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Dr. Deleto 11-22-2002 09:35 AM

Must make peace with myself
Very sorry in advance to the great admins here at, but i feel i must reply to those silly posts made by the merry dwarves etc. that are now locked. The guy said he made vmdie a long time ago correct? well seems to me that someone played a little too much dungeons and dragons as a kid. also i would like to emphasize VERY INTENSELY that noone, and i do mean NOONE, owns me. in fact the only person who can claim ownership over me would be myself. If anyone thinks any different then they are retarded and in their own little world. even on the day that I die there will still be no owner of my person, "For I will be of earth, from earth." And I promise you, you swell five year olds who would actually beleive yourself to be a 300year old elf thats on a holy quest (or whatever it is you think), that you, nor any of your dwarven, elfen, whatever, kin will ever..EVER.. control anyone but your own, very silly and very childish, selves! That being said I have a little bit of calm inside myself now. Now you may proceed with your childish name calling and prove my point correct...because heh.. you can never make me change my thoughts.

no offence meant to anyone, just bothered me when they said that that bs owned everyone. and yes i mean in the game and in life both.

PandaBear 11-25-2002 07:11 AM


Dr. Deleto 11-25-2002 09:24 AM

thanks panda for proving my point. I need not say more.

Dr.Deleto 12-18-2002 07:01 AM

Oh, I just have to apologize to Panda and the entire VMDlE clan. I say this because I had the opportunity of playing you all in my clan's server, and I must say, you guys beat ass! Well, I'm saying this becuase I don't want to leave my MOHAA experience without the gradification of saying, VMDlE owns me. I will be leaving MOHAA to spend the rest of my long life with my homosexual partner, Roberto. GG everybody.

=BA-MF=LoneGunner65=2nd=c 12-18-2002 11:38 AM

OK u should have just said im sorry instead of saying u have a homosexual partner and making me throw up my breakfest.

Tripper 12-18-2002 03:03 PM

ROFL! D00d, You're an ASS.

pest 12-18-2002 03:09 PM

LOL - nice hack job.

Airborne Butters 12-18-2002 03:48 PM

Come on guys, can't you see it's not Deleto. The whole 5 post...come on.

VMD|E is turning these boards to shit.

pest 12-18-2002 03:58 PM

I thought it was funny. Its shows a little imagination and it sure does beat a 5 page thread on taking a dump at school.

Airborne Butters 12-18-2002 04:06 PM

The poop thread did go longer than I anticipated. But yea these VMD|E people like impersonate others names. I think I'm next, but who knows.

descry 12-18-2002 05:32 PM

arnt Deleto, Panda Bear, and all the VMD|E members the same person?

Airborne Butters 12-18-2002 05:33 PM

no. But they are a bunch of topic flaming n00bs

KTOG 12-18-2002 06:37 PM

Tell Roberto i said "Hi" oOo:

Tripper 12-18-2002 06:45 PM

Who, and/or what the fuck is VMDIE?

Airborne Butters 12-18-2002 06:47 PM

VMD|E is some wannabe clan that pokes around the forums trying to be assholes purposly to other peoples. They have some shitty ass two second website with beastiality on it thinking they own.

Tripper 12-18-2002 06:56 PM

ooOOOo h4x0rZ! happy:

imported_Airborne_Butters 12-19-2002 02:27 AM

Is anyone afraid to turn 18? I'm 17 and will be 18 in 2 weeks, but I'm scared shitless. God DAMN I am such a pussy. I'm not ready to be an adult. Then I'll have to leave the warm confines of my bag of Cheetos brand cheese snacks and my message boards. My mom still cooks, cleans, and does my laundry! Fuck! There isn't another sorry fat ass in the world like me. And she keeps saying "alright 2 more weeks, then I can legally kick you out!" I sorta hope she does. Then I can have hot, steamy, animal-like MAN sex in my room without the fear of mommy waking me up in time for school. Although secretly I wish she would.(?)

I'm kinda afriad she will! She did it to my sister, but that was cause my sister was stupid and droppped out. But whatever. I was going to, but they fired me from McDonald's for stealing the BigMac's secret sauce and masturbating with it in the women's rest room. You know, no job = show those fuckers off with my HIGH SCHOOL diploma. Then I'll spam those AA message boards. God I'm fat. Gotta have priorities, man. Gotta have priorities.

vVolf 12-19-2002 02:28 AM

[quote="Airborne_Butters":28569]God DAMN I am such a pussy[/quote:28569]
HAHaHAAHaHaHaHaHahahahaHAAHaHAA, you said it, not me. LOL!

Look Butters, you lazy fuck (lol) You'll do fine. I rememeber when i was 18. Fuck i was scared as well. All i did was get drunk and have fun every night with my g/f. Its that easy. Get some friends in the area you want to work in, get them to find you a comfy position in the workforce where you can eat your chips and masturbate over what ever ails ya.

Remember, you can always be a bum in the streets, livin off the doll. ;)

BallisticWookie 12-19-2002 02:39 AM

Turning 18 is just another day in your long life. It doesnt mean much, and doesnt give you much. I had the right to buy alcohol, buy porn and smokes, go into clubs and pubs.....not a whole lot of a difference was made to my life. You'll find life after 18 is exactly the same as it was when you were 17, just you have a few more responsibilties to yourself, like finding a job, which isnt that hard. First of all, get some fucking self respect, that would be your first and foremost priority.

vVolf 12-19-2002 02:49 AM

Yeah, and you shouldn't have quit skating! Grrrrrrrr.

Innoxx 12-19-2002 02:55 AM

18 is a breeze for me since I've been living on my own for over two years... 16 was scary as fuck for me though, my dad died and my mom went kinda south in the head so I was basically on my own, and I wasn't going to live in a group home (read: orphanage). Luckily, I had a friend that let me live with him 'til I got on my feet. I got a job and started to earn my way through. Now two years later, I am doing alright. Butters you'll be fine. Afterall, if all else fails you can move back into your parent's place.

vVolf 12-19-2002 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by Innoxx
Afterall, if all else fails you can move back into your parent's place.

Oh yeah, they'll love that, wont they Butters? heh heh heh.

Butters, shut up, you'll be fine. Trust me.

12-19-2002 03:41 AM

now that is some funny shit well done.

Tripper 12-19-2002 04:02 AM

Yeah, your getting wound up over nothing....I'm not scared of aging at all...As long as I make the time I have now, the best of my life.

That's my philosophy for life. Do as little work as you can, for the most amount of money. In other words....Choose something you enjoy as a career....I've spent my last two years of high school, bumming around, going to huge parties, drinking liquor, smoking reefer and generally having a good time with good company. I've had the time of my life...Nothing to be scared of at all. I'm now going for a degree in Screen Arts (Film Making) at a great University....Life is good so far.
The point I'm trying to make is, don't let responsibility phase you, d00d. Don't let it stop you from having a good time....Because once you do that, you're not living at all. Go out into that big fucking world and grab the best thing you can get your hands on.

12-19-2002 11:29 AM

am i the only one who noticed butters didnt right that?

=BA-MF=LoneGunner65=2nd=c 12-19-2002 11:32 AM

Now why am i an ass?

Panda_Bear 12-19-2002 11:44 AM

HAH, you all are retards!! Good job, Law for catching that.

Dr. Deleto 12-19-2002 03:26 PM

omg, that is so original. panda bear, come back to my server so i can repeatedly bitch slap you and doom again. guess you got mad cause you yourselves got fucked up huh. Oh and what was it we said to you after seein your pathetic 2 and 24 score? oh yeah! It was (WWC) OWNS YOU VMDIE! ya know why? cause you suck, your 12, and your quite shitty in your own right. now do I need to post the ss of you gettin pistol whipped by me again? If I do just simply reply. It's noobs like you that make me want to go on a rampage with a 12 guage at the local derelects home... sheesh. just because your mommy tells you your special don't mean she's right. fuckin retarded ass people i swear. oh and I noticed that wasnt butters. see the point with this guy is he knows he got owned, so his only action left is to try to make us look bad too. I didnt notice a reply after I posted a few ss of them last time they started shit with me. now then panda, how about posting your so called server's ip and I'll be more than happy to come there and destroy your entire group of butt raping spinach chins. I'll call it a public service.

Airborne Butters 12-19-2002 04:58 PM

VMD|E is nothing but a bunch of n00bs. Thats pretty sad when all you do is go around the boards slandering peoples names. God I wish someone would kill those frickin n00b ass pieces of shit.

As for the 18 thing, yes I'm scare to da bone for turning 18. I keep thinking my mom's gonna kick me out. I'm also afraid of the law. I know somehow I'll get in trouble with the law and can't excuse my way outta it. It'll be scary

Pfc.Green 12-19-2002 05:01 PM

[quote="Airborne Butters":09871]VMD|E is nothing but a bunch of n00bs.

As for the 18 thing, yes I'm scare to da bone for turning 18. I keep thinking my mom's gonna kick me out. I'm also afraid of the law. I know somehow I'll get in trouble with the law and can't excuse my way outta it. It'll be scary[/quote:09871]

Why do you know you'll get introuble with the cops?

Airborne Butters 12-19-2002 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Innoxx
18 is a breeze for me since I've been living on my own for over two years... 16 was scary as fuck for me though, my dad died and my mom went kinda south in the head so I was basically on my own, and I wasn't going to live in a group home (read: orphanage). Luckily, I had a friend that let me live with him 'til I got on my feet. I got a job and started to earn my way through. Now two years later, I am doing alright. Butters you'll be fine. Afterall, if all else fails you can move back into your parent's place.

Wow Innoxx...that was surprisingly nice of you....thanks though.

Panda_Bear 12-20-2002 01:46 AM

Wow, Dr. deleto, I believe your pussy is BLEEDING ALL OVER(floor and some of the wall). BTW for your one pistol whip, I must have pistol whipped your whole God Damned team. Oh yea, and I do believe I was offered to attend your clans tryout while still wearing my VMDlE tag whilst on your server because I kick that much ass. As for our IP for our 'Clan' server...well it doesn't exist because your's is just fine to rape and pillage your pathetic team mates.


Notice the 3 minutes in there I had a better score than you while you had been in there for 16 whole minutes. Oh and Drx_DooM took the server.[/img]

Old Reliable 12-20-2002 02:05 AM

seems like someone is trying to compensate for a small dick

Bucknub 12-20-2002 02:26 AM


Dr. Deleto 12-20-2002 05:58 AM

wtf? only person got bitch smacked was you and doom, and hell no no1 asked you to join. Quit, I REPEAT, QUIT, smoking the crack lil man. get a life too while your at it.

Airborne Butters 12-20-2002 11:11 AM

8-4! Oh man you must be the elite eek:

God you guys are dumbasses (VMD|E)

Dr. Deleto 12-20-2002 02:46 PM

for real, god what an idiot. he neglects to mention that i was in a bash only mood, and didnt shoot 1 bullet that entire map.

panda-bear 12-21-2002 11:13 AM

OMG you guys are pathetic. Why do you deny everything that I say when you know it's true...YES someone did ask me to participate on the Dec 10th tryouts. This is just one Screenshot that I can prove that you guys suck...I can just hop on everynight and take 5 of me owning your team into the ground like I did last night....that is if you don't get on and kick me off for no reason what so ever again...then not play me. You fucking pathetic pieces of shit. And Airborne, leave your wigger ass out of this, your just pissed cause mommy won't jerk you off when you turn 18 anymore.

Might as well post this one just for the hell of it...looked through the MANY screenshots of end game scores and this one represents them the best:


Airborne Butters 12-21-2002 11:29 AM

wow, how many times have you flamming faggets been banned?

LOL. I'm a wigger? HAHA! Shut up oger, go play CS n00b

Bazooka_Joe 12-22-2002 05:23 AM

Man, this forum goes from Offtopic to just Weird.

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