![]() |
Unlocks four additional stock skins when placed in "Main" folder. Unfortunately, if you don't have this file you are unable to see those who do...they are fully functional but INVISIBLE. Many people have this file and are using it to cheat...very sad individuals. I ran it on my server today, those who had it could see me ok, those who didn't could not. You can download it from me at: http://www.btinternet.com/~p.webber1/pak9.rar And a guy called Vin00 is using a damage hack (he's near indestructible). Aimbots are also in widespread use. Some very pathetic people online. |
that pack of skins is very old dude
I can see his point, in that we all need it so we can see the Invisible players, but many wont get this and use it for cheating, so it would be best to take it down m8..
------------------ Luke “Skidrowpunk” Jones-Sexton -Personal Homepage - Skidrowpunk’s Cave! http://www.skidrowpunk.f2s.com/sig/blast_2.jpg |
It's no big deal. If you don't have it, just choose force player models in multiplayer options and everyone will have skins you choose for them. This is old news but it seemed appropriate for this thread.
http://members.bellatlantic.net/~tads/spraysig.gif |
Just enable FORCE PLAYER SKINS MODELS and shut up.
Oh and happy new year. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Blashy:
You're wrong, it just speaks volume on how many cheaters are in EVERY game and EVERY community. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're from Gatineau eh ? Ou dans Gat ? http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/biggrin.gif ------------------ http://3rdInfantry.homestead.com/files/solidus.jpg http://www.idiotwatchers.com/graphics/cfrust.gif WHAT YOU SAY ! *slams fist on desk while other hand rests* |
Yeah Jesta, and I can only imagine how many cheats come to these forums to brag about how 'good' they are.
Of course, none of the cheats want the matter discussed...bit like turning over a rock and exposing the vermin to the light, know what I mean? It's about time the FPS community implemented a name&shame policy...see a cheat, post his name up in capital letters. Maybe we'll finally be able to start weeding out the scum and get back to some honest play. Happy new year to you too. |
Man, you are a bitter sack-o-shit, Siggi. Firstly, I don't see too many posts here concerning how great people think they are at MOH. Secondly, the last thing we need is your ridiculous player blacklist. Then you and every other lilly-livered mamby-pamby will be posting names there everytime you get killed.
Sorry...I need my pills http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif http://members.bellatlantic.net/~tads/spraysig.gif |
hey ill start the list off
Santa_Clause he spawn point camps on Unlimited and snowy > http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/frown.gif him and his 8 raindeer! had to ban the whole mess of them those freakin deer kept running and pistolwhipeing me http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/frown.gif man if they ever come into your guy's rooms be sure to warn them then ban them! but the elfs are ok! |
Yeah, I'm a real sack of shit...raining on the cheats' parade. Sorry you feel so...er...sensitive about it. Gotta wonder why...
Cheats prosper when a) The question of cheating is kept in the dark. b) Nobody reports cheats and the names of those they have seen cheating. c) Hacks are kept in the hands of as few as possible, for as long as possible, a jealously garded 'edge'. Personally I believe every honest player wants to see cheats exposed for the low-life scum they are. Those who have an issue with that fact...well, one has to wonder what their agenda is. Trying to keep the issue buried? Trouble with being a brat is one hasn't yet learned the ability to lie or connive well. That includes recognizing the logic behind not villifying what one should be supporting...kind of sticks out like a marker-flare. The only people who have any need to fear a black-list are those who would find themselves on it by being seen cheating. Once a guy has been seen taking 75% of an SMG clip before dying, on more than one server, it kind of becomes obvious where his name belongs. And once these scum realise they are going to have to constantly change their beloved handles, in order to sneak onto well monitored servers, they might decide to either pack it in all together or simply stop their under-hand practices. We all know the cheats read these forums, just like the honest players do. So a message to you cheats (you know who you are, eh?), You are pathetic. You are insecure. You are weak. You are without honour. You are utterly selfish. You spoil the enjoyment of thousands, for the sake of a worthless and unearned victory...a victory that means nothing in any place other than your own sad minds. Grow up. Get a life. Tell your parents you are being bullied at school and take your frustrations out on those who deserve it. Being smart behind a keyboard doesn't get you even with anyone, it just proves you are a sad loser who can't cope with life. Honest players are welcome on my server anytime. Cheats will be discovered, and I will post their names on as many forums as I can find. Gonna come in as "Unamed"? Go ahead. You won't be able to change your IP number that my software will be logging. That'll go up on the forums too. Better be sure to go off and online before posting on a forum, cos your IP is logged on them too...but you'll forget and somebody will match numbers up...some day. Long process, but it'll bear fruit in the long term. Forgive me if I sound like I have a burr up my ass, but like I said before...I utterly despise cheats. They are scum who spoil thousands of peoples' gaming enjoyment and I'm on a crusade to expose them. |
Siggi - I agree with you. It is very frustrating to come on line to have a fun game and find that there are cheaters ruining it.
For those of you who attack Sigi for this common sense position - what the hell is wrong with you? SpraynPray, what gives? Do you think before you write? Being against a gamer who is complaining about cheaters is like being against a citizen who complains about vandals or thieves! But I guess when you are 12 making sense doesn't really matter, does it. |
I'll be putting up a clan site for me and my guys before final release. I've also decided to incorporate a cheat's 'Wall of Shame' page. I guess I don't need to explain what that will be for. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif
------------------ http://www.btinternet.com/~p.webber1...hclanlogo1.gif [This message has been edited by SS.SGW-Siggi (edited January 01, 2002).] |
It may be "old news", but the fact is that roughly 50% of the people who have been coming thru my server have it and use it WITHOUT ANNOUNCING IT. In other words they are blatant CHEATS.
Unless my server is somehow miraculously being chosen by only the cheats I have to conclude that I have seen a representitive cross-section of the average player population on my server, and not ONE SINGLE INDIVIDUAL who was using the file admitted to it, announced it or tried to spread the word to others who didn't have it. They spent the entire time running up to victims and beating them with the pistol or otherwise behaving like sad losers. Instead of trying to BURY this file ("Please remove the FTP"), how about spreading the word so that everyone gets it? Mmm? Or maybe it's just too much 'fun' to have the invisibility edge and you want to keep it to yourselves...? Quite frankly I'm disgusted by what I've seen on my server. I think it speaks volumes of the MoH community that not one individual on my server announced he was invisible to those without the file. They simply exploited it, without regard for the fun of others or the reputation of the developers who have been accused of bias in the game. Before I knew of the file I was convinced the developers had biased the code in the US favour, and said so on a number of forums. Now I know what has been happening...invisible players screwing around. If no anti-cheat code is implemented by final release this game will become nothing more than another sick joke. Infested by amoral spoilt-brat scum who think it's clever to lie, cheat and connive. Just my two cents worth. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Siggi:
I think it speaks volumes of the MoH community that not one individual on my server announced he was invisible to those without the file. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You're wrong, it just speaks volume on how many cheaters are in EVERY game and EVERY community. ------------------ See you in there. |
I use it. But I don't announce it until I noticed that an enemy is running past me regularly. Then I will ask them to press f2 and check 'force models.'
This isn't a cheat. This is just something neat. I have it up on my FTP site for people to download, and when I run my own server, I ask them to check force models for that session, and then I ask them to go grab the file. I would hardly say that this file in itself speaks volumes for the MOH:AA community. Cheating is something that gives you an unfair advantage via something not available to everyone. That file is available, and since in the full version, all the models will be there, we'll be ok. I'm only worried about Aimbots and stuff like that. But I usually only play LAN games anyways. Public servers usually suck if the Admin isn't present. |
hmm.... not quite so.
i disagree i played a few games last night, hour long games and such on 32-36 player servers.. all full... only ran into my one such fellow who i couldnt see, the rest where plain as mud so to speak i dont think its that evident yet... but we must do something because all someone has to do, is make a shit skin with nothing on it, and they will be invisible to everyone but "force model" players and i like to give everyone there own right to choose, so i dont force, thats my policy 2015 should be enforcing it somehow... ------------------ http://www.3rd.homestead.com/files/scott.jpg |
Well this file won't be a problem after full release, as you say. But the other hacks...aimbots, damage-hacks...I read on another forum that EA don't give a hoot about cheats and therefore will not ensure anti-cheat code is incorporated into the final release. If that's the case, why bloody bother with MP in the first place.
One day I'll have the pleasure of tracking down a cheat, and I'll hurt him. Yes, that's how angry it makes me feel. They spoil so many peoples' enjoyment, think they're so clever, when all they are are vermin. Inadequate, insecure, weak filth. Ooh...don't get me started. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/biggrin.gif As for a community of mature gamers who DON'T cheat, check out the sim Ilyushin2...average age of around thirty, which is where the general FPS problem lies...too many spoiled brats fresh out of daipers who think cheating is clever. |
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hotspur:
Siggi - I agree with you. It is very frustrating to come on line to have a fun game and find that there are cheaters ruining it. For those of you who attack Sigi for this common sense position - what the hell is wrong with you? SpraynPray, what gives? Do you think before you write? Being against a gamer who is complaining about cheaters is like being against a citizen who complains about vandals or thieves! But I guess when you are 12 making sense doesn't really matter, does it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wow. Just read this post, as it was buried in a pile of SP demo threads. Forgive me digging it back up in the midst of all the positive SP posts, but I suppose I should try to defend my position, eh? Let's see. You're angry at the cheaters, right? And you think they should be stopped, right? Perhaps a "wall of shame" would do the trick? Hmm... First of all, I'm not a fan of the cheat. What does it prove? You play the game, and you compete with opponents that are on an equal playing field. If you perform well, you reinforce the behavior that has allowed you to win, fairly. If you win by cheating, you haven't reinforced anything related to gameplay. How boring. I'm not down on your dislike for cheating. I'm down on the incessant whining, and this lame idea of a "wall of shame". It smacks of modern-day-McCarthyism. Who are you to say who is cheating? Because you can't kill the guy? Maybe you aren't that good. Because you shoot him in the back with a full clip and he still stands there? Maybe it's the code, or the connection? Then the connection comes back on, he turns around and kills you, without ever registering your shots. This shit does happen, you know. Man, I remember Quake1 guys floating in the air, invulnerable to fire, and obviously locked out of the game. Yes, Quake1. That's a long time ago, right? Well, perhaps for some, but not for someone who was playing games on a mainframe in highschool years before the PC was even in public hands. So you can put that 12 year-old nonsense to rest(seems to be an insult you guys use to get at people). Man, I wish I was 12 again. But that was back in 1975, and life was simple. The good news for you cats that aren't as old as me is that computer gaming will never get boring. It only get's better. And it's not like sports, where you kinda crap out at an early age. You don't really get worse at it; but you do get smarter about it. And that's my gripe about the "wall of shame". It's not smart. It's unmeditated and unmitigated. You post someone's handle, and that person may just be legit. Take it in stride. Calm down. Check his score. Is it 100-0? Perhaps you're right. Is it 50-15? Maybe he's just good. Is he flying around? Well, you got a gripe. Is he in Firearms, prone, and going at hyperspeed(I actually saw this, and I didn't get pissed. It's just a game. I laughed my ass off, then spent the rest of the game trying to get the bastard)? Get PunkBuster(Not that that program is great though, but it helps). Bottom line: I was practically called a cheater in this thread, yet my first post clearly indicates that I tried to help. If I've learned anything in my 38 years on this planet, it is this: calm down, and enjoy what you have, now. Gotta go check my stocks...Peace [This message has been edited by SPRAYnPRAY (edited January 02, 2002).] |
WOW! *clapping with a grin on face* That has to be the finest comeback in history! Kudos SprayNpray!
------------------ 3rd Battalion 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment 82nd Airborne Division "The Blue Devils" http://www.ele.uri.edu/ctc/images/3504thck.jpg |
I think I have enough experience of online gaming to recognize the difference between lag, a shonky connection and a hack. But just to be sure I'd wait to see the same behaviour on more than one server before deciding somebody is a cheat or the victim of unfortunate WWW circumstance.
When I got a guy coming at me smoothly, firing his pistol and taking multiple rounds from my SMG, with blood-spray to prove it, and he ain't down by the 20th round, I know something stinks. Especially when it's happened for the tenth time in half an hour. If I'm sure, based upon my own experience and judgement, the guy's name goes up. If I ain't sure I'll hold off till I have more proof. It isn't ideal, nor 100% fool-proof...but it beats the crap out of continuing to suffer the depredations of these scum without doing a bloody thing about it. "Un-meditated"? Quite the opposite. "Un-mitigated"? By what? ------------------ http://www.btinternet.com/~p.webber1...hclanlogo1.gif |
Siggi where do i sign up for ur clan?
------------------ General:Do you know what top secret is? Soldier:Yes...They are the missions you get medals for.....only they send them to your releatives. |
how did you get your words realy white like that?
------------------ http://www.skidrowpunk.f2s.com/sig/toyoung.jpg http://mohaa.ea.com/images/downloads...mg_tank-wp.jpg WORLD AT WAR!!! |
Man, I'm almost sorry I posted back. What a waste of my time.
The damage assessment model for MOH is not based on client-prediction, it is server-based. Therefore, you may very well see blood-puffs(if you have the bloodpatch, which I heartily recommend), while the server may not recognize a hit at all. Check it. Sorry, you'll have to wait for something like the Zero-Ping mod for Q3A before you can be sure you've got a hit(be calm, like I said). Unmitigated(Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary): being so definitely what is stated as to offer little chance of change or relief. Basically, You brand the "cheater", and everyone grabs a torch. Easy, tiger. |
Ya, and your cocksure patronisation is a waste of my time too. You assume much and know little...like you assume I was connected to somebody else's server when I saw these hacks being used, and was actually seeing lag. In fact it was happening on my server...guess that rules out the lag theory at MY end then.
"And that's my gripe about the "wall of shame". It's not smart. It's unmeditated and unmitigated." Unmeditated? Sez you? How would you know how much "meditation" has or hasn't gone into the matter at my end? Unmitigated? Meaning my words are going to be cast in stone so far as everyone who reads them are concerned? You either over-rate my influence, or hold the discretionary powers of the people on forums like these in contempt. I'll say it again, cos you clearly missed it the first time while you were so busy scouring your dictionary for an appearance of erudition...I know a cheat when I see one. I'm happy to give the benefit of the doubt, more than once, so that nobody is casually wronged...but once I'm sure I've seen a cheat I will do everything I can to expose the maggot for what he is. If that's McCarthyism, sue me bud. ------------------ http://www.btinternet.com/~p.webber1...hclanlogo1.gif |
It figures you'd play on your own server. Talk about an unfair advantage.
And if you say your server is not located on your gaming machine, you lend credence to my original statement. Either way, you're either overblown or a hypocrite. |
im just mad at "cheaters" because i am either too lazy or am too stupid to set up the cheats. in CS(cheaters in that game are not the minority) they have a couple of anti cheat programs which sucks because you have to download it and crap. i hope it doesnt get to that point for MOH:AA. if i hear enough cheating thats going on i wont even play the mp version.
Hey Spray, that makes about as much sense as an ash-tray on a motorbike. So I guess I should set my server running and then go down to the local internet cafe and connect to it for a game? Snort. Sounds to me like you're starting to clutch at straws..."unfair advantage", "Hypocrite"...yeah, whatever rocks your boat mate. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif
------------------ http://www.btinternet.com/~p.webber1...hclanlogo1.gif |
And one more thing that makes me say hmm...
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS.SGW-Siggi: I'll be putting up a clan site for me and my guys before final release. I've also decided to incorporate a cheat's 'Wall of Shame' page. I guess I don't need to explain what that will be for. http://www.alliedassault.com/ubb/smile.gif <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> and this: <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Unmitigated? Meaning my words are going to be cast in stone so far as everyone who reads them are concerned? You either over-rate my influence...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes. That's exactly what I mean. |
Uhhhhhhh guys,
Can I barge in the middle here and set the record straight. 1. FORCE MODELS is the best way to overcome the invisibility problem (not cheat). They are just trying new skins. 2. Set your server as a PURE server sv_pure 1 If you are so convinced that adding new skins is a cheat, this ensures all players connecting to your server have UNEDITED pak files in case they kill you at a moment when your force models option hasnt updated. It only does it upon your death or new player entry into the game, so its not memory hogging. 3. Password protect your server with the general password option. Tell only trusted friends the password. In all seeing eye highlight the game and hit F-4 then type in the password. Other who dont use ASE, put +Set password xxxx in their cfg file before joining your game. Its that simple and shouldnt have taken all this space to solve. Why even argue about it, when 2015 already solved the skin problem in the first place. FORCE MODELS |
yeah, thats not a cheat. thats a server admin
problem. if youre gonna run a non pure server its up to you to make sure everyone has the needed files for your server |
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