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[RCM] Col.ripPajo 01-20-2003 04:39 PM

Anyone heard of explosionchameleon cheat before?
Had a friend come onto my server with this cheat...and delator did not pick it up. It is an awful cheat, a combo of wallhack/neon skin. Everyone is blue and orange, and you can see through walls. He was allies and was standing at the back of the allied rubble, on the right hand side of the road. He saw us axis players come through the first axis house. He knew when we went up stairs, he knew when we crouched....everything.

I myself, have not heard of this one before. If anyone has, and knows how to combat it, please, post here.



Coleman 01-20-2003 06:02 PM

not that much you can do....what i'd do is try to get a hold of Delator2.0 and force a screenshot on someone that you think is using those skins. Then they'd have to send you it with teh matching number at thet top of the screen shot. That's the best for now.

TRªPT™ 01-20-2003 06:56 PM

Gary, its funny. You try to help people with detecting cheats, and i know for a fact you cheat, whouldnt that hurt you? Hm, good one eh? Maybe make it less obvious next time a cheat thread comes up and its the only one you reply to. eek:

01-20-2003 07:13 PM

[quote="TRªPT™":36722]Gary, its funny. You try to help people with detecting cheats, and i know for a fact you cheat, whouldnt that hurt you? Hm, good one eh? Maybe make it less obvious next time a cheat thread comes up and its the only one you reply to. eek:[/quote:36722]

wow, onor_deception says coleman cheats. what does he have, a curtain hack or camo skins?

sickone 01-20-2003 07:26 PM

Let's just say i know IssisX wouldnt talk shit and say some dude cheats if he doesnt.

[RCM] Col.ripPajo 01-20-2003 07:40 PM

Explosion Chameleon Skins v1.0

Original Script Written by : IssisX

Original Idea for the Chameleon Skin by : BoBaLLoOo

Modified Chameleon Skins by : MPowell1944

Description :

Okay folks. The Explosion Skins have been totally redone this time around. All player models are colored and have the
explosion effect in them. Also, all player models are wearing a cap to match their body color. Here is the tricky part.
Behind a wall, you will only see the explosion effect. When you can hit them, the explosion effect will turn a selected
color, letting you know that you can hit them. Allies are bright blue. Axis are bright red. Now because both teams have the
same cap on their heads and the caps were the explosion effect too, i decided to make those solid. If you see someone
coming, look for the color of their cap, and you will know exactly which team they are on. Sounds complicated, but once you
see these babies online, you will know exactly what i mean.

Lastly, this time around, i have replaced all stock player models to avoid anti-forcemodels and to avoid the
allied_pilot/german_scientist kick that the admins give players using those skins. You are completely safe with this pack of

Contacts :

'Feel free to contact me with any problems or feedback you want.'

'This file is the known property of IssisX, BoBaLLoOo, and MPowell1944. You may not modify this file or its contents in any
way without the permission of those people listed. With that said, you may not submit any modifications as your own without
the permission of those people listed. Thankyou.'

I really do not care who flames me for doing this. Anyone who takes the time to make cheats are sick and should seek help. I do not post here a lot, nor read the threads too often. All I know, is that if these people did make these cheats, I want to let everyone know this. If you did not, better start explaining.


descry 01-20-2003 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by sickone
Let's just say i know IssisX wouldnt talk shit and say some dude cheats if he doesnt.

What the hell you talking about. He hasnt ever played Gary before. Plus im pretty sure everyone has cheated before even if its just GOD mode, and dont say you dont.

01-20-2003 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by sickone
Let's just say i know IssisX wouldnt talk shit and say some dude cheats if he doesnt.

and who the fuck are you? the sugar plum fairy?

Coleman 01-20-2003 08:34 PM

[quote="TRªPT™":b9520]Gary, its funny. You try to help people with detecting cheats, and i know for a fact you cheat, whouldnt that hurt you? Hm, good one eh? Maybe make it less obvious next time a cheat thread comes up and its the only one you reply to. eek:[/quote:b9520]
yeah bud, let'see who cheats. Why don't you come and play with us sometime and get any cheatdetector out there. Hell, i'd even install one of those thingys that some ladders make you put in your main folder.

Rev Aristotle Jones 01-22-2003 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by CoUbLaCkA
What the hell you talking about. He hasnt ever played Gary before. Plus im pretty sure everyone has cheated before even if its just GOD mode, and dont say you dont.

I've never cheated on MOHAA, SP or MP so oOo:

pest 01-22-2003 12:11 PM

[quote="[RCM] Col.ripPajo":b4848]
'This file is the known property of IssisX, BoBaLLoOo, and MPowell1944. You may not modify this file or its contents in any
way without the permission of those people listed. With that said, you may not submit any modifications as your own without
the permission of those people listed. Thankyou.'

LOL - That part kills me. What are they going to do? Turn you in to the cheat copyright police? "please dont modify our unauthorized modification" Bwahahaha [img][/img]

=FM=1st Lt prey 01-22-2003 12:38 PM

lmao "..what do they call it when the assasins accuse the assasins.."

Zoner 01-22-2003 01:36 PM

Garry cheats?? Whutchoo talkin' bout?


LaxPlaya 01-22-2003 05:55 PM

haha Gary Colemen, tell me what clan u play for, we can set up a 2 vs ur whole clan, u can run delerator 2, pandora, 4uk, Code Secrity, i dont care and take instant screenshots wihtout us knowing and i will sned u them right away.... hahahahahha, only rules i want, all weapons allowed, TDM...

Owned by :) M16:

LaxPlaya 01-22-2003 05:59 PM

Give me a break, Gary is a CheaTa. Dont act all innocent.....

snipeymagoo 01-22-2003 07:10 PM

[quote="TRªPT™":60cc8]Gary, its funny. You try to help people with detecting cheats, and i know for a fact you cheat, whouldnt that hurt you? Hm, good one eh? Maybe make it less obvious next time a cheat thread comes up and its the only one you reply to. eek:[/quote:60cc8]
bitch, for a fact i know u cheat, i know u make cheats, hell, your one of the vets in the cheating community

snipeymagoo 01-22-2003 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Strik0r

Originally Posted by sickone
Let's just say i know IssisX wouldnt talk shit and say some dude cheats if he doesnt.

and who the fuck are you? the sugar plum fairy?


Coleman 01-22-2003 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by LaxPlaya
Give me a break, Gary is a CheaTa. Dont act all innocent.....

Owned by
Have a nice day

that's all i have to say hake:

Captain_McCusker 01-22-2003 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by LaxPlaya
Give me a break, Gary is a CheaTa. Dont act all innocent.....

I think it's amazing that this guy hasn't been banned yet. Just for the simple fact of his sig. But then again, that's why I don't bother with these forums all that much anymore... just too many of these idiots these days.

MajorWoody 01-23-2003 09:59 AM

Any of you guys cheat on your taxes?

MPowell1944 01-23-2003 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by LaxPlaya
Give me a break, Gary is a CheaTa. Dont act all innocent.....

To lay this to rest. LaxPlaya, you and your bunch of ass pirates can quit talking shit now. Tryin to ruin other's reps to divert the attention away from your sorry asses. Quit posting on here already.

Now, regarding the skins. Yes, I made them. About a month ago, and yes I am sorry I did, but as of now all I can do is try to help out.

01-23-2003 10:21 AM

"ge thanks" as dustin would put it

MPowell1944 01-23-2003 10:26 AM

Your quite welcome Strik0r. biggrin:

I feel closer to you now. hehe jk oOo:

snipeymagoo 01-23-2003 02:35 PM

team god is ub3r gh3y

Bazooka_Joe 01-23-2003 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by snipeymagoo
team god is ub3r gh3y

I hope you didn't just come to this conclusion. eek:

Spiderm@n 01-23-2003 05:25 PM

TeamGoD is ub3r l337, i am a cheat0r i use aimbot2003 and wallhacks and picmip99 you name it i have it. biggrin: oOo: freak: J/K there a bunch of wankers, and MPowell ignore that mothafucka i believe you and i hope you can make a program that can detect them.

snipeymagoo 01-23-2003 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by snipeymagoo
team god is ub3r gh3y

I hope you didn't just come to this conclusion. eek:
no ive known it, but i say that now b/c i owned them in thier server.....they said i cheated....and booted me biggrin:
buncha beyotches

=FM=1st Lt prey 01-23-2003 06:03 PM

[quote="Spiderm@n":eb48c]TeamGoD is ub3r l337, i am a cheat0r i use aimbot2003 and wallhacks and picmip99 you name it i have it. biggrin: oOo: freak: J/K there a bunch of wankers, and MPowell ignore that mothafucka i believe you and i hope you can make a program that can detect them.[/quote:eb48c]

And I thought you got kicked from CN for using wallhack oOo:

LaxPlaya 01-23-2003 06:05 PM

haha dont see u guys challenging, and as for u mike. 1 on 1, u can run pandora or instant screenshot or anything to prove i dont cheat :)

TeamGOD.Net Owns MikE M16:

MPowell1944 01-23-2003 06:24 PM

Lets see...

1. With all the bypasses for the anti-cheat programs, running them would do no good.

2. You would run away after the beating i would give you.

3. only owns 1 thing. Themselves.

You are the saddest example of TG i have ever seen. I can see you getting out of highschool in the next 10 years, if you lucky enough.


Coleman 01-23-2003 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by MPowell1944
Lets see...

1. With all the bypasses for the anti-cheat programs, running them would do no good.

2. You would run away after the beating i would give you.

3. only owns 1 thing. Themselves.

You are the saddest example of TG i have ever seen. I can see you getting out of highschool in the next 10 years, if you lucky enough.


::blackman voice::: DAMNNNNNNNNN SON!! OHHH SNAP!!! HE TOLD YOU!!

=FM=1st Lt prey 01-23-2003 06:53 PM

Yeah powell is right Laxplaya, anyway id much rather watch Bazooka Joe pulp your fucking head with a baseball bat than watch any match with you involved lol

Bazooka_Joe 01-23-2003 07:58 PM

[quote="=FM=1st Lt prey":9840e]Yeah powell is right Laxplaya, anyway id much rather watch Bazooka Joe pulp your fucking head with a baseball bat than watch any match with you involved lol[/quote:9840e]

So would I! biggrin:

LaxPlaya 01-23-2003 08:24 PM

haha, riiight baz00ka joe, go blow moi M16:

snipeymagoo 01-23-2003 08:53 PM

[quote="Garry Coleman":a17fa]

Originally Posted by MPowell1944
Lets see...

1. With all the bypasses for the anti-cheat programs, running them would do no good.

2. You would run away after the beating i would give you.

3. only owns 1 thing. Themselves.

You are the saddest example of TG i have ever seen. I can see you getting out of highschool in the next 10 years, if you lucky enough.


::blackman voice::: DAMNNNNNNNNN SON!! OHHH SNAP!!! HE TOLD YOU!!

MPowell1944 01-23-2003 11:15 PM

Lax, im no TG expert or anything, but i would say that you just got OWNED evil:

(remember children. the word OWNED should only be used if you are either extremely homo-sexual, a TeamGOD member, or both)

MPowell1944 01-23-2003 11:17 PM

^(except for when you are actually OWNING someone like i just did. heh.)

TRªPT™ 01-23-2003 11:55 PM

^^And that my friends is why we dont inbreed.

Kamil-RS 01-23-2003 11:59 PM

i wouldn't talk mister i-don't-cheat-i-only-make-cheats

MPowell1944 01-24-2003 01:55 AM

I will just ignore your fetal comments for the sake of not stooping down to the infant level, which is where you seem to be.

Go ahead and talk shit, but in the long-run you are just a vapor in the wind.


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