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mewprin 11-21-2002 05:25 PM

Mod ideas I haven't yet seen done...
(note: I haven't seen any mods that use these features... if they do exist, don't flame, I just overlooked them!)

I'm a big fan of the realism mods, especially CKR... however it's true that most realism servers are MG only battles. In any case, to further the realism, some ideas I'd love to see implemented (if they can be done w/ MOHAA...)

1. Realistic fall damage model: I think there needs to be something to discourage players from jumping out of a window and falling 100 feet. The loss of 5 - 10 points of health just isn't enough to do this, nor is it realistic. How about something that takes into consideration breaking a leg, ankle, sprains, etc... maybe 50 - 75 points for a big fall! For example, jumping out of the control room on V2 should be a flat out crater, no matter what. The movement speed feels so realistic, but it's killed by being able to leap three stories and lose 5 health.
I'm sure this can be done by modifying the gravity setting, but to produce such a large decrease in health for big falls, would the high setting also hurt you for little falls, like jumping off a step? In any case, I'd love to see players be forced use real-life tactics and be weary of 100 foot drops!

2. Wasting bullets on reload: I hate how reloading a clip that's only half spent results in you keeping those bullets. If you've got an STG that reload after 6 bullets, you should lose those unused bullets. It would force players to be more weary of their tactics and further add to the sense of realism.

3. Obj/RB Match Bodies: Can a mod be done for Objective & Round Based games where the bodies don't dissapear? Since there is no respawn, it'd really add to the atmosphere to have your teammates dead around you... and stay there.

4. Getting Shot/Heath: If your life drops to a certain level, say around 10- 20, your player reflects the damage in movement speed. Basically, if your life is around 10, you've obviously been pretty shot-up... why not reflect this in slower run speed, or something similar to this!

Anyways, just some ideas I think would really benefit the realism crowd. Maybe this is something that can be done in a TC mod when the SDK comes out? But it'd be great to see a version of CKR, or the other realism mods, that included some of these features... at least I'd enjoy them biggrin:

11-21-2002 05:32 PM

all those are currently impossible and i doubt we'll be seeing the SDK any time soon. the only thing you can do is change the gravity to something like 1000 (default is 800) so it hurts more

Onor_Deception[Sgt] 11-21-2002 05:36 PM

Ok, well for one all those are not impossible. The body thing with them staying can happen. The fall thing can happen as well. The other stuff can happen with some good scripting. Plenty of people capable of doing that.

mewprin 11-21-2002 05:41 PM

Well, that's good news... I'm no modder/scripter; I wouldn't even know where to begin on this project...

But some of these ideas, like the fall damage and such, would have (in my humble opinion) a really beneficial impact on realism server gameplay!

Argon 11-21-2002 05:50 PM

How about a mod that limits weapons. Say only 3 smg/mgs, 1 or 2 snipers, and the rest rifles(per side)?

mewprin 11-21-2002 06:10 PM

Yeah, I'd love to see something like that...
My only concern would be the lethality of MGs & SMGs in realism mods... I fear that the "Captain" using a MG would mow down the riflemen...

But that's only speculation, it could work brilliantly too... I didn't add that to the list because of the potential problems, but hell, I think it'd be a GREAT addition if it worked properly.

Thermopyle 11-22-2002 01:27 AM

Re: Mod ideas I haven't yet seen done...

Originally Posted by mewprin
2. Wasting bullets on reload: I hate how reloading a clip that's only half spent results in you keeping those bullets. If you've got an STG that reload after 6 bullets, you should lose those unused bullets. It would force players to be more weary of their tactics and further add to the sense of realism.

I like your other ideas, but I dont understand how this is more realistic. In real life, if I nearly empty one magazine of ammunition and replace it with a full one, the rounds dont mysteriously disappear. I would just have to consolidate the rounds at a later time.

And with enough ammunition, you can get a break long enough to do that. But, how much realism do you want?

mewprin 11-22-2002 02:22 AM

Yeah of course I see your point. Rounds can be consolidated, naturally. I was hinting more at the way the current mechanics work... if you're on the battlefield, you're not going fire five rounds of a fresh clip, kill the guy, then reload... y'know?

By losing the bullets not spent in a clip upon reloading, it would force players to make the most of their ammo. More realistic? yeah! Also, it would prevent the current "fire-reload-fire-reload" gameplay that exists now, which again, isn't very realistic.

11-22-2002 02:26 AM

if you do that do it ofp style so you don't simply drop a half full clip on the ground *cough* bf1942 *cough*

Punk_Bitch 11-22-2002 02:39 AM

I still wanna see a Flame Thrower just for fun!!!

11-22-2002 02:43 AM

flames are thrown around all the time in mohaa, you want one that shoots fire right?

Thermopyle 11-22-2002 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by mewprin
Yeah of course I see your point. Rounds can be consolidated, naturally. I was hinting more at the way the current mechanics work... if you're on the battlefield, you're not going fire five rounds of a fresh clip, kill the guy, then reload... y'know?

By losing the bullets not spent in a clip upon reloading, it would force players to make the most of their ammo. More realistic? yeah! Also, it would prevent the current "fire-reload-fire-reload" gameplay that exists now, which again, isn't very realistic.

I agree. In realism servers (if I use an auto-weap) I rarely reload after using a small burst to drop someone. This is because there may be someone else right behind the next corner.

But I dont like the idea of wasting ammo. And anything beyond either auto-consolidate or waste ammo gets too complex for a game.

Then again, you wont chuck nades without orders from your commanding officer... oOo:

Punk_Bitch 11-22-2002 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Strik0r
flames are thrown around all the time in mohaa, you want one that shoots fire right?

Yep, just like in Saving Pvt Ryan. I would love to have a BBQ in the game, something where they can run away, but are still a blaze. (I know I'm sick, but it's only a game!)

mewprin 11-22-2002 03:28 AM

I agree, throwing a half full clip on the ground is ridiculous... but at the same time, I wouldn't mind it. It would force players to use their clips, and not just reload, fire a burst, reload, fire again, etc.

yochoylamuete 11-22-2002 03:32 AM

That's almost point per point what we are trying to do biggrin: : ... p?t=149497

I'm glad to say we have already done some things (not exactly those, but add realism too):

-We have added real recoil to sniper rifles; that is, when you fire one shot your scope doesn't get automatically re-centered, you have to center it. Tried it on mgs/smgs, but the game becomes almost unplayable.

-About movement speed when hurt, I'm not sure if it can be done, but I've included a bleeding script; when you're under, say, 50 health (configurable), you lose 3 additional points (config.) every 10 secs (config. too biggrin: ). So you need to quickly find some health pack (probably more than one, since we already decreased the health amount to 25 per pack).

-I have been looking for the bodies/packs/weapons staying on place thing, but haven't found anything so far. I hope Bazooka Joe will have some news today, since he was already looking for it too, but, can someone please confirm he has seen a similar mod working???. We also hope to solve the reload issue, but modifying this kind of things is not as easy as editing a tiki. About the real damage on falls, I'm sorry to say I think it's not possible by now (but I could be very wrong, of course oOo: )



mewprin 11-22-2002 03:56 AM

Hmm, the bleeding idea is an interesting one... I like the idea in concept, but I'm not sure how enjoyable it would be. Of course, it's certainly a nice realistic idea, but one that would work much better with a class system... i.e. medics.

Weighing the two ideas (bleeding vs. hindered movement), the reduced movement speed at low health levels probably suits the flow of game better in my opinion. However, I haven't tried it either, so I can't really say!

But the change in recoil is very welcome, great idea!

yochoylamuete 11-22-2002 05:29 AM

Well, so far, everyone who has tested it says it's quite fun... The player is not only loosing life, but his cries make easier for the enemy to locate him. Anyway, we did it configurable so that the admin can enable/disable it and also set the bleeding ratio (I hope to use cvars to do all of this).

About the "real recoil" thing, it comes with a bonus: it's not affected by that infamous anti-recoil cheat (and that's why we tried to export it to the rest of the weapons).



Fontaine 11-22-2002 03:47 PM

hmmm more wishing
I was hoping there would have been some more team oriented features in spearhead, such as classes (medic, engineer, officer, and what not), perhaps some wounding effects (limited movement or immobility till healed). Perhaps being able to carry guys away from the action as a result.

Being able to selectively eliminate the lean/strafe option is a step in the right direction towards server customization, but I wish you could also limit the use of the sniper scope, no running with it zoomed in -- maybe while walking though.

I also like the idea of being able to "ration" the weapon usage, to get away from MG or sniper rifle heavy games (unless desired of course), some built voice support (like teamspeak). Perhaps after the SDK comes out ... or Osama is caught ..

Oddball the tankcommander 11-22-2002 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by yochoylamuete
That's almost point per point what we are trying to do biggrin: :
but I've included a bleeding script; when you're under, say, 50 health (configurable), you lose 3 additional points (config.) every 10 secs (config. too biggrin: ). So you need to quickly find some health pack (probably more than one, since we already decreased the health amount to 25 per pack).

and how does that make things anything but frustrating? sorry i like to have fun when i'm gaming. if i wanted that shit i'd join the army

yochoylamuete 11-22-2002 04:32 PM

Then don't install it on your server, in ours we find it quite fun biggrin:
Probably you dont like either the round mode or any realism at all, but that's what's great about this game, you get the power to choice.



Sniper Wolf [USAR] 11-22-2002 04:33 PM

In the means of those ideas, I for one have to speak up. Being the mod producer for Enemy at Gates, I would have to say they ARE NOT impossible. They are quite possible. Just takes a little more effort and a lot more programming and scripting to get them to work since there is no SDK.

But we are concidering DOING some of those in the future in our mod.

But we have to do alot more work firsty heh.

flaco337 11-22-2002 05:41 PM

Dang, If you want extreme "REAL" realism, come over to my house n play, and everytime you get shot, I'll personally shoot you in the appropriate body part with the appropriate weapon. It won't EVER get more real than that!!!

mewprin 11-22-2002 06:36 PM

YoChoy, is your server open for testing? I'm somewhat skeptical about the "bleed till healed" idea, so I REALLY want to try it!

yochoylamuete 11-22-2002 08:26 PM

Of course! every1 is welcome there,
It's a jolt (Europe)
It's a 20 player server, but only 6 slots are public (but entering it shouldn't be that hard)
Besides the bleeding script, the real recoil is on for snipers, and also a common realism patch with weapons adjusted to their real fire power towards the end of ww2 (though I think rifles are a bit too fast, but most clan members like it that way).
It runs also dogmeat dogtag, and sometimes my dear Delator biggrin:
Since the bleeding script is still beta (though working 100%) I will probably take it out soon, while I add the cvar management part, but today and tomorrow it should be running on it.
My nick there is [CEAL]TCol.YoChoyLaMuete EM, but you can call me just yochoy biggrin:

Oooooooops! Almost forgot!! it runs two custom maps on the rbm rotation, small city and tunisian village fe, and three more on the obj rotation, st.lo, st.renan and das boot.



Onor_Deception[Sgt] 11-23-2002 01:59 AM

I think in the "realism" mods, we should hvae no crosshair. Ive tried it and it is quite interesting. That would be real.

jonesy-the-cat3 11-24-2002 04:18 AM

Let me start by saying I like some of these ideas.

That said, think about some of what you guys have said: we want to make it more realistic, so let's make is so you walk slower or bleed to death when wounded... until you pick up a MAGIC HEALTH PACK THAT CAME OUT OF A CORPSE, thus restoring you to perfect health!


Secondly, impaired movement IS a part of the game. That's why you "die" when shot in the hand or foot. Not that you would die so soon in real life, you would just be impaired possibly to the point where you would be unable to fight.

How realistic is it that I shoot someone in the hand, he stays right where he is, I shoot him in the hand again, etc. until he is dead from repeatedly being shot in the same hand? LOL!

If you really want realism, make some of the allies be Russians who were issued 2 bullets and no weapon. You have to pick one up from a fallen comrade. Also, make the Germans take 3 hits per 10 seconds from wearing insufficiently warm clothes while in Stalingrad.

But seriously, why do all these people concerned with realism ignore the most unrealistic aspect of the game, namely magic health packs capable of INSTANTLY restoring PERFECT health that automatically issue from recently killed corpses but fade into mist after several seconds?

I often see people in a game complaining about someone using the shotty, how it is so unrealistic that any allies had shotties, and then happily running over a magic health pack for restored perfect health.

Seriously though, there comes a point where more realism = less enjoyment. I.E. let's have commanders who tell us what to do instead of being able to make our own decisions, let's make it so you move so slow it's like a nightmare, let's make it so when you die, you can't respawn... ever!

Oddball the tankcommander had a good point.

Deception did too, no convenient crosshair in the middle of your screen. That is very unrealistic.

yochoylamuete 11-24-2002 08:51 AM

Check my message 7 posts above: I don't have any doubt that many admins wont like the idea, but I'm not forcing anyone to use it; I found the game quite more enjoyable like this, so I use it.

By the way, most of us know Enemy at the Gates (the movie), and the initial charge scene, but the truth is (History Channel dixit biggrin: ) out of Stalingrad every Russian regiment had a company armed exclusively with the PPSh, and every soldier using it had a 71 bullet clip plus an additional 35 bullet clip. The Russian army employed a total of 6 million PPSh; and another smg, which I cant remember the name, was the standard weapon issued during the Leningrad siege. Taking 3 points per 10 seconds would be totally unrealistic, IMHO, since that would mean german soldiers on Stalingrad only fought for 5 minutes (actually, I think the damage sustained because of cold in 5 minutes can be discarded). But I will really consider any serious idea about realism mods posted on this thread (like the crosshair one).

About the healthpack, my initial proposal (on my clan) was to totally disable them (which, by the way, is easier to do), but, as not everyone agreed on that, we just limited the health amount to 25; about the healthpacks dissapearing after a few seconds, that was the reason why I posted on this thread (check my first post).

Hopefully, thanks to Scorpiomidget, corpses will be an easier thing. I must add, during our tests, many people from outside our clan entered the server and liked the mod and asked about it; however the beta is no longer installed, as I'm working on a final version.

I'm not sadistic or something; really I have more fun playing the game when using this mods as they make the game more fast-paced at some points.



yochoylamuete 11-27-2002 10:50 AM

Just an update, I managed to make the player lose the whole clip when reloading.



Bazooka_Joe 11-27-2002 01:23 PM

Nice! GJ, Yochoy!

yochoylamuete 11-27-2002 04:50 PM

Mmmmmmmmmm... Well, I must say I like how it looks... The bleeding thing can now be configured on the server.cfg using conventional cvars, so that the admin can setup the bleeding amount, interval, etc., or totally disable it. The "real recoil" makes you feel like you're firing a real sniper rifle, even if it's a bit more difficult to master. And the reloading thing... well, it's just how I felt it should be the first time I played mohaa...

Of course every weapon has been adjusted to his real historical specs (frankly, we didn't care too much about balance, but a BAR firing 550 bullets per minute is as deathly as a StG at 600, IMHO). And I'll try to model the grenade so that his range becomes proportional to the time the user is pressing the mouse button before releasing it. But that will come later, now I'm busy trying to make healthpacks, bodies, weapons stay on place (I'm not very optimistic about this; I have already done it -thanks, scorpiomidget- but the result is not what I would like for the final version).

I know most people doesn't like any of these features, but then again maybe someone would like them. And I'm learning a lot on the meantime biggrin:.

Oh!! and stay tunned for Delator 2.0. It's currently on the planning stage, but I think it will change a lot of things about cheating and server admin abilities.

If only days had 48 hours... biggrin:



[Hero] 11-27-2002 08:24 PM

good idea

yochoylamuete 11-28-2002 12:45 PM

Yet another update...
Done the healthpack/weapons staying on place, no way to do it on dead bodies, though. I will take a brief look on the nades thing, but most probably I will let it go and just release the mod as it is now.



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