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Funniest Kill you ever made?
I was in Staligrad, jumped from a window, killed the guy on the way down, then cratered. My all time favorite one was in the Destroyed Village. My buddy Nazi Scum was behind me about to whack me and he stopped when I came across a unsuspecting sniper. I switched to my pistol, as did Nazi Scum. We both ran up to him and at the same time we bashed him to death. I about pissed my pants from laughing. You had to be there!!!!
Share yours with me, Im sure we will get some good ones!! |
Alright the best Kill I ever scored was at Stalingrad. I came into the room near the big stairwell and the plank across the open part, and there were 4 Allies standing in the room all bunched together waiting for me. I took one shot with the shotty and blew all 4 of them away! It was the greatest, I couldnt stop laughing. They were all mad at eachother for being in the way. HaHa. biggrin:
Ok i was on top of the church roof at destroyed village. I had a grenade and used it held it in my hand i saw 5 nazis come near the wall of the church i jumped down and died they all turned around went to where i fell then BOOM all five of them dead. cry:
the best kill for me was in a match. V2, the rocket was blown and the bomb was set in the control room. I ran in with grenade in hand(i was allies) and there were two axis in the other room. I opened the door and tossed in a nade and they rushed me so i did the (oh my god nade drop) as i ran around the control room, the first one blew up and the second one killed me. I thought it was over but the other one decided to come in after i died and another one of my nades blew him up giving us the win (cause the second bomb was still ticking while the first was blown)
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My funniest kill was in the Crossroads map. I was in the most obvious place, the church tower, sniping everyone. Finally the other 5 members get pissed, and after the obligatory "snipers are fags. . ."rhetoric, decided to team up to get me. Now keep in mind this is a free for all. LOL!
Anyway, they all come down the street toward the church, they stop in front and one of them takes out a grenade to lob it in the window of the church where I am at, while the others stand next to him looking up. I snipe the guy with the grenade, it drops, the others try to run and the explosion kills them all. I laughed like crazy. LOL! They kicked me after that, but. . .oh well, it was worth it. biggrin: |
Funniest kill was in Algiers. Both the Axis and Allies were in the room with the radio. We were dancing on the table, crouching down and pistol-whipping each other's crotches, and having a virtual orgy. I'm telling you, this was more fun than fighting. After a while I got bored so I lobbed about 2 nades in the room and ran out and I killed about 10 Allies. biggrin:
10? Ok.
Haha Deadbolt.......Have to stir up the shit huh....HEHE
I still have yet to see a story like my bashing of the sniper with my buddy at my side.....I still laugh over the day we did that. My buddy and I have unsuccessfully attempted that on Non-sniper players, but it's only a matter of time!!! evil:
Ok i was at algiers i was in the little garden with that wall blown off i had a rifle regular rifle 5 nazis came around the corner one with a grenade when he threw it i shot and the grenade blew up and killed all of them. I said dam did i shoot the grenade or something. But it was funny.
Im not sure if you can hit the grenade. At times I admit I thought I have, but I tested this theory with Nazi Scum. I used the shotty and had him throw it in the air at me. It did not work. Maybe he dropped it at the wrong time. But if it gave you credit for atleast 1 kill, it should be funny to watch a flying high Nazi Pile as a reward for it.
crossroads, on the far end of the bridge i was allies and a bunch of axis were sniping. i launched a rocket randomly towards the end of the street (the end with the cart) it zig zagged due to the range a bit but hit someone crossing the street near the end right in the face biggrin: i would have expected them to shout homing-rocket hack or something but i think it was someone from OTD angel:
got accused of aimbotting on crossroads TDM for making most my mauser kills as headshots.
respawn at Axis end.... spot 3 enemies strafing like mad on bridge fighting my teammate.... dropped all 3 with consectutive headshots right on the edge of total fog. just aiming in middle of them.... pure fluke left server couldnt stop laughing. |
I was in stalingrad looking out of a window towards the MG area and there was a rocketeer crouched behind the sandbags, i got out a nade and threw it out the window with a running-jump combo, then he shoots the rocket. my nade was flying through the air quite near to him as he fired and his rocket went straight into the nade blowing him to bits. I was laughing so hard i had to stop playing.
I've shot a rocket before so i know thats possible but i didnt know they blew up when the hit a nade. I've been trying to do it ever since and if it happens again ill post an SS. |
Jumped down the ladder as Axis and landed on an Allied guy's head. Whipped him with a pistol then I cratered. |
My most hilarious kill (and most memorable) would be when I clubbed {-BaH-} Fem to death.
i was at omaha and i was being chased by 3 allies and i got in a crater hole threw nades all around it and they all died.......then the hole blew up oOo:
In the Stalingrad map, I had a Kar98k and I was snipin ppl, and this one allied soldier jumped out of a window and I killed him on the way down and he was like "wtf". comegetsome: eatthis:
I have to share this, because I laughed about it the whole night. I was playing in one of the lesser known SNIPER servers, there were 8 of us. Now this is a bare bones SNIPER ONLY server with all other weapons disabled(no ammo) and bashing with handguns neutralized. Well, after awhile a new player comes onto the server, we'll call him "X". This was the Destroyed Village map and i was crouched low behind a wall for cover looking out over the main square of the street waiting for a target of opportunity before switching positions.
I'm sitting there, when I hear an audible CLICK CLICK CLICK in rapid succession behind me. I turn around and there is "X" with a shotgun pointing it in my face attempting to shoot me. He just keeps going CLICK CLICK CLICK and I just keep loooking at him laughing. He then pulls out this .45 and. . .yep, CLICK CLICK CLICK. He then types on the screen : "WTF!" This whole time I'm just looking at this guy shaking my head, he then tries to pistol whip me. . .nothing happens, of course. He then types again : "hey dude, WTF, why doesn't my pistol work?" I then type in response : "This is a SNIPER ONLY server, all other weapons damage has been disabled." His response is "that's gay dude, why the f**k are you guys playing like that?" I just sigh. "X" then puts away his pistol and just stands there looking at me, after which several seconds expire and I begin to wonder what the hell he is doing when he types "sh*t, there's no grenades?" I type in response again "The only weapon you can use is a sniper rifle." to which he replies "man that is so f**kin lame." I sigh in resignation as I realize "X" just will not get it and he is beginning to slightly annoy me at this point as do all people who come into servers clearly labelled SNIPERS ONLY and complain about not being able to use whatever weapon they wish, he enforces my point my bringing out the shotgun again and begins that now famous CLICK CLICK CLICK, after which he types again "f**kin bullsh*t." Now this guy is no more than 3 feet away from me still trying to shoot me with his damned shotgun that has no ammo. So, I calmly turn my KAR98K sniper rifle toward him while he is still going. . . CLICK CLICK CLICK I zoom in with my scope. . . CLICK CLICK CLICK At this short distance his face takes up my entire scope. . . CLICK. . .CLICK He then in a moment of realization begins running away from me. I let him get about halfway up the street. . .and then I snipe him in the head. LOL! biggrin: the next message on the screen after "X was sniped by the Counter Sniper in the head" was "X had left the battle". Dude, I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. That was the ultimate kill of the night. Well. . .sorry it took so long to tell, but that has been my funniest kill to date. biggrin: |
I can't single out one single kill but I will say this. There is nothing more humiliating in the game of MOHAA then bashing someone over the head and killing them. I love it when a Shotguner runs up to me shooting left and right while I have a pistol in hand. I get so close to them that their shotguns are useless. Perhaps even more funny is jumping over a rocket and then running up to them while they are in their slow reload process and bitch slapping them to death lol.
I cant figure out why some people are so stupid. They see me and shoot. They start to follow me and BOOM, they die. Most replies are WTF!!! I don't think they realize the old drop the nade and run tactic?!?! Thats my tip of the day.
my funniest kill was in v2 obj i had a rocket and i was standin on the catwalk across from the control room and i look down and theres 4 allied players running out the door under me so i jump into the middle of them and shoot the rocket just before i cratered killing them all bigzooka: M16:
I was in a costome traning map where there was only 2 spawn points next to each other in this house with a wall that could be blown out to see the bathroom, and a TV set wich you can shoot at to reaveal the playboy chanal. me and a bunch of allies and axis sat on the two couches in the room to watch the old boob toob. after a while of whatcing it i got bored and droped a kamikazzie gernade for us all to munch on. I laghed to point of almost $HiTing my pants lol.
I even took pictures of it and I'd show them to you all but I don't know how to enable them for the forum. |
i got one, although it isnt a solo kill, it was hilarious.
i was playing v-2 obj (no respawn) and was on allies. allies were getting owned and there was one guy who would sit out on the lawn and kill the ocassional axis that happened to walk outside, but other than that he would never leave a 5 foot area. those allies who had been dead for awhile were getting pissed about having to wait until the next round cause this guy wouldnt even try to go after the objective. so we bitched about this in spectator mode for about three rounds and then decided to all go axis and rape this lawnboy. this server held 20 peeps and it was 19 on 1 for like 5 rounds the whole time telling him to stop camping or leave. sounds ghey, but that was the funniest thing i have ever seen on the game. 5 rounds in less than 5 minutes. the guy moved out after that. |
Well thats because their stupid sometimes they corner u and dont shoot they just trap u and wat i did was throw a grenade in the air and ran and the next thing i herd was about 6 or 7 soliders yelling i looked back they were all dead they should have never hesitated. biggrin:
does anyone know how to place screen shots in the forum? I'd like to show some of the funny pictures i took. freak: fire2: fire2: fire2: fire2: fire2: swordfight:
mmm i dont know
Screenshots? Just ask the peeps who post their best games to brag. hehe
[quote="Major Homer Simpson":da44c]does anyone know how to place screen shots in the forum? I'd like to show some of the funny pictures i took. freak: fire2: fire2: fire2: fire2: fire2: swordfight:[/quote:da44c]
You upload them on the net, then do [img]screenshot%20URL[/img] My funniest kill was on V2, I was the last axis and Judas was the last allie. I had a Kar and was under the catwalks that led to the control room. I see him above me and expecting him to jump down at me, I switch to the pistol. He jumped and I shoot once and HIT HIM IN THE HEAD. I laughed my ass off for hours. |
Once again in Stalingrad. It was infact a tk that went prefectly to plan! My clan mate Erimines was crouched at a window cooking a nade, and just as he was about to launch it, I jumped onto the window ledge. He threw the nade, it hit my back, bounced back and blew himself up! I was pissing my pants for hours after that. biggrin:
dude i hate it when that happens. how about when u have roket f@gs on your team with tk off and as you throw a nade in a place they shoot the wall or ground for some reason and set off your nade killing u and him at the same time. It's happened to me so many times i lost count. lol biggrin:
my funniest kill...
I would have to say that my funnist kill was at OMHAA. There were 3 ppl in the room, I was on allies sniping and the 2 other guys were axis sniping. I decided to snip because they just owned me when i went runing in. I would camp on the beach and try to pick them off, I didnt even bother to blow up the bangolors. Finaly another player joined on my team and went rushing in. He set of the bangolors so I figured i would run in with my .45. i was chargind the middle section of the fence and looked left up into the corner of the bunker and just fired one shot. an axis player was standing in there and was on the reciving end of my bullet, I stoped ruing to say how funny it was then his teammate just blew my brains out. I had to stop playing because i was laughing so hard. If it wasnt for me missing all my shots earlyer they would of definatly cryed aim bot.
thats funny i killed someone like that but i wasn't even trying to kill any one at the time i was in algiers as an axis in the big area and decided to shoot for the heck of it in to the bushes and regestered a kill i couldent find the body in the bushes it was 50 yards on a bunch of crates behind a wall.
1 Question whats an aim bot [/img] |
i have two instances.
the first was in DV during a 20 player TDM. i got bored, so i whipped out my .45, and whent on a crazy pistol charge up the road with the sherman, and the buildings around it. i ended up shooting two people and bitch slapping three to death before i got killed. the second was in algiers, same 20 player TDM. one guy on the other team was teaching everyone how to land shark off the ladder in the secret room, including people on my own team!!! well i run up to the door, open it, realize that there are a ton of enemies in there, so i toss in three grenades, killing 5 or 6 people. then the survivors came out and killed me, but it was great. |
eatthis: once, there was a axis soldier in front of me, he was about to wip out his grenade when i yanked out my colt. i had only one clip and it had 5 rounds in it. but as he threw the grenade, i aimed for his had, the bullets hit the grenade and he began to flail rigcht back. it was the best killl i have ever made.
Having a rocket whore miss you and then running up to him and bashing his skull in.....yeah...that is funny :) In fact any sort of bashing is funny. I love creeping up behind a sniper and bitch slapping him to death. Its even funnier though when you stand behind them for a couple of seconds pondering " should I? " only to have them all of a sudden realize you are behind them and they kill you with a lucky shot.....now that sucks lol. I've had that happen lots of times because I get all excited at knowing I am about to bitch slap someone lol.
[quote="(5th)Captain Rodriguez":6dbb0]Having a rocket whore miss you and then running up to him and bashing his skull in.....yeah...that is funny :) In fact any sort of bashing is funny. I love creeping up behind a sniper and bitch slapping him to death. Its even funnier though when you stand behind them for a couple of seconds pondering " should I? " only to have them all of a sudden realize you are behind them and they kill you with a lucky shot.....now that sucks lol. I've had that happen lots of times because I get all excited at knowing I am about to bitch slap someone lol.[/quote:6dbb0]
The best thing about when u avoid a rocket coming at u from 20ft away is how u do it. most rocket A$$e$ try aiming for your head I always crouch just before they fire and getim in the gut for a cool vishual affect, but it only works is your on a level plain. I killed a rocket guy the other day with a sniper right after he shot his rocket at me and the last thing a saw in my scope was a rocket blasing through the air at me with the word death in front of it zooka: eatthis: |
OK i have the funniest kill u would ever see....i was in v2 axis, using the sniper as usuall and it was me and 1 allie left. i was on the catwalk near the controll room and i didnt notice him come through the controll room....he appears right infront of me and has a sub but he is a pathetic shot and drops me down to 8 life then i jump over the catwalk and shoot him in mid air right in the head (no shit instint kill) then i fall and notice my health and die and the game is a draw.........lmao eatthis:
Hmmm...mine would have to be in DV. I was an Axis sniper and was running by the Sherman towards the Allied spawn to reach the alley when I saw the point of an SMG sticking out of one of the destroyed rooms. Right when I pointed my rifle upwards, he jumps out and POW, goes down in one shot no scope. Right then I heard another rifle shot and the sound of a bullet flying past me. I looked straight ahead and saw an Allied Sniper chambering another round so i ducked right when he fired at my head and he missed......I didnt evil: I was then accused of using an aimbot which is the normal cry of the dead to a sniper. fire2:
i was in destroid village the other day as an allie with a sniper i maneged to be the only person to get to the destroid church. as i was about to climb the ladder i see an axis guy goin up without putting on my scope i shoot him in the asssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss lol (But i'm sure this has happened with many people before I should know i was shot there on ocastion lol). fire2: mad: M16:
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