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magic trip
tripper the cat is a dinosaur not fuckign a dinosuar get it right. cap busta stop moving my text and my walls. strikor get those peole off my screen, and pyro fix me
you promised to share the shrooms with me this time......fucking hog.
Drugs are bad hake: . Lying is a sin biggrin: . On another note Kyle is a faggy name, right anti?
Re: magic trip
[quote="aNti hEro":5fa71]tripper the cat is a dinosaur not fuckign a dinosuar get it right. cap busta stop moving my text and my walls. strikor get those peole off my screen, and pyro fix me[/quote:5fa71]
You should drink. Drugs are bad. oOo: |
innox im not gay.. u big silly happy: jesus what a fucked up night that was.
if you say drink, why not do drugs also...both are pretty harmful...but at least drugs don't ahve the puking and acting like a fucking moron part of it who beats their wives and friends
actually, posting in this forum makes some people act like a moron eek:
My thoughts exactly.
what the hell are u guys talking about? oOo:
Yeah, drugs make peace and love man....
In the meantime, Wow man, look at the flowers man, there all... flowery and stuff. Beer is for homos man, beer tastes like evil man! Thats why I smoke the dooby, you know what I'm saying, hahahaha. Anyway, I've been drunk, and I've been high, I've been drunk and high. Needless to say, nothing has made me beat anyone, and actually, when I was drunk, I was pretty damn happy, as I was with 'the dooby'. Like with just about anything else, they are bad in the hands of the wrong people. Kinda like a bannana and a homo, a Catholic priest and a child, or a fat person with a cheeseburger. |
* tnp|aNtihEro has joined #alliedassault.com <DoomOnYou> aight i think i got all ze weapon sounds * DoomOnYou sets mode: +v tnp|aNtihEro <tnp|aNtihEro> lir <tnp|aNtihEro> tehres faces on my screen <DoomOnYou> k <tnp|aNtihEro> get them off <tnp|aNtihEro> its a big smily face <tnp|aNtihEro> and it turned into a mans bear <tnp|aNtihEro> d <Tripper> Anti is on drugs <tnp|aNtihEro> im here <tnp|aNtihEro> what baout pry <tnp|aNtihEro> hes gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyy <DoomOnYou> soooo ghey? <tnp|aNtihEro> i just went on a tirp <tnp|aNtihEro> and i saw my cat melt <tnp|aNtihEro> and the wwalls pulsate <Tripper> you're a fucking junkie! <Tripper> ;) <tnp|aNtihEro> hes back <tnp|aNtihEro> but hes a seeping puddle of dead cat <tnp|aNtihEro> FCUJK <tnp|aNtihEro> FUCK CUAT <tnp|aNtihEro> FUCKING CAT <Tripper> You were yapping before.....<tnp|aNtihEro> lir <Tripper> <tnp|aNtihEro> tehres faces on my screen <Tripper> <DoomOnYou> k <Tripper> <tnp|aNtihEro> get them off <Tripper> <tnp|aNtihEro> its a big smily face <Tripper> <tnp|aNtihEro> and it turned into a mans bear <Tripper> <tnp|aNtihEro> d <Tripper> ROFL! <tnp|aNtihEro> did i say that <tnp|aNtihEro> yes <tnp|aNtihEro> yes u did <tnp|aNtihEro> aweosme <tnp|aNtihEro> thanks anti <tnp|aNtihEro> anytime <tnp|aNtihEro> haha <tnp|aNtihEro> where we going now <tnp|aNtihEro> take me on a trip tripper <tnp|aNtihEro> fucking floors are a desert <Tripper> on a trip? <tnp|aNtihEro> yehaj <tnp|aNtihEro> lets go <Tripper> Lets fly over lovely ipenima...off of the route to timbucktoo! <tnp|aNtihEro> there sno place <Tripper> Its a sunny day <tnp|aNtihEro> the cat is back <tnp|aNtihEro> let me go say hello <Tripper> the cat WILL KILL YOU! <tnp|aNtihEro> and get that hawk of my scren <Tripper> KILL IT FIRST! <Tripper> BEFORE IT KILLS YOU! <Tripper> ANTI! ARE j00 OKAY!? <tnp|aNtihEro> no <tnp|aNtihEro> im acbj <tnp|aNtihEro> the cat is fucking <Tripper> acbj? <tnp|aNtihEro> a dinosaur <Tripper> its fucking a dinosaur? <tnp|aNtihEro> when u look at it from underneath <Tripper> LOL <Tripper> Yousa fucked up! <tnp|aNtihEro> no <tnp|aNtihEro> it is a dinosaur <tnp|aNtihEro> stupid <Tripper> YES <Tripper> YES <Tripper> YES <Tripper> Yousa fucked up! <Tripper> Dinosaurs are dead. <Tripper> There are no more, muther fucker! <Tripper> Anti, you are going to die. <tnp|aNtihEro> ;ost <tnp|aNtihEro> liar <Tripper> Im not lieing. <Tripper> It is the truth <Tripper> ...... <Tripper> What are you tripping on? <Tripper> Acid, Shrooms?? <tnp|aNtihEro> some blue mushrooms <tnp|aNtihEro> i didnt eman to <tnp|aNtihEro> they fell in my mouth <tnp|aNtihEro> and more <tnp|aNtihEro> and more <tnp|aNtihEro> until i ate the whoel bunch <Tripper> Oo...No fun. No wonder you aren't falling for my gags. <tnp|aNtihEro> gagss <Tripper> Go take something more potent, so that I can confuse your dumb junkie ass <tnp|aNtihEro> are ment for children <Tripper> Yes. <Tripper> They sure are. <tnp|aNtihEro> haha <tnp|aNtihEro> ur always right tirpper <Tripper> Why are you such a fucked up person today, anti? Would you like to talk about it? <Tripper> How is that cat? <tnp|aNtihEro> hes like back <Tripper> back? Is he still melting? <tnp|aNtihEro> nnoo <tnp|aNtihEro> but hes glwoing <tnp|aNtihEro> and liek being a dick to me <tnp|aNtihEro> so i told him off <tnp|aNtihEro> hes a thefi <Tripper> HAHA! <Tripper> ROFL! <Tripper> Discipline his ass! <tnp|aNtihEro> i threated him <tnp|aNtihEro> wtih my gel pad for my keyboard <tnp|aNtihEro> and he ran away liek the bitch ass he is <Tripper> BAHAHA! <DoomOnYou> owned <tnp|aNtihEro> hahastirkor <Tripper> lol <Tripper> "stirkor" <tnp|aNtihEro> i keep seeing stuff on my screen <tnp|aNtihEro> a ring <tnp|aNtihEro> and a closed eye * Pyr0 has joined #alliedassault.com <tnp|aNtihEro> pryo <tnp|aNtihEro> shanw <Tripper> Strikor! Remember! <Pyr0> hobos <tnp|aNtihEro> remember stirkor <Tripper> *shhhhh* <Pyr0> fuck you tripper <tnp|aNtihEro> we had sex with my cat <tnp|aNtihEro> and he was fuckign a dinosar <Pyr0> !trivia unlimited <Tripper> Fuck you, bitch-ass trick! <Pyr0> nuts <Tripper> HAHAH <Tripper> NOT WORKING. <tnp|aNtihEro> owned <Tripper> You got pwned, Pyro. <tnp|aNtihEro> the screen is so close <Tripper> lol <Tripper> what is it doing? <Tripper> anything unusual? <tnp|aNtihEro> flashing <Tripper> lol <tnp|aNtihEro> now i see little lines <Pyr0> Tripper is my mother <tnp|aNtihEro> moving up and down <tnp|aNtihEro> WTFU <Pyr0> now you know <Tripper> Yes, you is my son, pryo. <Pyr0> nice <Tripper> ;) <Pyr0> night * Pyr0 has quit IRC (corvette sucks dick) <Tripper> he's gone! <Tripper> Our master plan can be fufilled! <tnp|aNtihEro> wtf <tnp|aNtihEro> what happened <Tripper> what happened <Tripper> ? <tnp|aNtihEro> trippr <tnp|aNtihEro> im drawing u a pciture <tnp|aNtihEro> but stop changing the colors k <Tripper> okay <Tripper> will my name be on it? <tnp|aNtihEro> dide stp[ <Tripper> changing colours? Im not its black..... <Tripper> ! <Tripper> Im sorry! <tnp|aNtihEro> it was black <tnp|aNtihEro> and u turned it bornw <tnp|aNtihEro> dick <Tripper> haha, you fucking junkie <tnp|aNtihEro> http://www.usmc.mil/videos/ef.asf <tnp|aNtihEro> wtf <tnp|aNtihEro> thats not it <tnp|aNtihEro> http://mohaa.cact-sd.org/aasigs/onshrooms.jpg <tnp|aNtihEro> thats ur pictutre <Tripper> AHAHA! <Tripper> That's fucking bad-ass! <tnp|aNtihEro> dude <tnp|aNtihEro> the walls are lifiting <Tripper> LOL <Tripper> Look out! <tnp|aNtihEro> its the border <tnp|aNtihEro> on them <tnp|aNtihEro> around it <tnp|aNtihEro> http://mohaa.cact-sd.org/aasigs/onshrooms.jpg <tnp|aNtihEro> i mdae that <Tripper> lol <Tripper> I know <Tripper> I saved it...its cool <tnp|aNtihEro> http://mohaa.cact-sd.org/aasigs/onshrooms.jpg[/ <tnp|aNtihEro> http://mohaa.cact-sd.org/aasigs/onshrooms.jpg[/ <tnp|aNtihEro> http://mohaa.cact-sd.org/aasigs/onshrooms.jpg[/ <tnp|aNtihEro> http://mohaa.cact-sd.org/aasigs/onshrooms.jpg[/ <tnp|aNtihEro> spam spam <tnp|aNtihEro> all day long <tnp|aNtihEro> gonan spam spam spam and sing that song <DoomOnYou> hmm trippa you know any skinners <DoomOnYou> itd be tight to have skins too <tnp|aNtihEro> i can make skins <tnp|aNtihEro> kdina <DoomOnYou> how kinda kinda <tnp|aNtihEro> like good i guess but im nut good <tnp|aNtihEro> i ahve seom stuff <tnp|aNtihEro> im outta <tnp|aNtihEro> here <Tripper> Outta <Tripper> hair? <tnp|aNtihEro> watching the fan change colors was too much fun for me <Tripper> like a bald man? <Tripper> lol <tnp|aNtihEro> im not bald <tnp|aNtihEro> nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooote nough frun <Tripper> Yeah, you've got hippie hair <tnp|aNtihEro> bye <tnp|aNtihEro> tripper <Tripper> bye <tnp|aNtihEro> post somethign in my magic thread <Tripper> I shall! <tnp|aNtihEro> so i can come back in the mroning <Tripper> hehe <tnp|aNtihEro> and laugh my ass off * Web_IRC210 has joined #alliedassault.com <Tripper> I will <tnp|aNtihEro> AHHHHHH WEBIRC IS HERE <Tripper> Oh no..... <tnp|aNtihEro> SAVE THE CHILDREN * tnp|aNtihEro has left #alliedassault.com <Tripper> Fuck you old. <Web_IRC210> ok <Tripper> sure <Tripper> alright <Tripper> great! <Tripper> grand! * tnp|aNtihEro has joined #alliedassault.com <tnp|aNtihEro> i cam back <Tripper> anti <tnp|aNtihEro> liek al ot puppy <Tripper> lol <tnp|aNtihEro> tripster <tnp|aNtihEro> hold enter <tnp|aNtihEro> its liek brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr <tnp|aNtihEro> cold comutpers <Tripper> ffff <Tripper> f <Tripper> f <Tripper> f <Tripper> f * Web_IRC210 has quit IRC (CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF)) <tnp|aNtihEro> f i fufck <Tripper> bvjfg <Tripper> gtjr <Tripper> cold puta' <Tripper> wowie zowie <tnp|aNtihEro> be back <tnp|aNtihEro> im going on a trip <Tripper> okay <tnp|aNtihEro> mba ck <tnp|aNtihEro> goign on another <Tripper> oka <tnp|aNtihEro> that fan <tnp|aNtihEro> cahnged colors <tnp|aNtihEro> its like glowing <Tripper> hah <tnp|aNtihEro> and its rainbow colors <Tripper> lol <tnp|aNtihEro> remember <Tripper> colours of the rainbow <tnp|aNtihEro> when the cat melted <Tripper> yeah, that was fucked up <tnp|aNtihEro> it was like a pool <tnp|aNtihEro> of dead cat <tnp|aNtihEro> che ruvera <tnp|aNtihEro> get off my screen <Tripper> che guevera? Like the revolutionist? LOL <tnp|aNtihEro> i tell ya fuckign kids on my screen again <tnp|aNtihEro> back to the fan <Tripper> fan * DoomOnYou sets mode: +v tnp|aNtihEro <Tripper> those damn kids <tnp|aNtihEro> i know <tnp|aNtihEro> fucking <tnp|aNtihEro> dont wear my paintball mask <Tripper> they need to be disciplined <tnp|aNtihEro> k <tnp|aNtihEro> heres the repot <tnp|aNtihEro> report <tnp|aNtihEro> fan was lack <tnp|aNtihEro> black <tnp|aNtihEro> rthis time <tnp|aNtihEro> cats no longer a dinsoaur <tnp|aNtihEro> thereare blood stains on my comptuer screen <tnp|aNtihEro> and i am officialy going otbed <tnp|aNtihEro> i cant even stand up <tnp|aNtihEro> tripper <tnp|aNtihEro> ur mission <tnp|aNtihEro> report my actions to my magic thread <tnp|aNtihEro> so i can laugh at this in the morning <tnp|aNtihEro> btw my hair is green now * tnp|aNtihEro has quit IRC ROFL. |
YAY! I read in the newspaper today that in Ontario or something a new law will state that people 16 and older can smoke weed legally and you can not carry more than 100 grams on you and if that bill doesn't pass the next one is you get a 30 dollar fine!
[quote="Art Attack":04b8b]YAY! I read in the newspaper today that in Ontario or something a new law will state that people 16 and older can smoke weed legally and you can not carry more than 100 grams on you and if that bill doesn't pass the next one is you get a 30 dollar fine![/quote:04b8b]
but who says i can't carry a 4 foot bong with me? |
100 grams?! CHRIST That's a lot o weed
How's RHAM? |
100 grams == about an ounce , thats less than QP
haha thanks tripper
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