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WHAT do u think of SPEARHEAD???
Post yours thoughts here about MOH newest release...
Its kinda weird. Seems like its not as "real" as first MoH:AA. It almost seems like the added a little BF1942 in it. But I still like it. The Tug Of War is so addicting, heel yea.
Somethings strange... i need to tryout it out more but ...
Its like realism mod??? The player are runnig so fast..!? it look silly as DOD!? Ummm , i am not sure anymore if i am going to play this expansion... |
I thought it was pretty good. Also for my settings being on mostly medium, it looked like everything was on high detail (to me biggrin: ) to me thats a big push in the right direction.
[quote="Sgt. Tsunami":69a86]I thought it was pretty good. Also for my settings being on mostly medium, it looked like everything was on high detail (to me biggrin: ) to me thats a big push in the right direction.[/quote:69a86]
Remove your aimbot link before i goes angry . I never saw a such things. You should be banned of this forum. This shit have crash my computer and i have lost my data. |
then don;'t click it.
This is almost a virus/hackattack Don't click . Go away . |
very very good love the new axis sniper rifle
but answer me this... wtf is this guy doing eek: [img]http://mohaa.cact-sd.org/aasigs/wtf.gif[/img] |
a handstand
[quote="[]PanZeR":c8d3b]very very good love the new axis sniper rifle
but answer me this... wtf is this guy doing eek: [img]http://mohaa.cact-sd.org/aasigs/wtf.gif[/img][/quote:c8d3b] I have notice that too. THis expansion pack was did by the gay pride . |
i don't know I have mixed feelings bouat SH, I don't know it is a demo, and I am really Use to MOHAA, Who knows... give me a few weeks and i will give you a better opinon.
I'm mixed.
I dunno if it will be worth it. SP will be good. I'm not really into the MP portion though. I'm very bored of MP MOH. Even with new maps and new weapons it still seems a little to boring. Maybe the tug of war will help. I haen't been able to play a decent game of it. But if i'm only buying this game for the SP i don't think its worth it. |
actually that german is doing handstand push up cause hes ub3r |337.
i have some a probs with the demo, and spearhead in genera and some good thoughtsl. first the maps. wtf is this bullshit. no wonder why its "exclusive" cause its a piece of fucking garbage. stay away from the axis kids unless u like getting lost and wanna spend half ur time walking from the spawn to the action. the other map is just pitiful i dont like it. but i do like the size of the maps, their huge.... which will hopefully mean bigger fuller maps for the real thing. second are the guns. alot of downers with this one. it seems they like axis being newbs, with the new mauser/nade launcher. i liek the idea, but maybe one nade instead of 5. all u have to do is run around and if u see anyone... easy kill. its a long range shotgun which sucks. the snipers for both axis and allied (russian) i acutally like. headshot = kill, anywhere else takes 2 shots. i like that alot. what i dont like about them is how the allies (russian) have this super fast sniper rifle. while the axis sniper is suppose to be semi-automatic but takes just as long as the bolt action. the axis smg and mg are still ok. it seems they made all the automatics alittle more accurate, maybe even alittle too much for the allied. the pphrr or whatever is crazy accurate, and has a huge clip. another unfair balance between the teams. theres alot of new stuff i think is pretty cool which adds to the game. the motars are pretty bad ass, and when they hit some stuff .... it will usually blow into pieces which gives the map a more interactive feel. also the portable mg42 (if u fidn it) is pretty cool. only thing is that it holds 50 shots which isnt pretty cool. the best feature is the new callvote. i think its amazing, and what i have seen.. helps the game a ton, but i can see it becoming a problem in the future. ie a few friends are having fun like a 1 on 1 match in their server. a group of clan guys come in, and callvote and end up chaning the game completely around for the original guys. i also like all the little features... realism check on and off, health healing, dropping from obstacles actually hurts you, etc. i liek the demo, but not as much as i was hoping for. it seems they completely changed the game around... and turned it into something its not. |
Ive heard enough about it B4 the demo, now its 75%done and my Clan buddies say it rox!
AS of now, I Give It a 9.5 and I Still Got Wood! |
I just love it, som things maybe should be corrected, but the Tug of War is so f****** addicting..just love it =)
I want my run and lean back. It seems that the players are running around alot faster. It's ok I guess.
Ahhhhh...I dont think MOH has changed that much, they have just added ALOT of options for folks to not have to fiddle with config files. I like the fact that they have tweaked the "HEALTH" settings to meet out health over a couple of seconds instead of instant, and I do like the new cleaner look of the models.
Right now though it's pretty tough to call this game. First off, for a "highly anticipated" demo, theres precious few servers going. Those that are, are either impossible to get into, or lag as hell. Which is a shame cause I REALLY like the looks of some of these maps, especially the SUB MAP. I think EA has a winner on its hand, since this game looks so god damn slick - but yea, there are some tweaks that need to be made FAST before the 12th gets here. |
From my first impressions of the demo, I feel Spearhead MP is a BIG step in the wrong direction.
When you start a server, they've added the option for "fast" or "normal" movement speed. Last I checked, not a single server was using "normal" speed (un-checked "fast speed" from the filter). This truly makes MOH a strange UT-hybrid. It's mindless. Malta feels like playing UT or Quake. The tug-o-war, while full of potential, is ruined. I like the vote system, but I can see it being abused. Realism, please. More of it. Dedicated realism servers. Smoke nades seem pretty useless. It's a great idea, but I don't feel it's implemented well... plus all the color everywhere distracts me. I spent two hours w/ SH, then switched to reg moh and the difference was clear. MOH owns SH. SH is just a completely different game, it doesn't feel right... it feels fast paced, like UT. Obviously you can tell what kind of gamer I am, and what I prefer... so if you like the high speed mindless stuff, cool... enjoy SH. |
did 2015 help devolp this one -- no?
would this have anything to do with the bf1942 feelings that are brought up. It feels to unrealistic to me... I don't know why. |
Glory here, one of the biggest MOH freaks ever. I have been playing the game since day one of MOH days on PS1. I loved it, I didnt download the game yet because I wanted to wait for the full thing, totally see what its workin with but now I am very dissappointed with all the things I am hearing and totally think that EA ruined this great game, I think SH sucks compared to the originality of the first few MOHs. Damn u EA hake: , shit man, yall really fuked up in my books.
Think its time to keep AA going lol and maybe just find a new game like 007 or sumthin oOo: |
Well, I played the sub-pen level and I thought it was awesome. It ran pretty good at high settings.
I guess we should of seen this comming with the last Medal Of Honor release -- Front Line. lets hope this is not the path the future holds for Medal Of Honor, I too have been enjoying the seris from early on PS1
I just played the demo for 45 minutes... man one thing I noticed.. close range it becomes like quake like .. man it kinda ruined it for me but i guess the server I was in was at some different speed setting or sumfin. OH yeah.... another thing I Noticed.. dunno if its just me or its the demo but you can't move and lean at the same time now.... if you move and try t to lean.. you can't lean.. you can only lean left and right if you are standing or crouching still.. but if your moving you can't.... it could just be me but that's how it is on mine
I agree, the people do move around way to fast.
I know this is just the demo but... very laggy and overall server pings seemed kind of high. I agree with villain, general movements and jumping are like quake. I already miss run/lean hake: why fix something that isn't broken? But I'll stick with it a while and see oOo: |
It's got more of a RTCW-style pace wise. Maybe its just that everyone puts on fast running, I dunno. I like the fact that realism is like always on. But something about it is weird. I'm beginning to like it more and more as i play it though. Im still gonna buy it on Tuesday. cool:
Oh and the only reason it was waaayyy laggy at first was cuz there was no dedicated high speed servers. It was all people like Me hosting from cable modems at home, just so they could play.The lag will get better once more dedicated servers start comin up! freak: |
In reply to AntiHero:
The maps are bigger .. but i guess once u get around it enough you willl learn the paths..... i like bigger maps cause it keeps the game interesting.. I have to sympathize with you on the weapons.. i like the sniper rifles, being a good and experienced sniper myself.. it does add to the challenge.. however like u said, the g43 is way faster in real life! The springfield is ridiculously fast! i actually found myself using the nagant instead.. the nagant rifle is really good and i think i may call it my big boy! smgs are neat .. pshtush is unbalanced.... the axis nade-rifle is a bit too much.. i guess u can always dodge them, note however.. the closer u get to them, the more the chances they will end up killing themselves instead (the nade is launched in an arch. not a straight line)...i guess more playing will uncover more... Overall.. im a bit shaken by the changes... guess time will tell...... P.S... Tug Of War Rocks!!! |
OMG! Spearhead am ghey!
Heres some things i need to get off my chest. 1. Rocketlaucnher = Well balanced, its great now. No complaints. 2. Grenadelauncher = Noobs replacement for the rocket. I was in a 20 player server for about an hour, every single axis was using the grenade launcher. This is terrible, i was so pleased with how the rocket had been alterd, and EA (Or who ever devolped it) go and throw in another weapon for us to get our nickers in a twist over. 3. Not sure if the server i was on was running high speed, or real mode. But i woudl assume it was, as the game is now faster, you jump a little higher and you die alot quiker. IM very anoyed about this, if they were going to alter MOH from its original playability i would have like to have that informaiton told to me earlier so i can go back to my local EB and get my pre-order money back. 4. Where is the ban weapon option? This was a big selling point for SH, and being an admin for two ISP's MOH servers, i was hoping this would be an asnwer to alot of the spamage issues online. 5. Somehitng i would like to inform other poeple running servers of. Faster speed+Real mode+Delayed respawn = Very anoyed players Most of us in the Aus clan community decided SH would either make or break MOH for us. It has indeed broken it.... |
I really like the different options they give to the server admin with spearhead. IE: realism, fast run, health pack, etc. I don't think running fast and noobs using the grenade launcher will be much of an issue as mods will come out to change this and the server can tweak their game however they like. One thing that baffles me is they moved the "preparing to join" etc. notices to where the chat is.. This makes no sense. It's too distracting, and now all the chatting is grey so you can't tell who's talking... But I do think there are a lot of cool new features with the game so I'll definately be buying it.
Scoob |
I am floored by spearhead...i think it is almost perfect with what they did with it....you guys are all so god damn hyper critical. i absolutely love the no run and lean!!!! yes i am so glad they got rid of that (i agree with gerard there) the weapons are fantastic....and for all of you who are poo pooing this already, shame on you...its the first day of the damn thing! how can you play it once and trash it? lol thats funny to me....i think spearhead is gonna do very well...p.s. if you dont like the fast quake style running, dont you know that there will be tons of servers with that option unchecked? example....AA.com Spearhead server=no fastrun= hehe .....not all servers will have the fast run. :) this game will rule, simply awesome
well this morning i extracted the two pk3 to have a looky and i have changed weapon settings and gave that damn annoying mauser with nades thing only 2 nades, seem a little better now still have mixed feelings on it.
Here is my rant that I posted somewhere else:
[quote:76f1b] I started my own server and it seemed fine. 1024x768, everything on medium. Got 50-30 FPS through out both maps. I lagged a bit more by the sub but thats all. My new fav weapon is the german rifle that you can load a nad into. Hehe great shit . Take out people at long distance. If a group come your way, nuke em. I didn't really like the sten that much. Seemed just the same thing as the thompson. The LeEnfield is a really cool gun. 10 round clip, bolt action, can bash with it. Its perfect for someone wanting to perfect their aiming. The new timed nades are also very nice. Just hold it for a few seconds and let go. Smoke nades were pretty usless to me. The G43 was a very nice addtion to the axis arsonal. Though its semi auto it only fires as fast a bolt action rifle...... As for the maps they are very nicely put together with great lighting. The TDM map have some destructable spot and some mounted MG42s and mortors. I was hoping to use a portable MG but oh well... Thats my demo rant. Hope you all enjoyed it.[/quote:76f1b] |
What Jaybird said... it's amazing and you're too hypocritical angel: It's only a demo to show off and get feedback as to how to tweak the game before it's released.
Itll take a while to get use to from playing BF42 and now spearhead. One things for sure im camping in my truck the night before it arrives in CompUsa! Does anyone know the US price yet? Making a realism mod for this game will be easy.
[quote:34fde]The game has already went gold so the cd's have been duplicated already, any changes will be made available in patches which ea aren;t too good at getting out frequently.[/quote:34fde]
Which is exactly why I am gonna wait a while before I buy it. |
Hell i got no problem with the fast run... I mean dang I play ut 2003 now and then... so that aint an issue with me. but when you've been playing mohaa since it was released you get used to the mohaa speed so it was a little weird playing the spearhead demo in the beginning but now I am getting the hang of handling close range fighting without going "dang that dude just flew by me" lol.... man those smoke nades rock! I like the lean but can't move/lean feature.. that is badass...I never really cared for players moving and leaning cause I've done it myself at times in hectic situations but I'm glad they changed the way leaning works...thumbs up! Gotta admit it though.. this demo play reminds me a lot of RTCW speed. I guess more servers are running the faster mode than the original.
Malta - campwhores abound! |
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