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MPowell1944 12-17-2002 11:59 AM

I'm Back.
Sup everyone. sorry i was away for so long. Busy moving to a new house. Anyways, ive had plenty of time to think about the past month or so and my standing in this community. I've come to a final decision. Its either Cheat or Dont Cheat. Create Cheats or Create useful Mods. and to be dead honest, i feel like a friggin' a$$ for how i've been. No excuses, so im not going to give you any. The only thing i can tell you is, im back. Mapping, Skinning, Scripting. The whole 9 yards.

I have several projects that i would like to continue, including Destroyed Village 2, Crossroads 2, Sniper!, and Remagen 2.

Dont take this as a bull$hit scheme from myself again. This is reality, and for those who think im playin', you need to think about some things. Lastly, i am going to be workin' on a Spearhead Mods site, and if any of you would like to give me a hand, i would appreciate the help.

Thanks for your time.


MOMMA 12-17-2002 01:48 PM

Not being mean or anything but didnt you post something like this before?

Hollywood 12-17-2002 01:50 PM

Hey Powell welcome back [img][/img].

We don't want to hear your excuses or stories, if you wanna mod that's fine, just don't be coming around the AAN server anymore and you and I will be straight. As for the actions of "other" people, well, I can't speak for them...

12-17-2002 02:05 PM

funny, it feels like you never left.

Captain_McCusker 12-17-2002 02:16 PM

LOL Strik0r, I agree. I think his perception of time passing is a little off, too.

RUNGSI 12-17-2002 02:25 PM

Its pathetic that he thinks we really care..

Hes a hero in his own mind.

wintersforge 12-17-2002 02:48 PM

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO...Cheat! Cheat! Cheat! oOo:


Hollywood 12-17-2002 02:52 PM

Maybe he just doesn't realize how many people are on to his little scheme, and that he isn't as smart as his delusional mind seems to think. In any case maybe some day we'll reveal what an ass he really is and then maybe he'll be banned from every server out there. That would be fun.

Hey Powell, it doesn't matter which name or IP you use, we will always know who you are. So leave before this name is banned also and you'll have to use another lame handle. How does it feel to be own3d by the entire MOHAA/SH commmunity, that you have shit on for so long??

Remember, what comes around goes around.

Judas 12-17-2002 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by wintersforge
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO...Cheat! Cheat! Cheat! oOo:


what the hell is that ?

Captain_McCusker 12-17-2002 03:00 PM

Pimpin' Vader! oOo:

rudedog 12-17-2002 04:55 PM

The wintersforge's driver's licence picture

[DDT]ServerAdmin 12-17-2002 05:08 PM

I never really used any skin/mods etc. so can anyone tell me why everyone hates MPowell1944 so much, cuz i really don't know..sorry angel:

=FM=1st Lt prey 12-17-2002 06:35 PM

Hes a cheating arseh*le like `c00ki3m0nster` who should have been banned from this forum many many months ago. Its amazing how they are allowed to stay, c00kiem0nster even has direct links to cheat sites on his f**king profile ffs.

General Tso 12-17-2002 06:41 PM

Re: I'm Back.

Originally Posted by MPowell1944
Sup everyone. sorry i was away for so long. Busy moving to a new house. Anyways, ive had plenty of time to think about the past month or so and my standing in this community. I've come to a final decision. Its either Cheat or Dont Cheat. Create Cheats or Create useful Mods. and to be dead honest, i feel like a friggin' a$$ for how i've been. No excuses, so im not going to give you any. The only thing i can tell you is, im back. Mapping, Skinning, Scripting. The whole 9 yards.

I have several projects that i would like to continue, including Destroyed Village 2, Crossroads 2, Sniper!, and Remagen 2.

Dont take this as a bull$hit scheme from myself again. This is reality, and for those who think im playin', you need to think about some things. Lastly, i am going to be workin' on a Spearhead Mods site, and if any of you would like to give me a hand, i would appreciate the help.

Thanks for your time.


Oh, who cares!

Judas 12-17-2002 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by rudedog
The wintersforge's driver's licence picture

biggrin: hake: eek:

MPowell1944 12-17-2002 07:31 PM

nice responses everyone. didnt think any of you would care.

Hollywood :

i know we had a grudgematch before, but wtf are you talking about? yeah i have another IP now b/c i live at a new house, but what your saying is not making sense.

anyways, if any of you would like to help me out with the website hosting Spearhead mods/maps/skins, lemme know. just send me a PM.

Captain_McCusker 12-17-2002 08:00 PM

Isn't this site a site for maps/mods/skins? Oh, and AOL's ip's change quite drastically, don't they?

MPowell1944 12-17-2002 08:24 PM

yeah Boo, i have AOL, but i dont know about their IPs and whatnot.

so how you been? ever totally finish that realism mod? well, ttyl.

Jasper 12-17-2002 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by MPowell1944
yeah Boo, i have AOL, but i dont know about their IPs and whatnot.

Obviously not. But we do.

cameltoe 12-17-2002 10:29 PM

i donno why you hatin against him... stalingrad 2 was tight as im sure the other lvls will be..

Captain_McCusker 12-18-2002 12:47 AM

[quote="=FM=1st Lt prey":5e600]Hes a cheating arseh*le like `c00ki3m0nster` who should have been banned from this forum many many months ago. Its amazing how they are allowed to stay, c00kiem0nster even has direct links to cheat sites on his f**king profile ffs.[/quote:5e600]

MPowell1944 12-18-2002 11:06 AM

What wrong with you guys? I come back to help out and you bash me. Whats up Boo?

Captain_McCusker 12-18-2002 12:13 PM

Should I break out the screenshots? Did you think I wasn't paying attention?

12-18-2002 12:20 PM

mpowell would you like a c00ki3?

Judas 12-18-2002 12:52 PM


MPowell1944 12-18-2002 12:59 PM

im trying not to get upset Boo, but if you want to threaten me with screenshots, then break them out. oh and Strik0r, stay the hell out of this. this isnt your problem. Boo, show me whatever it is you say you have. Lets get this over with. Im sick of these games that you and your buddies are playing, ok. christ.

pest 12-18-2002 01:00 PM

Yeah, break them out. I wanna see.

Cyberdoc 12-18-2002 01:19 PM

Just who are you saying is playing games here powell? hake:

p.s. Judas, you couldnt have said it more poignantly

TIMMAY!!! 12-18-2002 01:47 PM

Man, is this shit getting old. Look, Powell, you've been playing these games long enough, ok, just leave it alone. I mean are you seriously that bored, that you have to go around lying, and then lying about lying, just to make some noise. Give it up, dude.

Captain_McCusker 12-18-2002 01:47 PM

AOL's IP range is so drastic, I don't see a problem in posting these screenshots as his IP obviously changes from one day to the next. The duplicate IPs are screenshots taken from the same day without him restarting his modem or renewing his IP lease. I blurred out the other IPs to avoid any problems that could arise from displaying them.


While there aren't any screenshots of cheating, which is probably what you were expecting Powell, I think this just gives the community an idea of the games one plays. Now let me explain some of the things we experience with said players.

Ti4200 was amazingly always present when maps would restart themselves randomly, but when he wasn't around the problem with maps restarting was non-existent. Same issue with the other aliases. And I've been given the insight on a certain person named Server Restart, but I can only make an assumption there.

Now, Powell, I have to say it was a nice touch when you posted on this forum as Ti4200 followed closely by your original alias MPowell...

TIMMAY!!! 12-18-2002 02:00 PM

D'oh, someone wasn't as smart as they thought they were. LOL

pest 12-18-2002 02:07 PM

Busted!!! I think......????? :confused:

Airborne Butters 12-18-2002 02:09 PM

I'm glad your back powell. Always liked your modding and such.

BoB_Shifty 12-18-2002 02:09 PM

okay. i understand that he lied about changing his name. but what does this have to do with his cheating? im just curious.

Captain_McCusker 12-18-2002 02:15 PM

I think the alias "hacker" should say it all. But even if it doesn't, I think the very fact that he had the notion to try and pretend he was someone else EVEN on teamspeak speaks volumes.

Now, while I don't care what the rest of thinks in terms of whether or not you're a cheater or anything, I'm simply giving you what you asked for: a reason for AAN's reaction to your supposed "time away" and the reason why you're not welcome on the AAN server anymore. And, btw, I was spectating you during this and watched as you MIRACULOUSLY found Hollywood in a place no one would even think to look. Was an interesting find, I *must* say.

Hollywood 12-18-2002 02:26 PM

Oh, and we also have screenshots of you as Burnt Toast, Hax0r, and Server Restart so if you would like any more evidence it will take a bit to get it together. Btw, the Game Server provider is well aware of the server flooding that you were doing, and have been keeping an eye on you Powell. And as I understand it they are in the proces of threatening legal action. Well I hope this settles the confusion a bit. Let me clear some things up by giving eberyone a rundown of what this idiot has done:

Okay, it all started when Mr. Powell came back to the board denoucing his cheating ways and claiming he was a new man. Some people believed him, I was one of the ones who didn't. He started playing at one of the most respectable servers around, AAN, and asked to become a member of the server and the clan =[LLC]=. Now, since most of us were weary of his reputation and what he might do that could bring us bad attention, we chose not to allow him into the clan. But he was allowed to play on the server as long as he behaved. He started using Teamspeak to talk with us in game, and everything was Kosher. One day we were in game and a challenge was made my way, I got a little defensive, and we started arguing. One thing led to another and the argument was brought to Teamspeak by Mr. Powell, which he should have never done. Some time later, we were having problems at AAN with the server restarting the map at various points, and each time this person called "Burnt Toast" was there. Now, he may take us for fools, but he was on Teamspeak AS MPowell1944 and had his icon set to away. We were able to use this information to compare his IP's and they matched. He tried using different IP's each time but since he was on Teamspeak we knew who he was each time, and each time he was on the sever continued to restart. Well, not to mention he was also using various hacks but that is a moot point by now no? Anyway, we caught him (we ourselfs used fake Handles) causing trouble and cheating on the server, and we made sure to take screenshots each time this happend for evidence. He used the handles Burnt Toast, MPowell1944, Hacker, Hax0r, Server Restart, and Ti4200 among others. Now, another funny thing is that I overheard Powell talking to another member on Teamspeak about his new video card, the Ti4200. And he left as Mpowell and then joined immediately again as Ti4200. Since then he has been talking to us on Teamspeak with a semi-fake voice actually thinking that he was fooling us!! He thought he was smart by changing his IP every time, but we were on to him the whole time. We have talked to Mpowell plenty of times on Teamspeak, so we know what he sounds like. It was so funny, acting like we were fooled all the while laughing about how one day we will reveal all the crap that he has been doing. I swear he is one of the most messed up people around. He makes up all these stories and continues to lie to you all. Anyway, the cat's outta the bag now Powell.

And of course, you know the rest. He comes back to the boards acting like he was away for three weeks, right after his other personalities dissapear.

So, he messed with AAN, and he got burnt for it. That's what he gets for trying to take advantage of the nice guys over there. Well, now you know, and knowing is half the battle---GIJoe

wintersforge 12-18-2002 02:32 PM


Come on Powell.......

Captain_McCusker 12-18-2002 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Hollywood
Well, now you know, and knowing is half the battle---GIJoe

Isn't that "knowing is half the battle, GO JOE!!"?

Captain_McCusker 12-18-2002 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by wintersforge

Come on Powell.......

biggrin: biggrin: biggrin: biggrin: biggrin: biggrin: biggrin: biggrin: biggrin:

pest 12-18-2002 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by wintersforge

Come on Powell.......

I think I was behind that cat in the orlando airport security check last week.

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