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Hmmmmm 02-12-2003 05:40 PM

Stupid NAACP
[quote:4bf47]ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) -- In a move that is certain to inflame race relations in Georgia, the new governor on Wednesday proposed a referendum next year on whether to bring back the old state flag with its big Confederate emblem.

Republican Gov. Sonny Perdue said he wants the nonbinding vote to be held the same day as the state's presidential primary in March 2004.

He acknowledged that "Georgia is somewhat a divided house" over the flag and called it "an issue that should be healed as soon as possible."

The state NAACP immediately threatened an economic boycott of Georgia if the state goes back to the flag with the prominent Confederate emblem.

"If they think we're playing, they should try us. They'll see," state NAACP president Walter Butler warned as several hundred NAACP members gathered at the Capitol.

The NAACP has been boycotting South Carolina for the past three years over a Confederate banner that flies on the Statehouse grounds. The Confederate emblem is not part of the South Carolina flag.

Supporters of the Confederate emblem say it represents Southern heritage, while blacks and others say it represents racism and slavery.

Perdue had campaigned on the promise to give voters a say on the flag, but had given conflicting signals in recent weeks over whether he would keep his word.

The referendum proposed by Georgia's first GOP governor in 130 years would have to be approved by both the Republican-controlled Senate and the Democrat-controlled House. The Legislature could then use the results to decide whether it would consider making a change.

Democrats have repeatedly said a flag vote would be too divisive.

Hoping to avoid the kind of turmoil that convulsed South Carolina, the Georgia Legislature changed the flag two years ago, reducing to a tiny square the big Confederate emblem that was adopted in 1956 in the midst of Southern segregationist defiance.

It was Gov. Roy Barnes, a Democrat, who led the fight to get rid of the Confederate emblem. He blamed his loss to Perdue in last fall's election to anger over the move, especially among rural whites.

Charles Lunsford, president of the Heritage Preservation Association, applauded Perdue's proposal. "It gives us an opportunity for a fair contest," he said.

Under Perdue's plan, voters would be asked two ballot questions, the first a yes-no question on whether to keep the current flag. The second would ask if voters wish to revert to the previous state flag with its big Confederate emblem, or to the flag that flew until 1956 and did not bear any version of the Confederate symbol.

NAACP leaders urged lawmakers to block the referendum, saying they are certain the Confederate version would win.

"If it were up to the majority of people in the state of Georgia, slavery would still be legal and lynching would still be the law of the land," said the Rev. Charles White Jr., director of NAACP's Southeast region.

State and national Republicans had worried that Georgia might put a flag referendum on the ballot during the November 2004 presidential election. They feared that would spark a huge turnout by blacks and moderate whites and hurt GOP candidates, including President Bush.

Since the November election, Perdue had released very few details of his plans for a vote, drawing criticism from supporters of the Confederate emblem. In January, on the day after his inauguration, some 300 supporters of the old flag marched to the state Capitol to demand that he and the Legislature hold a statewide vote on the banner.

It seems to me that if the majority of the people want the Confederate flag, they should get the DAMN CONFEDERATE EMBLEM IN THEIR FLAG! Why do a few hundred black people in the stupidest association in the US think they control the whole state? I seriously doubt their "boycott" would hurt much.

Simo Häyhä 02-12-2003 05:49 PM

just let the rednecks fly their damn flag..jeez

Pfc.Green 02-12-2003 05:51 PM

Just let them fly the damn flag.

Bleuachdu 02-12-2003 06:35 PM

As you say "let them fly the flag" why not step outside convention and look at the situation from a different perspective? Why does the governor want to bring up the past? If something hasn't been around for 2 years, whats the real purpose of bringing it back ? I'm just playing devil's advocate here. I support South Carolina for perserving there state flag. I did this in hopes that some of you would see both sides.

negative 02-12-2003 06:41 PM

no, the NAACP will boycott atlanta, and it will lose money-atlanta is already poor

negative 02-12-2003 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Bleuachdu
As you say "let them fly the flag" why not step outside convention and look at the situation from a different perspective? Why does the governor want to bring up the past? If something hasn't been around for 2 years, whats the real purpose of bringing it back ? I'm just playing devil's advocate here. I support South Carolina for perserving there state flag. I did this in hopes that some of you would see both sides.

well actually they have been arguing about this issue for 2 years, noone like the new flag. they should bring back up the pre 1956 flag because it is a Confed. battle flag, but does not have the Stars and bars


negative 02-12-2003 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Bleuachdu
As you say "let them fly the flag" why not step outside convention and look at the situation from a different perspective? Why does the governor want to bring up the past? If something hasn't been around for 2 years, whats the real purpose of bringing it back ? I'm just playing devil's advocate here. I support South Carolina for perserving there state flag. I did this in hopes that some of you would see both sides.

oh, and in a recent poll only like 32% of African americans living in Atl metro said they actually cared about the flag.

Duke_of_Ray 02-12-2003 07:01 PM

Bunch of idiots, the NAACP that is. Its so stupid, becuase the Confederate Flag is no more racsist than most others, ex. British, American. If they had the slightest amount of knowledge they would know the War for Southern Independnce was not about slavery and that the North was just a rascist. Actually the probably know this, but just want to get in the news. If most pople want the flag, then let it back.

MrLevinstein 02-12-2003 07:27 PM

I hate to seem like a racist but those people are so ornery and they look for shit to bitch about. They wanted money because we had them in slavery. If the want money we should but tickets for them to go to africa and then they can bitch about everything over there. This stuff really gets tired after a while, sure white people complain about shit but we dont have huge rallys to boycot cities

MrLevinstein 02-12-2003 07:30 PM

and by those people I mean crazy people like Al sharpton who complain and complain like a housewife

Kraut Killer 02-12-2003 07:37 PM

Fuck the NAACP!

Jimmy Paterson 02-12-2003 07:42 PM

the state should keep the flag the way it is its part of its history

MrLevinstein 02-12-2003 07:43 PM

[quote="Kraut Killer":74926]Fuck the NAACP![/quote:74926]

See if we had a orgranization like that we would just be the racist crackers.

Jimmy Paterson 02-12-2003 07:45 PM

what does NAACP stand for anyways all i know is the last two letters are for Colored People but what do the other letters meann?

MrLevinstein 02-12-2003 07:48 PM

Now Afro Americans Complain Persistantly

Pfc.Green 02-12-2003 07:49 PM

For those who do not know:
NAACP=National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

[LoNe R@nGeR] 02-12-2003 08:00 PM

Boycotting Georgia? That would only hurt them, much (if not most) of Georgia's population is black. Like people keep saying, it would only be hurting themselves. Geez, black associations can be so dumb. Like election President Clinton into the Black Hall of Fame. I mean, are they confused or what? oOo:

Bazooka_Joe 02-12-2003 08:01 PM

My whole deal with the Confederate flag is this:

We're now the United States of America. Each state has it's own individual flag to represent it. If there is a flag that replaced the Confederate one in Georgia, it should stay that way. We are no longer in the Civil War or those times, there is no North or South, keep it United!

[LoNe R@nGeR] 02-12-2003 08:04 PM

Joe, I think they realize they are united now, but it's still part of the history, so they want to keep it. I don't think Georgia will try to succeed or anything.

It's like saying because Australia isn't under British rule anymore, they shouldn't be allowed to have the British flag included in theirs...

Pfc.Green 02-12-2003 08:50 PM

Lones rangers got a point Joe. I'm the last one here who would support the southern cause in any way, but its part of these states history...if the majority of people think its alright to have the CSA flag, then they should be allowed to fly it. Hell they have a statue of Robert E. Lee in the Virginia capital building along with busts of other famous confed. generals and prominet figures, I dont see anyone whining about that.

Bazooka_Joe 02-12-2003 08:53 PM

[quote="Pfc.Green"]Lones rangers got a point Joe. I'm the last one here who would support the southern cause in any way, but its part of these states history...if the majority of people think its alright to have the CSA flag, then they should be allowed to fly it. Hell they have a statue of Robert E. Lee in the Virginia capital building along with busts of other famous confed. generals and

Well I guess that's true. Historic Richmond town (A part of Staten Island) still puts on Civil War re-enactments every month or so, and they wave the confederate flag over the town, so I guess that's kinda relating to Georgia's history.

[LoNe R@nGeR] 02-12-2003 09:51 PM

Here in Virginia, Robert E. Lee is taught to be a genius in the schools, because he actually was. He didn't agree with slavery all that much, the only reason he fought was because VA was a Confederate state and he was loyal to VA. Also, up in Arlington National Cemetary, his house is kind of like a memorial, a white marble building standing on the top of a hill overlooking the cemetary. It's all just about the states remembering their history.

Pfc.Green 02-12-2003 10:03 PM

[quote="[LoNe R@nGeR]":44de5]Here in Virginia, Robert E. Lee is taught to be a genius in the schools, because he actually was. He didn't agree with slavery all that much, the only reason he fought was because VA was a Confederate state and he was loyal to VA. Also, up in Arlington National Cemetary, his house is kind of like a memorial, a white marble building standing on the top of a hill overlooking the cemetary. It's all just about the states remembering their history.[/quote:44de5]

Exactly...well said.

Pfc.Green 02-12-2003 10:05 PM

Oh but Lone Ranger...the cemetary was put on his land around his home as a sort of revenge during the war.

Milla 02-12-2003 10:20 PM

Yeah it was hehe biggrin:

snipeymagoo 02-12-2003 10:44 PM

Re: Stupid NAACP

Originally Posted by Hmmmmm
The state NAACP immediately threatened an economic boycott of Georgia if the state goes back to the flag with the prominent Confederate emblem.

"If they think we're playing, they should try us. They'll see," state NAACP president Walter Butler warned as several hundred NAACP members gathered at the Capitol.

The NAACP has been boycotting South Carolina for the past three years over a Confederate banner that flies on the Statehouse grounds. The Confederate emblem is not part of the South Carolina flag.

Supporters of the Confederate emblem say it represents Southern heritage, while blacks and others say it represents racism and slavery.

omfg, fuck the black comunity, fly it high, fly it proud biggrin:

snipeymagoo 02-12-2003 10:45 PM

[quote="Pfc.Green":9fd3c]For those who do not know:
NAACP=National Association for the Advancement of Colored People[/quote:9fd3c]
no no no it means Now Apes Are Called People

Pfc.Green 02-12-2003 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by "Pfc.Green":f1b12
For those who do not know:
NAACP=National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

no no no it means Now Apes Are Called People[/quote:f1b12]

whoa there Snipey...not cool hake:

snipeymagoo 02-12-2003 10:47 PM

i dont fucking care man, blacks are always complaining, they have thier own damn month! what do asians have?! lol, i mean, until this nation is completly ruled by black people, they wont be happy

snipeymagoo 02-12-2003 10:48 PM

ps. i wanna see how far i can bend the rules biggrin:

negative 02-12-2003 10:48 PM

yeah alll is true, only the SUBURB afro americans complain, most inner city folks dont care.

even the black rap artist Lil John where confed flags and stuff

Pfc.Green 02-12-2003 10:49 PM

suuuuuuuuurrrreee you do. hake:

Chango 02-12-2003 10:50 PM

the Confederate Flag would have been fine to fly, if racists didn't adopt it as one of their symbols, thats probably why so many black people are against it

snipeymagoo 02-12-2003 10:51 PM

i know plenty of blacks that dont care bout about the ol bars and stars, its the idiotic ones that take it way out of perportion, i dont aprove of slavery, its one of the worst things anyone would have to do, and when i see blacks complaining about the bars and stars, it pisses me off, all they want is attention, sooner or later the NAACP will ban the goverment b/c they havent had a black president........ hake:

snipeymagoo 02-12-2003 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Chango
the Confederate Flag would have been fine to fly, if racists didn't adopt it as one of their symbols, thats probably why so many black people are against it

its the faggots like the KKK that have given that flag a bad image, i hate those guys, they have made the confederacy look like the Waffen

Pfc.Green 02-12-2003 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by snipeymagoo
i know plenty of blacks that dont care bout about the ol bars and stars, its the idiotic ones that take it way out of perportion, i dont aprove of slavery, its one of the worst things anyone would have to do, and when i see blacks complaining about the bars and stars, it pisses me off, all they want is attention, sooner or later the NAACP will ban the goverment b/c they havent had a black president........ hake:

I agree they are taking things to far alot...I dont think they will ban the goverment though oOo: .

Chango 02-12-2003 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by snipeymagoo
i know plenty of blacks that dont care bout about the ol bars and stars, its the idiotic ones that take it way out of perportion, i dont aprove of slavery, its one of the worst things anyone would have to do, and when i see blacks complaining about the bars and stars, it pisses me off, all they want is attention, sooner or later the NAACP will ban the goverment b/c they havent had a black president........

do these blacks you know enjoy being called apes?

negative 02-12-2003 10:53 PM

i think the old one should fly

you know Montgomery AL passed some sort of law saying that if the NAACP saud anything to them, they could appeal it

snipeymagoo 02-12-2003 10:57 PM


Originally Posted by Chango

do these blacks you know enjoy being called apes?

if they act like it, they deserve to be called it, the NAACP is a more organized Black Panther group

Tripper 02-12-2003 11:00 PM

Fucking Racists on this forum.....Its all good to not like some people, and dislike the protest, and the NAACP, but when you generalise your hate you just look like a predjudice fuck - and Now I hate all of you who fit the description, congratulations.

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