. Can anyone tell me why the hijackings and hostage takings that were so abundant in the 70's and 80's stopped? Could it be that we stopped talking and started killing the bastards? Hmm. That's not very diplomatic hake: Yeah, it's not, but it worked. |
Oh I do agree that the world needs to be policed. And the UN does make a hash of it - most of its movements are blocked by red tape and the way the whole thing is organised - the veto thing doesn't help - ie France / Russia vetoing invading Iraq, US vetoing the UN bringing the Isrealis to boot, etc etc... The problem I have is that the US Government uses the "policing" role to grab more assets for itself under the guise of doing whats best for the world - If you take up the role of the worlds policeman then you don't get to keep the goodies
As for the whole hostage taking thing - I think the Embassy Seige in London (SAS storming it) and Mossad storming the plane in Uganda put the wind up potential hijackers. The US had little to do with it And yes thanks for the lend / lease program - We only finished paying it back at the start of this year - mainly cause of the extortionate interest rate mad: ;) |
You got me there on the Lend/Lease. We did use it to get back all of Britain's assets in America, and then some. I can't make excuses for the politicians of my country. Even the good ones, (I can count them on one hand,) were right proper bastards.
As for killing them, I was referring to the SAS, the Germans (what are they called? the gerschwimminderfroggy, I can never remember biggrin: ), and even the Israeli's. Our SF's didn't have much to do with it above board. Desert One was nice in theory, but that was all. So, I can't argue on the greed part. I have no defense for my government except to say, 'who isn't nowadays?' |
No doubt if the positions were reversed our politicians might do the same thing - but when they put your country up on a pedistal your gonna get people taking potshots at you - especially if the pedistal is flawed
"I see all these foreign players with their various gripes about us Yanks. We're big bullies, or we're "overpaid, oversexed, and over here", "
Oversexed???? Damn, can't a brother get a little lovin' once in a while? Must not be maried.......[/b] |
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