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yochoylamuete 12-16-2002 04:01 AM

Delator 2.0 preview
Well, after many weeks of hard work Delator 2.0 is almost finished and currently being beta tested before release (though the final release will still be a beta, this is mohaa!).

Anyway, here you have a pair of screenshots along with some info and details and the great logo Alex created...

Delator has become two different apps: a mod generator and a classic rcon app. Both can be used separately, but when used together features are multiplied. Here's a view of the mod generator:

  • As you can see, anti-cheat support has been enhanced.
    Map fixes can now be included (and shared) easily (by using a small form or downloading a test file). That was an idea of ChickenBoo.
    The messaging manager now resides on a server-side mod. This means you have no longer the need to run a remote app in order for the messages to be displayed. Also, you have three different priority level for messages, and three additional modes: Periodical, scheduled and per map (so that you can warn users when a custom map is going to be played).
    The scheduled commands part is also run on the game server, but, unfortunately, only linux servers are currently supported. This means you can program gametype changes or anything else and they will be done as long as the game server is running.
    The "miscellaneous" slot allows you to run other apps using DMprecache, like Dogtagz and the upcoming and most impressive CRR realism (by me biggrin: ). You can also choose to display the next map (requires DM DogTag and Rcon Delator running) and the current time on the ping screen (requires DM DogTag)

Now about the rcon part:


The server management part includes all the config info as well as a list of the current players (Ã* la autokick) and the ability to kick/ban any of them. It warns you if some of them is using a non-optimized connection, and also displays some additional info, like the game server OS, and includes a rcon console, so that you can type on it as if it were the server console.
The anti-cheat part... Well, you're looking at it (just a small note: it doesn't require a client part, all the processes are run on the server/rcon computer).
The Clan manager is similar to the one included on Delator 1.0, with some additional features.
The Penalties Manager allows you to custom the way you kick/ban people. You can set auto-kicks and bans (like 3 warnings = 1 kick or 3 kicks = 1 ban). Bans can be set for an indefinite amount of time or just a few days. You can also remove any warning/kick/ban on this screen.
Now Delator can be run on 'Silent Mode', meaning that all the info is logged to disk but it won't act accordingly (no warnings, no kicks, no bans).

Expect it to be available next weekend.



P.D.: I called it Delator because I was sure it was an english word with a similar meaning to the spanish one. After checking my dictionary past week I know it's not biggrin: : delator(a) nm/f informer, accuser; betrayer.

underdog 12-16-2002 05:18 AM

Ramon eres la puta polla!
Mis felicidades por todo tu curro, el trabajo y el esfuerzo q haces para la comunidad....eres un crack.

yochoylamuete 12-16-2002 05:20 AM

jejejejejejej... (<- spanish for biggrin: )

Asias Underdog,


rudedog 12-16-2002 07:10 AM

WOW, looks good
Keep up the good work Yochoy.

I know you just made a lot of server admins out there very happy.

Please keep us up to date with the details.

Bazooka_Joe 12-16-2002 10:56 AM

Holy crap. That's going to be excellent.

HER666TIC 12-16-2002 11:18 AM

Not to break the party guys but will delator 2.0 detect renamed skins to original skin names? this would be a great feature if its in, is it?

and will it work for demo too?


Bazooka_Joe 12-16-2002 11:40 AM

Don't know if thats possible.

Yochoy, I'm about 99.9% positive this cant be done, but if Delator could read the .PK3 files that have the skin layouts, and could check to see if a texture has a neon color, (example, RGB 255,0,0), and it could boot the person if the skin contained this color. Like I said, im almost sure thats impossible, but would be great.

yochoylamuete 12-16-2002 11:45 AM

That's a very good question indeed. Nope, it won't detect alterations on the original paks. That's because the only way to do that (to my knowledge) is using a client/server architecture (i.e.: every client connecting to a delator server should have a delator client; if he doesn't have one, he gets kicked). I don't like such schema at all, most people out there is fair and should be free to enter any servers.

The other way to go is of course sv_pure, but Spearhead is just arrived to Spain and I'm not sure how useful it can be (but I will discover it soon ;-) ). Right now Delator is built for MoHaa classic, but as our clan will soon move to Spearhead, an updated version should be available by then.

And yes, most features should work on Spearhead demo (though I haven't tested that). All of them, but those which require a linux server in order to work. And one thing to note: Most of the cheats detected by Delator 2.0 work also on the demo and cannot be prevented via sv_pure (that was one of the reasons I implemented them).

I'm not saying it's perfect: I know it can be fooled for sure. However 90% of the cheaters out there don't know how / don't dare to alter his system to make it immune, and that's better than nothing :-)



yochoylamuete 12-16-2002 11:54 AM

[quote:47a55]Yochoy, I'm about 99.9% positive this cant be done, but if Delator could read the .PK3 files that have the skin layouts, and could check to see if a texture has a neon color[/quote:47a55]

Maybe it's possible, but I don't know how. There's a lot of problems related to this, the main one maybe the server should download the pk3 from the client or upload a delator plug-in to it in order to open the file. Also, I must say I wouldn't feel comfortable should a mohaa server have the ability to upload code to my computer and then run it... If there's a way to do that I prefer not to be the one opening the Pandora's box...

Though I have heard terrible things about Spearhead sv_pure, my hopes are with it. Maybe it can be tweaked or complemented in some way to make it work properly... I hope so :-)



DeadBolt 12-16-2002 11:57 AM

I can't wait for this man. I'm so sick of all the cheaters that come in our server when the Gen's arent around. You can totally tell they use wallhack when they start shooting at doors 3 seconds before the person walks in. LoL, hell yea man can't wait.

Slain 12-16-2002 01:35 PM



Please dont forget to include a link to dl site, please.

Thanks for all your hard work YoChoy, your efforts have consistently picked up where EA left off, and are sincerely appreciated by thousands and thousands of people every day. Keep up the good work bro!

yochoylamuete 12-16-2002 01:39 PM

Well, it's official: Delator 2.0 has caught the first cheater!!!

He was using nofog on my server, and I must say I'm so happy I've forgiven him. Now the thing is about to go Gold, but the code is so complex I need to run the final version for some days before being confident enough to release it. But right now it looks pretty good (I know, I know, I shut up now biggrin:)



Bazooka_Joe 12-16-2002 01:55 PM

That's great man. Excellent work.

pest 12-16-2002 02:02 PM


I have a question regarding fog. I was on a server where there was some bickering over cheating. One guy said that he didnt see the fog/haze because he had his colors set at 32 bit. do I, yet I see fog. Then he went on to say it was because he had a GF2. Hmmm... I used to run a gf2 with 32 bit color. The he claimed it was because it was a gf2 MX. Well, I dont have one of those, but it still sounds like bs to me. Any thoughts or does anyone know if the gf2mx will clear the fog if you use 32 bit color? Under what conditions will a video card not display fog? I know this is off topic but it looked like a good place to ask.

MOMMA 12-16-2002 02:13 PM's christmas.. hopefully a bit early. Can't wait. As has already been said, thanks for all your work. It is greatly appreciated.

12-16-2002 02:51 PM

ya i cant wait either, keep up the good attempts. evil: only thing i see this doing is making people have an even more false sense of security... but w/e, nice work.

12-16-2002 03:25 PM

Awsome yochoylamuete! this proggy must be taking you forever to get all the bugs worked out and all. Great job, and keep it up!

Captain_McCusker 12-16-2002 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by pest

I have a question regarding fog. I was on a server where there was some bickering over cheating. One guy said that he didnt see the fog/haze because he had his colors set at 32 bit. do I, yet I see fog. Then he went on to say it was because he had a GF2. Hmmm... I used to run a gf2 with 32 bit color. The he claimed it was because it was a gf2 MX. Well, I dont have one of those, but it still sounds like bs to me. Any thoughts or does anyone know if the gf2mx will clear the fog if you use 32 bit color? Under what conditions will a video card not display fog? I know this is off topic but it looked like a good place to ask.

I have a gf2mx400 and I see fog. I've also wondered about this as I've heard ppl say they didn't see fog. I wonder if it's a driver issue?

[quote="c00ki3 m0nst3r":7650d]ya i cant wait either, keep up the good attempts. only thing i see this doing is making people have an even more false sense of security... but w/e, nice work. [/quote:7650d]I read a post once from you and someone else on another forum where you discussed running your own server... why don't you just do that and all of your cheating friends can stay there and enjoy what you do without pissing other people off?

And Yo, I appreciate all you've done and are doing... always remember that I'd be a more than happy beta-tester of such applications.

MOMMA 12-16-2002 04:04 PM

For the die hards and cheaters that do it for sport, you may be right Cookie. But for the average person who dl's a skin or a pk3 and thinks their cheating.. this and other tools work pretty good. Also not all the features are geared towards cheaters, but undesirables for many reasons. I don't believe something like this will stop someone such as yourself but honestly most average people are just not willing to put the effort into legitimate cheating thank god. The actual population of hard core cheaters, while dedicated and technically savvy, is quite small in comparison to the big picture. Most who cheat fall into the other category I mentioned earlier. Hard cores believe the population is larger because that is who they hang with. No problem. However the longer a game is out, the greater the ratio is, not because there are more cheaters, but because average players move on, leaving the cheaters to play amongst themselves. I believe this tool and others like it are great for their target audience.

yochoylamuete 12-16-2002 05:06 PM

[quote:7a9b3]ya i cant wait either, keep up the good attempts. only thing i see this doing is making people have an even more false sense of security... but w/e, nice work. [/quote:7a9b3]

Oh no! really? Then I won't release it! ed:


just kidding biggrin:

[quote:7a9b3]And Yo, I appreciate all you've done and are doing... always remember that I'd be a more than happy beta-tester of such applications[/quote:7a9b3]

I'm not going to release it for beta testing only because it's too complicated to troubleshoot, nothing else. When something fails, I need to know where exactly the bug is, and since it's a complex mix of timers and events, I need to run directly the source code in order to trace it. However, I think there should be no problem releasing it next weekend. The code is there, and the only pending task is fixing all the bugs (not many at this point, I hope!). Also verifying the real server load, but that has been my one of my main concerns since the begining, so it really shouldn't be an issue.

Oh! and thanks for the map fixes idea (the one you posted on mohadmin). Now they can be published on a thread like this one and every one can apply the ones required by his server by filling a simple form.

Tomorrow I will be working on the help file. Since it will be plain html (a la Delator 1.0), once it's finished I will upload it so that you all can have a detailed list of features (there are a lot a didn't mention).



[DDT]ServerAdmin 12-17-2002 04:59 AM

OMG! This looks sweeeet biggrin:
Give it to me =)

Captain_McCusker 12-17-2002 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by MOMMA
For the die hards and cheaters that do it for sport, you may be right Cookie. But for the average person who dl's a skin or a pk3 and thinks their cheating.. this and other tools work pretty good. Also not all the features are geared towards cheaters, but undesirables for many reasons. I don't believe something like this will stop someone such as yourself but honestly most average people are just not willing to put the effort into legitimate cheating thank god. The actual population of hard core cheaters, while dedicated and technically savvy, is quite small in comparison to the big picture. Most who cheat fall into the other category I mentioned earlier. Hard cores believe the population is larger because that is who they hang with. No problem. However the longer a game is out, the greater the ratio is, not because there are more cheaters, but because average players move on, leaving the cheaters to play amongst themselves. I believe this tool and others like it are great for their target audience.

Perhaps, but that's not really the point of my comment to Cookie. While Cookie has never done anything to me or the AAN community, there are others who have made specific attempts at making AAN their home of senseless pranks and destruction. While this may seem like entertainment to them, the 75% of AAN's regulars who contribute feel as though someone's stealing from them. So, in good faith, I ask that such people pay for their own server to destroy and cheat on and leave the honest gamers alone to enjoy the game as it was intended.

Sorry, Yo, for getting off topic. All it takes is one bad apple (who claims to have changed their ways) to make a cynic out of ya.

vVolf 12-17-2002 06:26 AM

Hey, c00ki3 m0nst3r, lol! I was bored, so i made you a sig. I cant post it here, so go [url=]here[/url:2cf94]. You dont have to use it... It was jut so i could practice. lol, i'm so bored and i havent got my Allied Assault game installed on here, and my CD is at EA. =[

sal 12-18-2002 03:01 PM

If i could get a beta copy of this i would love it my email is
and i got the 1.0 from you at the start of that. what great work you do
i look to get any info on this asap as i would like to uses this on my server

12-19-2002 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by vVolf
Hey, c00ki3 m0nst3r, lol! I was bored, so i made you a sig. I cant post it here, so go [url=[/url]. You dont have to use it... It was jut so i could practice. lol, i'm so bored and i havent got my Allied Assault game installed on here, and my CD is at EA. =[

link doesnt work.

also ive learned there is no honor among cheaters and its starting to piss me off. people who take cheats, rename the pk3 and claim it as theirs, even though inside the the pk3 it has a name tag of the original author. not only that but the hippocrities out there. it takes a cheater to know a cheater and im disgusted seeing cheaters in clans kick people and just say "he was wallhacking".... if they are gonna kick a guy for wallhacking they need to kick themselves.... just the damn hippocrities drive me up a wall. alsoa piece of mohaa has been lost since the chamleons have circulated... and it will never be regained. :( i must admit landsharking, telenading, the mg42 trick, teleporting with the mg42's/ladders....... goddammit THATS what ruins a game is the lame game glitches like that and map glitches like DV, remagen, snowy park, among others... every map has a glitch that lamers just LOVE to exploit.

-=Timber|CODE=- 12-19-2002 05:08 AM

I suppose to make two kind of skin list (like in MOHAA CI) ... make filtering by enabled skins or the not enabled skins.

hope you see my point.

vVolf 12-19-2002 05:58 AM

Are you -=Server-reload=- or what ever?

ShavedApe 12-19-2002 08:31 AM

Will look forward to it nice work 12-19-2002 09:00 AM

very nice!

but where can i download it???

greetz from [-SID-]

swordfight: 12-19-2002 09:48 AM

whats your mns messenger/email ???

( SID is looking for members; so mail me (check name) )

greetz Redfox

12-19-2002 09:55 AM

right, and you making hacks/cheats improves gameplay.

Captain_McCusker 12-19-2002 11:24 AM

[quote="":64610]whats your mns messenger/email ???

( SID is looking for members; so mail me (check name) )

greetz Redfox[/quote:64610]

There's a clan recruitment forum, y'know... Next time post your interest there instead of in a thread about cheat prevention. 12-19-2002 11:25 AM

ok... but where can i find the anti-cheat MOD??

where can i download it?? M16:

MOMMA 12-19-2002 11:36 AM

if your refering to the current version of Delator, this and other admin tools can be found on this site in the dl section. Here is a direct link to Delator. ... le&id=1832

Also has some great admin tools, try looking here. ... load&cid=1

Hollywood 12-19-2002 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by vVolf
Are you -=Server-reload=- or what ever?

It's server restart and no that was Powell.

yochoylamuete 12-19-2002 03:26 PM

Well, I'm glad to report I have finished and uploaded the first part of the help file (the one which refers to ModDelator). You can check it at:

It should give some ideas about what Delator 2.0 can and cannot do.

About the real app, after some major updates on Tuesday it's almost on the final stage, alive and kicking. It runs sometimes on CEAL server ( - UK jolt). Even if it's not running, you'll be able to check some of the mod features, such as the clock on the ping screen and the messages whenever a custom map is coming next. By the way, we play Round, FF on, Realism on (our own CRR realism mod, that is, one of our upcoming releases).

And now, back to work...

sal 12-19-2002 08:09 PM

looks great man thanks for your work on this. this is v cool of you guy
M16: 12-20-2002 07:04 AM

when will the new delator be ready to download??

the other version really sux...

greetz Redfox

yochoylamuete 12-20-2002 07:48 AM

Well, a respectable opinion even if it has been downloaded a thousand times from filefront.

The next version should be available monday, if not sooner.


YoChoy 12-20-2002 08:56 AM


SORRY ABOUT IT SUX PART but thats my opinion...

The new version looks really cool to me!

greetz redfox

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