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SgtRazorMagoo 02-07-2003 04:10 AM

Getting Better At Multiplayer - Downloading Extra bits

This is my first post but I have a question. I was pretty crap online but I have been downloading some stuff to help me get better. So far, I have a kick-ass scope & a few other tricks. (I'm sure you guys use them!!)

Last night i was kicking ass online cos I lifted the fog - the poor guys didn't know where I was !!!

Does anyone know where I can get things to make me invisible - that sort of thing. I am quite good but this would be great. I know there is stuff available for Counterstrike but where can I get stuff here?


Blitzhund 02-07-2003 04:24 AM

O O O O Me Too!!!
oOo: oOo:

I'm sure you guys do it to! I mean I'm really good at MOHAA, with my see through walls, fog lifting, flourescent green models...surely you guys can tell me where to download the magic_bullet.pk3? You know, its the bullet that is fired out of the lame-ass caliber rifle and goes around the map for you killing everyone for you whilst you sit and eat crisps and watch East Enders...but I know I'm good at this game!

Anyone? I'm sure you all use this?

oOo: oOo:

sam-man 02-07-2003 04:35 AM

*lol* @ n00b asking here for cheats

Captain_McCusker 02-07-2003 04:37 AM

How long before this one's locked? oOo:

imported_captain_howdy 02-07-2003 05:24 AM

SgtRazorMagoo = teh oOo:

Akuma 02-07-2003 05:47 AM

Fucking cheaters...

sam-man 02-07-2003 05:56 AM

Hrmn, perhaps some of us can get an IP for this fool in case we spot him on our servers....

I dont want a confessed cheat running around on a server im admining...

geRV 02-07-2003 05:59 AM

Re: Getting Better At Multiplayer - Downloading Extra bits

Originally Posted by SgtRazorMagoo

This is my first post but I have a question. I was pretty crap online but I have been downloading some stuff to help me get better. So far, I have a kick-ass scope & a few other tricks. (I'm sure you guys use them!!)

Last night i was kicking ass online cos I lifted the fog - the poor guys didn't know where I was !!!

Does anyone know where I can get things to make me invisible - that sort of thing. I am quite good but this would be great. I know there is stuff available for Counterstrike but where can I get stuff here?




Akuma 02-07-2003 05:59 AM

Sounds good to me. *open up autokick*

Wanna pm me your IP Razor?

SgtRazorMagoo 02-07-2003 07:09 AM

What's all the fuss!!
Abuse - being called a retard - threats to ban????

If I'm online & i've got some extra's if you can't handle my skill then just leave. It's just like real war - the guys may have a better gun, be faster, be in camo etc etc.

Don't be a cry baby - if I'm kicking your ass then just try to get better - practice is the key.


Blitzhund 02-07-2003 07:26 AM

Being better? Practice? Neither are requirements of being a cheater. If you are cheating you don't need to practice or be better -and you have an unfair advantage over folks that don't. That takes NO SKILL what-so-ever.

People like you are ruining this game (yes its a common theme here) and we if you post here again about cheating we will flame your sorry butt for all that its worth (and if you're cheating -it ain't worth much).

So in other words -get lost.


geRV 02-07-2003 07:27 AM

Re: What's all the fuss!!

Originally Posted by SgtRazorMagoo
Abuse - being called a retard - threats to ban????

If I'm online & i've got some extra's if you can't handle my skill then just leave. It's just like real war - the guys may have a better gun, be faster, be in camo etc etc.

Don't be a cry baby - if I'm kicking your ass then just try to get better - practice is the key.


LOL u dumb mother fucker, eat shit and die.


02-07-2003 07:29 AM

not even powell was this dumb

[DAS REICH] Blitz 02-07-2003 07:44 AM

[img][/img] damn cheaters

=FM=1st Lt prey 02-07-2003 08:14 AM

I smell a fish evil:

If this topic starters a n00b im shit hot in bed!

MPowell1944 02-07-2003 09:21 AM

I thought he was asking a legit question until he said "lift the fog". hake:

MPowell1944 02-07-2003 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Strik0r
not even powell was this dumb

Thanks! biggrin:

[LoNe R@nGeR] 02-07-2003 10:24 AM

Re: Getting Better At Multiplayer - Downloading Extra bits

Originally Posted by SgtRazorMagoo

This is my first post but I have a question. I was pretty crap online but I have been downloading some stuff to help me get better. So far, I have a kick-ass scope & a few other tricks. (I'm sure you guys use them!!)

Last night i was kicking ass online cos I lifted the fog - the poor guys didn't know where I was !!!

Does anyone know where I can get things to make me invisible - that sort of thing. I am quite good but this would be great. I know there is stuff available for Counterstrike but where can I get stuff here?


OK man, these "extra bits" are called cheats. Lifting fog is definately a cheat and invisibility is obvioiusly a cheat. The game isn't about getting good at any cost, its about getting good by playing a lot and having skill. You're analogy is not fair because this isn't real life it's a game, so therefore, if you have enhancing mods or cheats, then it is not a fair to the other players. If you are kicking there ass with cheats, that is not alright. Saying "i use cheats to win so that's fine, everyone else could get them if they want" is just stupid. think about it for a while

man, why don't we just kill all of these people and get them out of the gene pool.

Zoner 02-07-2003 10:31 AM

Re: Getting Better At Multiplayer - Downloading Extra bits

Originally Posted by SgtRazorMagoo

This is my first post but I have a question. I was pretty crap online but I have been downloading some stuff to help me get better. So far, I have a kick-ass scope & a few other tricks. (I'm sure you guys use them!!)

Last night i was kicking ass online cos I lifted the fog - the poor guys didn't know where I was !!!

Does anyone know where I can get things to make me invisible - that sort of thing. I am quite good but this would be great. I know there is stuff available for Counterstrike but where can I get stuff here?





nartriva73 02-07-2003 10:53 AM

I'd open my yap to vilify that potzer, but you fine folks have done a bang-up job as it is.

Sgt>Stackem 02-07-2003 10:54 AM

this retard cant be for real, hes is just pushing your buttons.
Oh by the way is there a way to make the first page on this thread any LARGER?

Dr. Panzernacker 02-07-2003 11:25 AM

Originally posted by SgtRazorMagoo:

This is my first post but I have a question. I was pretty crap online but I have been downloading some stuff to help me get better. So far, I have a kick-ass scope & a few other tricks. (I'm sure you guys use them!!)

Last night i was kicking ass online cos I lifted the fog - the poor guys didn't know where I was !!!

Does anyone know where I can get things to make me invisible - that sort of thing. I am quite good but this would be great. I know there is stuff available for Counterstrike but where can I get stuff here?


you don't even deserve to be in ma country you retarD oOo: ! go back to frigga counter-strike where you belong!
hell, you don't even know what cheating is! get outta ma country bitch! eatthis:

Dr. Panzernacker 02-07-2003 11:27 AM

and like zoner always say n00b is something you earn. you don't deserve that, you faggot! bigzooka: freak:

SgtRazorMagoo 02-07-2003 11:33 AM

Wow - isn't this all a bit strong. Some of the downloads I use do require skill to use - they are useful yes but then hell snipers use a scope.

I would ask what is a cheat? I'm normally online kicking guys like you - if you can't handle my add ons (that's what I call them) then that's your problem. If you have skill you can use them.


Zoner 02-07-2003 11:39 AM


[LoNe R@nGeR] 02-07-2003 11:46 AM

so you're basically saying that you are just good because you have cheats and we should get them to so we can compete with you?

Does that make any sense at all to anyone?

Panzerman 02-07-2003 11:48 AM



SgtRazorMagoo 02-07-2003 11:58 AM

You say "cheats" I say enhancements. Luckily the allies in WW2 did not start complaining when the Germans introduced a new Tiger Tank - crying & splurting out abuse like you school girls...

My skill is that I use the best kit - as I say - i don't expect you do anything except be another notch on my kill sheet.


Sgt>Stackem 02-07-2003 12:42 PM

here pussy, pussy, pussy.............

[LoNe R@nGeR] 02-07-2003 12:50 PM

Ok again, this is a game, not real life.

And using cheats does not make you better than other people, if you played without them, you would be owned

[LoNe R@nGeR] 02-07-2003 12:52 PM

geez, I am amazed at some people's logic these days. It's like there are retards running around everywhere hake:

Dr. Panzernacker 02-07-2003 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by SgtRazorMagoo
You say "cheats" I say enhancements. Luckily the allies in WW2 did not start complaining when the Germans introduced a new Tiger Tank - crying & splurting out abuse like you school girls...

My skill is that I use the best kit - as I say - i don't expect you do anything except be another notch on my kill sheet.


yeah, but when the americans and brits saw a tank, they ran the fuk away. so don't be surprised if everybody stops playing w/ u when they find out u cheat so much. hey, if u want to keep people playing, why would u let them know u cheat in this thread?

ummm....logic. oOo: don't know if u've ever heard of it

Dr. Panzernacker 02-07-2003 01:46 PM

logic train: ding ding ding DING DING DING ding ding
must have went right by u, magoo. happy:

now playing-ma eight-mile cd!

LMAO_King_of_hi_Ping 02-07-2003 01:54 PM

I hed to add.. sorry
I'm sorry I just had to add to this..lmao first he says we need to get skill to beat his enhancements,,,, then he says he beats use because his enhamcements give him skill, ....they do not give you skill buddy,

As far as comparing your caugh Addons with reality's of war,,, well dont think the germans perfected fog cutters, laser lockons and and xray vision,
invisability??? did the germans have that??

let me put it a way you might understand, cause i think your brain needs an enhancement, a horse runs alot faster then a man... but they wont let me ride mine in a football game, why not .. i think riding my horse should be allowed, its my horse and it would allow me to score everytime.. just give me the ball. The other team might get upset ... why ??

how are you at bowling .. do you run up a nd knock all the pins down with your feet ... then jump up and down cause you got a strike.. why use the ball, feet are so much better,

I like your ideas of skill, infact i'll send the ideas to saterday night live maybe they can make a sketch

Just my thoughts, sorry to waste my breath,

MPowell1944 02-07-2003 04:12 PM

I know I used to cheat and everything, but god damn! This guy has a fucked up sense of how to play the game! Damn boy, you fuckin' suck! evil:

Xorcist [USA] 02-07-2003 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by SgtRazorMagoo
You say "cheats" I say enhancements. Luckily the allies in WW2 did not start complaining when the Germans introduced a new Tiger Tank - crying & splurting out abuse like you school girls...

My skill is that I use the best kit - as I say - i don't expect you do anything except be another notch on my kill sheet.


does anyone have an "enhancement" to remove this jackass from the forums?

AOD_Sworn Assassin 02-07-2003 07:18 PM

swordfight: ohh you are a cheater and how can you say you are good jesus come on learn to play the real way. i bet if you didnt have your HACKS AND CHEATS you would get owned by a 5 year old!!!!!!! swordfight:

02-07-2003 07:24 PM

yeah, we can't handle your "mad skillz"

not only are you an idiot, you sir, are insane.

Jasper 02-07-2003 07:34 PM

"I need to cheat because I have verra small penis! No, please dont hate me! You Americans have verra big penis but I only have small, verra small penis! I must cheat or you remind me of how verra small penis I have! If you had verra small penis you would cheat too yes?"

MPowell1944 02-07-2003 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Jasper
"I need to cheat because I have verra small penis! No, please dont hate me! You Americans have verra big penis but I only have small, verra small penis! I must cheat or you remind me of how verra small penis I have! If you had verra small penis you would cheat too yes?"

I can sense the Mexican tone of voice you are using. AREBA!! biggrin:

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