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I want EA to give me my money back! (said reluctantly)
I think EA was on the right track with creating a team to upgrade MOH, making new weapons, additional gameplays and additional features but somewhere down the road the decision makers at EA lost focus just a bit. What went wrong? EA had plenty of time to organize an elite team to make this sucker great. Don't misunderstand me, I believe in EA and think they have brought us some great things to the computer gaming industry but I just got a bad feeling lastnight when I opened up the box and started to play Spearhead.
I was in shock to see the same maps that where used in the single player version of MOHAA in Spearhead now as multiplayer maps. We have all seen these maps too much already. Why would I want to pay money to see them again? Lets face it! They're boring after a while! Thats just the way this game is. It may be just my opinion but I have talked to many folks who feel the same way as I. Could it be EA, that your team of developers wasn't quite developed enough to pull off a full set of maps by the deadline? Or was there just not enough user made maps that were authentic enough looking to be choosen in the map contest? Thus resorting to less attractive, easy to convert maps already in the game. Let me talk about the demo because I think it deserves talking about. I think EA is right on target to offer up a demo to a game or expansion pack. This demo was great! Two enjoyable maps that were a refreshing break to the same old MOHAA maps. For me, it brought back the joy of playing MOH since I have outta the loop making custom maps and working on my own MOHAA website. These are what impressed me the most about the demo: The multi-textured walls,creative designs with playability in mind, excellent lighting, and one the TOW map I enjoyed the camera work when the allies capture and steal the sub. EXCELLENT! One of the biggest problems and the reason I would like my money back is that the full version didnt deliver on what the demo was portraying. The weapons issue. I feel mislead about the new weapons in the game. I heard a number like 12 new weapons. Wrong! All you did was add 3 or 4 weapons and changed the weapon I liked the most. The KAR98 sniper. Additionally EA left out the Granategewehr rifle that was in the demo. I dont understnad that one? You took the time to create it but yet you dont let gamers enjoy it and make MOHAA a better game. Thats the wrong focus to have. We need more weapons to the game. Allow the players to decide what weapon that want to use. Dont limit it. In this game MORE IS BETTER! I think $30 is about right for an expansion pack as long as it delivers what it says. This one feel below par to me and I think if they focused more attention the features listed below, they would have grabbed gamers for life on this title. Features that I think this game most benefits from include the following: more new weapon models to choose from, useable vehicles, new game engine features such as the ablility to take prisoners, voice communications between team members, ability to go prone, a more secure server console, In the end, I'm surprised that EA has released something that is below par for an excellent and popular game as MOHAA is. We dont need single player maps ported over to multiplayer. Make something new and exciting for us to enjoy. And more useable items. If you need help call me, ill join the team and help create this great game we call MEDAL OF HONOR. |
Seeing all the fucking glitches imt aking this game back tomorrow. When i see someone ic ant tell if there landsharking or what. I cant even get a decent fucking shot off. All i can say is FUCK THIS GAME. When people move around i see landsharking or there bodies doing wierd ass things. I paid $37 for this game expecting it to be a good game. Well the only thing thts good about this game is SP. Im going to send EA a really hateful E mail of how this game is. Battlefield doesnt even have these problems. Unless EA comes up with a patch to fix there fucked up game im taking it back to the store. All this wait for this game and this is what i get. A POS. The things id like to do to EA's Developers would make people sick to there stomachs. Allied Assault hasnt had this many problems.
At least give them time to get a patch out for it. They had the demo patch out quick enough i would imagine most of the addon bugs are the same as the demo's so a patch should appear fairly quickly.
YEah i got my $37 worth. Ill just wait and pray that EA will release a patch soon. chop:
be sure to make a copy before you take it back. might as well insult them.
I will have to agree with Mark on this one.
They did very little for new additions. couple weapons.. yeppie... but there the same class of weapon. Not like they hold any type of advantage.. The New maps where a really big let down. 1. the fact of 2 maps converted from AA single player to SH multiplayer. My issue with that is.. I already paid EA with MOH/AA to play it.. I paid EA 30 more bucks to play it again! Where are these fresh new ideas guys? So many bugs, this game was not ready to be released. hake: What they did to my map almost made me breakdown and cry.. The SP mission borred me quickly. Finishing the first section in 15 minutes. I started the snow missions and found it to be pointless to go on.. The fact of the demo having more to offer then the ful version.. thats just sad. Playing mailt I was so impressed with the new addition, such as the design of destroyable walls. (I know you could do it before) The new skins and weapons. The demo made you feel like this is only the beginning. And they go on to say The map is a demo only map.. I was like.. well if this map is this good.. I cant wait for the full version.. Sad to say.. not one map, including mine, compairs to that map has to offer. EA, you broke my heart. I am going to continue to map for MOH/AA But dont bother looking for me playing the game at all... |
I wouldn't of bought it, had I known I was just going to be playing the same old maps with a couple new skins. It seems to me all they did was take what the community gave them and called it theirs.
i can totally relate sind. I feel like it was a waste, since i honestly like alliedassault better because of the options and work that the public put into the game (good job guys). So much of the multiplayer seems to be artificial instead of loose playing. I can't really explain how much i'm restricted in multiplayer. I hate how the guns are balanced (hardly any ammo--i know, there is a balance issue there too) So much of the game has lost its touch. The perfect game would be a BF1942 vehicle (all i ask for is one jeep/truck!) style combined with AA fighting.
EA broke my heart as well eek: , with frontline ok but that wasnt as bad and now this.... feel sorry for you guys, Glory didnt by it, I was waiting for one of you to post it on Kazaa evil:
Re: *sigh*
[quote="N O T F || Glory":20139] I was waiting for one of you to post it on Kazaa evil:[/quote:20139]
All Quiet on the Warezdern Front hake: oOo: |
SH is definitley not worh the money they are charging.
MP is boring. TOW is ok, if you can find a server. SP is a joke. |
Hans, you said you got your 37 bucks worth but hope and pray ea will patch the game..
See thats the whole point right there.. This is there jobs. They are paid to make games.. Not to put out someting and finish it later. If everyone did that. No one would ever buy games anymore. The main fact is. I believe EA is thinking that. They know that with a PC version game, they have the advantage to release a product and finish it later. They cant do that with a console game.. once its shipped.. thats it. It has to be flawless when it leaves the docks.. They are taking advantage of you. All of us. And thats the problem I have with this so called expansion pack. |
I would comment on the multiplayer but i cant find a server that:
A: Works (no mouse aim BS) B: Has a respectable ping (never below 100) WTF? C: Isnt full Im not to impressed with what was promised and what was recieved. I liked malta and the sub but frankly i dont see the large number of new weapons. The portable MG-42 is hidden like you are playing Unreal Tournament and are looking for the redeamer. It should be placed somewhere obviose and first come first serve. It shouldnt be an easter egg hunt. Bah its a mess that i shouldnt have paid for. |
I agree with all of you, but now I ask you this. We've already paid for it (most of us), so we've already been suckered. What could we possibly do now that would fix the problem? Even if they patch what's already there, fact is that we've still been taken advantage of. Actually, even if the game was good to go from the start - no hassles, problems with installing, etc. Even with all of that, we were still screwed. 4 new weapons, several different skins, a new style of MP gameplay (while different, wouldn't be hard to have done without the expansion). I remember a promise of CTF style gameplay. I remember a promise of a gameplay that gave you more of a feel of being in a team (I know, FPS is almost impossible to play as a team with all the idiots out there). And the thing I'm really saddened about is the lack of the SDK which was promised. Or the admin features that were promised to help cut back on idiots on the server... oohhhhh, I'm sorry, I forgot that you can decide what people can vote on and kick TKers without being there... whoopty freakin' do!! What about sv_pure? Does the engine give out decent logs now?? Probably not...
EA has humiliated all of us with this and to be honest I don't see any solution to it. We were screwed and need to face up to that fact. Personally I'm going to keep playing because this is the only FPS game and community I've ever enjoyed this much. But I feel like I just threw away $30 for nothing... |
Re: *sigh*
hake: oOo:[/quote:7f13c] Redneck evil: , im sorry man, EA isnt getting anymore money from me. They started this shit when they didnt release my NBA LIVE 2002 on PC last year, I was pissed then. How about them apples EA, my money stays.... ahhh feels real goooood too. I feel everyones pain, guess ill just wait for the new Bond game to be released, o wait EA makes that too, they can keep it mad: mutha #&@*%!. |
Excellent points McCusker. I agree with you totally. I had so much promise for this game. I feel betrayed, and suckered into buying this. The game just doesn't feel right. Personally, I like the gameplay of AA much better. The only thing that was kind of positive is the TOW. But you were correct in saying that it could have probably been done with the original. What I hate most is the way it's installed into the original folder. It sucks having to rearrange everything every time I want to play between the two games. I miss all the custom pk3's I had with AA. Miscguy I have seen you on our servers before. We're running SH on one now, you should check it out. I'm sure you'll get a nice ping there.
-V- for Victory SH TDM server |
Come and play BF1942 with us!!!!
w00t bf1942 (action bf rules! go find it!)
anyways, the way i see it, EA wont give you your money back. MAYBE if you go back to the store you got it from maybe say something like it doesnt work on your computer or some shit they might give you instore credit, and restock it as a pre-owned but thats the best i can see you getting. |
I liked single player, but a little short...very short. Finished it in less than a day.
Does seem like a lot of maps are already available online for AA free and some from AA single player. High pings online mp New weapons skins are ok basically what everyone else said freak: Still like it though since it is part of mohaa freak: |
Well Jeez... I dunno where to begin, as I agree with EVERYONE has said here so far.. Count me among the many here who feel they've just been swindled by ELECTRONIC ARTS. Now I have the utmost respect for EA, and I have been buying their games for YEARS as far back as the early 80s for my Commodore 64. And have never had a complaint about their games. They've always been one of my favorite Software companies. BUT this time, I feel they owe me and every other MOHAA fan out there who paid 30 dollars for this lame expansion pack, a big apology, for what they've done.
First of all I'd like to pass on a comment to some of the posters in this thread; TO OBSERSTURMFUHRER: You are right on the money dude... Very well put.. TO HANS: You and me both brother! I was so pissed the first night I *TRIED* to play SH in Multiplayer mode I did send EA Support a nasty letter. Though torturing the developers is more appealing! TO MEAT-GRINDER: Well see ya on the "BATTLEFIELD" dude! I think I'm gonna uninstall Medal of Honor for a month or two and just play BF1942 and give EA a chance to redeem themselves. My Opinion; Well guys If some of you might remember I did express concern about the bugs present in the DEMO version of SH... And many RETARDS in the forums told me to STFU, it was just a demo issue... Guess what.. ALL the bugs in the Demo, WERE IN THE RETAIL VERSION. In fact last night a bunch of us (All strangers) on a MOHAA server when most of us stopped playing and had a conversation about how we all thought MOH:SP sucked tremendously.. Some of the major issues we were all bitching about included things like; FAST MODE; This is #1 on the top 10 list of stupid fuck-ups that EA shoved into SP... This think has done nothing but cause MAJOR ASS LAGG on the Servers, and totally screw people's aiming skills.. Used to be I was excellent with a rifle... BUT in SP it's like I'm a half-paralyzed newbie trying to play for the first time. There was nothing wrong with the speed in the first place. MG42 = LAG; The MG42 was a nice addition but somehow I got the feeling the Retards back on the EA: MOH Development team somehow piece-mealed the coding on this.. Everytime someone pulls the trigger on a MG42 the whole server lags. NEW RIFLE SOUNDS; Still not working!!!!! the new Russian and British rifles.. the sound barely works half the time when you fire! PPSH SUCKS; the Russian PPsH configs are screwed because everyone I know who has used it agrees, the PPSH was known for excellent accuracy at long ranges, But in the game you could not hit the broad side of a barn at CLOSE range, but the fire rate is lower than a real one as well. YET MORE LAG!!; You probably noticed while playing the TOW maps, the one Snow map in the lot is Lagged as hell, thanks to some idiot programmer's addition of a 88mm that constantly keeps firing on it's own.. |
you know whats funny, you call people at EA, gay and retarded. yet you support them by purchasing their items. So basicly what im saying is you call ea gay but....
[img]http://members.shaw.ca/jaizen/Sigs/insult/homolittlegirl.jpg[/img] |
[quote="CSF_Jaizen":7891b]you know whats funny, you call people at EA, gay and retarded. yet you support them by purchasing their items. So basicly what im saying is you call ea gay but....
[img]http://members.shaw.ca/jaizen/Sigs/insult/homolittlegirl.jpg[/img][/quote:7891b] now THAT was gay |
i don't remember purchasing spearhead oOo:
I agree, I am disappointed too. If I knew they were gonna use the single player maps to make them multi, I would of had my buddy alter them in the firstplace. Maybe EA can find a way to make maps for us to download (Like Blizzard did with Star Craft Map of the Month). I think it may restore some faith in their products......
The animation on the players in MP is all screwed too, its stupid. They slide when they straff, skip about (not only lagg). That culling of players that would be out of sight is soooo buggy. Its just a bad idea. One seccond there, the next not sometimes people are leaning out shooting at you, but the game doesnt draw their image. WTF!!!!!! They have really messed up a good game imo.
(some nice new ideas, but on the whole SH = Big Ass Saggy Poop Stained PANTS!) |
did anyone else read a features list that promised 20 plus new weapons? i've never been too good at math but my figures are falling rather short of that robust number. i read this multiple times as well, not just from one or two web sites. For example this is from a G-Spot review...
"Spearhead includes more than 20 new weapons. But for the most part, the new guns don't change the game too much." |
1.)Webley 2.)Nagant 3.)Nagant Rifle 4.)Enfield 5.)SVT40 6.)G43 7.)PPsh 8.)Sten 9.)Ghewergranate (Coming in patch) 10.) M18 smoke 11.) Soviet Smole 12.) Nebelhandgrenate 13.)Mills grenade 14.) F1 Grenade 15.) AA Gun 16.) Flak 88 17.) Portable MG42 18.) Nebelwerfer 19.) Mortar 20.) FG42 (There but not being used) 21.) Soviet DTM Thats 21 which is > 20 I personally love spearhead, but whatever. ->Red |
[quote="Gothic_child180":4dc7e][quote=redsoccerdevil]I personally love spearhead, but whatever.
->Red[/quote] Seriously, you all bitch WAY too much. If you don't like SH just shut the fuck up. No one cares.[/quote:4dc7e] If any of you dudes/dudettes don't want your copy of Spearhead send it to me, contact me at [email="stopyourbitching@STFU.com"]stopyourbitching@STFU.com[/email] |
WE bend over yet again.
IT's simply amazing to me how when a company like EA so PURELY driven by coporate greed without regard to End User meets up with End user that bends over takes it unlubed and says "thank you mam may I have another!".. (yes I am one) First off for those that say to not complain.. how bout if YOU don't spend countless hours to run/operate dedicated servers, websites maybee you don't have as much room to compain.. well I do run dedicated servers,forums, webhosting for MOH/Spearhead and support MOH so I DO have room to complain..
You know, we give wayyyyyy to much credit to EA.. they are just publishers responsible for ORGANIZING a product and seeing that product meets the customers needs.. This is what they do and this is what they are a joke at. As publishers it thier job to orgainzie the codding team/comapany. Ok lets recap ..... 1) MOH1 riddled with bugs crappy online support server support. 2) It Does NOT take a year to get the basic no brainer things like BAN and SV PURE to work (no it dosent work) they are built in functions on a quake 3 engine ALREADY done years before MOH.. Wait till we get a patch????? Well yea I hope for this patch to but the idea of needing a patch is silly and I won't put to much faith based on EA's track record. Look at what Rockstar did with Vice city in a year and you look at what EA did with MOH in a year.. it'f fricken embarassing.. 3) There is proporitionaly wayyyyy less actual single player content then original MOH.. IT was looked what could be dont with the least effort to make the most profits.. As an operator of MOH servers I can tell you What was done to "improve" multiplayer and servers is at best a JOKE.. So really your 34$ = a small single player ADDON .. compare that to the orginal 50$ for an original MOH concept and I don't see how you can say this is anything but a rip off. 4)Wait for a patch? You gota be kidding me.. Fool me once shame on me, fool me 20 times in a row I must be an EA cusotmer. 5)ONLINE play is what a lot of people care about and single player is just icing.. I believe EA thinks the opposite.. On line gaming is treated and glosed over as just some annoyance they gota throw in a few kibbles to make it sound good.. The "EXTA" features for online gameplay? Don't make me laugh they made a simple GUI to access built in commands in the Quake engine. 6)With so many things missing in Spearhead all we will see now is a split in the MOH online community.. This release just Cut our numbers.. those that will play MOH and those that will play spearhead. The real frustration comes not from we didn't get this or they didn't fix that.. its from what we see MOH "COULD" be seems so close to being yet that vision gets FD to hell by EA.. |
well your the idiots who bought a product they knew, thought or had heard they would not like.. Hell i congradulate EA. Not only do they piss off the whiners but the whiners keep coming back! hahaha damn ea is smart.
Now I do not own full retail as of yet, most likely today or tomorow. I just spend SIX STRAIGHT HOURS on the french school girls spear head demo server, Owning like hell but alot of theg guys were good not to mention there were little to no bugs only one bug near the end of my six hours. It wasnt unbalanced hell, i was owning when out numbered even against the grenade launcher. you wanna bitch go ahead and bitch but remember your the moron who bought it. |
Gee whiz JAIZEN... Do you usually post responses to messages you don't even read? And do you usually make a habit of spamming message forums with huge ass unoriginal splashy cheez-shots that only lend credibility to people's primary impression that you are a lamer? Had you read what I posted, You would realize I having been a loyal customer to EA for almost 20 years now, have every right to insult the morons they hire over at ELECTRONIC ARTS when it becomes painfully obvious I've bought a sub-standard product carrying EA's seal of approval. And Yes the Developers on EA's MOH team are a bunch of gay retards... They've managed to sour one of EA's excellent product lines. As I have made clear, I am very dissapointed in Electronic Arts, But I'm pissed off at the idiots they hired to create this debacle. This opinion is not unique but seems to be quite universal amongst those of us who have actually played SH (retail), here. Next time try reading the message, and use your powers of deduction (providing you have any) to figure it out before responding, and wasting valubale hard-drive space. |
Hahahaha! Hmmm maybe you were drunk at the time. ed: Cpl |
Hahahaha! Hmmm maybe you were drunk at the time. ed: Cpl |
quite complaining
holy crap quit complaining, why would u buy it in the first place, try god damn demo's before buying games!
biggrin: <------FUNNY! |
you know.. you people who are saying "shut the fuck up" and stuff are really not helping the situation. you are just accepting the fact that EA is spoonfeeding you dogshit. we're not whining, we're objecting to a product that WE WANT IMPROVED
yeah 20 new weapons.. bullshit. we want WEAPONS not pistols and smoke grenades! don't tell me a nebelwerfer and a flak 88 is a new weapon! i can't select it at the main screen, i can't carry that shit around.. i want something i can actually use! I DONT LIKE THE PRODUCT I GOT I HAVE THE RIGHT TO BITCH if you people don't bitch, you will continuously be fed dogshit and we wont have improved gameplay |
Smoke nades help with fufilling the definition. So just shut up and bitch to your grandma or email EA. What the hell are we supposed to do about it? ->Red |
I am agree whit that . I don't like most map . I saw custom map better than that . Map of AA was much better and more polish. And 1 of those map look almost the same as a custom map i have donwload some monhts ago . What is that joke?
And the game have a lot of glicht bug . Almost everythings is buggy. Maybe a patch will fix all that ... but when!? 1 monht? |
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