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/-/ighPriest 01-25-2003 05:47 AM

A Story About MOHAA Cheating
Let me tell you all a little story. There once was a guy who bought a nice game called Medal of Honor Allied Assault. It had two disks. He played it for a week, but wasn't really happy with the way he needed to insert a disk every time he played. So off he went and asked around.

Hey, there's a "crack" for this stupid disk insert thing! "Great" he thought. He began to play a little more, and became quite bored with the game he bought.

"Let's play online" he said.

So he hooked up his computer and searched for servers.
"Hmmm, can't get into this one, nor that one. Damn this one neither. Need passwords" he thought.
Then he came across some EA servers. Went in and played merrily.

"Hey, this game is really good" he thought.
Suddenly a group of players with odd prefixes joined the game and began leaning left and right and shot the hell out of every "amateurs" with their sniper rifles and shotguns.

"Who the hell are they? I've seen the same prefixes in servers with passwords" he asked,
"They're clans" someone said.

One by one "amateurs" began to gradually leave the game.

He was furious of these "clans", and contemplated on throwing the game away. But he bought this game with hard earned cash! So, again he asked around.
"Hey, what's this? Modifications to help you whop clan asses? Is that too good to be true? I've got to have some of these" he thought.

Next day he connected himself onto an online game once again and began to own these clans' sorry asses.
"Take that, eat my bullet. That's for ruining us amateurs' games in a public server" he thought.
"CHEATER! F***NG CHEAT! LAME ASS CHEATING MOTHER F***ER!" These clans cried out with little tears poring from their eyes like babies without their bottle.

"Wow, this is called cheating! But it feels so good" he thought. This guy ended his online game that day with a big smile on his face. No more will these bullies make him unhappy again.

geRV 01-25-2003 08:38 AM

Have you taken your prozac today? [img][/img]

And btw you are allowed to swear biggrin:

geRV 01-25-2003 08:45 AM

I have to agree though, i don't think groups of "clan" player have any place on public serves. They normally start getting cocky so i have to load up mr chameleon skin to make them shut the fuck up. biggrin:

Xorcist [USA] 01-25-2003 09:48 AM

its a shame that people have to cheat to make up for lack of skill. im not stupid, i know i play with cheaters every single day, but that is what this game has come down to. i never have/never will stoop that low to cheat for the simple to better myself. i play more often to better myself and aquire skill the legitimate way. if i question to myself some of the ways i have been killed and suspect someone is cheating, i quietly leave that server. bitching about it isnt going to help the fact that people cheat so im not going that route.

now, cheat away in spearhead because i removed that from my computer due to the fact that it blows. but that is a different story alltogether.

geRV 01-25-2003 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by pelo
its a shame that people have to cheat to make up for lack of skill. im not stupid, i know i play with cheaters every single day, but that is what this game has come down to. i never have/never will stoop that low to cheat for the simple to better myself. i play more often to better myself and aquire skill the legitimate way. if i question to myself some of the ways i have been killed and suspect someone is cheating, i quietly leave that server. bitching about it isnt going to help the fact that people cheat so im not going that route.

now, cheat away in spearhead because i removed that from my computer due to the fact that it blows. but that is a different story alltogether.

I don't think you get the point hes trying to make. This type of shit happens in dod and counterstrike quite a lot as well where people will be having a bit of fun playing a game when all of a sudden 5 or 6 clan players come in and more or less ruin it for everyone with their "l337 5k1llz".

Its one thing to start doing that, its another to start talking shit to everyone on the server like "noobs" or "you all suck". Big deal if people suck, its not as if everyone that plays games does so with the sole intention of joining a clan. A lot of people just do it for fun and being fucked around on a server cause a group of assholes come in and start acting cunts just gets annoying.

Generally i don't use hacks as i play just to mess around, but in that situation i will use one just to get under their skin. Its pretty funny to be called a n00b then a few minutes later have then cussing you out because they can't get near you to kill you. biggrin:

Denion 01-25-2003 10:09 AM

I think the story is good biggrin:

MPowell1944 01-25-2003 10:41 AM

Story has a good point. But ya still shouldnt load up them Cham. Skins gerard. hake:

01-25-2003 10:45 AM

shame those cham skins even exist isn't it powell?

doomsday2002 01-25-2003 10:59 AM

Well I thought the lil story was a good read but.....
Iv'e been playing the game since it came out but only recently joined a clan.
I joined a clan that dont bad mouth (sure they have a laugh).
I joined a clan so there would be better team work in TDM and OBJ games, our clan has its own 24/7 server which is paid for by its members but occasionaly we will go to another server (3 or 4 of us).
As the poster said I also paid for this game and therefore reserve the right to play in any damn public server I wish to.
The members in my clan dont know eachother personaly so its just like a good server that say......4-5 of the guys on this board join regulary,now these 4-5 players may not be in a clan but their kinda friends that know eachother online.
My point is even tho they aint in the same clan they probably still go into a server and "own".
To me my advice would be join FFA games where "clan tactics" would go out of the window,but dont try to dictate to people who have bought the game with their own hard earned money which servers they may join.

P.S the clan im in uses the "virgin" game....NO custom crosshair, No custom skins, NO sound mod , nothing that didn't come with the game.


Xorcist [USA] 01-25-2003 11:07 AM

I don't think you get the point hes trying to make. This type of shit happens in dod and counterstrike quite a lot as well where people will be having a bit of fun playing a game when all of a sudden 5 or 6 clan players come in and more or less ruin it for everyone with their "l337 5k1llz".

Its one thing to start doing that, its another to start talking shit to everyone on the server like "noobs" or "you all suck". Big deal if people suck, its not as if everyone that plays games does so with the sole intention of joining a clan. A lot of people just do it for fun and being fucked around on a server cause a group of assholes come in and start acting cunts just gets annoying.

Generally i don't use hacks as i play just to mess around, but in that situation i will use one just to get under their skin. Its pretty funny to be called a n00b then a few minutes later have then cussing you out because they can't get near you to kill you. biggrin:[/quote]

actually i do get the point, cheating is cheating right, and to load chameleon skins on a multiplayer server is cheating. please correct me if i am wrong on that one.
back to the original topic of clans that act like fools. i have noticed to my great surprise that when people act like idiots (clans included) in a game i can either:

a.) find a different server

b.) stop playing the game at that moment, or

c.) find a new game to play

really, its not that difficult.

geRV 01-25-2003 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by pelo
I don't think you get the point hes trying to make. This type of shit happens in dod and counterstrike quite a lot as well where people will be having a bit of fun playing a game when all of a sudden 5 or 6 clan players come in and more or less ruin it for everyone with their "l337 5k1llz".

Its one thing to start doing that, its another to start talking shit to everyone on the server like "noobs" or "you all suck". Big deal if people suck, its not as if everyone that plays games does so with the sole intention of joining a clan. A lot of people just do it for fun and being fucked around on a server cause a group of assholes come in and start acting cunts just gets annoying.

Generally i don't use hacks as i play just to mess around, but in that situation i will use one just to get under their skin. Its pretty funny to be called a n00b then a few minutes later have then cussing you out because they can't get near you to kill you. biggrin:

actually i do get the point, cheating is cheating right, and to load chameleon skins on a multiplayer server is cheating. please correct me if i am wrong on that one.
back to the original topic of clans that act like fools. i have noticed to my great surprise that when people act like idiots (clans included) in a game i can either:

a.) find a different server

b.) stop playing the game at that moment, or

c.) find a new game to play

really, its not that difficult.[/quote]

A) Why the fuck should i find a different server? Just to satisy some wankers that are trying to ruin some fun? No i think not. Why is that always someones response? yeah ive been playing here and hour and cause some fucktards come on here i should be FORCED to go elsewhere. NO fuckin chance.

B) See answer to a.

C) Again see answer to a. I play more than just moh but as i said im not being forced to play another game cause some little "lee7" bitches think they are something.

doomsday2002 01-25-2003 11:38 AM

I understand what your saying Gerard, and in no means whatsoever do i call meself elite or anywhere near.
I think the big thing here is clans with attitudes, I dont think theres anything wrong with a few clan members joining a server as long as their curtious to the people thats there (good or bad).
Some clans cant afford to purchess their own server so i guess they want to play somewhere.
On a little side note I am alarmed to hear so many people on here use chamelian skins, Theres no way that people who use these only do so because their up against mouthy fukers.
So now if I go into a server and im doing well WITHOUT beeing mouthy do I run the risk of you getting out your "special skin"?
If so it dont encourage people to better thereselves.
Lets not lose sight of the fact that its cheats that ruin this game not good respectful players.


geRV 01-25-2003 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by doomsday2002
I understand what your saying Gerard, and in no means whatsoever do i call meself elite or anywhere near.
I think the big thing here is clans with attitudes, I dont think theres anything wrong with a few clan members joining a server as long as their curtious to the people thats there (good or bad).
Some clans cant afford to purchess their own server so i guess they want to play somewhere.
On a little side note I am alarmed to hear so many people on here use chamelian skins, Theres no way that people who use these only do so because their up against mouthy fukers.
So now if I go into a server and im doing well WITHOUT beeing mouthy do I run the risk of you getting out your "special skin"?
If so it dont encourage people to better thereselves.
Lets not lose sight of the fact that its cheats that ruin this game not good respectful players.


Lol only time i use the "special skin" is when theres some assbitch on a server running his mouth about how everyone "blows", i figure killing him about 20 times in a row will take him a peg or 2 down and make him shut the fuck up biggrin:

To be honest im handy enough sniping and i rarely need to use it.

MPowell1944 01-25-2003 12:06 PM

it is a shame, isn't it Strik0r? eek:

Slain 01-25-2003 02:18 PM

Cheat if you must, but dont bad mouth clans. Not everyone cheats. The fact that you are generalizing about moh clans all cheating is just sad. Maybe you just played Half Life for a few too many years, and cant adjust to a game that has already been out a year. The people who have been playing it for a year ARE going to be better than the person who just bought it.

Having to cheat to compete with experienced players just proves how lame and lazy someone is. I would rather fight someone who is at least trying to improve their skill by actually using skill than some talentless cheat downloader who has to have see thru-wall cheats and bright skins just to break even.


TheAlliedGirl 01-25-2003 02:35 PM

I do more reading than I do posting on here. Simply because I look
for good topics to discuss. May I say that all of you have good points.

CHEATING IS A COWARD WAY OF WINNING. If people have to walk or
see thru walls, invisible, or whatever. Just to win or be impressing. They
need to go back and play MINE,SOLITARE, or pakman.

One cheat I seen recently, not sure what it was. THE HUNT, Axis player
was underground, his head was just barely above heading toward where
the Allies start. He came up the road, between my legs. It was funny,
but spookey. Couldnt kill it... I SAID IT!..

Guys, really enjoyed ya discussion. Way it should be!

/-/ighPriest 01-25-2003 03:30 PM

Slain, it is evident that some people don't really read things through properly.

Dr. Deleto 01-25-2003 03:58 PM

Gerard. No offense man, your irish so were countrymen, but if they are runnin their mouths, and you have to use cham skins to beat them, then maybe they have a reason to run their mouths. I know, it pisses me off too when some1 is better than me and talks smack, but I dont try to beat them at that point, I let them show how immature they really are instead of stooping to their low. If you want a good server to play on guys, with a clan that is respected for our good attitude (mostly neways, lol) and we DO NOT talk smack!, go here

/-/ighPriest 01-25-2003 04:01 PM

Doomsday2002, you said that "Lets not lose sight of the fact that its cheats that ruin this game..."

How about cheats, or rather cheat developers, actually helps the game? Think about that for a moment and if you need me to elaborate more please let me know.

¿SmB?Killtor 01-25-2003 04:57 PM

I think cheating is definitely the cowards way out, and I do not think what was said is justfication for cheating. I can honestly say I do not, nor will i ever cheat at an online game. I feel it takes the fun out of it. Sure, I would consider myself a decent player. But I only go in to have fun, I'm not always looking to win. And when I'm winning I do not start talking down to other players. I have been playing games online for many years, I remember what is was like to get killed constantly. But through pratice, I eventually bettered my self to the point where I can go in and start my very own killing spree. And when I do die, I give many compliments, especially after a long firefight.
If you think you are having a hard time playing MOHAA, I suggest you never even look at UT2K3. You will find the players on those servers are FAR more advanced than any one on MOHAA.

Xorcist [USA] 01-25-2003 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by TheAlliedGirl
I do more reading than I do posting on here. Simply because I look
for good topics to discuss. May I say that all of you have good points.

CHEATING IS A COWARD WAY OF WINNING. If people have to walk or
see thru walls, invisible, or whatever. Just to win or be impressing. They
need to go back and play MINE,SOLITARE, or pakman.

One cheat I seen recently, not sure what it was. THE HUNT, Axis player
was underground, his head was just barely above heading toward where
the Allies start. He came up the road, between my legs. It was funny,
but spookey. Couldnt kill it... I SAID IT!..

Guys, really enjoyed ya discussion. Way it should be!

AlliedGirl, this is what is known as landsharking. there is a patch out out there to stop this annoyance on any respectable server. if you see it done again, call that person out and (highly unlikely) hte admin will take caae of it.

/-/ighPriest 01-25-2003 05:38 PM

SmB?Killtor, as the title of this thread suggests this is a story and hopefully for general enjoyment (or not), but you and Gerard have touched on a good point there, though Gerard explained it more thoroughly. "Fun" is the keyword. It is not life or death. You don't get a diploma either, so training hard on something that is neither life nor death, with no graduation at the end (for many people), is not really that fun.

And if it's not fun should it be called a game at all? Should EA Games rethink their packaging to include "The Essential: Second to a woman giving birth and a man popping cherry".

¿SmB?Killtor 01-25-2003 06:06 PM

Ok /-/ighPriest. My gripe is not with the story. My gripe is with Gerard saying it is ok to use cheats just to get back at someone who can kill you faster than you can kill them. I have been in many servers where I have been blown away by other players, but I dont cheat to get back at them. I just get better. I have been called a cheater as well, which I take as a compliment. I have seen many players in my time cheating, and I just don't understand how you can have fun playing all the time knowing you can'be seen, killed, or have super accuracy.

Sparrow 01-25-2003 06:08 PM

It's a game, no more no less. Why would you take the fun out of playing by cheating?

Gerard.. as I was reading this forum something struck me...


geRV 01-25-2003 06:25 PM

[quote="¿SmB?Killtor":d0974]Ok /-/ighPriest. My gripe is not with the story. My gripe is with Gerard saying it is ok to use cheats just to get back at someone who can kill you faster than you can kill them. I have been in many servers where I have been blown away by other players, but I dont cheat to get back at them. I just get better. I have been called a cheater as well, which I take as a compliment. I have seen many players in my time cheating, and I just don't understand how you can have fun playing all the time knowing you can'be seen, killed, or have super accuracy.[/quote:d0974]

Im mainly referring to groups of clan members coming in and basically trying to take over the server. I don't need to cheat i can hang with some good players in terms of score but its when they start trash talking to everyone on the server thats what pisses me off. Its this type of shit that puts newer players off playing some online games as their respected communities get a bad name.

The counterstrike suffers from this with all the frag whores, the moh community is going the same way, cause some jack off has some little tag in his name hes automatically better than everyone? Bollocks to that.

geRV 01-25-2003 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by Sparrow
It's a game, no more no less. Why would you take the fun out of playing by cheating?

Gerard.. as I was reading this forum something struck me...


Just watch it and see :)

doomsday2002 01-25-2003 07:45 PM

[quote="/-/ighPriest":4493e]Doomsday2002, you said that "Lets not lose sight of the fact that its cheats that ruin this game..."

How about cheats, or rather cheat developers, actually helps the game? Think about that for a moment and if you need me to elaborate more please let me know.[/quote:4493e]

I take your point and agree to some extent.
I think ive covered what i wanted to say in the other posts i made but will state once again, not all clans are full of mouthy people, not all clans should be tarred with the same brush and most importantly anyone, clan or clanless can go on whatever public server they wish to.
When i get a decent score i get accused of all kinds of cheats, i now take this as a compliment.
Yes we all play the GAME for fun but hey.......we all like to do well, like someone else said i used to get slaughtered when i started playing and thought the only course of action is to get better in this game i love.
Going back to the point you made, i know that the cheats of this community have put something probably helped point out the glitches in the game and so on so there can be fixes for it, but to me why the hell would i want to piss about trying to do something with a ladder to get under the map oOo: i mean who the hell would know about these glitches if it wernt for people with the sole intent to try to exploit it.


01-25-2003 08:48 PM

Dumb story, very pointless, kind of annoying. Not relevent. etc etc etc.

pest 01-25-2003 11:45 PM

I feel dumber for reading this thread.

Title should read - Worst excuses ever for cheating or Double standards: defined.

Sparrow 01-25-2003 11:56 PM

Gerard, as I was reading what you had wrote, I felt like throwing myself off a buidling (relate to your SIG)

/-/ighPriest 01-26-2003 11:50 AM

I was expecting hardened cheaters and anti-cheaters to enter this conversation and here they are, albeit explanations for their beliefs are not entirely explained. This is my thoughts on the two camps:

Cheaters vs. Anti-Cheaters, who will win? Well the answer is EA Games. EA couldn't be happier for cheat developers and equally glad for the strength of anti-cheaters.

Does cheating ruin a game, or help a game? Well, it can be argued both ways obviously, but game companies knows cheating helps a game's longevity, that's why in almost every game there are eastereggs and cheat codes already encoded, so that when a game becomes unbearably boring, sales slump and cheat codes are released to the consumer. It is their plan.

Cheat developers, and cheat makers, are merely helping EA Games to give Allied Assault another lease of life, to keep the ordinary player interested. Many people from anti-cheat may refuse to admit to this, but it's a fact.

Cheat-haters are a by-product of cheaters, and cheat-haters in turn keep cheat developers and makers alive, because without someone to fight against will there be a drive for further development? MOHAA cheat developers love the game as much, if not more, than anyone else. That's why the most notorious cheats made by them are not, and hopefully will never be in the public domain. And I think people should believe them if they say something that will render this game obsolete has been developed (because, frankly, people have said many of what these programmers produced were impossible until they actually saw it with their own eyes).

So, it is essential for MOHAA to have both sides of the community, and arguments between the two groups will only help the game, EA Games couldn't be happier - this is free publicity for them. So Cheats and Anti-Cheats don't burst a blood vessel whilst doing it - You're in the game.

Mr. Jingles 01-26-2003 05:45 PM

A lot less people cheat then most people think.

When I go into a newbie server I get accused of cheating all the time simply because of the fact that I have been playing this game for close to a year now and I can kill the majority of them easily.

In all the time I have been playing, I have come across about 5 cheaters for sure and about 5 more that I wasn't too sure about.

I figure it this way, if there is no way to catch the worst of the cheats (Cham. skins, etc.) then why waste your time complaining about it. Help with an anti-cheat program or something that will help this game instead of whining and annoying everyone.

In the end, the cheaters will win because anti-cheat programs really only run server-side. If it were to run client-side the cheater would have to d/l the program too and the chances of that happening are slim. The only thing that could actually stop cheaters is sv_pure but even that could probably be bypassed.

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