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Magg0t 12-29-2002 07:28 AM

Y do most of u h8 spearhead..
Spearhead is a great game...every1 sez its 2 buggy and that..but in time there will b patches 2 fix em all...ppl say the maps r wot way r they bad?...i thought they were damn good lol..just my opinion...ppl say its more laggy than aa..i dont agree...just a few commands and there is not any lag at all. Also ppl say "oh, the single player is 2 short.." Wot do u expect, its an add on..dont u guys get these games 4 the multiplayer?

I wanna c wots so bad about Spearhead


12-29-2002 07:31 AM

couple things

it's buggier than dogshit. EA had their chance to fix it with their stupid patch, but instead all they did was add a lame map from the demo and some rifle from the demo which easily could have been done by modders. whenever i shoot someone they do "matrix moves" like there's no gravity. i get stuck hovering. and YES it is laggier, spearhead takes up twice the cpu power as mohaa does, so that means twice the server prices.

and as for the single, it's not so much that's short but it's FUCKING BULLSHIT AND BUGGIER THAN MP made by a bunch of goddamn morons with no idea as to what they're doing.

=FM=1st Lt prey 12-29-2002 07:56 AM

lol and theres your answer!

We dont hate spearhead for what it is, it cant help being a crippled bastard child of EA games.

We hate spearhead for how its let us all down, to come here and see all the spearhead abuse you have to understand that this whole community was expecting nothing more from spearhead than an up-date of mohaa with a few extra features.

What was released was what felt like a mutilated mohaa, where all those `perfect` settings were f*cked with, and just about every original feature was altered in some way for the worse, for no reason other than the `new guys` at EA to use it as a test to gain experience.

I dont sit and complain about spearhead simply because it now sits on the shelf gathering dust, its not worthy of my time, I just get too frustrated every time I discover another bug.

*applaudes to EA* in-house development, a shining example of how not to make a computer game.

Matrf 12-29-2002 07:58 AM

Spearhead look like Castle wolfiestien with BF map .

First , i want to play a infatry only game . When i want to play vehicule game , i play BF . Medal of honor is not supose to be vehicule game . So all those stupid AA and AT gun make me sick.


3- The new speed (because map are big) ruin the gameplay of the original.

5- too many glicht or bug , the game look silly.

6- thats sad , the TOW and some other new feature are cool .

7- the map are ugly . I am almost sick just to look at map . I don't know who did the map , they should fired him.

8- the new sniper is boring , the old one was much more fun.

9- motard... bhaaaa don't even have a reload animation (cheapwork) , and it's just an annoying newbi gun. (like aa and at gun anyway)

10- ea are a buch of fags .

Spearhead is a good game , i can't say it realy bad. I just don't like it beause its not my style . I don't undertand why so many change in the gameplay , its just a expansion not a new game .

vVolf 12-29-2002 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Matrf
10- ea are a buch of fags .

Spearhead is a good game , i can't say it realy bad. I just don't like it beause its not my style . I don't undertand why so many change in the gameplay , its just a expansion not a new game .

Two very good points that i was about to raise.

Damn EA potheads. They were all probably high when they made the game.

Miscguy 12-29-2002 09:21 AM

1: Most of the multiplayer maps in Spearhead are single player maps from from MOHAA.
2: Ass sliding.
3: Lag
4: "Hyper, crack loaded, speed junky, with 3 triple mocha's" run speed.
5: Ass Sliding.
6: The 1 patch we've got dosnt fix anything.
7: Meaning the fucking ass sliding.
8: Lazy work with the "fine touching" such as reload animations for the MG-42 portable, and morter.
9: Promised SDK, was and is no where to be seen.
10: Weapons are poorly modeled.
11: Ass Sliding.

Basically they took MOHAA, slapped some bull shit in it and put it on crack then said it was ready to sell 3 months to early without testing it on a computer, let alone one with an internet connection. TOW is a joke designed to make you feel better about playing the same damn maps over and over again. While the portable MG-42 was put in to help teamplay it does nothing condiering its a fucking easter egg hunt to find it, and when you do its in the most god awful spot you could think of shooting from, so you have to move it, but you cant because you take a step outside and guess who you run into... thats right the enemy with his MG. Thats right his MG, because with the built in realism mode that 98% of the servers use the MG is the weapon of choice for the run and waist a whole fucking mag on a guy crowd. Basically they fucked it over.

Magg0t 12-29-2002 12:35 PM

mayb i havn't descoverd into this spearhead enough..i guess it wont b as popular as aa in the future..shame.

thx 4 ur posts ne-way

vVolf 12-29-2002 12:39 PM

Re: hmm
lol, its ok.

Heck, you could at least spend a little more time typing... Fuck it, I’ll do it for you.

[quote="Magg0t... But I’m gonna edit it because it is pissing me off. lol":e69b6]Maybe I haven’t played spearhead enough... I guess it wont be as popular as AA in the future... shame.

thanks for your posts anyway[/quote:e69b6]

Uh, finished. lol, I should be a teacher, except that I would be whacking all the kiddies with a ruler.

Matrf 12-29-2002 12:54 PM

Re: hmm

Originally Posted by Magg0t
mayb i havn't descoverd into this spearhead enough..i guess it wont b as popular as aa in the future..shame.

thx 4 ur posts ne-way

Umm , i am suprise some play this game in fact. I think if some play this game its because they have all donwload it on the warez scene.

Thermopyle 12-29-2002 01:01 PM

I think Prey got it with the expectations thing. I can play Unreal Tournament 2003 with adrenaline power ups, quad jumping, mutated big heads, and all the other outlandish things it brings to the table. That is because I expect those things from UT.

I liked (maybe loved) MOH:AA for not being like that. The gameplay in MOH:AA was nearly perfect for the kind of game it is. Spearhead went and changed all that. If it wasnt for all the bugs and wasnt masquerading as a MOH game, then I could probably enjoy Spearhead for what it is.

But what I wanted from EA was more of the same of what I got in MOH:AA, and Spearhead just aint that. cry:

Bazooka_Joe 12-29-2002 05:51 PM

I don't hate spearhead, I hate EA for not supporting it and making it as good as MOH:AA was.

Judas 12-29-2002 06:07 PM

[quote="ST_Bazooka_Joe":a41e4]MOH:AA was.[/quote:a41e4]

moh is still fun .. you just gotta find the right people to play with ... :D

stock weapons are unbalanced like fook
the ass slide / float thing
tracking targets is ghey due to above
missing sounds
recycled maps
no lean
maps lag
server bugs

the game is not moh ....

Bazooka_Joe 12-29-2002 07:02 PM

Well, yes I was saying, it's not as fun as MOH:AA could be. Not that MOH:AA is no longer fun. oOo:

Discobiscuit 12-29-2002 07:16 PM

yup...ass sliding....ass sliding - amazing super high lag in the more interesting maps (TOW) super high speed walking...and crap guns....

besides that its a amzin game

12-29-2002 07:17 PM

TOW is nothing more than glorified raping

geRV 12-29-2002 07:22 PM

Why do most of us hate it? Well it was supposed to be this great addon, all we got was a shitload of bugs, crap weapons models and simplified missions, throw in a few chopped up single player maps and make them multiplayer maps and we have ea's definition of an "addon".

Matrf 12-29-2002 08:42 PM

Russian pistol is too good. Its almost a shotgun.

12-29-2002 08:47 PM

a shotgun that sounds like a cap gun

fuck airsoft make more noise than that thing

Bazooka_Joe 12-30-2002 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Strik0r
a shotgun that sounds like a cap gun

fuck airsoft make more noise than that thing

heh. I do hate the sound of it, no echo. Like a short pop.

pvt_hz 12-30-2002 01:55 AM

not to mention the smg-sniper or the mg-overpowered oOo:

12-30-2002 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by Matrf
10- ea are a buch of fags .

once again you people prove your ignorance.. You hate ea yet you purchase their products.. Hmm no you are the fag now bud. Ea is just a corprate machine doing what it takes to make money.

12-30-2002 02:02 AM

jaizen have ye ever heard of warez?

Hans-AlbinVonReitzenstein 12-30-2002 04:51 AM

Its an EA product.

Hans-AlbinVonReitzenstein 12-30-2002 05:18 AM

Strikor make a copy of your posts. 6666

vVolf 12-30-2002 05:27 AM

I have one of when i posted 666... I want one of when i post 1337 as well. lol! =\

P.S. lol@Strik0r who downloaded AA.

12-30-2002 05:29 AM

screenshots bleh

i bought aa, i only warez the living shit out of sh and gave it to all my homies on irc for the satisfaction of knowing we fucked ea out of at least $200

TRªPT™ 12-30-2002 05:31 AM

I dont understand why people say EA doesnt know what there doing and has no clue on how to make a game and whatnot. You play the game 7 hours out the day. I know most of us do. They do know what there doing, just dont want to oOo:

12-30-2002 05:41 AM

i spend most of my sh time (a whole 30 minutes a day max) screwing around with my bros on the aan server. why do i screw around? there's nothing better to do with shit...spearhead. at least chickenboo or whoever did that mod took the time to make something enjoyable, rather than simply throw some shit together like EA has done. also run some nice custom maps, not those bullshit excuse for maps ea threw together and named an addon

Bazooka_Joe 12-30-2002 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Strik0r
i spend most of my sh time (a whole 30 minutes a day max) screwing around with my bros on the aan server. why do i screw around? there's nothing better to do with shit...spearhead. at least chickenboo or whoever did that mod took the time to make something enjoyable, rather than simply throw some shit together like EA has done. also run some nice custom maps, not those bullshit excuse for maps ea threw together and named an addon

I like Chickenboos svr alot, too. Even though playing SH can be more aggrivating sometimes then fun. He tuned his mod down some on a few things, and it worked out well.

Captain Canuck 12-30-2002 09:17 AM

There are two maps I really enjoy in SH, that Verisheg one (the night town map) and Berlin. Good stand and defend positions and good for a mass of players.

I agree that SH in general is a sorry excuse for an expansion pack, and I've said it before that it should have been free (and is if you have the warez copy). I even said I'd not buy, but I broke down and blew 40 bucks for the damn thing anyway.

Now for my list

1) Still no proper British/Canadian Uniforms - Where the hell is the Mark II Helmet!

2) Lee-Enfield, slower than hell and glitchy. When you shoot, it lags like 2 seconds and you miss your target half the time. BUT, has a nice range

3) Ass-slide...have to say that is the biggest BS in the game.

4) Who was the monkey that renamed Thunder?

5) I don't know about you guys, but I've done the LEAN thing in MP. What you talking about?

That's it...the rest have been said...

Captain Canuck

Matrf 12-30-2002 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Matrf
10- ea are a buch of fags .

once again you people prove your ignorance.. You hate ea yet you purchase their products.. Hmm no you are the fag now bud. Ea is just a corprate machine doing what it takes to make money.[/quote:f7c22]

Look around ... Look other game.... Other publisher support game , make patch , look at rtcw , look how many patch they had . Look ubisoft.
EA is there to make money yes , they are all there for that . But not the way they do .

I can't know there are going to not support the game when they release it .
Anyway , with your lack of respect , you just show me your abiously a kid....

Zoner 12-30-2002 01:59 PM




Matrf 12-30-2002 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Zoner91



We can't edit as you can see oOo:

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