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hamsters united 11-30-2002 08:03 PM

Does this game make u kill?
I just viewed this documentary on computer games-violence and how it's related to real-life killing. Some ex-marine was making speeches about how 1st person computergames make kids more aggressive & how they relate to kids shooting other schoolmates......he said that the tactics (clearing areas / checking corners) made kids get out and kill faster then without.

Ok, so i personally think it's BS..... most parents complain about kids shutting themselves from real-life and escaping the "hectic everyday life of an adolescent in this day and age" .....but is that a bad thing?

any thoughts?

(btw.....for me it's just letting steam off after working 19 hours getting that website done...)

r3mix 11-30-2002 08:27 PM

so before these kids were just camping n00bs but now they know how to tactically clear an area when they go on a killcrazy rampage.

what this army fuckwit has failed to realise (and much of your population to boot) is the US is not the centre of the fucking universe. these games have the same followings outside of the US where these school shootings dont happen more often than public holidays. the difference being that in these other countries they dont deem it necessary to have assault weapons and whatever else freely available for 'personal protection'.

maybe when the US has some more assasinations that will sort of drive the message home. all these dead schoolkids really dont seem to be making an impression on the politicians there. maybe when they get targetted instead you might see some policy change.

Maj.Stoner 11-30-2002 08:40 PM

I think it's all Bull shit and the Problem Starts at home with the Parents and Education. Period.. Its their responsibility to raise metaly stable children..

un less they are inbread n' Corn Fed and who sadly dont give a shit...... then wut can you do???
Ban Video games??? Totally..................... MORONS



Judas 11-30-2002 08:41 PM

i kill at least one person a day ...

Wilko 11-30-2002 08:57 PM

Well, I kill at least 8 or so people a day, and that's just because of MOHAA. Probably more now because of Spearhead :P
What the hell has some army guy got to do with Child Psychology anyway? He's some genius on this subject because he deals with killing people? It's like me saying i'm an explosives expert because i play MOHAA

I mean, Jeez, Video Games have got to be the biggest scapegoat for anything ever! What's next, Vidoe Games responsible for the Holocaust?

People have to start taking responsibility for their actions, and not just blaming it on the most convenient thing

well, that's my 2 cents, anyway

Randy 11-30-2002 10:15 PM

re: does this game make u kill?
WW2 PC, PS2, etc. games "make a kid kill" about the same way walking into your garage "makes you a car." I believe if a person has the mental propensity to commit murder, void of any conscience, as so many of today's generation X-ers' are, they will do so whether or not they indulge in video games or not. I do believe the barrage of television violence has desensitized our nation. I used to work in the emergency room as an x-ray tech at a major trauma center in Fort Worth, Texas, and one night we got a teenager in for gunshot wounds to his lower leg. I'll never forget his surprised reaction as we began to "treat" him. He remarked, "Man, this really hurts." I reminded him that a metal projectile entering the human body normally causes extreme damage accompanied by severe pain. He evidently thought he would walk away like John Wayne or some other ficticious example he'd seen. He learned a hard, but good lesson that evening.

hamsters united 12-01-2002 12:43 AM

nice points.....

it was funny though....when the marine in the docu started yapping about battle tactics from counterstrike i could only think he should check some MOHAA for real tactics and realism ;)

or wait...maybe that's a bad idea.....

r3mix 12-01-2002 01:22 AM

games vs real life - posted about a month ago on another forum.

[quote:dea3f]WASHINGTON, DC - Gamers petitioned President Bush to ban the Washington sniper yesterday in an effort to end the shootings. Calls for action ranging from a 48-hour suspension to a permanent IP ban were made by gaming activists from all corners of the nation.

"The sniper is a total lamer," said Cody Montz, 13, of Richmond, VA. "Only the people with no skills use sniper rifles. Man, it's almost as bad as people that play as a Heavy Weapons Guy all the time."

The move by gamers comes after reports that the last words spoken by the most recent victim, Conrad Johnson, 35, were, "No fair, I was typing." The shocking utterance comes as no surprise to gamers, many of whom have witnessed similar events in the past.

"I was playing Counter-Strike once, and my teammate got AWPed while he was trying to remember what key he had mapped to the spray logo function," Montz related. "I thought that it was pretty gay that it's a one-shot kill weapon like that. He had full health and full armor. This sniper guy is pretty big fag, and it's obvious he can't doesn't have the skills required to play as something else."

Montz represents one of the thousands of school children living in the area who are being kept at home by worried parents after the sniper's threat toward kids. He was let home from school early yesterday after more than 70%% of the students at his junior high school stayed home.

Montgomery County Police Chief Charles Moose told reporters that he was pleased by the school boards' decision. "I cannot express how glad I am that our children were allowed to return home in this harrowing situation," he said at a press conference yesterday. "Seeing young children leaving to meet their parents, who were rushing out of their vehicles to check on their children's safety, moves me deeply. I was so touched that I almost began crying when I saw parents embracing their young ones on the front lawn of the school in a wide-open public display of affection."

"Thank God they allowed them [the children] out of those buildings where they were in such obvious danger," said one parent.

But hiding our children in this situation might not be the best course of action, say some critics. Expert child psychologist, Dr. Forrest Nash, says that we should be relying on our children to help us rather than keeping them indoors.

"The average, video game-playing child has tactical experience equivalent to that of a U.S. Marine," stated Dr. Nash in a telephone interview. "Parents should be relying on their children to help them go about their day-to-day business and to guide them in common sense actions such as diving for cover and jumping around to avoid bullets."

There have been several reports of parents following their children's example and taking Family Circus-like trips around the neighbourhood to throw out a bag of garbage. "Kids have the ability to spot the best places to camp," said Nash, "and they also know how to stay out of the line of sight."

Dr. Nash even went as far as suggesting that children might be the ultimate solution to the shootings, citing the fact that many of them know how to deal with snipers quite effectively.

"The most popular suggestion from kids is that somebody sneak up behind the sniper and shoot him with a rocket launcher," explained Nash.

Neither the White House nor the FBI has commented on Nash's theory.[/quote:dea3f]

Chronic Diarrhea 12-01-2002 01:24 AM

Games don't make me kill; don't be absurd. They make me molest!

12-01-2002 01:39 AM

as the old penny arcade bumper sticker went "guns dont kill people. Kids who play video games do."

in all honesty i have been playing killing games for the last 3 years and to be honest my stress level has gone down alot! Whenever im seriously pissed off at someone i just load up mohaa (now adays it used to be Q2) and start killing. I get more concentrated on the game and less so on how much I'd like to be the fuck out of so and so.

Its a known fact the government isn't with the times. They blame games because of tha tarrot card that read "i am god" and say that we as gamers go around saying i am god.. nooooo.. if they wanna blame us for anything it would be slavery "i ownz j00" and rape "i just raped your ass!". And of course the second they see the media relating it to games what do they do? they go rent gta3 to find "motive for killing".. fucking retards.

the real problem? (now onto school shootings) people are bad parents. fucking hippie pussies or rednecks who happen to have Ak's laying around their houses are the cause. remember.


Thermopyle 12-01-2002 01:57 AM

To argue that violent games cause people to kill is reliant upon the fallacy of hasty generalization. It is the same as saying that some high school students were found smoking pot behind the school, so all high school students smoke pot. The premise does not validate the conclusion.

Even if there were killers who said the reason they committed murder was because they had played violent video games, it would not justify the censorship or banning of them, as thousands of people play the same games and do not go on murdering sprees.

Studies have found that violence in media does not increase aggression in the general population. It does however raise the levels of aggression in people who already have a propensity for acting on their aggressive natures. Still no reason, in my opinion, to banish such media.

In order to commit the act of murder, a person has to be sociopathic (or psychopathic). The reasons for that development can be many and varied. Violence in media, however, does not lead directly to sociopathic behavior, as thousands play the games daily and do not go on to exhibit these behaviors.

For those of you who play these games (like MOH:AA), I would suggest you follow the developments of such interest groups who aggressively seek to censor the entertainment outlets you enjoy. Its easy to dismiss them as stupid, or assholes, or people who dont know shit about me. But active, aggressive, and powerful interest groups (whether in the minority or majority) can get their way in politics. So dont sit by idly, name-calling and dismissing them. Because these people are seriously intent on taking away your right to play violent video games.

Finally, no, playing MOH:AA does not make me kill humans. Poor driving, bad fashion choices, and long lines make me kill. oOo:

Sweep28 12-01-2002 01:58 AM

You people blaming guns are doing the nearly the exact same thing the people slamming video games are doing. Neither are the problem, the demented person willing to commit the violence is the problem. But it's much easier to demonize guns or video games than to actually try to resolve the problem...

(I've been playing violent games sine Wolf3d was brand new, and own more weapons than most small countries {including "evil assault weapons"}, and I have yet to be possessed to go on a killing spree...)

And the idea that playing these games or watching TV makes one a highly trained tactical assault specialist with great real life weapons skills is the lamest thing I've heard in quite a while. If anything these counterstrike idiots have the wrong ideas about almost everything involving the real stuff, lol...

12-01-2002 02:05 AM

actually sweep we are blaming parent who leave said guns open for children to use.

Thermopyle 12-01-2002 02:13 AM

[quote="CSF_Jaizen":8a01d]actually sweep we are blaming parent who leave said guns open for children to use.[/quote:8a01d]

I dont blame parents. There is no one singular thing that can be defined as the cause of a person becoming sociopathic enough to willfully commit homicide.

r3mix 12-01-2002 03:14 AM


Originally Posted by Sweep28
You people blaming guns are doing the nearly the exact same thing the people slamming video games are doing. Neither are the problem, the demented person willing to commit the violence is the problem. But it's much easier to demonize guns or video games than to actually try to resolve the problem...

yeah but we are talking about shootings dude.

where i grew up there was guaranteed to be an all in brawl at one of the pubs every sat night. if every motherfucker there had access to a handgun its gonna have a bearing on whether you go home or to the morgue.

likewise where its a lot harder to get guns theres no baseball bat massacres.
the things only have one purpose - to kill people.

Villain4Hire 12-01-2002 03:24 AM

I know one thing.. if these sons of bitches start banning video games left and right.. specially Mohaa I am gonna start killing people in real-life and start with these wacked a$$ politicians and goddamn righteous mothers who need a good husband to keep them busy in bed instead of wasting people's time with this videogame nonsense!

12-01-2002 03:34 AM

i dont wanna kill cuz this game i wanna kill outa anger and people that hate garry coleman and germ mad:

Sweep28 12-01-2002 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by r3mix
yeah but we are talking about shootings dude.

where i grew up there was guaranteed to be an all in brawl at one of the pubs every sat night. if every motherfucker there had access to a handgun its gonna have a bearing on whether you go home or to the morgue.

likewise where its a lot harder to get guns theres no baseball bat massacres.
the things only have one purpose - to kill people.

Maybe you'd have less brawls if thugs got shot every once and awhile. I'll be damned if I'd call that better where you get the shit kicked out of you nearly everywhere you go and have no recourse... People have been killed/crippled in bar fights, that is not cool.

And actually, you do have massacres with other things where guns aren't available. Check out the machete (or was it a large knife) massacre in Japan a couple years ago. There have been killings/woundings at schools where a madman runs through with a hammer hitting children as well...

The problem is the people, not the guns. You can argue guns make it easier to carry out these killings, but as it so happens defensive/good uses of guns farrrrr out number these massacres and such every year, in the US at least. US Department of Justice has listed the legal defensive uses of guns by citizens at over 1.5 million per year...

rudedog 12-01-2002 08:20 AM

The problem is not the games, movies or cartoons.
Where the hell are the PARENTS of these "kids" ?

As a parent I know what, where and when my kids are doing anything. It's my responsibility as a responsible parent to teach my kids that playing MOH or any other game or movie. Is it's just a game or movie.

If more parents where involved with their children most of this would not happen. When I say get involved I don't mean, being a over reactive parent but spending some quality time with them doing the things they want to do.

Don't just sit there shoveling money to them thinking they will love you for that. Take them to a concert ( sit behind them if your thing they might embarrass them ) or just do whatever it takes to teach them some street smarts and common sense.

The problem with too many high and might people telling me what I can and can not give show or tell my children is, They have a nannies or live in baby sitter taking care of their kids, I take care of my own!

Now it's time to take my kids to the shooting range and teach them some gun safety b4 some target practice.

Oh and yes, I did take my daughters to a back street boys concert. Man can a bunch of 14 year old girls scream louder then any Kiss, Dokken, Tesla concert put together. oOo:

12-01-2002 11:21 AM

I don't see how games like MOHAA can make anyone start a school shoting.
their reasons go much deeper.

ON teh onther hand I pity the poor neo-nazi bastard who tries to hold a rally in my town, but that's more from reading history and watching "Patton". (so what, should we ban history books and war movies to protect the poor nazis?????)

Xorcist [USA] 12-01-2002 11:43 AM

i was raised on pong, now i must kick your ass.

12-01-2002 01:48 PM

god i hate neo nazi's those fuckers dont even know about hitler or the reich. they dont know why the germans were fighting and why alot of germans hated jews. Not all nazi's even felt they were the master race they were told my hitler that the jews controlled all the money.. theres a reason to be pissed off.

Thermopyle 12-01-2002 07:13 PM

The Son of Sam said he was told by a dog to commit the murders that he did. Maybe no one should be allowed to have pet dogs. oOo:

rudedog 12-01-2002 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Thermopyle
The Son of Sam said he was told by a dog to commit the murders that he did. Maybe no one should be allowed to have pet dogs. oOo:


r3mix 12-01-2002 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Sweep28
Maybe you'd have less brawls if thugs got shot every once and awhile. I'll be damned if I'd call that better where you get the shit kicked out of you nearly everywhere you go and have no recourse... People have been killed/crippled in bar fights, that is not cool.

you support exactly what i am saying.
if you think shooting someone is a decent recourse for getting slapped around in a fight you are a whackjob who shouldnt be allowed to possess a firearm.


Originally Posted by Sweep28
The problem is the people, not the guns. You can argue guns make it easier to carry out these killings, but as it so happens defensive/good uses of guns farrrrr out number these massacres and such every year, in the US at least. US Department of Justice has listed the legal defensive uses of guns by citizens at over 1.5 million per year...

what are these good defensive use of guns?
from what i understand the major justification for owning a gun is so you can shoot and kill trespassers on your property. is that what we are talking about ? the number of people who got shot for trying to steal a VCR ?

pest 12-02-2002 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by r3mix
so before these kids were just camping n00bs but now they know how to tactically clear an area when they go on a killcrazy rampage.

what this army fuckwit has failed to realise (and much of your population to boot) is the US is not the centre of the fucking universe. these games have the same followings outside of the US where these school shootings dont happen more often than public holidays. the difference being that in these other countries they dont deem it necessary to have assault weapons and whatever else freely available for 'personal protection'.

maybe when the US has some more assasinations that will sort of drive the message home. all these dead schoolkids really dont seem to be making an impression on the politicians there. maybe when they get targetted instead you might see some policy change.

Ummm.....did we say we were the center of the universe? I re-read the post several times and can find no reference to US, universe, or the rest of our population. It looks like you are in the right place to me. About as far away from the US as possible. I suggest you stay there.

BTW - its not the stealing of my vcr that will get you shot, its the breaking into my house, where me, my wife and kid all feel safe, that will get you shot. Repeatedly.

Pfc.Green 12-02-2002 10:58 AM

Oh god, has this thread turned into another gun control thread?!? ah well I gotta say I agree with Pest.

Judas 12-02-2002 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by rudedog
The problem is not the games, movies or cartoons.
Where the hell are the PARENTS of these "kids" ?

As a parent I know what, where and when my kids are doing anything. It's my responsibility as a responsible parent to teach my kids that playing MOH or any other game or movie. Is it's just a game or movie.

Don't just sit there shoveling money to them thinking they will love you for that. Take them to a concert ( sit behind them if your thing they might embarrass them ) or just do whatever it takes to teach them some street smarts and common sense.

Rudedog is cool !!! :D

Bazooka_Joe 12-02-2002 12:57 PM

Politicans that say "Game voilence promotes violence among teenagers" makes me want to kill. oOo:

12-02-2002 01:19 PM

[quote="ST_Bazooka_Joe":39aa0]Politicans that say "Game voilence promotes violence among teenagers" makes me want to kill. oOo:[/quote:39aa0]

let's ban politicians!!!!

hamsters united 12-02-2002 02:36 PM

[quote="Sgt Stryker":cb84c]
let's ban politicians!!!![/quote:cb84c]

uhuh......on that note i know where to start......

Panzerman 12-03-2002 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by r3mix
what are these good defensive use of guns?
from what i understand the major justification for owning a gun is so you can shoot and kill trespassers on your property. is that what we are talking about ? the number of people who got shot for trying to steal a VCR ?

Actually, it's not legal to shoot and kill someone for simply tresspassing. Generally (though there are exceptions - in my state you could legally kill a Mormon for tresspassing until fairly recently), the laws allow for the use of force to defend your property, and the use of lethal force in defense of individuals. Sniping some asshat that steps onto your property (and for no other reason) is murder. Beating some fool with a stick to prevent him from stealing your car is legal - shooting him is not. However, if someone forcibly enters your home, they can be automatically considered a threat to you or your family (even if they just want your VCR), and it's perfectly legal to use a firearm in that instance. I certainly wouldn't stop to ask an intruder in my home what he was up to. There's no obligation to suffer harm on behalf of an attacker here, and any other system is absurd, IMO.

Also, on that stat of defensive uses of firearms, the vast, vast majority of these simply involve drawing or brandishing a firearm to disuade a criminal. Gun deaths (legal, illegal, and accidents) are far below the number of people we lose to auto accidents each year.

Finally, the major justification for owning a gun here is for sporting/recreational purposes. I own a lot of guns, and only one of them is for defense - and it's a shotgun, not a handgun. Mostly, my guns punch holes in paper targets or smash little pieces of flying clay.

If I want to shoot people, I play Spearhead fire2:



12-03-2002 12:19 PM


maybe its not teh games that make people violent but violent games appeal to violent people. anyone ever think of this?

I was into war/action movies long before I started playing shooters.

Punk_Bitch 12-04-2002 12:35 AM

YES this game makes me wanna kill................EAGAMES for not making a good patch yet!

hamsters united 12-04-2002 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Panzerman

Actually, it's not legal to shoot and kill someone for simply tresspassing. Generally (though there are exceptions - in my state you could legally kill a Mormon for tresspassing until fairly recently)

damn, seriously? what state is that?

anyway, getting back to the topic......anyone remember the protests when the first wolfenstein came out?

ahh....back in the days....

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